Find Patient or Order
Page Description
Use the Find Patient or Order page to select a patient, order, or sample from the
list of items that matched your search. The filters allow you to show or restrict displayed patients, orders, or samples according to the patient's first or last name; the patient ID; or the patient's Social Security Number, sex, or date of birth. If you belong to one or more practices associated with a host that is set up as a practice management system, then you may also initiate communication between Copia and the practice management system to obtain updated patient information.
Copia is constantly ready to accept bar code scans. If you scan a patient or order bar code, then Copia acts as though you performed a manual search on this page. Use the default page when scanning settings on the System Defaults administration page to have Copia automatically open specific pages or perform activities when you scan patient or order bar codes.
Note that when the administrative setting to skip collection is set for an ordering location, Copia automatically sends orders to the host testing location when they are placed. Since you do not need to collect samples for these orders, Copia does not display them for selection when you search for samples to collect.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Use the Find Patient field at the top of any page in Copia.
- Enter one or more characters in the Patient field, and then click the Search button on the Order Patient Samples page.
- Click the "Go to advanced search" link on the Patient Search quicksearch pop-up window, accessed from the Order Patient Samples page.
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Accessing the Advanced Search Filter
- You may either view or hide the search filter when viewing the search results.
- Click the "show Advanced Search filter" link to make the
search filter visible. Note that you may open the Find Patient or Order page with
the Advanced Search Filter already visible if you click the Search
button at the top of the page without entering search text.
- Click the "hide filter" link to hide the search filter.
- When the filter is visible, you may select patient, order, and date
filters that Copia
uses to create the list of search results. See "Setting
the Advanced Search Filter" below.
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Setting the Advanced Search Filter
- If the report filter is hidden, click the "show Advanced Search
filter" link to make the filter visible. See "Accessing the
Advanced Search Filter" above.
- Remember that each filter option you use further limits the number
of possible matching results. If you use multiple filtering options,
then Copia
will only display those patients, orders, or samples that match all
of the parameters you have specified.
- On the Patients and Collect Samples tabs you may set
the following filter options:
- Patient Last Name: Enter one or more characters of the patient's
last name.
- Patient First Name: Enter one or more characters of the patient's
first name.
- Patient Sex: Select the sex of the patient.
- Patient ID: Enter one or more characters of the patient's
patient ID.
- Patient SSN: Enter one or more digits of the patient's
Social Security Number.
- DOB: Enter the patient's date of birth in the format: MM/DD/YYYY. You must enter a 4-digit year for Copia to search correctly.
- On the Orders tab you may set one or more of the following filter options:
- Order or Sample ID: Enter one or more characters of the order
ID or sample ID.
- Patient Last Name: Enter one or more characters of the patient's
last name.
- Patient First Name: Enter one or more characters of the patient's
first name.
- Order Date: Enter a date in the format MM/DD/YYYY. Copia will search
for orders placed within the range you specify.
- Once you have the desired settings for the search filter, click the
Search button.
- Click the Recent button near the Search button to view recently-placed Patients, Orders, and Items. Hover over/click the Patients option to view recently patients. Hover over/click Orders to view recently-placed orders. Hover over/click Items to view recent items.
- Copia
updates the list of patients, orders, or samples that you may select
in the Find Patient or Order page. See "Selecting a Patient Search Result"
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Sorting Search Results
- By default, Copia sorts the list by patient name (on the Patients and Collect Samples tabs) or by Order Date (on the Orders tab).
- Click a column header link to sort the list of search results by the values in that column.
- Patients and Collect Samples tabs: You may sort by Name, Patient ID, MRN, SSN, DOB, Sex, or Orderable (if enabled).
- Orders tab: You may sort by Order ID, Patient, or Order Date.
- When you click a column, Copia displays an arrow next to the column header to indicate the direction of the sort. By default, Copia sorts in a descending order; however, if you click the same column link again, Copia sorts the data in an ascending order and it adjusts the arrow to indicate the new sort direction.
- If you perform a new search, Copia resets the sort order to the default (see above) and clears the direction arrow.
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Selecting a Patient Search Result
- Use the Find Patient field, which is always located at the top of the Copia page, to search for a patient or order. See the Selecting a Patient topic.
Depending on the administration settings for your signed in location, Copia may restrict your searching to one or more of the following: Last Name, First Name, Aliases, Date of Birth, Patient ID, SSN, MRN, or Master Patient ID.
- If there was at least one match to your search, then the matching
patients are displayed when the page appears. The results are sorted
alphabetically by last name, then by first name/middle name or initial. Any order choices that have been cancelled are displayed with a line through the abbreviation.
- Depending on your location in the program when you perform the search,
displays the search results on the Patients, Orders,
or Collect Samples tabs on the Find Patient or Order page.
