Admin: Practices
Page Description
Use the Practices page to view the practice list, as well as add or edit practice demographic and host information.
Note that the data displayed on this page depends on the column view settings for your facility. Copia uses the column view settings to control what columns appear in the tables on this page and the order in which it sorts the displayed information. You may set column view rules at the location or the system default levels. The rules for the signed in location, if available, supersede the system default column view rules.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the Administration menu button, click the Basic Setup button, and then click the Practices submenu link. You must have the necessary security permissions to access the Administration menu button.
When you click the Administration menu button, Copia opens the main Administration menu, which contains administrative menu buttons, including the Basic Setup menu. To return to the main menu for Copia, click the Lab Tasks menu button.
- Click the Go button on the Clients tab of the Client Services administration page.
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Viewing the Practice List
- The Practices page contains a list of up to ten practices. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of practices, to navigate through the list.
- To view active practices only, select the Show active only checkbox at the top of the Practices page. You set the inactive/active status in the Practice Details section of the Practices details page. When inactivating a practice, a pop-up will be displayed listing all users that will no longer be able to utilize Copia because of the inactivation. See "Adding or Editing Practice Details" below.
- To narrow the list of displayed practices, or to find a specific practice, use the Search option. Click the List option to return to the full list of practices. See "Searching for a Practice" below.
- To create a new practice, click the Add button or the Copy button in the Practices list page. See "Adding or Editing Practice Details" below.
- Clicking the Add button opens a blank record in the Locations details page to create a new location.
- Clicking the Copy button opens a new record in the Practices details page to create a new practice based on the practice associated with the button you clicked. Copia copies many of the settings from the existing practice; however, it does not copy specific details, such as name and phone. Note that the button is only visible if the user has security to create a new practice.
- Click the name of the practice on the Practices list page to view or edit practice information on the Practices details page. See "Adding or Editing Practice Details" below.
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Searching for a Practice
- Select the Search option to search by practice name. Enter one or more characters in the Search field and click the Search button to view a list of all practices that match your search. Note that Copia searches for embedded text as well as starting characters.
- If your search generates one or more matches, then the matching practices are displayed with the practice name and active status when the page refreshes. Select the desired practice to view the details. See "Accessing Practice Information" below.
- If no search results are found or if the desired practice is not found, search again, or click the Add button to add a practice. See "Adding or Editing Practice Details" below.
- Click the List option to view the full list of practices. See "Viewing the Practice List" above.
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Accessing Practice Information
- Use the Practices list page to access the Practices details page, where you may add or edit practice details and host information.
- To create a new practice, click the Add button in the Practices list page. This opens a blank record in the Practices details page to create a new practice. See "Adding or Editing Practice Details" below.
- To edit an existing practice, click the name of the practice in the Practices list page. This opens the selected practice's record in the Practices details page. See "Adding or Editing Practice Details" below.
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Adding or Editing Practice Details
- Use the Practice Details section of the Practices details page to add or edit practice demographic information, and set up defaults for routing, diagnosis validation, and billing.
- Complete the fields below to add demographic information for a new practice.
- Name: Enter the full name of the practice. This field is required.
- Practice ID: Enter the unique identification number for the practice. This field is required.
- Address 1/Address 2/ZIP Code/City/State/Country: Enter the full address for the practice, including any suite numbers. If ZIP code checking is enabled in the System Defaults administration page, then, when you enter a ZIP code that exists in the database, Copia automatically fills in the city and state associated with the ZIP code, and if the ZIP code update option is enabled, then Copia also updates the corresponding city and state data, if appropriate.
- Phone: Enter the telephone contact information for the practice.
- Email: Enter the email address for the practice.
- Active: Select this checkbox to enable users to select the practice while ordering. Clear this checkbox to restrict users from selecting the practice. If the practice is inactive, Copia clears it from the Practices list page when you select the Show active only checkbox. When inactivating a practice, a pop-up will be displayed listing all users that will no longer be able to utilize Copia because of the inactivation. See "Viewing the Practice List" above.
- Practice Management System: If you select a host in the Host Type drop-down list for a host on the Hosts administration page, then this field appears. Select an option to associate the practice with the selected practice management system. Once you associate the practice to a practice management system host, then you will be able to request updated patient information from the practice management system when selecting a patient during order entry or when searching for a patient. See the Find Patient or Order topic.
