Diagnosis Search

Page Description

Use the Diagnosis Search page to select the desired diagnosis code from the list of diagnosis codes that matched your search. If there were no matches to your search, Copia alerts you to that fact. Click the Cancel button to return to the Order Patient Samples page where you may perform another search, if desired.

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Selecting a Diagnosis Code Search Result

  1. If there was at least one match to your search, then the matching diagnosis codes are displayed in the Search tab when the page appears. Each diagnosis code is listed with the Code and the Description of the code. To view the entire description of a code, click the "more" link. This link only appears if the code description is truncated on the page.
  2. The Diagnosis Search page contains a list of up to ten ICD-9 codes and their descriptions. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of ICD-9 Codes, to navigate through the list. If there are more page links than can fit on the page at once, Copia displays the Page field. Enter a number in this field and press the Enter key on the keyboard to immediately open the selected page.
  3. If there were no matches, or if you wish to search for a different code, enter one or more letters or numbers and click Search. If you are entering multiple codes, you must separate them with semicolons.
  4. When you access this page from the Order Patient Samples page, you may also click one of the other tabs to browse the codes listed on the Patient's Previous or User's Frequent tabs.
  5. To select a specific code, click the code link to return to the preceding page with your selection added to the list of selected diagnosis codes. See the Order Patient Samples or Admin: Order Entry Rules topics.
  6. To select multiple codes, mark the Select checkbox next to each code you wish to add, and then click the Select button to return to the Order Patient Samples page with your selections added to the list of selected diagnosis codes.
  7. Click Cancel to return to the preceding page without selecting a diagnosis code. Repeat the search if desired.

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