Admin: Locations

Page Description

Use the Locations page to view the location list, as well as add or edit ordering location settings, signed-in location settings, manage samples settings, result delivery settings, host code settings, and miscellaneous settings. The setting options can be found in specific tabs once the user has clicked the Add button on the Location List page.

Note that the data displayed on this page depends on the column view settings for your facility. Copia uses the column view settings to control what columns appear in the tables on this page and the order in which it sorts the displayed information. You may set column view rules at the location or the system default levels. The rules for the signed-in location, if available, supersede the system default column view rules.

Click on the tab that corresponds to the information you wish to view.

Ordering Location Tab

Use the Ordering Location tab to add or edit ordering location settings on the Locations administration page.

Signed-in Location Tab

Use the Signed-in Location tab to add or edit signed-in location settings on the Locations administration page.

Manage Samples Settings Tab

Use the Manage Samples Settings tab to add or edit manage samples settings on the Locations administration page.

Result Delivery Tab

Use the Result Delivery tab to add or edit reporting settings on the Locations administration page.

Host Codes Tab

Use the Host Codes tab to add or edit host code information used by specified locations on the Locations administration page.

Miscellaneous Tab

Use the Miscellaneous tab to add or edit demographic information, insurance information, lab lists, and results lists on the Locations administration page.

For more help, click one of the following links:

Ordering Location Tab:

Signed-in Location Tab:

Manage Samples Settings Tab:

Result Delivery Tab:

Host Codes Tab:

Miscellaneous Tab:

Accessing this Page

When you click the Administration menu button, Copia opens the main Administration menu, which contains administrative menu buttons, including the Basic Setup menu. To return to the main menu for Copia, click the Lab Tasks menu button.

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Accessing Locations Tabs

  1. Click the Ordering Location tab to add or edit ordering location settings on the Locations administration page.
  2. Click the Signed-in Location tab to add or edit signed-in location settings on the Locations administration page.
  3. Click the Manage Samples Settings tab to add or edit manage samples settings on the Locations administration page.
  4. Click the Result Delivery tab to add or edit reporting settings on the Locations administration page.
  5. Click the Host Codes tab to add or edit host code information used by specified locations on the Locations administration page.
  6. Click the Miscellaneous tab to add or edit demographic information, insurance information, lab lists, and results lists on the Locations administration page.

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Viewing the Locations List

  1. The Locations page contains a list of up to ten locations. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of locations, to navigate through the list.
  2. To view active locations only, select the Show active only checkbox at the top of the Locations page. You may set the inactive/active status in the Location Details section of the Locations details page. When inactivating a location, a pop-up will be displayed listing all users that will no longer be able to utilize Copia because of the inactivation. See "Adding or Editing Location Details" below.
  3. To narrow the list of displayed locations, or to find a specific location, use the Search options to search by location or practice. Select either Search by location or Search by practice to narrow search results.
  4. Select the Missing host code for option, select a host from the drop-down list by clicking in the field, then click the Refresh button to look for locations that are missing host codes for that host.
  5. Select the Show collection locations only option to display only collection locations when searching.
  6. Select the Limit to creation date range option to filter the search based on a specific date range. When this option is selected, the Now and Clear buttons become active. Insert a start and end date and time into the available fields in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM, or click the Now button to insert the current date and time. Click the calendar icon to manually enter the date and time. Click the Clear button to clear the date and time from the date range fields. If no results are available within the range, a "No matching records found" message will appear in the list.
  7. Enter filter data into the City, State, and ZIP Code in order to filter the table based on the location's city, state, or ZIP code.
  8. The Location List page displays the practice name, name, active status, and the ability to copy the location. Click the Copy button in the "Copy" column to display the Copy Location Settings pop-up where a user may copy the location and location's alerts and comments by checking the Copy this location's alerts and comments checkbox. Click the Copy Location button to copy the location and return to the Location List page, or click the Cancel button to return to the page without saving any changes.
  9. Click the Refresh button to refresh the Location List page and clear all filter material from the fields.
  10. If you cannot find the desired location, click the Add button to add a location. See "Adding or Editing Location Details" below.
  11. Click the name of the location on the Locations list page to view or edit location information on the Locations details page. See "Adding or Editing Location Details" below.

