Order Choice Details
Page Description
Use the Order Choice Details page to view any information or instructions entered for the selected order choice, the diagnosis codes assigned to the selected order choice, and the tests that have previously been reported for the selected order choice at the lab the order choice is being routed to. You may also add, edit, or delete order choice comments, as well as set a host-specified sample ID override.
Remember that the order choice information may be entered for each host, so the information in the Order Choice Details page may differ, depending on the host linked to the order.
Note that Copia only displays tests in the order choice when the "Show Test List" option is enabled for the current host for the order choice, and the system default option to display test lists is enabled. Copia first checks to see if the system default option is enabled, and then, if it is, it checks to see if the option to show the test list is enabled for the current host for the order choice. If both options are enabled, Copia displays the test list.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click an order choice abbreviation on the Order Patient Samples page.
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Viewing Information
- Copia displays any information, handling instructions, or cancellation information for the order choice in the Information for: ___ section of the page. At the top of the section, Copia displays the order choice and the host to which the information pertains. Use the scroll bar, if necessary, to view all of the information or instructions. Copia System Administrators may enter the host-specific order choice information in the Order Choice Information administration page. See the Admin: Order Choice Information page.
- Click Print to open the standard print dialogs. Change the print settings as desired, and then click Print. Copia will print the instructions according to the settings you established in the print dialogs (number of copies, printer destination, etc.).
- Continue viewing the order choice details, or click Cancel to return to the preceding page.
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Viewing or Modifying Diagnosis Code Assignments
- The Diagnoses section displays the name of the selected order choice and the Code and Description of every diagnosis code assigned to the order.
- By default, Copia assigns all diagnosis codes selected on the Order Patient Samples page to every order choice in the order, so the Selected checkbox is initially selected for each diagnosis code.
- To remove the association between the order choice and diagnosis code, clear the Selected checkbox.
- If desired, you may modify the order in which the diagnosis codes are assigned to the order choice using the sort buttons.
- Click the up or down arrow buttons in the Manual Sort Order column to adjust the order in which the diagnosis codes are assigned to the order choice.
- Click the Reset Sort button to reset the sort order of the diagnosis codes for the order choice.
- Click OK to save your changes and return to the preceding page.
- If you do not wish to change the diagnosis code settings, you may continue viewing order choice details, or click Cancel to return to the preceding page.
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Viewing Previous Tests
Note that Copia only displays tests in the order choice when the "Show Test List" option is enabled for the current host for the order choice, and the system default option to display test lists is enabled. Copia first checks to see if the system default option is enabled, and then, if it is, it checks to see if the option to show the test list is enabled for the current host for the order choice. If both options are enabled, Copia displays the test list.
- The tests that have previously been reported for the selected order choice at the lab the order choice is being routed to are displayed in the Previous Tests Reported for: ___ section when the page appears. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of order choices, to navigate through the list.
- Continue viewing the order choice details, or click Cancel to return to the preceding page.
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Viewing, Adding, Editing, or Deleting Order Choice Comments
- The Order Choice Comments section lists all of the comments that are currently related to the order choice. Each comment is listed with the date the comment was entered, as well as the display and HL7 transmission settings established in the Add/Edit Order Choice Comment page. See the Add/Edit Order Choice Comment topic.
- To modify this list, you may add, edit, or delete comments.
- If you do not see the desired comment in the Order Choice Comments list, click the Add button to access the Add/Edit Order Choice Comment page where you may enter a new comment for the order choice.
- If you wish to edit a comment in the Order Choice Comments list, click the date in the Entered column to open the Add/Edit Order Choice Comment page where you may modify the order choice comment.
- If you wish to delete the comment from the Order Choice Comments list, click the X button that corresponds to the comment you wish to delete. Copia immediately deletes the comment. This action cannot be undone.
- If you accidentally delete a comment, you may recreate it by adding a new comment (see above). Note that once an order marked as final, Copia does not display the delete buttons.
- If you do not wish to change the comments, you may continue viewing order choice details, or click Cancel to return to the preceding page.
- Click OK to save your changes and return to the preceding page.
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Overriding the Host-Specified Sample ID
- The Order Choice Host Specified Sample ID Override section allows you to enter or edit the value Copia should use as the host sample ID override for this order choice.
- Enter the sample ID that Copia should use for this order choice in the Sample ID Override field. Note that if the lab that the order choice is routed to does not have a sample ID override host configured for it, this field will not appear.
- If you do not wish to change the sample ID, you may continue viewing order choice details, or click Cancel to return to the preceding page.
- Click OK to save your changes and return to the preceding page.
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