- Click the Associated Users button to open the Associated Users pop-up. Here you will be able show associated users by default and to have a filter for showing providers only. This displays a table with all users associated with the practice. Select the Show Providers Only checkbox to display only associated providers and select the Show Active Only checkbox to display only active users.
- Click the Associated Locations button to open the Associated Locations pop-up. This will display all locations associated with the current practice. Select the Show Active Only checkbox to display only active locations.
- To edit demographic information, highlight or delete text already displayed in the field, then modify as desired.
- Select from the lists below to define the default practice, host, routing, and diagnosis validation.
- Practice Routing: Select an option from this drop-down list to have Copia use the selected routing rule to set the testing lab for an order choice on the Order Patient Samples page. Copia applies practice-based routing rules to determine the testing lab for an order choice when appropriate according to the routing rule hierarchy. See the Order Patient Samples topic. If you cannot find the desired routing rule, create a new rule in the Routing Rules administration page. See the Admin: Routing Rules topic. Select the blank option to not set a routing rule. The displayed routing rules are limited to those available for the signed in user's practice.
- New Insurance Company Default Validation Set: Select the diagnosis validation set Copia uses for diagnosis and CPT code matching from the drop-down list. Select the "Blank" option to use Copia's default validation settings. Copia assigns this value by default
as the Validation Set value for each new practice-specific insurance company you create in the Insurance administration page. See the Admin: Insurance topic.
- Default Insurance Routing: Select from the drop-down list the value Copia should use for the default insurance routing setting for any insurance records created for this practice. If you cannot find the desired routing rule, create a new routing rule in the Routing Rules administration page. See the Admin: Routing Rules topic. Select the blank option to use Copia's default settings. Note that Copia only displays the routing rules available for the practice associated with your current signed in location.
- Demographic Source: Select a host from the drop-down list to represent the source for demographic information. Add or delete a host from the list in the Host Details section of the Hosts details page. See the Admin: Hosts topic.
- If you select a Demographic Source, select one or both checkboxes to determine whether to use the host's patient ID for a system practice ID or as the patient's medical record number. Note that these checkboxes are selected by default.
- Select an option from the Classification drop-down list to specify the classification of the patient in the practice. Select either "Human" or "Animal" from the drop-down list.
- Use host's patient ID as system patient ID: Clear or select this checkbox to use the host's patient ID for the patient as the system ID.
- Limit uniqueness check to patient IDs and host codes for the demographic source: If you have chosen the Use host's patient ID as system patient ID option, you may select this option to limit the search for duplicate patient IDs to other patients with the same patient ID value or other patients with the same patient host code value for that specific interface as the newly received patient ID. If you do not enable this option, Copia will search across host codes for all interfaces, not just the demographic source interface.
- Use host's patient ID as Practice's MRN: Clear or select this checkbox to use the host's patient ID as the Medical Record Number for the patient in the Demographics page. See the Demographics topic.
- Select or clear all checkbox options that apply to the practice's active status and billing rules.
- Use practice specific insurance information for this practice: Select this checkbox to designate that the insurance created for patients in the selected practice will be practice-specific insurance (insurance only available to that practice).
- Allow Client Bill for Medicare for this practice: Select this checkbox to enable Copia to override default Medicare billing and allow client billing for "point of care" orders. See the Setting Billing Account Numbers topic. If this setting is enabled, it supersedes the Allow Client Bill setting on the Insurance administration page, and the practice, location, or user administration settings determine the billing status (Client Bill or Direct Bill). If neither of the allow client bill settings are enabled, the default status will always be Direct Bill.
- Users can specify Direct Bill vs. Client Bill when ordering: Select this checkbox to allow users to override billing defaults and specify direct or client billing while ordering. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
- Users can specify Direct Bill vs. Client Bill for Location Lab Accounts: Select this checkbox to allow users to override billing defaults and specify direct or client billing in the Location Lab Accounts page. See the Location Lab Accounts topic.
- All ordering providers can be used in this practice (nursing homes): Select this checkbox to allow all ordering providers to order and receive results from this practice. This feature supports nursing home ordering and is not enabled by default.
