Order History
Page Description
Use the Order History page to view patient order information, as well as access
patient demographic and insurance information. If archiving is enabled for your system and you have the necessary security permissions, you may also view or restore archived orders for the patient. You must first select a
patient using the search feature before you can perform any of those tasks.
Note that the data displayed on this page depends on the column view settings for your facility. Copia uses the column view settings to control what columns appear in the tables on this page and the order in which it sorts the displayed information. You may set column view rules at the location or the system default levels. The rules for the signed in location, if available, supersede the system default column view rules.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the Patient Info menu button, and then click the Order History submenu
- Click the Order History link below the Find Patient search field on the Demographics, Insurance, Collect Samples, or Order Patient Samples pages.
- Click the name of the desired patient, and then select Order History in the
pop-up list on the Find Patient or Order lab tasks page or the Lab Orders administration page.
- Scan a patient or order bar code while the default page when scanning setting on the System Defaults administration page is set to open the Order History page.
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Reviewing the List of Patient Orders
- Select the patient whose information you wish to view.
- If you selected a patient in another page before opening this
one, then that patient's record is shown.
- If a patient is not currently selected or if you wish to select
a different patient, use the Find Patient search field to find
the desired patient record. See the Selecting
a Patient topic. Note that, depending on user and system default administration settings, Copia may display or restrict patients visible to your associates during your patient or order searches.
- If you did not find the correct patient in your search, you may
need to create a new patient record. See the Demographics
- Copia displays the selected patient's name, age, sex, and patient ID at the top of the Order History page once the patient is selected. You may modify demographic and insurance information; review the patient's order history; or place an order, collect samples or create a blank requisition for the patient by clicking the links listed below.
- Demographics: Click this link (or press the [Alt] [U] hotkey) to view or modify the patient's demographic information. See the Demographics topic.
- Insurance: Click this link (or press the [Alt] [I] hotkey) to view or modify the patient's insurance information. See the Insurance topic.
- Order History: Click this link (or press the [Alt] [O] hotkey) to refresh the current page.
- Options: Click this link to open a pop-up list
of actions. Select the action you wish to take for the selected patient: New Order (to place an order for the patient in the Order Patient Samples page), Collect Samples (to collect samples for all orders for the patient that are ready for collection), Blank Patient Requisition (to view or print a blank requisition from the View PDF page), Patient Labels (to print the system default patient-type labels), or Change Log (to view the change log for the selected patient on the Change Log page, if you have the rights to do so). When creating blank requisitions, Copia will attempt to use the format selected for your signed in location, if available. If not, Copia uses the system default format. If the location's format is set to use the system default, and if the system default format is set to "None," then Copia disables access to create blank requisitions.
- The Order History page contains a list of up to forty orders. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of orders, to navigate through the list. This list includes patients across all of the practices to which you are associated. Depending on the Users administration settings for your account, Copia may include patients who belong to practices you are associated with, as well as any additional patients from other practices for whom you have been the ordering provider.
- Information about each order placed for the selected patient is listed,
with columns for each of the following:
- Order ID: The identifying number for the order that was assigned
when the order was placed.
- Order Choices: The order choices included in the order.
- Order Date: The date and time the order was placed.
- Ordering Provider: The provider who placed that order for
the patient. This may or may not be the patient's PCP.
- Encounter: Allows displayed orders to be filtered by the selected encounter.
- Status: The current status of the sample collection (Collection
Pending or Collected) and of the order (Cancelled, No Results, Partial, Accession Pending (order not yet released into Harvest LIS), Accessioned, or Complete).
- Click the Order ID or Order Date column headers to sort the list of orders by the selected column. Each time you click a column header, Copia changes the sort to either ascending or descending order, as indicated by the sort arrow.
- Click Refresh to update the list with new orders and results.
- Click Cumulative to access the Cumulative Report for the patient. See the Cumulative Report topic.
- Click the show orders for this patient across practices link to view the orders for the patient from all of the practices to which the selected patient and all of the patients linked to the selected patient belong. The link will not be visible if the patient is not linked to any other patients. Click the only show orders for this patient and this practice link to view only the orders for the patient from your signed in practice. You will typically use this feature in cases where one patient has records for multiple practices, and you wish to associate the patient records, without deleting or merging records, to indicate they belong to the same person. System Administrators may link patients in the Patients administration page.
- Select the Hide Cancelled Orders checkbox to screen out all cancelled
orders from the list.
- Select the Hide Completed Orders checkbox to screen out all complete orders from the list.
- Select the Combine Practices checkbox to combine multiple practices together.
- Click an Order ID link to open a pop-up list of page options. Select the page you wish to open for the selected order. Note that some options may not be available.
- Review Order: Select this option to view the order in the Order Patient Samples page. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
- Samples: Select this option to collect samples for the order in the Collect Samples page. See the Collect Samples topic.
- Labels: Select this option to print master and tube labels in the Print Labels page. See the Print Labels topic. Note that this option may be disabled, depending on the administration settings for your signed in location.
- Requisition: Select this option to print requisition(s) for the order in the Requisition(s) page. See the Requisitions topic.
- Change Log: Select this option to view the change log for the selected order. See the Admin: Change Log topic. Note that you must have the necessary security right to access the Change Log page.
- Lab Report: Select this option to create a lab report of the order in the Lab Report page. You may view and deliver the lab reports by clicking on either "View" or "Deliver," followed by the other options for "Print," "Copia User," "External Recipient," "Location," or "Host" from the list, followed by their designated options. You may deliver lab reports by selecting "Direct Printing," "RAPS," "Email," and "Fax" to select a method of delivery. When "Copia User" and/or "Location" is selected, followed by "Fax" or "Email," the Deliver Lab Report pop-up will be displayed. Enter the name of the delivery destination in the Deliver to field, or click the Select Ordering Provider button to enter a name. This field is required. Enter the subject of the email or fax in the Email Subject field. Enter the email address in the Email Address field. This field is required. Click the Deliver button to deliver the lab report, or click the Cancel button to close the pop-up without sending the lab report. See the Lab Report topic.
- Depending on the status of the order, Copia displays the
order as follows:
- Cancelled: Orders that were cancelled are displayed in the
Order Patient Samples page. See the Order Patient Samples
- No Results: Orders that do not have any results are displayed
in the Order Patient Samples page.
- Partial: Orders that have some results are displayed in the
Lab Report page. See the Lab Report
- Complete: Orders that have results for all order choices
are displayed in the Lab Report page.
- Accession Pending, No Results: Orders that have been released into the Orchard Harvest LIS system. This status is only available if the Harvest LIS host system is configured to expect an accessioning change status message in the Hosts administration page of Copia.
- If you view the details for an order, you may return to the Order History
page by clicking < Back to Order History.
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Viewing and Restoring Archived Orders
- Click the View Archive button. This button is only available if archiving is enabled for your system and you have the necessary security permissions. See the Admin: Archive topic.
- If there are archived orders for the patient or any related patients, Copia displays the orders with the Order ID, Ordered order choices, Order Date, Ordered by, and Restore Date (if available).
- If you wish to restore one or more archived orders, select the Select checkbox next the order(s), and then click the Restore button. Copia adds the date and time of the restore in the Restore Date column for the order.
- When you are finished viewing or restoring the archived orders, click the < Back to Order History button.
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