Order Patient Samples
Page Description
Use the Order Patient Samples page to place a new order or to edit an existing order. When placing orders, Copia applies the system default Order Patient Samples page layout template or the template selected for your signed-in location in the Locations administration page. If there is a system default custom layout or your signed-in location is using a custom layout for the Order Patient Samples page, some of the features described below may not be available, may be in a different location on the page, and/or may be labeled differently. In this case, please contact your Copia System Administrator if you have difficulty finding information on a feature.
If a system administrator has added a Form Letters button to the custom layout for the Order Patient Samples page, then Copia displays a Form Letters button to allow users to select and print form letters for orders.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the Manage Orders menu button and then click the Order Patient Samples submenu link.
- Click the Order ID of the desired order, and then click Review Order in the pop-up list in the Collect Samples, Location Inbox, User Inbox, Pending Orders, Order History, Create Manifest, or Find Patient or Order lab tasks pages or the Lab Orders administration page.
- Click the Routing Problem link on the Collect Samples page, if available.
- Click the Order ID of the desired order on the Lab Report page.
- Click the New Order button on the Demographics, Insurance, or Order History pages.
- Click the name of the desired patient, and then select New Order in the
pop-up list on the Find Patient or Order lab tasks page or the Lab Orders administration page.
- Click the Options link next to the "Demographics," "Insurance," and "Order History" links at the top of the Demographics, Insurance, Order History, Collect Samples, Find Patient or Order, and Order Patient Samples pages, and then select New Order.
- Click the Go button on the Clients tab on the Client Services page to access the link to the Order Patient Samples page.
- Scan a patient or order bar code while the default page when scanning setting on the System Defaults administration page is set to open the Order Patient Samples page.
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Navigating this Page
- As with any program or web page displayed in an Internet browser, you may always use your mouse to click buttons or to make fields active (ready to accept input).
- You may also press the [Tab] key on your keyboard to move through the available elements (fields or buttons) and change which element is currently active. Some users find this method faster than using a mouse. Copia allows administrators to set the tabbing order for this page (based on location or system default settings), so that the fields become active in the order most useful to the facility. When setting the tabbing order, administrators may also set one or more elements of the page so that Copia skips them when determining what field or button receives the cursor focus. Upon entering the page, Copia places the cursor at the first element not set to skip or the first unpopulated element if all the preceding elements are populated. See the Admin: Tabbing Order topic.
- Even if a tabbing order is set, you may still use your mouse to access the desired page elements, including those skipped in the tabbing order.
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Adding New Patients and Patient Demographic Information
- Depending on the settings for your signed-in location's layout template for the Order Patient Samples page, you may be able to create new patient records without leaving the Order Patient Samples page.
- In order to do this, your Order Patient Samples layout template must contain either the Patient field and Search button or the Add Patient button.
- When using the Patient field and Search button, enter one or more characters, and then click Search. You may then click the New Patient button on the Patient Search window to have Copia create a blank patient record and make the demographics fields on the Order Patient Samples page active.
- When using the Add Patient button, click the button to create a blank patient record and make the demographics fields on the Order Patient Samples page active.
- Once you have enabled the demographics fields, enter the patient's information. Note the following:
- Copia sets the patient's practice based on the ordering location field.
- You must save the patient's record before you may add patient comments, alerts, encounters, insurance, or anything on the Order Patient Samples page that is not normally enabled until you select a patient.
- If you receive patient records via electronic interfaces that are missing any required information, Copia requires you to update the patient records by completing the information. It will not allow you to save the order until you do so.
- Copia enforces any required fields.
- If you make multiple or significant changes to a patient's demographics, Copia prompts you to confirm the changes to make certain that you wished to change the existing patient, rather than create a new patient.
- Click the Save Patient button, if available. Otherwise, Copia prompts you to save the patient's record if you attempt to perform an action that requires the patient to exist in the database.
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Placing a New Order
- Use either the Patient field on the Order Patient Samples page or the Find Patient search field at the top of the page to find and open a patient record or create a new record. See the Selecting a Patient topic.
Note that, depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, the Find Patient field may be disabled, and/or you may be able to add new patients. See "Adding New Patients and Demographic Information" above.
Note that, depending on user and system default administration settings, Copia may display or restrict patients visible to your associates during your patient or order searches.
- Depending on the settings for your signed-in location, Copia may display the Recent Orders pop-up window, which lists recent orders for the selected patient. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of orders, to navigate through the list. If you wish to modify an existing order, click its Order ID link. If you wish to continue with a new order, click the New Order button (or press the [Alt] [N] hotkey).
- When you create a new patient record, Copia requires you to choose the practice the patient belongs to before it opens the Demographics page, unless you only have access to one practice or if you have already chosen an ordering location. If you are associated with more than one practice or are a system clinical user and no ordering location has been chosen, Copia opens the Practice Search page so you can choose the practice to associate the patient with. See the Practice Search topic.
- Once you select a patient, Copia displays the patient's name, age, sex, and Patient ID at the top of the page. Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, Copia may display a message that lists all orders ordered for the patient within the past number of hours or that have been ordered for the patient for a time within the next number of hours.
Note that, depending on administration settings for your signed-in location, if you change the selected patient and the new patient has a linked ordering location, Copia may automatically update the ordering location.
You may modify demographic and insurance information; review the patient's order history; or place an order, collect samples, print a blank requisition, or print labels by clicking the links listed below.
- Demographics: Click this link (or press the [Alt] [U] hotkey) to view or modify the patient's demographic information. See the Demographics topic. Depending on the settings in the Application page or the Users administration page, this page may appear in a pop-up window so you may easily view or edit patient information without leaving the Order Patient Samples page.
- Insurance: Click this link (or press the [Alt] [I] hotkey) to view or modify the patient's insurance information. See the Insurance topic. Depending on the settings in the Application page or the Users administration page, this page may appear in a pop-up window so you may easily view or edit patient information without leaving the Order Patient Samples page. This link will display green text if a patient has an insurance selected.
- Order History: Click this link (or press the [Alt] [O] hotkey) to view the patient's order history or edit an order. See the Order History topic.
- Options: Click this link to open a pop-up list
of actions. Select the action you wish to take for the selected patient: New Order (to place an order for the patient in the Order Patient Samples page), Collect Samples (to collect samples for all orders for the patient that are ready for collection), Blank Patient Requisition (to view or print a blank requisition from the View PDF page), Patient Labels (to print the system default patient-type labels), or Change Log (to view the change log for the selected patient on the Change Log page, if you have the rights to do so).
