Standing Order
Page Description
Use the Standing Order page to establish or edit the recurrence schedule
for a standing order. Note that the Daily tab
is selected by default. If you add a recurrence pattern to an order that has already been collected, Copia will populate the next instance of the standing order into the system.
If you click the Recurrence Pattern button while reviewing an existing standing order, this page contains information on the other orders that are part of the selected standing order, including any scheduled, but not yet released, orders.
Copia displays an asterisk (*) next to the tab name to indicate which type of standing order you are viewing. It also displays an "(S)" next to the order ID throughout the program to indicate standing orders.
Because Copia stores the signed in location in the system, standing orders may use routing rules based on the original signed in location for subsequent orders in a series of a standing order.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Select the Standing Order checkbox when it has not been previously
checked for the order on the Order Patient Samples page.
- Click the Recurrence Pattern button on the Order Patient Samples page. The Standing Order checkbox on the Order Patient Samples page
must be enabled in order to click this button. In order to enable the Recurrence Pattern button, users must navigate to the Locations administration page, followed by selecting a location, clicking the Ordering Location tab, then selecting the Allow user to enter standing orders checkbox.
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Setting an Hourly Recurrence Pattern
- Select the Hourly tab, if it is not already selected.
- Select the Start date and time for the standing order.
- Starting Date/Time: If this is the first order in the recurrence, enter the date and time the recurrence
schedule should begin in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM. Select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the date fields. If this is not the first order in a recurring order, then Copia displays the date and time of the initial order.
- Current Order Date: These date fields do not appear when you are placing the first order in a recurring order. For subsequent orders, enter the date and time the next recurrence
should occur in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM. Select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the date fields.
By default, Copia sets the order date based on the date and time when that next instance populates into the Copia system, but depending on your System Default settings, Copia may set the order date of subsequent instances of standing orders based on the previous standing order's order date, instead.
- Repeat every __ hours __ minutes: Enter how often in hours
and/or minutes the order should be repeated.
- Select the End date and time for the standing order. You may select
only one of the following:
- End after __ occurrences: Enter the total number of times
the order should occur; or
- End by __/__/____ __:__ AM/PM: Enter the date and time the standing order should
end in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM (you may select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the date fields); or
- Continue recurrences for __ ____: Enter a number and select
a unit of time as the limit for how often the standing order is repeated.
Hours is the unit of time selected by default.
- Select the Use default insurance for all standing orders option
if all of the recurrences should be billed to the patient's default
insurance company. Clear this option if one or more recurrences will
not be billed to the patient's default insurance company. Note that you must have the necessary security right in order to modify this option.
- Click Cancel to return to the Order Patient Samples page without saving
your changes.
- Click Save to save the modifications to the recurrence pattern
and return to the Order Patient Samples page.
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Setting a Daily Recurrence Pattern
- Select the Daily tab, if it is not already selected.
- Select the Start date for the standing order.
- Starting Date: If this is the first order in the recurrence, enter the date the next recurrence
should occur in the format MM/DD/YYYY. Select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the date fields. If this is not the first order in a recurring order, then Copia displays the date and time of the initial order.
- Current Order Date: These date fields do not appear when you are placing the first order in a recurring order. For subsequent orders, enter the date the recurrence
should continue in the format MM/DD/YYYY. Select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the date fields.
- Repeat every __ days: Enter how often in days the order should
be repeated.
- Select the End date for the standing order. You may select only one
of the following:
- End after __ occurrences: Enter the total number of times
the order should occur; or
- End by __/__/____: Enter the date the standing order should
end in the format MM/DD/YYYY (you may select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the date fields); or
- Continue recurrences for __ ____: Enter a number and select
a unit of time as the limit for how often the standing order is repeated.
Days is the unit of time selected by default.
- Select the Use default insurance for all standing orders option
if all of the recurrences should be billed to the patient's default
insurance company. Clear this option if one or more recurrences will
not be billed to the patient's default insurance company. Note that you must have the necessary security right in order to modify this option.
- Click Cancel to return to the Order Patient Samples page without saving
your changes.