- The Patients and Collect Samples tabs each list the
patient's Name, Patient ID, Social Security Number (SSN), Date of
Birth (DOB), Sex, Address, Primary Care Provider (PCP), and Provider's practice.
- The Orders tab lists the order's ID, Patient name,
Ordered order choices, Sample IDs, Order Date, and Status.
- Click a different tab to view additional search results of other categories.
- The Patients tab only shows search
results when your search criteria match either a patient name or
patient ID. Searches on this tab include patients across all of the practices to which you are associated, unless you access this search tab from the Order Patient Samples page. In this case, the search only includes patients who belong to the practice associated with the selected ordering location.
- Depending on the Users administration page settings for your account, Copia may include patients who belong to practices you are associated with, as well as any additional patients from other practices for whom you have been the ordering provider.
- Click the Copy to Practice button to add the patient to the practice you select from the Practice Search page. See the Admin: Practice Search topic. Copia only displays practices you are associated with in the Practice Search page. If you only have access to one practice and you are not a system-clinical user, then Copia does not display this button. When using this button in most cases, this will be a new patient, but if a linked patient exists or if a patient already exists in the new practice that was copied from the same patient record, then Copia uses the already existing patient record.
- Depending on the Advanced Configuration Options for the system, Copia may display the Orderable column, which indicates whether or not the Patient is Orderable checkbox is enabled for the patient in the Demographics page. See the Demographics topic.
- The Orders tab only shows search results when your search
criteria match either an order ID or a sample ID. Searches on this tab include patients across all of the practices to which you are associated. Depending on the Users administration settings for your account, Copia may include patients who belong to practices you are associated with, as well as any additional patients from other practices for whom you have been the ordering provider.
- The Collect Samples tab only shows search results when your search criteria match either a patient name or
patient ID. By default, searches on this tab only include patients who belong to a practice you are associated with. However, there are a few settings that can affect what patients Copia displays:
- Depending on the Locations administration settings for your signed in location, Copia will only search the practice associated with your signed in location, if the option to disable collection for other practices is enabled.
- Depending on the Users administration settings for your account, Copia may include patients who belong to practices you are associated with, as well as any additional patients from other practices for whom you have been the ordering provider.
- Copia displays all patients requiring collection across all practices for users who are defined as system clinical users.
- Depending on the Advanced Configuration Options for the system, Copia may display the Orderable column, which indicates whether or not the Patient is Orderable checkbox is enabled for the patient in the Demographics page. See the Demographics topic.
- If the search results list is longer than one page, use the Page links to navigate through the list. If there are more page links than can fit on the page at once, Copia displays the Page field. Enter a number in this field and press the Enter key on the keyboard to immediately open the selected page.
- To narrow the search, click the "show Advanced Search filter"
link to use additional fields to search for a patient, order, or sample,
and then perform the search again. See "Setting the Advanced Search
Filter" below.
- Click the Name of a patient or an Order ID to select the action you would like to perform.
Note that when you search for and select a patient who belongs to a practice that has a Practice Management System set up, Copia displays a prompt for you to decide whether or not to
load the most recent demographics for the selected patient
before proceeding to the next page. See "Querying a Practice Management System" below.
- Patients Tab: Click the Name to open a pop-up list
of actions. Select the page you wish to open for the selected order: Demographics, Insurance, Order History, New Order (Order Patient Samples), Collect Samples, Blank Requisition (to view or print a blank requisition from the View PDF page), or Patient Labels (to print the system default patient-type labels).
- Orders Tab: Click an Order ID to open a pop-up list
of actions. Select the page you wish to open for the selected order:
Review Order (Order Patient Samples), Collect Samples, Print Labels, Requisitions,
or Lab Report. Note that some options
may not be available. Click the Patient name to open a pop-up list
of actions. Select the page you wish to open for the selected order: Demographics, Insurance, Order History, New Order (Order Patient Samples), Collect Samples, Blank Requisition (to view or print a blank requisition from the View PDF page), Patient Labels (to print the system default patient-type labels).
- Collect Samples Tab: Click the Name to open a pop-up list
of actions. Select the page you wish to open for the selected order: Demographics, Insurance, Order History, New Order (Order Patient Samples), Collect Samples, Blank Requisition (to view or print a blank requisition from the View PDF page), Patient Labels (to print the system default patient-type labels), or Change Log (to view the change log for the selected patient on the Change Log page, if you have the rights to do so).
- If you belong to one or more practices associated with a host that is set up as a practice management system, then the Query Practice Management System button and drop-down list appear, which allow you to initiate communication between Copia and the practice management system to obtain updated patient information. See the Querying a Practice Management System topic.
- If none of the matches is the patient you were searching for, click
New Patient (or press the [Alt] [N] hotkey) to create a new patient record in the Demographics
page. See the Demographics topic.
- Click Cancel to return to the preceding page without selecting
a patient. Repeat the search if desired.
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