Note that when creating blank requisitions, Copia will attempt to use the format(s) selected for your signed-in location, if available. If not, Copia uses the system default format(s). If the location's requisition list is set to use the system default requisition list but there are no selected formats at the system default level, then Copia does not allow you to create blank requisitions.
- Enter the order information, order choices, and diagnosis and routing details, and then click the Save button to save the order. See "Entering Order Information," "Selecting Order Choices," and "Modifying Diagnosis and Routing Settings" below.
Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, Copia may check for duplicate tests and/or order choices when you save the order. It may also require you to address the duplicate order before you may save the new order. In addition, you may be required to enter the MRN for the patient, if the information is not in the system. See the Admin: Locations topic.
- After you save the order, you may print order documentation, answer clinical information questions, cancel the order, or proceed to the Collect Samples page. Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, Copia may automatically display a print dialog to allow you to print the requisitions for the order. Click Print to print the requisition(s).
Depending on your application settings or on the administration settings for your user account, Copia may reset all of the fields on the Order Patient Samples page after you click the Save button. See the Application or Admin: Users topics.
Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, after you click the Save button Copia may alert you that a guarantor is required for the patient if you have not entered one, or it may require you to enter required primary insurance information if the only available insurance information is for the guarantor. See the Admin: Locations topics.
Note that the patient must be marked as orderable on the Demographics page in order for you to save a new order, though you may
edit and save existing orders for patients set as non-orderable. See the Demographics topic.
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Entering Order Information
- Copia displays the Order ID, Status, and Entered by information at the top of the order information section for the order. For new orders, Copia lists "NEW ORDER" for the Order ID and Status. Copia assigns an identifying number as soon as the new order is saved. You cannot edit this value. If you have defined the order as a standing order (see below), Copia displays an "(S)" next to the order ID.
- Use the Patient field to select or change the patient for the order. This field is required. Enter one or more characters in the Patient field. Depending on the settings in the Application page or the Users administration page, the Patient Search quicksearch pop-up window may appear. See the Application topic. If it does not appear, click the Search button to search for the patient in the Find Patient or Order page. See the Find Patient or Order topic.
Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, Copia may restrict your searching to one or more of the following: Last Name, First Name, Aliases, Date of Birth, Patient ID, SSN, MRN, or Master Patient ID.
Select the Patients with open encounters only checkbox to have Copia display only those patients who have an open encounter. Note that depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, Copia may hide this filter option, display this filter option and select it by default, or display this filter option by not select it by default.
If you cannot find the desired patient when using the quicksearch page, use the Patient Name field to search again, click the New Patient button (or press the [Alt] [N] hotkey) to create a new patient record in the Demographics pop-up window, or click the "Go to advanced search" to select the desired patient in the Find Patient or Order page. Click the Close Window button to return to the Order Patient Samples page.
IMPORTANT: When using the quicksearch pop-up window, Copia automatically highlights the first item on the list in the pop-up window. If you press the Enter key on the keyboard, Copia immediately selects the highlighted item. If you enter additional characters in the search field on the pop-up window to refine your search, be sure you allow Copia to update the list before you press Enter; otherwise, Copia will select the previously highlighted item because the list was not yet updated based on your new search.
If there is at least one match for your search in the quicksearch pop-up window, the following is available:
- If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of patients, to navigate through the list.
- Copia displays information about the patients, including Name, Patient ID, MRN, Social Security Number (SSN), Date of Birth (DOB), Sex, Address, Primary Care Provider (PCP), and Provider's practice when the pop-up window appears.
- If an ordering location is already selected, Copia highlights the patient's practice in green and other practices in red. If there is not a selected ordering location, then Copia does not highlight any practices.
- If you belong to one or more practices associated with a host that is set up as a practice management system, then the Query Practice Management System button and drop-down list appear, which allow you to initiate communication between Copia and the practice management system to obtain updated patient information. See the Querying a Practice Management System topic.
- Copia displays a Copy to Practice button next to each patient's record. Click this button to add the patient to the practice you are associated with when Copia loads the patient in the Order Patient Samples page. In most cases, you will use this with new patients, but if a linked patient exists or if a patient already exists in the new practice that the copy was made for, then Copia uses the already existing patient record. If the copied insurance set is more recent than the existing default insurance set for the patient, then Copia sets the copied insurance as the new default insurance. Depending on the settings in the Practices administration page, Copia may require a unique MRN value for all patients from a practice.
In addition, when you click this button, Copia also generates an ADT message and copies the alternate patient IDs, if available. However, it does not copy the patient's picture to the new patient. Depending on the system default setting for copying MRN information, Copia may copy a patient’s MRN to the new patient when using the copy to practice function. Also, if the signed-in location is an ordering location that is part of the practice the patient is assigned to, then Copia selects that location as the ordering location for the order.
- Complete the order information fields listed below. Note that Copia completes as many fields as possible based on the patient's demographic and insurance information.
- Ordering Location: This field is required. Copia enters your signed-in location by default, unless you have the Patient field enabled (see above). If you use the Patient field to select a patient, then if the Ordering Location field is empty and the setting to automatically fill in the patient's location is enabled, then Copia automatically selects the patient's linked location. If the patient does not have a linked location, then Copia selects the most recent ordering location used to order something for that patient.
To select a different ordering location, either use the drop-down list, enter one or more characters in the Ordering Location field to select an option from the Ordering Location Search quicksearch pop-up window, or click Search to select the desired location in the Location Search page. Note that only the drop-down list method or the quicksearch pop-up window method will be available at a given time, depending on the settings in the Application page or the Users administration page. If you cannot find the desired location when using the drop-down field, click the Search button to select the desired location in the Location Search page. See the Location Search topic. If you cannot find the desired location when using the quicksearch page, use the Location Name field to search again, or click the "Go to advanced search" to select the desired location in the Location Search page.
IMPORTANT: When using the quicksearch pop-up window, Copia automatically highlights the first item on the list in the pop-up window. If you press the Enter key on the keyboard, Copia immediately selects the highlighted item. If you enter additional characters in the search field on the pop-up window to refine your search, be sure you allow Copia to update the list before you press Enter; otherwise, Copia will select the previously highlighted item because the list was not yet updated based on your new search.
Depending on the settings in the Application page or the Users administration page, Copia may limit the ordering location search to those locations that would be available if the selected provider were the one performing the location search. See the Application or
Users topics.
Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, Copia may retain the last selected value after the order is saved, or it may automatically select a patient's linked location as the ordering location when you select that patient. If the selected practice does not have a linked ordering location, Copia leaves this field blank.
Depending on the administration settings for practice-specific hosts, they may try to assign an ordering location to new orders based on the ordering provider's default ordering location for that practice. Note that Copia will not use this setting if the order HL7 message specifies an ordering location.