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Searching by Location

  1. Select the Search by location option to search by location name. Enter one or more characters of the location name, location ID, or host code in the Search field and click the Search button to view a list of all locations that match your search. Note that Copia searches for embedded text as well as starting characters.
  2. If your search generates one or more matches, then the matching locations are displayed when the Refresh button is clicked. Locations are listed with their practice names, location names, and active statuses. Select the desired location to view the selected location's record on the Locations details page. See "Accessing Location Information" below.
  3. If no search results are found, or if the desired location is not found, search again, or click the Add button to add a location. See "Adding or Editing Location Details" below.
  4. Click the Show all locations option to view the full list of locations. See "Viewing the Locations List" above.

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Searching by Practice

  1. Select the Search by practice option to search for a location by practice name. Enter one or more characters in the Search field and click the Search button to view a list of all practices that match your search in the Practice Search page. Note that Copia searches for embedded text as well as starting characters. See the Admin: Practice Search topic.
  2. Once you select a practice, the practice name, location names, and active statuses are displayed. Click the desired location name to view the selected location's record on the Locations details page. See "Accessing Location Details" below.
  3. If no search results are found, or if the desired location or practice is not found, search again, or click the Add button to add a location. See "Adding or Editing Location Details" below.
  4. Click the Show all locations option to view the full list of locations. See "Viewing the Locations List" above.

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Accessing Location Details

  1. Use the Locations list page to access the Locations details page, where you may add or edit location details and host information, as well as configure ordering, collection, and reporting default settings.
  2. To create a new location, click the Add button or the Copy button in the Locations list page. See "Adding or Editing Location Details" below.
  3. To edit an existing location, click the name of the location in the Locations list page. This opens the selected location's record in the Locations details page. See "Adding or Editing Location Details" below.

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Adding or Editing Location Details

  1. Use the Location Details section of the Locations details page to add or edit location demographic information. Select the Active checkbox to display only active locations.
  2. Complete the fields below to add demographic information for a new location.
  3. To edit demographic information, highlight or delete text already displayed in the field, then modify as desired.
  4. To enter a practice in the Practice field, click the Search button to locate the practice using the Practice Search page. See the Admin: Practice Search topic. Once you select the practice, Copia enters the practice name into the Practice field. To change the practice, click the Search button. Copia prompts you to confirm the practice change, as this will reset hosts, copy the patient to the new practice, and move patient orders to the new practice.
  5. Select an option from the Location Routing drop-down list to have Copia use the selected routing rule to set the testing lab for an order choice on the Order Patient Samples page. Copia applies location-based routing rules to determine the testing lab for an order choice when appropriate according to the routing rule hierarchy. See the Order Patient Samples topic. If you cannot find the desired routing rule, create a new rule in the Routing Rules administration page. See the Admin: Routing Rules topic. Select the blank option to not set a routing rule. The displayed routing rules are limited to those available for the signed-in user's practice.
  6. Select an option from the Lattice MediCopia Host drop-down list to select an option to control whether or not a location will cause communications with Lattice to happen.
  7. Select an option from the Order Request Host drop-down list to have Copia send an order request message to that host when users add new orders with this location as the ordering location. When you enable this, it allows Copia to create and accept order requests and assign HL7 messages. Copia only displays in this drop-down list those hosts that have a host type of "EMR/HIS" in the Hosts administration page. See the Admin: Hosts topic. Once you select this option, you may select the Send upon collection rather than upon order option if you want Copia to send the order request message to the order request host when the order is collected instead of when users place orders.
  8. You should enable this option if orders are generally entered in the host system, but may occasionally be entered in Copia. If enabled, when a user places an order in Copia, Copia sends a message to the host system to request the sample ID that the host would have assigned if the order had been placed there. After Copia sends the order request message, the host sends the sample ID as well as a placer order number for each order choice. With this in place, when Copia sends results back to the host, the host will have the placer order number to help match the results to an order in its system.

