Page Description
Use the Application page to view, create, or edit your password and
start page information, as well as select default and filter settings used on pages throughout the program.
Some of the information in this page is set up by the Orchard Copia Administrator
when your account is established. You may only modify the information
as described below.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
You must have the necessary security right to access the Application page.
- Click the My Preferences menu button and then click the Application
submenu link.
- Click the Application submenu link on the User, Contact, Order Choice
Lists, Profile List, Result Delivery, or Associates setup pages.
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Entering General Settings
- The name you use to access Copia is listed in
the User Name field. You may not edit this field.
- Click Change Password to access the Change Password page,
where you may change the password you use to sign into Copia. See the Change
Password/New Password topic. You must have the necessary security right to change your password.
- Click the Password Reset Questions button to define, view, or modify questions and answer pairs that Copia can use to have you verify your identity and allow you to reset your password in the event that you forget or lose your password. The button text appears in green, italic font if you have defined password reset questions. Once you click the button, Copia will authenticate and guide you through defining or updating questions and answers in the following dialogs:
- Authenticate: Copia displays your user name and prompts you to enter your password and click Next to continue.
- Change Authentication Questions: Copia allows you to select a pre-defined question (e.g., father's middle name, favorite teacher, etc.) or create a custom question. Select or enter a Question, and then enter the correct Answer to the question. Click Next to continue. Repeat this process for each question, and then click Save after setting up the third question and answer pair. Copia will now use these values if you click the "Forgot Password" link on the Sign In page. See the Sign In topic.
Note: If your facility is using LDAP or Active Directory authentication for sign ins, this feature will not be available on the Sign In page.
- Select an option from the Sign-in Location field to set the location from which you are signing into Copia. Set this field to blank if you do not wish to have a default sign in location. Your selected signed in location affects many options and features throughout Copia, so it is important that you select the correct location for this field. Administrators may also set this value on the Users administration page.
- Select a Sign-in Location option to set how Copia determines the user's sign in location.
- Ask when signing in: Receive a prompt at each sign in.
- Last location I used: Use the last location you selected as your sign in location.
- Last location used on workstation: Use the last location anyone on the workstation used to sign in.
IMPORTANT: Your selected signed in location affects many options and features throughout Copia, so it is important that you select the correct value/location for this field. You may also set this value on the Set Location lab task page.
- Select an entry from the Application Start Page drop-down field. Copia will open the selected page when you sign in. By default, the Manage Orders > Order Patient Samples page is selected.
- Manage Orders > Order Patient Samples
- Manage Orders > Order Choice Catalog
- Manage Orders > Pending Orders
- Manage Samples > Collect Samples
- Manage Samples > Collection List
- Manage Samples > Pending Collection
- Manage Samples > Waiting Room
- View Results > Location Inbox
- View Results > User Inbox
- Patient Info > Demographics
- Patient Info > Order History
- My Preferences > User
If you have the necessary security settings, then you will also be able to select one of the following start pages. Note that Copia only displays in the list the pages you have access to.
- Basic Setup > System Defaults
- Manage > Fix ADT
- Manage > Fix Orders
- Manage > Match Results
- Monitor > Interfaces
- Monitor > Inbound Queue
- Monitor > Outbound Queue
- Manage > Client Services
- Manage > Client Services > Items
- Manage > Release Results
- Monitor > Lab Orders
- Select the Military Time option to enter time values using military format or AM/PM to use AM/PM format in the Date/Time Input Type field on the Order Patient Samples page. If this feature is enabled, Copia displays hours in military time when you enter the time field, and it sets the time and AM/PM values accordingly when you exit the field. Be aware that Copia displays the standard time format on-screen and on all reports. Select the Allow time entry using military time checkbox to allow the user to enter time values in military time format.
- Select the Clear previously loaded patient when navigating to Order Patient Samples and Collect Samples option to have Copia clear the selected user from the Order Patient Samples page and the Collect Samples page when the loaded patient changed since the last time you were on the ordering page or collection page. If you do not select this option, Copia assumes you want to place an order or collect samples for the patient already loaded in the ordering page or collection page, and it will retain the currently selected patient.
- Select the Show complete order choice names on the label print page option to show complete order choice names instead of abbreviations on the Label Printing page.
- Select the Use Enter to move to the next field on the Order Patient Samples, Patient Demographics, Patient Insurance, and Encounters pages checkbox to have Copia use the "Enter" key like the "Tab" key on pages that use a Tabbing Order. When this setting is turned on, pressing "Enter" when focus is in a field that is a part of your Tabbing Order will move the focus to the next field in the Tabbing Order. Date/Time Input calendars will ignore this setting. Pressing "Enter" will display the calendar instead. Text Area fields will ignore this setting. Pressing "Enter" will add a new line to the field instead. Search-as-you-type fields will move to the next field in the Tabbing Order upon selecting a value, whether you do so by pressing "Enter," or by clicking on a value. The Search button will ignore this setting.