If the ordering location you select is associated with a different practice than the selected patient, then the Change Ordering Location page appears, where you may make a change so the patient and ordering location are from the same practice. See the Change Ordering Location topic.
If you select an ordering location that has alerts set up to display at the time an order is placed, Copia immediately displays the alert when you select the ordering location.
Click the Clear button next to the Search button to clear the Ordering Location field.
- Ordering Provider: This field is required. Copia enters the signed-in user by default if the user is a provider, unless the Patient field is enabled (see above), or unless the location administration setting is enabled that determines the ordering provider according to the ordering location. If you use the Patient field to select a patient, and if the Ordering Provider field is empty and the setting to automatically fill in the patient's location is enabled, then Copia automatically selects the patient's most recent ordering provider. If the signed-in user is a provider; however, Copia selects the signed-in user instead.
To select a different ordering provider, either use the drop-down list, enter one or more characters in the Ordering Provider field to select an option from the Ordering Provider Search quicksearch pop-up window, or click Search to select the desired provider in the Ordering Provider Search page. Note that only the drop-down list method or the quicksearch pop-up window method will be available at a given time, depending on the settings in the Application page or the Users administration page. The drop-down list contains the 20 most recent active providers (non-external) used for the selected ordering location in the past 14 days. The pop-up window includes those Copia users who are currently designated as providers. If you cannot find the desired provider when using the quicksearch page, use the User Name field to search again, or click the "Go to advanced search" to select the desired provider in the Ordering Provider Search page. See the Ordering Provider Search topic. Click the Add External Provider button (or press the [Alt] [M] hotkey) to create or edit a record for a provider who is not a member of your organization. See the Add External Provider topic.
IMPORTANT: When using the quicksearch pop-up window, Copia automatically highlights the first item on the list in the pop-up window. If you press the Enter key on the keyboard, Copia immediately selects the highlighted item. If you enter additional characters in the search field on the pop-up window to refine your search, be sure you allow Copia to update the list before you press Enter; otherwise, Copia will select the previously highlighted item because the list was not yet updated based on your new search.
Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, Copia may retain the last selected value after the order is saved, or it may automatically select a patient's linked provider as the ordering provider when you select that patient.
Click the Clear button next to the Search button to clear the Ordering Provider field.
- Collection Location: To select a collection location, either use the drop-down list, enter one or more characters in the Collection Location field to select an option from the Collection Location Search quicksearch pop-up window, or click Search to select the desired location in the Location Search page. Note that only the drop-down list method or the quicksearch pop-up window method will be available at a given time, depending on the settings in the Application page or the Users administration page. The list on either page only includes location entries that have the "Enable sample collection" setting enabled in the Locations administration page. If you cannot find the desired location when using the drop-down field, click the Search button to select the desired location in the Location Search page. See the Location Search topic. If you cannot find the desired location when using the quicksearch page, use Location Name field to search again, or click the "Go to advanced search" to select the desired location in the Location Search page.
Note that Copia still displays in the Collection Location field any collection locations that had sample collection enabled when the order was placed, even if sample collection is no longer enabled for the location.
Note that the collection location you select may affect the billing of the order. Copia routes the order based on the patient's insurance and your administrative billing and routing settings.
IMPORTANT: When using the quicksearch pop-up window, Copia automatically highlights the first item on the list in the pop-up window. If you press the Enter key on the keyboard, Copia immediately selects the highlighted item. If you enter additional characters in the search field on the pop-up window to refine your search, be sure you allow Copia to update the list before you press Enter; otherwise, Copia will select the previously highlighted item because the list was not yet updated based on your new search.
Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, Copia may retain the last selected value after the order is saved.
Click the Clear button next to the Search button to clear the Collection Location field.
- Order Date: These fields contain the default order date and time value in the format MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MM AM/PM. Copia bases the default date and time on a setting for your signed-in location on the Locations administration page. To modify the default, select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the Order Date fields. To create a deferred order, set the date and/or time to the future.
Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, Copia may retain the last entered value after the order is saved. If this option is enabled, then Copia retains the date and also displays a Now button next to the time and date fields. Click this button to update the order date to the current date and time, if desired.
Depending on the settings in the Application page or Users administration page, you may be able to enter the time in military (or 24-hour) format. If this feature is enabled, Copia displays hours in military time when you enter the time field, and it sets the time and AM/PM fields accordingly when you exit the field. Be aware that Copia displays the standard time format on-page and on all reports.
For existing orders, you will only be able to edit the date and time fields for completed orders if you have the necessary right associated with your assigned security role.
- Patient Class: Select an option from the drop-down list to indicate the patient class. Selecting "Inpatient" displays the Patient Location and Room Number fields in the order information section (see below). Note that you may have additional class options, if an Orchard Copia Administrator has defined additional classes on the System Defaults administration page. Depending on the settings in the System Defaults administration page, this field may be disabled. This field, unless disabled, is required.
- Patient Location: Copia enables this field if the Patient Class field is set to "Inpatient" (see above) and if the default patient locations have been created by an Orchard Copia Administrator. Select the patient's location from the drop-down list. Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, Copia may automatically fill in the most recently used patient location for the patient.
- Room Number: Copia enables this field if the Patient Class field is set to "Inpatient" (see above). Enter a room number for a patient, if desired. You may also use this field for a wing name, ward name, or other patient room information. Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, Copia may automatically fill in the most recently used room number for the patient. If this order is part of a standing order, Copia updates the room number information for all non-final orders to have the same patient class, location, and room number.
- Payor(s): This field contains the patient's default insurance set as defined on the Insurance page. Select a different option if desired.
- If the patient does not have any insurance information, this field will list "No Payor" as the Payor to indicate the patient will be paying for any costs associated with the order.
- If the selected insurance only has guarantor information, Copia displays "Guarantor Only (<relationship>)," where relationship is replaced by the patient's relationship guarantor field.
- Depending on the settings in the System Defaults administration page, the "No Payor" term may be different, or this field may be disabled.
- Note that if an order is complete, you may not edit this field, unless you have the necessary rights to do so.
- Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, this field may be required.
- Billing: (Available only for single-lab systems.) This field displays the billing preference (Direct Bill, Client Bill, or Patient Bill) based on Copia's billing settings. You may change this setting, if your security settings and the administration settings for the practice associated with your signed-in location allow you to do so. If you access the Insurance page to modify the patient's insurance while placing or editing the order, Copia automatically updates this field, as appropriate.
- Encounter: Select an encounter from the drop-down list, or type one or more characters in the Encounter field to open the Encounter Search quicksearch pop-up window, where you may select the encounter for the order. The method available depends on the settings on the Application page.