    In cases where labs send order request messages to Copia so that Copia may assign the sample ID, you do not need to select this option; however, you must have the proper settings so that Copia will accept order request messages sent from labs. Note that Copia will reject order request messages sent by EMR/HIS hosts. To use this feature, the following must be true:

    In addition, when labs send order request messages to Copia that do not have complete ordering provider information, Copia handles the request as follows:

    Administrators may review details about the transmissions in the Inbound Message Details page. See the Admin: Inbound Message Details topic.

  9. Select an option from the Location Time Zone field to set the location's time zone.
  10. Select an option from the Region field to set the location's region.
  11. Select the Active checkbox to enable users to select the location while ordering. Clear this checkbox to restrict users from signing into the location. If the location is inactive, Copia clears it from the Locations list page when you select the Show active only checkbox. When inactivating a location, a pop-up will be displayed listing all users that will no longer be able to utilize Copia because of the inactivation. See "Viewing the Locations List" above.
  12. Select the Display as Client in Client Services option to display the location as a client in Client Services. Click the Associated Users button to find associated users for the location.
  13. Select the Orchard Collect Location checkbox to indicate that a location is used with Orchard Collect. This setting is only visible if Orchard Collect is enabled in the license.
  14. Select the POCT Location checkbox to indicate that a location is used with point of care testing. This setting is only visible if POCT is enabled in the license.
  15. Click the Contact Info button to open the Contact Info pop-up to configure default addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. If there is nothing defined, a "No addresses/phone numbers/emails defined" message will appear in the appropriate tab.
  16. Click the Additional Info button to view additional information on the Additional Information pop-up. Click the OK or Cancel button to return to the Locations details page.
  17. Click the Change Log button to view the change log for the selected location. See the Admin: Change Log topic. Note that you must have the necessary security right to access the Change Log page.
  18. Click the Alerts & Comments button to view, add, edit, or delete the alerts and comments associated with the current location. See the Admin: Alerts & Comments topic. Note that if there are alerts or comments for the location, the button text is italicized. The page displays option columns for Alerts, Display at Order, Display at Collection when this is the order's Ordering Location, Display on Client Services on opening Items when this is the Client, Note, Entered By and Date, Modified By and Date, and the options to Sort and Delete the alert and/or comment.
  19. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click the Save button.

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Adding or Editing Ordering Location Settings

  1. Use the Ordering Settings tab section of the Locations details page to set the default settings used in the ordering process.
  2. Select the settings that will apply when the selected location is the ordering location for an order:
  3. Use the User Defined Fields to be added to every order section to search for user defined fields to be added to orders.
  4. Use the Settings applied when this is the ordering location in electronic orders section to configure label settings on the Ordering Settings tab.
  5. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click the Save button.

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Adding or Editing Signed-in Location Settings

  1. Select the settings that will apply when the selected location is the location the user placing the order is signed-in to.
  2. Use these settings to configure Specimen Source settings on the Signed-in Location tab on the Locations administration page.
  3. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click the Save button.

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Adding or Editing Manage Samples Settings

