Querying the Practice Management System
Page Description
When you are searching for a patient and you belong to one or more practices associated with a host that is set up as a practice management system, then the Query Practice Management System button and drop-down list appear, which allow you to initiate communication between Copia and the practice management system to obtain updated patient information. Note the following:
- There will likely be a significant delay when using the practice management system query for updated patient information.
- You will only see the practices to which you have access.
- The drop-down list contains only the practices that are associated to a Practice Management System (PMS) host.
- When searching for a patient from the Order Patient Samples page, Copia displays only the ordering location's practice in the drop-down (if it is associated with a PMS host).
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Feature
- Search for a patient using the Find Patient or Order page or the Patient Search quicksearch pop-up window (accessed from the Order Patient Samples page), and, if you belong to one or more practices associated with a host that is set up as a practice management system, then the Query Practice Management System button and drop-down list appear.
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Querying a Practice Management System
There are two ways to query the PMS host:
- If there are search results, click on a patient name to query the PMS host for an update to the patient's record. Copia displays a prompt for you to decide whether or not to wait for the demographics update before proceeding to the next page. If you choose to perform the update at the prompt, the system queries the PMS host associated with that patient for an update only if a PMS host is associated with that practice. Copia waits up to the amount of time configured for the host in the Hosts administration page for a response from the host. See the Admin: Hosts topic. Even if the connection exceeds the time limit, Copia continues selecting the patient for the task in process.
- If the desired patient is not displayed or if you wish to search for the patient in the PMS, enter a patient ID in the Find Patient or Patient Name field at the top of the page, select a practice from the drop-down list, and then click the Query Practice Management System button. This queries the selected PMS for that patient ID. Copia waits up to the amount of time configured for the host in the Hosts administration page for a response from the host. If the PMS finds a match, it sends Copia the new patient record or updates the existing patient record, if appropriate. If the connection exceeds the time limit or if the PMS cannot find a match, then Copia displays an error message. You may access these messages in the inbound or outbound queues. See the Admin: Inbound Queue or Admin: Outbound Queue topics.
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