- Click Save to save the modifications to the recurrence pattern
and return to the Order Patient Samples page.
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Setting a Weekly Recurrence Pattern
- Select the Weekly tab, if it is not already selected.
- Select the Start date for the standing order.
- Starting Date: If this is the first order in the recurrence, enter the date the next recurrence
should occur in the format MM/DD/YYYY. Select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the date fields. If this is not the first order in a recurring order, then Copia displays the date and time of the initial order.
- Current Order Date: These date fields do not appear when you are placing the first order in a recurring order. For subsequent orders, enter the date the recurrence
should continue in the format MM/DD/YYYY. Select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the date fields.
- Repeat every __ weeks on S-M-T-W-T-F-S: Enter how often in
weeks the order should be repeated. Then, select the checkbox that
corresponds to the day(s) of the week on which the recurrence should
occur (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, or Saturday). You may select
more than one checkbox.
- Select the End date for the standing order. You may select only one
of the following:
- End after __ occurrences: Enter the total number of times
the order should occur; or
- End by __/__/____: Enter the date the standing order should
end in the format MM/DD/YYYY (you may select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the date fields); or
- Continue recurrences for __ ____: Enter a number and select
a unit of time as the limit for how often the standing order is repeated.
Weeks is the unit of time selected by default.
- Select the Use default insurance for all standing orders option
if all of the recurrences should be billed to the patient's default
insurance company. Clear this option if one or more recurrences will
not be billed to the patient's default insurance company. Note that you must have the necessary security right in order to modify this option.
- Click Cancel to return to the Order Patient Samples page without saving
your changes.
- Click Save to save the modifications to the recurrence pattern
and return to the Order Patient Samples page.
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Setting a Monthly Recurrence Pattern
- Select the Monthly tab, if it is not already selected.
- Select the Start date for the standing order.
- Starting Date: If this is the first order in the recurrence, enter the date the next recurrence
should occur in the format MM/DD/YYYY. Select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the date fields. If this is not the first order in a recurring order, then Copia displays the date and time of the initial order.
- Current Order Date: These date fields do not appear when you are placing the first order in a recurring order. For subsequent orders, enter the date the recurrence
should continue in the format MM/DD/YYYY. Select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the date fields.
- Repeat every __ months: Enter how often in months the order
should be repeated; or
- Repeat on the __ ___ of every ___ months: Select a day of
the month and enter a number of months the order should be repeated.
- Select the End date for the standing order. You may select only one
of the following:
- End after __ occurrences: Enter the total number of times
the order should occur; or
- End by __/__/____: Enter the date the standing order should
end in the format MM/DD/YYYY (you may select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the date fields); or
- Continue recurrences for __ ____: Enter a number and select
a unit of time as the limit for how often the standing order is repeated.
Months is the unit of time selected by default.
- Select the Use default insurance for all standing orders option
if all of the recurrences should be billed to the patient's default
insurance company. Clear this option if one or more recurrences will
not be billed to the patient's default insurance company. Note that you must have the necessary security right in order to modify this option.
- Click Cancel to return to the Order Patient Samples page without saving
your changes.
- Click Save to save the modifications to the recurrence pattern
and return to the Order Patient Samples page.
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Viewing the Standing Order History
- If you click the Recurrence Pattern button while reviewing an existing standing order on the Order Patient Samples page, this page contains the History tab that lists the orders that are part of the current standing order. If the current order appears on the page, Copia displays an indicator next to it.
- The Collected Orders list displays the Order ID, Order Date, and Status of each order in the series that has already been collected or cancelled.
- The Uncollected Orders list displays the Order ID and Scheduled Date for orders in the series that have not yet been collected.
- The Scheduled Orders list displays the dates for orders in the series that have not yet been placed in the system.
- Click the Print Summary button to display a standing order summary report in the View PDF page. See the View PDF topic. Note that when calculating recurrences for a standing order, Copia uses the beginning of the day for the end date specified.
- Click Cancel to return to the Order Patient Samples page without saving
your changes.
- Click Save to save the modifications to the recurrence pattern
and return to the Order Patient Samples page.
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