  1. Use the Manage Samples Settings section of the Locations details page to configure the default settings used in the managing samples process.
  2. Click the Add Patient Location button to create a list of sample collection locations for patients. Enter a location at the prompt and click OK to save the location, or click Cancel to cancel the location. Copia displays the patient location when the page refreshes. Note that the patient location list is a filter setting for the collection list in the Collection List page. See the Collection List topic. To delete a default patient location, click the X button that corresponds to the location.
  3. Select the Enable sample collection option to enable sample collection at the displayed location. You must select this option to modify the other settings in this section of the page. Once sample collection is enabled, you may modify additional collection settings:
  4. Use the Determine the Default Collection Location when Collecting Samples in the Following Order section to define the order in which Copia assigns the default collection location. These settings apply to the Collection Location field on Collect Samples, as well as the collection location used when collecting samples on the Pending Collection and Collection List pages. Copia checks these settings in the order you set below, from 1 to 4. If it does not find a match for one of these numbers, then it checks the subsequent numbers until it finds a match. Use the arrow buttons to arrange the options in the desired order.
  5. Use the Determine the Default Phlebotomist Label Def on the Collect Samples Page in the Following Order section to define the order in which Copia assigns the default phlebotomist. These settings apply to the Phlebotomist drop-down field at the top of the Collect Samples page. Copia checks these settings in the order you set below, from 1 to 4. If it does not find a match for one of these numbers, then it checks the subsequent numbers until it finds a match. Use the arrow buttons to arrange the options in the desired order.
  6. Select the Disable Fasting on Sample Collection Pages option to disable the Fasting fields on the Collect Samples and Pending Collection pages.
  7. Select the Force user to print ABNs when collecting an order option force users to print an ABN any time they collect an order choice that requires an ABN.
  8. Select the Force user to assign ABN status when collecting an order option to force users to assign a signed status of either "Signed" or "Refused to Sign" to an ABN on the Collect Samples and Pending Collection pages. When this is enabled, the user will not be able to leave the pages until choosing a status. Once you enable this option, you may select the Allow user to assign 'Unsigned' as a status option to allow users to select the "Unsigned" status even though Copia is requiring them to print ABNs. If you select this option, you may wish to also enable the Do not generate exception for ABN status of 'Unsigned' option.
  9. Select the Force user to assign an encounter when collecting an order option to force the user to assign an encounter to an order when collecting orders. When this is enabled, Copia will not mark a sample as collected until an encounter has been assigned to the order.
  10. Select the Force user to assign an encounter when collecting an order option to force users to assign an encounter when collecting an order.
  11. Select the Enforce ICD requirements when collecting an order option to show an alert and prevent collections from the Collect Samples page if the ICD requirement prerequisites are not yet met on the order.
  12. Select the Force user to assign insurance when collecting a order checkbox to enforce insurance on orders at collection. Similar to how encounter information can be enforced by collection location, insurance information can be required before an order can be collected.
  13. Enter text into the Label Printer field to configure a label printer. This is a search-as-you-type field. If a label printer has not been configured for the collection location or the collection location has not been set and the rule is triggered, the label will not print and an Error Log message will be generated. Click the Test button to test the label printer configuration.
  14. Click the Number of Labels to Print button to define the default number of labels to print for each order using the Default Label Count page. See the Admin: Default Label Count topic.
  15. Select the Print a requisition summary option to have Copia print an order requisition by default. The Summary Copy option is always selected on the Requisitions page. See the Requisitions topic. If this is selected, Copia prints this summary, even if the Do not Print Requisition option is selected in the Hosts Used by This Location section of this page. See "Adding or Editing Host Code Information" below.
  16. Select the Remove encounter when uncollecting checkbox to remove the order's encounter when uncollecting samples on the Collect Samples page.
  17. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click the Save button.

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Adding or Editing Result Delivery Settings

  1. Use the Reporting Settings section of the Locations details page to configure the default settings for sending and receiving results.
  2. Select an option from the Print fasting value on reports ordered from this location drop-down list. Based on your selection, Copia will print the fasting value ("No," "Yes," or "Unknown") on patient reports as follows:
  3. Select the Use System Blank Requisition List option to use the requisition list defined on the System Defaults administration page for the blank requisitions users generate. If you want to create a location-level list instead, clear the checkbox and then begin typing the name of the requisition list, select an option from the matching blank requisitions in the drop-down list, and then click the Add button to add that format to the list of available requisitions when users generate blank requisitions. Select the Default checkbox for each format on the list that Copia should select to print by default. You must define the requisition list here or on the System Defaults administration page in order to allow users to create blank requisitions.

    Note that Copia uses the requisition list defined for the user's signed-in location, if available, in place of the list on the System Defaults administration page. If the location list is set to use the system default requisition list, then Copia uses the system default list. If the location's list is set to use the system default requisition list but there are no selected formats at the system default level, then Copia does not allow users to create blank requisitions. See the Order Patient Samples topic.