- Force unique MRNs for all patients in this practice: Select this checkbox to prevent Copia from allowing duplicate MRNs on patients in the same practice. Note that Copia does not check blank MRNs for uniqueness, and patients may have the same MRN as a deleted patient, although Copia will add an underscore and number ("_X") to the end of any non-unique MRN number. Copia enforces this setting in three places:
- Demographics: When creating a new patient on the Demographics page and you click the Save button when the MRN field value is not unique, Copia displays an error and returns you to the MRN field. You will not be able to save the new patient until you enter a unique MRN. See the Demographics topic.
- Copying a patient to a practice: When a practice has the Force unique MRNs for all patients in this practice option enabled on this page and the Copy Patient MRN When Copying Patient to a Different Practice option enabled on the System Defaults administration page, then Copia checks the original patient's MRN to see if it is unique in the new practice. If it is not, then Copia appends "_#" and a number (up to 25) to the MRN until a unique MRN is found (e.g., mrn_5). If it does not find one by the upper limit of 25, then Copia logs an error and sets the patient's MRN to blank. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
However, if the pattern requirements set on the System Defaults or Location administration pages for the MRN field used on the Demographics page do not allow underscores, then users will not be able to save changes on the Demographics page without changing MRNs with the added underscore and number ("_X").
- Inbound HL7 Messages: If orders are being created from results and a new patient is created in a practice that forces unique MRNs, then Copia checks the MRN sent in the HL7 message for uniqueness in the system before saving it for the newly created patient. Copia checks the original patient's MRN to see if it is unique in the new practice. If it is not, then Copia appends "_#" and a number (up to 25) to the MRN until a unique MRN is found (e.g., mrn_5). If it does not find one by the upper limit of 25, then Copia logs an error and sets the patient's MRN to blank. Also, if new demographic data comes in for a patient, Copia first checks the incoming MRN to see if it is the same as the existing MRN, and if not it creates a unique one (see above).
- Changing a patient's practice: When a practice has the Force unique MRNs for all patients in this practice option enabled on this page and you change a patient's practice on the Patients administration page, Copia requires unique MRN for the destination practice. See the Admin: Patients topic.
- Click the Change Log button to view the change log for the selected practice. See the Admin: Change Log topic. Note that you must have the necessary security right to access the Change Log page.
- Click the Alerts & Comments button to view, add, edit, or delete the alerts and comments associated with the current practice. See the Admin: Alerts & Comments topic. Note that if there are alerts or comments for the practice, the button text is italicized.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click Save.
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Adding or Editing Host Information
- The Hosts Used by this Practice section of the Practices details page displays a list of available hosts and their information. Use this section to create or modify host information for this practice.
- Click the Toggle Sections button to have the ability to hide or display sections on the Practice Details page. The button toggles all of the sections to either be hidden or displayed based on the state of the first section.
- Add or edit the host name, type, and active status in the Host Details section of the Hosts details page. See the Admin: Hosts topic.
- Select or clear all checkbox options that apply to the host's active status and usability for this practice.
- Show active hosts only: Select this checkbox to view active hosts only. Set the active/inactive status in the Host Details section of the Hosts details page. See the Admin: Hosts topic.
- Practice Can Use Host: Select this checkbox to designate the host as usable for this practice.
- To add a Lab Account, enter the account number for the practice in the Lab Account fields, if needed. If you enter a lab account number and select the Client Bill option for the host (see below), and if the patient's insurance company is set up to allow client billing, then Copia defaults to using client bill.
- To edit a Lab Account, highlight or delete text already displayed in the field, then modify as desired.
- Select or clear all checkbox options that apply to the host's billing options.
- Client Bill: Select this checkbox to set client billing as a possible billing method for the practice.
- Billing Override: Select this checkbox to have Copia
assign the practice-level lab account number over the user-level and location-level settings. See the Setting Billing Account Numbers topic.
- Select the Don't Hold Reports checkbox to always send results immediately to the host. Note that this option is typically used for hosts that are not set up to receive results from Copia. Copia uses this setting when determining whether or not to deliver reports based on users' result delivery rules for new reports on the Result Delivery Rule page.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click Save.
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Adding or Editing the Default Lab List
- The Default Lab List (in priority order) section of the Practices details page displays a prioritized list (top to bottom) of labs (or hosts) Copia may assign as testing locations to orders when the current practice is associated with the ordering location of an order. Copia applies the highest priority practice-based default lab as the testing lab for an order choice based on the day/time constraints and when appropriate based on the routing rule hierarchy. See the Order Patient Samples topic. Use this section to add a lab or edit the lab's priority on one of the lab lists, as well as adjust the priority of the lab lists themselves.