See the Application topic.
- Depending on the settings in the System Defaults administration page, this field may be disabled.
- Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, this field may be required; it may default to the most recent, open patient encounter for the selected patient on new orders; or Copia may apply the ICD-9 codes associated with the encounter you select.
- Collection Date: This field is only available if the "Display collection date and phlebotomist on the order page" administration setting is enabled for your signed-in location. By displaying this field on this page, you may view or modify the collection date without opening the Collect Samples page.
For new orders, by default, these fields, in the format MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MM AM/PM, will either contain the current date and time, the ordered date and time, or they will be blank, depending on the settings for your signed-in location on the Locations administration page. Select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the Collection Date fields.
Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, Copia may update the collection date when you mark a sample as collected, or you may be able to manually override the collection date and time on the Collection List page.
To place the order with a blank collection time, add two spaces for each date and time field, except for the year field that requires four spaces, and the AM/PM field that cannot be blank, or click the Clear button, which automatically clears the fields.
Click the Now button next to the time and date fields to update the order date to the current date and time, if desired.
For existing orders, Copia updates the field to the current date and time, if the collection has not yet occurred. If the collection has occurred, Copia displays the date and time of the collection. In addition, you will only be able to edit the date and time fields for completed orders if you have the necessary right associated with your assigned security role.
- Current Phlebotomist: This field is only available if the "Display collection date and phlebotomist on the order page" administration setting is enabled for your signed-in location. By displaying this field on this page, you may view or modify the assigned phlebotomist without opening the Collect Samples page. Depending on the location settings for your signed-in location, Copia may clear this field each time you begin a new order.
Copia always selects a phlebotomist by default, whether or not the field appears on the page, when you select a collection location. It sets the phlebotomist to the default phlebotomist for the collection location or to the current user, if the collection location’s default phlebotomist is blank and the current user is a phlebotomist. Copia does not change the default phlebotomist when the collection location is set or changed if the user placing the order manually selected the phlebotomist.
When creating a new order, if Copia determines that the user did not manually change the phlebotomist on the previous order, then it will update the phlebotomist on the next order to the collection location's default phlebotomist or the current user, if the collection location’s default phlebotomist is blank and the current user is a phlebotomist.
To select a phlebotomist, use the drop-down list, enter one or more characters in the Current Phlebotomist field to select an option from the Phlebotomist Search quicksearch pop-up window, or click Search to select a phlebotomist in the User Search page. See the User Search topic. Copia will display this phlebotomist on the Collect Samples page by default if you are viewing only this order on the Collect Samples page.
Note that only the drop-down list method or the quicksearch pop-up window method will be available at a given time, depending on the settings in the Application page or the Users administration page. The list on either page includes only those Copia users who are currently designated as phlebotomists. If you cannot find the desired phlebotomist when using the quicksearch page, use the User Name field to search again, or click the "Go to advanced search" to select the desired user in the User Search page. See the User Search topic.
IMPORTANT: When using the quicksearch pop-up window, Copia automatically highlights the first item on the list in the pop-up window. If you press the Enter key on the keyboard, Copia immediately selects the highlighted item. If you enter additional characters in the search field on the pop-up window to refine your search, be sure you allow Copia to update the list before you press Enter; otherwise, Copia will select the previously highlighted item because the list was not yet updated based on your new search.
Click the Clear button next to the Search button to clear the Current Phlebotomist field.
- Select the Standing Order checkbox to define the schedule (recurrence pattern) in the Standing Order page. If you have not yet saved the order, you may clear the checkbox to remove the standing order definition.
Once you define the order as a standing order, Copia displays an "(S)" next to the order ID (see above).
Note that you cannot change a completed or collected order into a standing order.
If you wish to set up or revise the recurrence pattern, click the Recurrence Pattern button. See the Standing Order topic. If you add a recurrence pattern to an order that has already been collected, Copia will populate the next instance of the standing order into the system.
If you change the ordering location (see above) to one that either does not allow standing orders or to one where your recurrence pattern would violate the location's standing order time span setting, Copia alerts you that it cannot make the change, and it sets the ordering location to its previous value.
Depending on the system default administration settings, you may select the Standing Order checkbox to redefine an order as a standing order.
- Select "No," "Yes," or "Unknown" from the Fasting drop-down list to indicate whether or not fasting is required for the current order. Depending on the settings for your signed-in location, this field may be required. Depending on the settings in the System Defaults administration page, this field may be disabled. If you select "Yes," enter in the Hours field the number of hours the patient should fast before testing. Depending on the settings for the ordering location, Copia prints the fasting value on patient reports. It also sends and accepts fasting values through the HL7 interface.
- If you set this value to any number other than 0, Copia automatically sets the fasting value to "Yes." Note that you may select "Yes" and leave the hours value empty.
- If you select a fasting value of "No" or "Unknown," Copia automatically changes the number of hours fasting to 0.0.
- Click the Results to button to view or modify the list of additional people who will receive copies of the results for this order in the Result Recipients page. For orders that you have already saved, you may also redeliver the reports to one or more selected recipients. See the Result Recipients topic. Depending on the settings in the System Defaults administration page, this button may be disabled.
- Click the Comments button to view, add, edit, or delete comments for the order using the Order Comments page. See the Order Comments topic. Note that you may add order comments to orders with a status of "COMPLETE." Also note that if there are comments for the order, the button text will be italicized. This setting has Text Shortcuts functionality. For more information on using Text Shortcuts, navigate to the Using Text Shortcuts topic.
- Enter a Delivery Date to specify the date and time the sample will be delivered to the testing facility. This field is only available if the "Display delivery date on the order page" and "Display delivery date on the order page" administration settings are enabled for your signed-in location. These fields contain the default order date and time value in the format MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MM AM/PM. Copia bases the default date and time on the information sent in the HL7 interface, if available; a setting on the Locations administration page; or if no information is available, it sets the date to match the Order Date (see above) in the format MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MM AM/PM. To modify the default, select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the Delivery Date fields.
Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location:
- Copia may retain the last entered value after the order is saved. If this option is enabled, then Copia retains the date and also displays a Now button next to the time and date fields. Click this button to update the order date to the current date and time, if desired.
- Copia may update the delivery date when you mark a sample as collected, or you may be able to manually override the delivery date and time on the Collection List page.
To place the order with a blank delivery time, add two spaces for each date and time field, except for the year field that requires four spaces and the AM/PM field that cannot be blank, or click the Clear button, which automatically clears the fields.
Note that if you enter a delivery date here, then Copia will not update the delivery date if it receives a new value from the lab.
For existing orders, you will only be able to edit the date and time fields for completed orders if you have the necessary right associated with your assigned security role.
- Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, Copia may display the Sample ID Override field. If so, you may use this field to enter a sample ID that Copia will use for all samples associated with the order. Copia uses this value instead of assigning its own sample ID to the samples on the order. By scanning a bar code, the Sample ID Override field will automatically be filled. This ability is governed by the setting Default behavior when scanning bar codes on Order Patient Samples setting.
- Complete the user defined fields, if available. Copia displays these fields when an Orchard Copia Administrator creates user defined fields during system setup and assigns them to appear using the System Defaults administration page.
- Depending on the type of field that appears, you may enter text, dates, numbers, or search for the appropriate provider, staff member, or sample type. See the User Search or Sample Type Search topics. If the date and/or time fields are available, you may click the Clear button to clear the fields, and click the Now button to enter the current date and time into the fields.
- Depending on the system default settings for the user defined fields, Copia may automatically take the value of the user defined field for the first order in a standing order and fill in that value for the user defined field for all subsequent standing orders in the series. See the Admin: System Defaults topic.
- To view or modify the patient's insurance information, click the Insurance link beneath the Find Patient field at the top of the page. This link will display green text if a patient has an insurance selected. See the Insurance topic.
- To clear all of the fields and exit the selected patient record, click the New Order button.
- If you are placing a new order, once you set the order information, you may select the order choices for the order. See "Selecting Order Choices" below.
- If you are editing an existing order and your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click Save. When you click Save to record all changes, Copia updates the Order Date fields to the current date and time, as long as you did not manually edit the date or time.
[Return to Top]
Selecting or Removing Order Choices
Note that, depending on the settings for your signed-in location, Copia may limit the order choices available to order to the restriction lists of the of insurance plan, insurance company, or practice of the ordering location. If the order choice restriction option is enabled for the signed-in location but there is no restriction list set up on any of the possible levels, then you will be able to select any order choices you are normally allowed to order. When restricting order choices, the insurance company restrictions override the restrictions set for the ordering location's practice, and the insurance plan restrictions override the insurance company's restrictions. Copia may also restrict available order choices or profiles based on the order choice's restriction lists for ordering locations or signed-in users. These restrictions supersede the restrictions for the ordering location's practice, the insurance plan, and the insurance company.
- Once you have entered the order information for the order (see "Entering Order Information" above), Copia enables the Order Choices section of the page, which allows you to add order choices to the order using the Abbreviation List field or the Order Choice Search quicksearch pop-up window (see below).
- If the Abbreviation List field is enabled, you may enter one or more abbreviations separated by the user-defined delimiter (set on the Application page), and then click the Add button. Note that the field and button only appear if you have enabled them on the Application page. See the Application topic.
When you click Add, Copia determines whether or not your entries match order choice or profile abbreviations in the system. If an entry exactly matches an abbreviation in the system, Copia adds it to the order. If one or more abbreviations do not match or they match more than one order choice's abbreviation, Copia leaves the abbreviations in the field and it alerts you to the problem. If an abbreviation matches both an order choice and a profile, Copia lists the order choice first, followed by the profile. You may search for the non-matching order choices using the Order Choice Search quicksearch pop-up window (see below).
- Type one or more characters in the order choices field or select an order choice list to open the Order Choice Search quicksearch pop-up window, where you may select the order choices for the order. The page that appears will depend on the settings in the Application page.
See the Application topic.
- If the Order Choice Search quicksearch pop-up window appears, Copia displays all of the orderable order choices that matched your search in the Available Order Choices list. You may select the Search All Order Choices, Search Order Choice Lists, or Search Profiles options (or press the [Ctrl] [Spacebar] hotkey) to have Copia search the selected group of order choices or profiles. Copia determines the default search group based on a setting on the Application page.
If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of order choices, to navigate through the list. If there are more page links than can fit on the page at once, Copia displays the Page field. Enter a number in this field and press the Enter key on the keyboard to immediately open the selected page.
Press the [Enter] key on your keyboard to add the first order choice or profile on the list to the Selected Order Choices list, or click the abbreviation of one or more order choices or profiles to add them to the Selected Order Choices list. Then, click the Save button (or press the [Alt] [O] hotkey) to add the selected order choices or profiles to the Order Patient Samples page.
Depending on the system default order entry administration settings, Copia may also search host codes for the text you enter. If this setting is enabled, Copia only applies it if you are using the Order Choice Search quicksearch pop-up window.
By selecting an order choice, the order choice appears under the Selected Items section on the Order Choice Search pop-up. By clicking the Add Selected Item button, the Enter Specimen Part pop-up appears, followed by the Specimen Part Details pop-up. These pop-ups allow you to enter specimen source and part information and edit specimen details on the Order Patient Samples page. See the Enter Specimen Part Pop-up topic and the Specimen Part Details Pop-up topic. Several fields on this pop-up have Text Shortcuts functionality. For more information on using Text Shortcuts, navigate to the Using Text Shortcuts topic.
- The order choices you select from the Order Choice Search pages contain the tests that will be performed as part of the order. If you have added a miscellaneous order choice, the order choice is listed with an "(M)." Note that you may add a particular order choice only once to an order, unless the administration settings for that order choice allow it to exist on a single order more than once. See the Admin: Order Choices topic.
- Click the order choice abbreviation to view the additional information for the order choice in either the Order Choice Details page (for most order choices) or the Miscellaneous Order Choice page (for miscellaneous order choices). See the Order Choice Details or Miscellaneous Order Choice topics.
- To remove an order choice, click the Cancel checkbox that corresponds to the order choice.
- Once you have selected one or more order choices, you may modify the diagnosis and routing settings for each order choice. See "Modifying Diagnosis and Routing Settings" below.
- If you are editing an existing order, you may click the Discard Changes button to exit the editing mode and reset the fields to the values that were last saved for the order.
- To clear all of the fields, exit the editing mode, and exit the selected patient record, click New Order.
- If you are editing an existing order and your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click Save.
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Modifying Diagnosis and Routing Settings
While reviewing the routing of the order, you may change the priority and/or the testing location. In some cases, changing the priority of a test may affect where the test will be performed, and changing the testing location may affect reimbursement.
Based on your settings for the different billing levels, Copia assigns the appropriate lab account number during order entry. This ensures that the charges are credited to the correct entity. Provider-level and location-level settings can be adjusted; however, only an Orchard Copia Administrator may adjust practice-level billing settings.
Selecting an appropriate diagnosis code will help ensure that testing will be reimbursed. Note that diagnosis codes are typically not required for orders that will be billed directly to the patient. Note that several settings on the System Defaults administration page affect ABNs and ICD-9 code requirements. These settings include:
- Requiring an ICD-9 code to be valid for all CPT codes related to an order choice.