  4. Add one or more Report Order Choice Lists to the list to have Copia display the selected report order choice lists in the order you define here on the Blank Patient Requisition report for the location. To add one or more report order choice lists, begin typing the name of the list, select an option from the matching report order choice lists in the drop-down list, and then click Add. Click the arrow buttons in the Move column to move lists up or down on the list. Click the Delete button to remove the report order choice list from the list.
  5. Configure email settings in the Email Settings section. Enter an encryption password into the PDF Encryption Password field to define a password. There is a maximum password length of 32 characters. Enter text into the Email Subject field to define the subject of the email. Select an option from the Email Subject Field Codes drop-down list to insert field codes into the email subject. Select either "First Name," "Middle Name," "Last Name," "Primary Physician Full Name," "Sample ID," "Owner First Name," "Owner Last Name," "Order ID," or "Unique Sample ID" from the drop-down. Enter text in the Email Body field to define what appears in the body of the email. The default text is "New Results." Select an option from the Body Field Codes drop-down list to insert field codes into the field. Select either "Sample ID," "Unique Sample ID," "Order ID," "Inbox URL," "Ordering Location," or "Patient Name" from the drop-down. When a field code is selected, the code automatically populates into the field.
  6. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click the Save button.

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Setting How This Location Receives Results

In the How This Location Receives Results section, select how the currently selected location receives results.

  1. Select the Enable result delivery option to allow Copia to deliver results to the location based on its settings.
  2. Click the Order Report Template to Panel Map button to map Report Order Choice Information templates to order choices for specific locations as result recipients. Configuring an order choice to template setting here will have any reports sent to the location to utilize the template set here, rather than the default template for the order choice within the order choice's setting.
  3. Select the Suppress Copia report content if all results are linked documents option to have Copia remove the results from the report if all of the results being reported are linked documents. This setting applies to the currently selected location; however, you may also assign this setting at the user-level for specific users or at the system default-level for all external recipients (non-Copia users added to orders using the Results To button on the Order Patient Samples page).
  4. Select the All order choices reported to this location get their own page on result reports option to have Copia create order choice-specific pages on result reports when all order choices are reported to this location.
  5. Depending on your facility's capabilities and the administration settings, you may choose one of the following methods for result delivery: Inbox, Email, Fax, RAPS, Direct Printing, HL7, or Direct Dial. You will only be able to modify the delivery methods available for the location. Note that if the location has "Use System Default delivery rules" enabled (see "Setting When this Location's Receives Results" below), then those delivery rules can be active for the location regardless of its delivery method selections; however, if the location does not have a fax number or email address, then it may be necessary to access the message in the Outbound Queue administration page to enter a valid email address or fax number.
  6.  If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click the Save button.

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Setting When This Location Receives Results

In the When Location Results Are Received section, you may further customize when the location receives results for each delivery method you established in the How This Location Receives Results section (see above), or you may choose to use the system default result delivery rules that were created from the System Defaults administration page.

  1. If desired, select the If this is the patient's linked location upon order save, make sure it is on the 'Results To' list of recipients option to have Copia automatically add a patient's linked location to the result recipient list when saving an order. When checked, if the location is a patient's linked location on an order that is being saved, that order will have the location added as a result recipient list (which is shown under the Results To button on the Order Patient Samples page). This setting will not depend on the signed-in location or ordering location.
  2. If desired, select the Use System Default delivery rules option to have Copia use the delivery rules from the System Defaults administration page. When you select this option, Copia displays the default delivery rules defined on the System Defaults administration page.
  3. Copia displays the default result delivery rules automatically. If you wish to create your own delivery rules, clear the Use System Default delivery rules option to add one or more delivery rules for each delivery method you enabled above. Copia refreshes the page, and displays any location-specific delivery rules that have been created.
  4. To add additional delivery rules, click the Add button. The Result Delivery Rule page appears, allowing you to set up when the results are sent. See the Result Delivery Rule topic.
  5. Once you add one or more delivery rules, Copia lists the Inbox, Email, Fax, RAPS, Direct Printing, HL7, and/or Direct Dial delivery rules with the following information:
  6. If you are not using system default delivery rules, click the name of a Delivery Method to modify delivery rules in the Result Delivery Rule page. You may not modify methods defined as default (see above) or that are from the System Defaults administration page.
  7. To remove a delivery rule, click the X button in the Delete column that corresponds to the delivery settings you wish to delete. Copia immediately deletes the delivery rule. This action cannot be undone.
  8. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click the Save button.

