Cancel Order

Page Description

Use the Cancel Order page to enter or edit the reason for cancelling the order. Copia displays the order ID, patient name, patient ID, sample ID(s), name of the person who cancelled (or is cancelling) the order, and the canellation date at the top of the page.

You must have the necessary right associated with your assigned security role, or Copia will not allow you to cancel existing (or saved) orders. You must have additional rights to cancel an order that has a status of "Complete" or orders with samples that have been collected. Note that there is no right necessary to view and update the reason for cancellation when an order has already been cancelled.

Note that the Cancel Order button is only available once you save an order, and the Cancellation Msg. button is only available after you have cancelled an order using the Cancel Order button.

Note that depending on the system default administration settings, Copia may cancel all order choices on an order when an order is cancelled.

For more help, click one of the following links:

Accessing this Page

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Cancelling an Order

  1. Enter the reason for cancelling the order in the text field. If you have already cancelled this order, you may only update the reason for cancelling the order. See "Updating the Cancellation Message" below.
  2. Click the Insert Date/time button to insert the current date and time where the cursor is located in the text field. If the cursor is not in the text field, Copia inserts the date and time at the beginning of the field.
  3. Click the Don't Cancel Order button to close the Cancel Order page without cancelling the order.
  4. Click Proceed with Cancellation to cancel the order and return to the Order Patient Samples page. Note that you cannot undo a cancellation.
  5. If you are cancelling a standing order, Copia prompts you to decide if you wish to cancel all occurrences of the standing order or just the selected order. Click the button on the prompt for which cancellation you wish to perform.

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Updating the Cancellation Message

  1. When you access this page for an order that has already been cancelled, you may update the reason for cancelling the order.
  2. Modify the reason for cancelling the order in the text field.
  3. Click the Insert Date/time button to insert the current date and time where the cursor is located in the text field. If the cursor is not in the text field, Copia inserts the date and time at the beginning of the field.
  4. Click Don't Update Reason to close the Cancel Order page without updating the cancellation message.
  5. Click Update Reason to update the cancellation message and return to the Order Patient Samples page. Note that you cannot undo a cancellation.
  6. After you update the cancellation reason, Copia adds "Modified By" and "Modified Date" information to the Cancel Order page, displaying the name of the person who made the change and the date and time the person made the most recent change.

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