- Suppressing ABNs for all non-Medicare insurance.
- Cancelling exceptions for ABNs with statuses of "Refused to Sign."
- Requiring ICD-9 codes for all orders or for only Medicare orders, while possibly excluding orders without insurance and/or client bill orders in a single lab system.
When you select a diagnosis code, Copia typically applies that code to each order choice, unless you have the location-based administration setting to prevent this. As it does so, Copia determines, based on the selected diagnosis code and order choice as well as the system default settings (see above), whether the code is appropriate or whether an Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) is required. When exporting ICD-9 codes for profiles, Copia lists the codes by those that are valid for the most order choices within the profile first.
- Copia lists each order choice in the order on a separate line in the Order Choices section of the page with the information listed below. You may or may not need to adjust the diagnosis code, priority, lab, billing, or account information (see below).
- Order Choice: The full name of the order choice.
- Diagnoses: The diagnosis codes that are associated with the order choice, if any, with valid order choices listed before invalid order choices. Copia lists valid diagnoses in green. If the diagnoses are invalid for the order choice based on the patient's insurance settings, then the diagnoses are listed in red, and you may need to print an ABN for the order. See the ABN Status/Print topic. The Diagnoses field may or may not be required, and the requirement may or may not be based on whether the patient has Medicare insurance (depending on system default administration settings). Note that a system administrator may assign a security right to one or more roles to disregard this required field, if appropriate.
If there is a layout template that defines your Order Patient Samples page, the Diagnoses column may contain a field for searching for diagnosis codes. If so, the diagnosis code search works as it normally does. See "Selecting Diagnosis Codes" below. Any diagnosis codes you add this way apply only to the selected order choice, not the entire order.
Depending on system default administration settings, Copia may also display diagnosis codes that violate frequency settings as invalid (in red). Also, it may not allow you to save an order with invalid diagnosis codes.
- Priority: The priority status for the order choice. Depending on the order choice administration settings, Copia may not allow you to assign the highest priority to the order choice.
- Lab: The laboratory at which the testing will be or was performed. You must have the necessary security right to modify this setting.
- Billing: Copia enters the default billing value based on the billing settings for the assigned lab account number. Select a different billing status for one or more order choices, if desired. Note that the Allow Client Bill option must be enabled for the insurance company or practice in order for that to be an option on this page. If T.B.D. (To Be Determined) appears, Copia does not have enough information to make a determination. You may need to enter an account number. See the Setting Billing Account Numbers topic. Note that if an order is complete, you may not edit this field, unless you have the necessary rights to do so.
- Account: Copia attempts to enter the account number based on the selected lab and the associated user-level, location-level, or practice-level billing settings. Click the Account link to view, select, or edit account numbers in the Account Numbers page. See the Account Numbers topic.
- ABN Status: If "ABN Signed Status" is included as an order choice column on your Order Patient Samples layout template, you may select the ABN status for individual order choices from the drop-down list. The options are the same as though you were completing this information on the ABN Status/Print page. See the ABN Status/Print topic.
- Copia enters the Order Choice information based on your selections in the Order Choices field (see "Selecting or Removing Order Choices" above). Click the order choice name link to view the details in the Order Choice Details page or the Miscellaneous Order Choice page. See the Order Choice Details or Miscellaneous Order Choice topics.
- Copia updates the Diagnoses information as you select diagnosis codes in the Diagnoses search field.
See "Selecting Diagnosis Codes" below.
- This field is required if the system default-level setting to require diagnosis codes is enabled. Once all order choices have one or more diagnosis codes, the field changes from red (required) to black (field complete). Depending on the system default administration settings, you may be required to enter a valid diagnosis code for the order before you may save it.
- To modify which diagnosis codes are assigned to an individual order choice, click the order choice name to open the Order Choice Details page. See the Order Choice Details topic.
- To view the full diagnosis code description, hold the cursor over the diagnosis code, and Copia displays a pop-up window with the full description.
- To remove the diagnosis code from one or all of the order choices, click the diagnosis code you wish to remove, and select Remove from this Order Choice or Remove from all Order Choices from the pop-up menu.
- Select the priority for the order choice from the Priority drop-down menu, if needed. Note that the priority you select may affect the routing of the order for testing. Copia routes the order based on the patient's insurance and your administrative routing settings.
- Routine: As the priority default, Copia will route the order normally.
- ASAP: Select this option to have Copia route the order to one of the designated STAT/ASAP testing locations.
- STAT: Select this option to have Copia determine if the order should be routed to an alternate testing location prioritized for STAT orders.
- Copia selects the appropriate lab for testing in the Lab field based on patient insurance, location, practice, system default, priority, and routing rule settings. If you need to alter this selection, select the appropriate laboratory for the order choice from the Lab drop-down list. It is important to note the following:
When determining the default testing lab for each order choice, Copia applies the routing rule hierarchy (see the Admin: Routing Rules topic). Copia applies the routing rules in the following order:
- If there is an insurance plan for the patient and it has a routing rule that applies to the order choice, Copia uses that rule. See the Admin: Insurance topic.
- If there is an insurance company for the patient and it has a routing rule that applies to the order choice, Copia uses that rule. See the Admin: Insurance topic.
- If there is an insurance type for the patient's insurance company and the insurance type has a routing rule that applies to the order choice, Copia uses that rule. See the Admin: Insurance Types topic.
- If the ordering location has a routing rule that applies to the order choice, Copia uses that rule. See the Admin: Locations topic.
- If the ordering location's practice has a routing rule that applies to the order choice, Copia uses that rule. See the Admin: Practices topic.
- If there is a system default routing rule that applies to the order choice, Copia uses that rule. See the Admin: System Defaults topic.
- If there are no routing rules that apply to the order choice, Copia uses the signed-in location's default lab list, in priority order. See the Admin: Locations topic.
- If there are no routing rules that apply to the order choice, Copia uses the ordering location's default lab list, in priority order. See the Admin: Locations topic.
- If there are no location-defined labs that apply to the order choice, Copia uses the ordering location's practice's default lab list, in priority order. See the Admin: Practices topic.
- Depending on Copia's administration settings, your Priority selection may be linked to a specific lab. Any changes you make to the Priority field will supersede your manual lab selection. For example, you could configure Copia to automatically select the STAT laboratory as the testing location whenever someone selects STAT for the priority. These settings may only be modified by an Orchard Copia Administrator.
- Depending on administration billing settings, your lab selection may change the account number for the order choice. Listed labs may have different billing account numbers based on the ordering provider, location, or practice.