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Adding or Editing Host Code Information

  1. The Hosts Used by this Location section of the Locations details page displays a list of hosts used by this location and their information. Use this section to create or modify host code information.
  2. Add or edit the host name, type, and active status in the Host Details section of the Hosts details page. See the Admin: Hosts topic.
  3. Select the Show active hosts only checkbox to view active hosts only. Set the active/inactive status in the Host Details section of the Hosts details page. See the Admin: Hosts topic.
  4. To add a host code, enter the host code for the location in the Host Code fields, if needed. If you try to save a host code that is identical to another code for the same host for two locations, Copia displays a warning message that details where up to ten conflicts lie and prompts you proceed with saving the host codes or not.
  5. To add a lab account, enter the account number for the location in the Lab Account fields, if needed. If you enter a lab account number and select the Client Bill option for the host (see below), and if the patient's insurance company is set up to allow client billing, then Copia defaults to using client bill.
  6. To edit a lab account or host code, highlight or delete text already displayed in the field, then modify as desired.
  7. Select or clear all checkbox options that apply to the host's billing options.
  8. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click the Save button.

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Setting Patient Demographics Required Fields

  1. Use the Demographics Required Fields section of the Locations page to establish which fields are required when users who are signed into this location create or edit patient demographic information in the Demographics page. See the Demographics topic. Note that if there are location-level settings for required patient demographic fields, then those settings override the system default settings. See the Admin: System Defaults topic.
  2. If the Use System Default Required Fields option is enabled, then Copia disables the fields in this section. If you clear this checkbox, Copia allows you to establish the required fields. By default, Copia sets the fields to the same values used on the System Defaults administration page.
  3. Select the checkbox for each field that should be required. You may make all fields on the Demographics page, except for Patient ID (which is always filled in by the user or the system), mandatory. Available fields include:
  4. To remove the required status from an option, clear the checkbox next to the field.
  5. For each field that allows users to enter text, Copia displays Pattern and Description fields and a Test button. Use these to define the field requirements:
  6. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click the Save button. Once you have saved your changes, Copia adds an asterisk (*) next to each required field on the Demographics page.

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Adding or Editing Patient Insurance Required Fields

  1. Use the Patient Insurance Information Required Fields section to establish which fields are required when users who are signed into this location create or edit patient insurance information in the Insurance or Insurance Plan pages. These settings override the field requirement settings on the System Defaults administration page; although, the settings from this page are superseded by field requirement settings at the insurance company or insurance plan levels. See the Admin: Insurance topic.
  2. Clear the Use System Default Insurance Required Fields option to customize which fields are required. When you clear this option, Copia enables the field checkboxes. To return to Copia's default settings, select the Use System Default Insurance Required Fields option. When you select this option, the field checkboxes are visible, but disabled, so you may see what fields are required. See the Admin: System Defaults topic.
  3. If you are defining the required fields, select the checkbox for each field that should be required on the Insurance or Insurance Plan pages. Clear the checkboxes to remove the requirement. Copia adds an asterisk (*) next to each required field on the Insurance or Insurance Plan pages.
  4. For the Policy, Group, and Group Number fields, you may define numeric/alphanumeric patterns (up to 100 characters) in the Match Pattern fields that Copia applies to ensure users enter valid policy numbers, groups, and group numbers. You may set these at the system (see the Admin: System Defaults topic), location, insurance company (see the Admin: Insurance topic), and insurance plan (see the Admin: Insurance topic) levels. Click the Test button to display a field where you may enter characters and have Copia display "Pass" or "Fail" to indicate if what you entered matches the pattern you set. Once you are finished testing, click the X button to hide the field.

    Match Pattern Examples:

    Medicare Policy: \d{9}[a-zA-Z]{1} -This allows 9 numbers, followed by 1 letter (upper or lower case)
    Railroad Medicare Policy: [a-zA-Z]{2}\d{9} -This allows 2 letters (upper or lower case) followed by 9 numbers
    Medicaid: \d{11} -This allows 11 numbers

  5. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click the Save button.

