Cancel Order Choice
Page Description
Use the Cancel Order Choice page to cancel or reactivate order choices, as well as update cancellation reasons within an order. Copia displays the order ID, patient name, patient ID, sample ID(s), and name of the person who cancelled (or is cancelling) the order choices at the top of the page. If someone modifies the cancellation, then Copia also displays the date and time it was cancelled, who modified the cancellation, and the date and time it was modified.
If you have collected the sample for an order choice before you select the Cancel checkbox on the Order Patient Samples page, Copia displays this page so you may cancel or reactivate the order choice. If you have not collected the sample for an order choice before you select the Cancel checkbox, then by default Copia completely removes the order choice from the order and does not display this page; however, you may modify the system default setting to have Copia retain a record of the order choice and just mark the order choice as cancelled instead of removing it from the order.
You must have the necessary right associated with your assigned security role, or Copia will not allow you to cancel order choices. Note that there are separate rights to cancel order choices on an order that is final or to cancel order choices that have been collected, but
there is no right necessary to view and update the reason for cancellation when an order choice has already been cancelled.
When you cancel an order choice for a standing order that is the most recent order in the series, Copia displays a prompt to allow you to choose whether the order choice should be cancelled for all future orders in the standing order or just for that single order. If you want the order choice to remain on the next order in the standing order's series, then the order choice must remain on the order (regardless of the system default setting for keeping cancelled order choices or not). If you are cancelling an order choice on a standing order that is not the most recent order in the series, Copia will not prompt you for the scope of the cancellation.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Select or clear the Cancel checkbox in the Order Choices section of the Order Patient Samples page for an order choice with a sample that has been collected.
- Select the Cancel: this Order Choice, Cancel: all Pending, or Cancel: Original Order options for an order choice on the Pending Orders page.
- Click the X button in the Order Choices column for the order choice you wish to cancel on the Collect Samples page.
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Cancelling an Order Choice
- Select the checkbox next to one or more of the order choice names in The following order choice will be cancelled section. You must select at least one checkbox. This allows you to verify which order choices you wish to cancel.
- Enter the reason for the cancellation in the Enter Reason field. This field is required.
If you are cancelling order choices from the most recent standing order in the series on the Order Patient Samples page or the Pending Orders page, or cancelling order choices or rejecting samples for standing orders from the Collect Samples page, Copia prompts you to decide if the order choice should be cancelled for all future orders in the standing order or just for the selected order. Click the button on the prompt for which cancellation you wish to perform.
- Click the Insert Date/time button to insert the current date and time where the cursor is located in the text field. If the cursor is not in the text field, Copia inserts the date and time at the beginning of the field.
- After you select an option at the prompt, click Don't Cancel to return to the preceding page without cancelling the order choice(s), or click Proceed With Cancellation to cancel the order choice(s) and return to the preceding page.
- Note that, when you return to the Order Patient Samples page, Copia may remove any cancelled order choices that have an "Ordered" status (those that have not been collected), depending on your system default administration settings. Copia does not remove cancelled order choices that have a "Collected" status (those that have been collected); it keeps those order choices on the order, but it selects the Cancel checkbox and disables the fields for each cancelled order choice. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
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Updating the Cancellation Reason
- Note the order choice name in The following order choice is cancelled section to verify that you selected the correct order choice.
- Highlight or delete text already displayed in the Enter Reason field, then modify as desired.
- Click the Insert Date/time button to insert the current date and time where the cursor is located in the text field. If the cursor is not in the text field, Copia inserts the date and time at the beginning of the field.
- Click Don't Reactivate Order Choice to return to the preceding page without updating the reason.
- Click Update Reason to record changes and return to the preceding page. Note that you may only update cancellation reasons for order choices that had a "Collected" status when cancelled.
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Reactivating an Order Choice
- Note the order choice name in The following order choice is cancelled section to verify that you selected the correct order choice. Click the Select All button to have Copia select all of the order choices in the section.
- Click Don't Reactivate Order Choice to return to the preceding page without reactivating the order choice.
- Click Reactivate Order Choice to reactivate the order choice and return to the preceding page with the order choice returned to the order. Note that you must have the necessary right associated with your assigned security role in order to reactivate cancelled order choices and that you may only reactivate order choices that had a "Collected" status when cancelled.
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