- If you are using miscellaneous order choices, you must manually make a selection for this field, even if you set up routing in the Miscellaneous Order Choice page.
- If there is no result interface for the lab that performed testing on a complete order and the order choice status is Complete - No Interface, you may manually re-route the order choice by selecting a different lab.
- If you are editing an existing order, you may click the Discard Changes button to exit the editing mode and reset the fields to the values that were last saved for the order.
- To clear all of the fields, exit the editing mode, and exit the selected patient record, click New Order.
- If you are editing an existing order and your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click Save.
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Selecting Diagnosis Codes
- Once you have entered the order information for the order (see "Entering Order Information" above), Copia enables the Order Choices section of the page, which allows you to add diagnosis codes to the order using the Diagnosis Search page or the Diagnosis Search quicksearch pop-up window (see below).
- Begin the search for diagnosis codes by typing one or more characters in the Diagnoses field, or the field in the Diagnoses column.
- Select Search All, Patient's Previous, or User's Frequent (or press the [Ctrl] [Spacebar] hotkey to cycle through the options) to narrow the search to diagnosis codes of the selected category that also match your search. These options match the tabs on the Diagnosis Search page. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of order choices, to navigate through the list.
To narrow the list further, type additional characters into the search field on the Diagnosis Search quicksearch pop-up window. Copia continues to narrow the list of displayed diagnosis codes as you type.
Press the [Enter] key on your keyboard to add the first diagnosis code on the list to the Selected Diagnosis Codes list, or click the code of one or more diagnosis codes to add them to the Selected Diagnosis Codes list. Then, click the Save button (or press the [Alt] [I] hotkey) to add the selected diagnosis codes to the Order Patient Samples page.
If you do not see the desired diagnosis code on the Diagnosis Search quicksearch pop-up window, click the Go to advanced search link to have Copia search the entire database for a match, and display the search results available for selection in the Diagnosis Search page (see below).
Click the Close Window button (or press the [Alt] [X] hotkey) to close the pop-up window.
- Enter one or more characters in the Diagnoses field, click the Search button on the Order Patient Samples page to open the Diagnosis Search page, where you may select one or more diagnosis codes. See the Diagnosis
Search topic.
- If there is not an exact match, Copia displays the potentially matching codes in the Diagnosis Search page.
- You may leave the search field blank and click Search to browse the diagnosis codes on the Patient's Previous and User's
Frequent tabs in the Diagnosis Search page.
- Once you select one or more codes, Copia lists each code next to the order choice names in the Order Choices section of the page. In addition, Copia displays all diagnosis codes that have been added to the order, whether or not they are currently associated with an order choice, above the Diagnoses search field.
- Once you select a diagnosis code, Copia determines whether
an Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) is required based on the selected
diagnosis and the patient's insurance, the frequency limits for the order choice, whether the order choice is set as a research/experimental order choice, and the system default settings for ABNs and ICD-9 codes. If an ABN is required, the diagnosis
codes are displayed in red. Note that diagnosis
codes may or may not be required, and, if they are required for most orders, they may not be required for orders that will be billed directly to the
patient and/or for orders for patients who do not have insurance, depending on the administration settings.
- If you selected an incorrect diagnosis code, you may remove it from
the list by clicking the diagnosis code you wish to remove, and selecting either Remove from this Order Choice or Remove from All Order Choices from the pop-up menu.
- Click the Summary button to view or modify the list of diagnosis codes assigned to the order choices on the order in the Diagnosis Codes page. See the Diagnosis Codes topic.
- Once you have finished selecting diagnosis codes, continue placing
the order. See "Modifying Diagnosis and Routing Settings" above.
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Editing an Existing Order
- As long as an order has not received final approval, you may edit the order by changing selected values or by attaching additional order choices to an order. If an order has received final approval, you may still attach additional order choices if you have the necessary right assigned to your security role. If you add order choices to a completed (or final) order, Copia changes the
order's status back to Partial.
- Because you are editing an existing order, the patient is already selected. If you wish to place an order for a different patient or place a new order, click the New Order button, or use the Find Patient search field to select a different patient. See the Selecting a Patient topic. When you use the Find Patient search feature while you are already looking at an order that has been saved, if the patient you choose is in the same practice as your default ordering location, then Copia will load the new patient and open a new order. In order for this to happen, you must first select the ordering location before you search for the new patient, and the selected patient's practice and the ordering location's practice must match.
- Modify the fields on the Order Patient Samples page as you would when placing a new order. See "Entering Order Information" above.
- When editing a completed order, you will not be able to change the billing status or remove a newly added diagnosis code until the new order choice is saved on the order.
- If an order choice is cancelled after the sample has been collected, then Copia disables the fields in the Order Choices list and selects the Cancel checkbox to indicate its cancelled status.
- Note that, depending on the security rights assigned to your role, Copia may not allow you to add order choices to an order that has been collected.
- If an order choice is added to a completed order that is combinable with a completed order choice, Copia assigns the new order choice the same sample ID as the completed order choice.
- If you modify the collection date of an existing order, Copia will reevaluate whether or not an ABN is required based on the new date and the frequency limits for the ICD-9/CPT validation set.
- If you modify the ordering location or the practice of an order, Copia creates a copy of the original order and assigns the new patient record to it. Copia marks the old order as cancelled, and adds "reassigned" to the end of the original order's sample IDs. In addition, Copia generates billing messages (if configured) for the newly created order and creates credit messages for the old order.
- When you are editing an existing order, you may not change the Order ID because Copia assigned this number to the original order. However, you may click an Order ID link to open a pop-up list of page options. Select the page you wish to open for the selected order. Note that some options may not be available.
- Review Order: Select this option to view the order in the Order Patient Samples page. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
- Samples: Select this option to collect samples for the order in the Collect Samples page. See the Collect Samples topic.
- Labels: Select this option to print master and tube labels in the Print Labels page. See the Print Labels topic. Note that this option may be disabled, depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location.
- Requisition: Select this option to print requisition(s) for the order in the Requisition(s) page. See the Requisitions topic.
- Change Log: Select this option to view the change log for the selected order. See the Admin: Change Log topic. Note that you must have the necessary security right to access the Change Log page.
- Lab Report: Select this option to create a lab report of the order in the Lab Report page. See the Lab Report topic.
- If you are attaching an order choice to an existing, collected order that has the same sample type as the previously collected sample, the Clinical Info page appears this one time only so that you may transmit this information to the lab. See the Clinical Info topic.
- Click the Discard Changes button to exit the editing mode and reset the fields to the values that were last saved for the order.
- To clear all of the fields, exit the editing mode, and exit the selected patient record, click New Order.
- When you are ready to update the order, click the Save button.