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Harvest LIS Synchronization for this Location

  1. The Harvest LIS Synchronization for this Location section of the Location details page displays Harvest LIS synchronization information for the selected location.
  2. Click the Unsynch Selected button to unsynch selected items in the section. A host must be selected for this button to be enabled. Click the Synch Selected button to synch selected items in the section. A host must be selected for this button to be enabled. Clicking either of these buttons will display the Synch Options pop-up with the two buttons on the pop-up. Click the Close button to close the pop-up.
  3. Select the Show active hosts only checkbox to have Copia only display active hosts contained within the system.
  4. The table displays columns for the host's name, version number, active status, selection ability, and a non-synch option. In the "Host Name" column, the name of the host is displayed; in the "Version" column, the version is displayed; in the "Host is Active" column, the active status is displayed; select the Select checkbox in the "Select" column to select the specific host; and select the Do Not Synch (Synch 2) checkbox to specify that Copia should not synch that specific host.
  5. Click the < Back to List button to return to the Location list page without saving any changes, or click the Save button to record changes and return to the Location list page.

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Adding or Editing the Default Lab List (Signed-in Location)

  1. The Default Lab List (in priority order when this is the signed-in location) section of the Locations details page displays a prioritized list (top to bottom) of labs (or hosts) Copia may assign as testing locations to orders when the current location is the signed-in location of the person placing an order. Copia applies the highest priority signed-in location-based default lab as the testing lab for an order choice when appropriate based on the routing rule hierarchy. See the Order Patient Samples topic. Use this section to add a lab or edit the lab's priority on the list, as well as adjust the priority of the lab lists themselves. A host must be included in this section in order to use the feature to manually record sendouts. See "Adding or Editing Host Code Information" above.
  2. Select the Only allow these labs when signed into this location option to have Copia only allow certain labs when signed into a specific location.
  3. To create or edit a specific lab list, do the following:
  4. To modify the lab list as a whole, you may:
  5. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click the Save button.

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Adding or Editing the Default Lab List (Ordering Location)

  1. The Default Lab List (in priority order when this is the ordering location) section of the Locations details page displays one or more prioritized lists (top to bottom) of labs (or hosts) Copia may assign as testing locations to orders when the current location is the ordering location of an order. Copia applies the highest priority ordering location-based default lab as the testing lab for an order choice based on the day/time constraints and when appropriate according to the routing rule hierarchy. See the Order Patient Samples topic. Use this section to add a lab or edit the lab's priority on one of the lab lists, as well as adjust the priority of the lab lists themselves. You must include a host in this section in order to use the feature to manually record sendouts. See "Adding or Editing Host Information" above.
  2. To create or edit a specific lab list, do the following:
  3. To modify the lab list as a whole, you may:
  4. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click the Save button.

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Adding or Editing the Always Send Results to These Hosts

  1. The Always send results to these Hosts section of the Locations details page displays a list of hosts that should always receive results from this location. Use this section to add hosts and setup reporting exclusions, which specify where reports are sent.
  2. Click the Add button to add hosts using the Host Selection page. See the Admin: Host Selection topic.
  3. Once you add one or more hosts, the Exclusion setting becomes a link within the Always send results to these Hosts section. This setting determines if results are sent to the chosen host. The default (no) setting enables Copia to send results to the host, while the (yes) setting restricts the transfer of results. To edit this setting, click the Exclusions link next to the desired Host Name to change the setting in the Host Selection page. See the Admin: Host Selection topic.
  4. To delete a host from the list, click the X button that corresponds to the host name.
  5. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click the Save button.

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Adding or Editing Location-specific Sequence Number ID Generation Formats

  1. The Location-specific Sequence Number ID Generation Formats section of the Locations details page allows the ability to assign practice- or location-specific sequence numbers as Order ID and Grouping ID format components. This will allow case numbers to have sequence numbers specific to certain Practices or Locations.
  2. Click the Display sequence number ID generation formats link to display sequence number ID generation formats. When expanded, this section will allow the user to either explicitly add the specific sequence number ID generation format or edit an existing one. When looking at the record-specific ID generation format, you should only have the sequence code listed as a valid code.
  3. Click the hide settings link to hide the sequence number ID generation format settings. This is located next to the section heading.
  4. Click < Back to List to return to the Locations list page without saving any changes.
  5. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click the Save button.

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