- To create or edit a specific lab list, do the following:
- Click the Add button to add a lab using the Host Selection page. See the Admin: Host Selection topic.
- Once you add one or more labs, Copia displays the lab names with Up and Down arrow buttons in the Move column for that lab list. Click these arrows to arrange the labs in the desired priority order, with highest priority at the top of the list.
- To delete a lab from the list, click the X button that corresponds to the lab name.
- To modify the lab list as a whole, you may:
- Click the Add New List button to add a new lab list.
- Click the Sort List Up or Down arrow buttons to change the priority order for the lab list as a whole.
- Click the Add Day Time Contraints button to set or modify the day/time periods for which the lab list is in effect. If you do not set any day/time constraints, then Copia considers the list active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. See the Admin: Day and Time Range topic.
- Click the Remove Lab List button to delete the entire selected lab list.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click Save.
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Adding or Editing the Order Choice Restriction List
- The Restrict order choices to these lists when ordering location belongs to this practice section of the Practices details page displays the list of order choice lists you want to make available to users whose signed in location is linked to this practice. When you select one or more order choice lists and enable the order choice restriction feature on the Locations administration page, then users will only be able to select order choices that are on the selected lists when placing orders. Note that Copia will use the order choice restriction lists on the insurance company or insurance plan levels, if set, instead of this restriction list.
- Click the Add button to add order choice lists using the Order Choice List Search page. See the Admin: Order Choice List Search topic.
- To delete an order choice list from the list, click the X button that corresponds to the order choice list name.
- Click < Back to List to return to the Practices list page without saving any changes.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click Save.
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Adding or Editing the Always Send Results List
- The Always send results to these Hosts section of the Practices details page displays a list of hosts that should always receive results from this practice. Use this section to add hosts and set up reporting exclusions, which specify where reports are sent.
- Click the Add button to add hosts using the Host Selection page. See the Admin: Host Selection topic.
- Once you add one or more hosts, the Exclusion setting becomes a link within the Always send results to these Hosts section. This setting determines if results are sent to the chosen host. The default (no) setting enables Copia to send results to the host, while the (yes) setting restricts the transfer of results. To edit this setting, click the Exclusions link next to the desired Host Name to change the setting in the Host Selection page. See the Admin: Host Selection topic.
- To delete a host from the list, click the X button that corresponds to the host name.
- Click < Back to List to return to the Practices list page without saving any changes.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click Save.
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Customizing the Practice's Appearance
- The Customize Practice Appearance section of the Practices details page contains a button that allows you to modify the colors and images associated with the selected practice.
- Click the Appearance button to modify the visual characteristics of the program in the Appearance Setup administration page. See the Admin: Appearance topic. Note that you must have the necessary security settings to access the Appearance Setup administration page.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click Save.
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Setting the Default Patient Demographics
- The Default Patient Demographics section of the Practices details page contains the fields you may use to enter a default address to use for all patients you manually enter in Copia.
- Select the Use default patient address for new user created patients option to have Copia automatically enter the address information you enter (see below) for each patient a user creates on the Demographics page. This setting does not affect new patients created via HL7 messages.
- Enter information in one or more of the address fields: Address 1, Address 2, Zip Code, City, State, and Country. If zip code checking is enabled on the System Defaults administration page, then, when you enter a zip code that exists in the database, Copia automatically fills in the city and state associated with the zip code, and if the zip code update option is enabled, then Copia also updates the corresponding city and state data with any changes you make here, if appropriate.
As you enter address information, remember that you do not have to complete all of the fields. You may, for example, only wish to fill in the City, State, Zip Code, and Country fields, if most of your patients are from the same city. If most of your patients live in the same nursing home, for example, then you may also wish to fill in the Address 1 and Address 2 fields.
- Select the Use default patient phone for new user created patients option to have Copia automatically enter the phone information you enter (see below) for each patient a user creates on the Demographics page. This setting does not affect new patients created via HL7 messages.
- Enter a phone number in the Phone 1 field to have Copia automatically enter the phone number as the default phone number for new patient records on the Demographics page that users manually create.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click Save.
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