If you have added one or more order choices to a standing order, Copia displays the Standing Order Attachment Scope dialog when you save the order. Select All Future to add the order choice to all of the orders in the standing order. Select Current Only to add the new order choice(s) to only the order you are currently saving. Once you select the appropriate option, click the Save button.
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Cancelling an Order Choice on an Existing Order
If you have the necessary security settings, you may cancel one or more order choices on an order.
- Click the Cancel checkbox that corresponds to the order choice to remove it from the order. If you do not have the necessary security setting, Copia disables this checkbox.
- Copia proceeds with the cancellation based on the status of the order choice when you cancelled it.
- If you have not yet collected the sample for the order choice and if there are two or more order choices listed on the order, then by default Copia completely removes the order choice from the order; however, you may modify the system default setting to have Copia retain a record of the order choice and just mark the order choice as cancelled instead of removing it from the order.
- If you have not yet collected the sample for the order choice and if there is only one order choice listed on the order, then Copia removes the order choice. You must add a new order choice, or discard your changes to continue.
- If you have collected the sample for the order choice, then Copia displays the Cancel Order Choice page, where you may enter the reason for the cancellation. You must have the necessary rights to cancel an order choice (note that there is a separate right to cancel order choices on an order that is final). See the Cancel Order Choice topic. Once you return to this page, Copia leaves the order choice on the order list and marks it as cancelled.
- Clear the Cancel checkbox
in this page to reactivate the order choice or update the cancellation reason using the Cancel Order Choice page. Note that you may only reactivate order choices that are marked as Cancelled. See the Cancel Order Choice topic.
- Once you have cancelled the order choice and you save the order, Copia reminds you of added tasks that you may need to complete as a result of the cancellation. Click OK at the prompt.
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Accessing the ABN Form
If you order tests that are not reimbursable by the patient's insurance company, you may need to print an ABN (Advance Beneficiary Notice) for the patient to sign. An ABN is a contract between the patient and your practice whereby the patient agrees to pay for the tests ordered, even though insurance may not. Note that if the patient is selected as the payor for the order, an ABN is often not required.
Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, Copia may allow you to print ABNs for patients without insurance, it may automatically create an ABN when you save an order, it may automatically display the Clinical Info page when you save an order, and/or it may require you to select a status of "Signed" or "Refused to Sign" when you save an order that requires an ABN. When ABNs are optional, Copia determines whether or not an ABN is required based on the diagnosis code(s) entered for the order and the patient's insurance.
Depending on the administration settings for the patient's insurance company and whether it is for an order with a Medicare insurance type, Copia will print either the Medicare ABN or non-Medicare ABN, if an ABN is required.
- Click the ABN button to view the requirement for the ABN, print the ABN, and update the status of the ABN using the ABN Status/Print page. See the ABN Status/Print topic.
- The text of the ABN button changes to red when the patient's insurance company has an insurance type of "Medicare" and the ABN is required for the patient's insurance company because the supplied diagnosis codes are not considered valid, the ordering frequency limits are exceeded, the order choice is marked "Research/Experimental," or any combination of the three reasons.
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Printing Labels
Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, Copia may automatically generate labels when you save new orders or modify existing orders in a way that causes a re-label or a collection required alert to appear. An Orchard Copia Administrator may also choose to disable access to the Print Labels page, based on your signed-in location, to prevent you from manually printing labels.
Note that in order to print labels, you must have a label printer attached to your system and the necessary label printing application installed. Contact an Orchard Copia Administrator for help with setting up label printing.
- Click the Print Labels button to access the Print Labels page. See the Print Labels topic. Note that this button may be disabled, depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location.
- Use this page to print master or tube labels for one or more order choices in the order.
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Printing Requisitions
Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location, you may be required to print requisitions before you may save an order.
- Click the Requisition(s) button to access the Requisition(s) page. See the Requisitions topic.
- Use this page to view and print the details of the order for each lab that will perform testing for the order.
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Accessing the Lab Report
This button is only available for orders that have results.
- Click the Lab Report button to access the lab report edit pop-up. See the Lab Report topic.
- Use this page to view current or historical results for the order, view or modify
comments, fax the report, or print the report, as well as access the
Result History page.
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Answering Clinical Information Questions
Depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location or for the order choices on the order, you may be required to answer clinical information questions before you may save an order, and/or Copia may display the Clinical Info page automatically when you save an order.
- Click the Clinical Info button to access the Clinical Info page. See the Clinical Info topic. Use this page to enter the patient's answers to the clinical information questions that are linked to the order choices within the order. Note that this button is only available after an order is saved; it is disabled when you are entering a new order or editing an existing order until you click Save. Also, if a sample has already been collected, you will not be able to edit clinical question responses.
- If there are unanswered questions for one or more order choices in the order or if additional text has been entered for the question, then the Clinical Info button text appears in red.
- This text area has Text Shortcuts functionality. For more information on using Text Shortcuts, navigate to the Using Text Shortcuts topic.
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Adding or Replacing Linked Documents
- Click the Linked Docs button to access the Linked Documents page. See the Linked Documents topic. Use this page to link one or more external files to an order choice, order, or patient. You may also add additional or replace existing files if you have already linked documents.
- You must have the necessary right associated with your assigned role to view the Linked Docs button.
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Cancelling the Order
- Click the Cancel Order button to access the Cancel Order page, where you may enter the cancellation reason and verify cancellation of the order. You must have the necessary rights to cancel an order. See the Cancel Order topic.
- When cancelling an order that is part of a standing order, Copia prompts you to either cancel a single order in the series of a standing order, or cancel the entire standing order. Select the appropriate option to continue.
- After you cancel the order, Copia cancels the order, changes its status (displayed next
to the Order ID) to CANCELLED, and changes the Cancel Order button to the Cancellation Msg. button. To update the reason for cancelling an order, click the Cancellation Msg. button. See "Updating the Cancellation Message" below.
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Updating the Cancellation Message
This function is only available for orders that have already been cancelled. The Cancel Order button changes to the Cancellation Msg. button after you cancel the order.
- Open an order that has a status of CANCELLED.
- Click the Cancellation Msg. button to access the Cancel Order page. See the Cancel Order topic.
- Use this page to modify the cancellation reason for the order.
- This text area has Text Shortcuts functionality. For more information on using Text Shortcuts, navigate to the Using Text Shortcuts topic.
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Accessing the Collect Samples Page
Note that depending on the system-wide administration settings, the Collect Samples page may appear automatically after you click Save on this page.
- Click the Collect Samples or < Back to Collect Samples buttons to open the Collect Samples page. See the Collect Samples topic.
- Use this page to record the sample collection for the patient's order.
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