- Select an option from the Label Printer Type drop-down field to define what label printer type you will have, regardless of what computer you are currently using. It defaults to "Use Cookie Setting," but you may also select "EPL2," "Labeler," or "ZPLII" from the drop-down list.
- Select an option from the Label Printer drop-down field for automatic HL7 label printing and signed in automatic label printing. If the desired printer is not in the list, click the Search button to find the label printer in the Label Printer Search page. See the Label Printer Search topic. Click the Test button to have Copia attempt to connect to the label printer. If it does not work, contact your system administrator, or select a different label printer.
- Select an option from the Visibility of navigation menu on page load drop-down list to control how Copia displays the navigation portion of the application when you are signed into the application.
While this setting controls the default visibility of the menu, you may use the Hide Menu and Show Menu links located on the navigation pane to manually show or hide the navigation menu at any time.
- Visible: Select this option to display the navigation menu every time Copia reloads a page.
- Hidden: Select this option to hide the navigation menu every time Copia reloads a page.
- Same as on Previous Page: Select this option to display the navigation menu each time you sign in, and then have Copia show or hide the navigation menu on the page you are opening based on the state of the navigation menu on the page you are leaving.
Note that while Copia generally reloads pages when you move from one page to another, it may reload the page automatically (as on the Interface Activity administration page) or when you perform certain functions on the page (such as performing a search).
- Select an option from the Inbox report notification display type drop-down list to display the number of unacknowledged inbox reports for the current user and location. Select either "Not Used" or "Show all unacknowledged reports" from the list. The default value is "Not Used." When the "Show all unacknowledged reports" option is selected, the number of unacknowledged reports will be displayed in the navigation menu sidebar. These displayed values are updated approximately once every minute. The user information section will include a line displaying "New Results" followed by the total number of unacknowledged results in parentheses. The View Results navigation menu section will display the total number of unacknowledged results in parentheses. If the View Results section is expanded, the inbox page links will display the number of unacknowledged reports for the specific inbox. The "User Inbox" page link will display the number of unacknowledged reports in the current user's inbox. The "Location Inbox" will display the number of unacknowledged result reports followed by the number of unacknowledged other reports. If any value is over 99, it will instead display "99+."
- Select an option from the Copia layout to use by default drop-down list to control which layout will be used by default when you first sign in to Copia. New will be selected as the default.
- Select an option from the Default Recipient Type drop-down list to select the default recipient (Copia User, External Recipient, Location, or Host) for fax transmissions sent from the Fax Recipient page and for result recipients on the Add/Edit Recipient page.
- Select the Use System Default Timeout option to use the system default program timeout settings. Clear this option and set the number of minutes for your own session timeout (between 5 and 60 minutes) in the Session Timeout (Minutes) field to use your settings in place of the system default settings. Note that you must have the necessary rights associated with your assigned role to see these options.
- Select the Use the Find Patient pop-up or Order search tool checkbox to have Copia use the Find Patient pop-up to search for patients, or the order search tool when searching for orders.
- Select an option from the Align the pop-up's search result tables drop-down list to have Copia align the search result tables within the pop-up. Select either "horizontally" or "vertically" from the drop-down list to align the tables.
- Select the Display the Order Search area before the Patient Search area checkbox to have Copia display the order search area before the patient search area.
- Enter a value into the Default Message Center reminder delay field. Click the drop-down list and select either "minute(s)," "hour(s)," "day(s)," or "week(s)" from the list. The default value is 5.
- Select the Use Text Shortcuts checkbox to enable Copia to use text shortcuts throughout the system. Once Text Shortcuts are enabled, users can trigger them by typing into text fields that accept Text Shortcuts. Upon typing a Text Shortcut's Shortcut Key, the Text Shortcut will be triggered. If the Text Shortcut did not contain any "Variable" field codes, the Shortcut Text will instantly replace the Shortcut Key, updating non-Variable field codes automatically. If the Shortcut Text contains a "Variable" field code, an Update Text Shortcut Variables pop-up will open. The Shortcut Text will be displayed, including updated non-Variable field codes, as read-only text. Input fields will be displayed in place of the "Variable" field codes. "Text Input Variable" field codes will be replaced with a Text Input field. "Drop-down Variable" field codes will be replaced with a drop-down menu containing the options configured in the field code. The pop-up has Save and Cancel buttons. Upon clicking the Save button, the Text Shortcut's Shortcut Key will be replaced with the updated Shortcut Text from the pop-up. Variables that were left blank on the pop-up will be removed from the updated Shortcut Text. Upon clicking the Cancel button, the pop-up will close and the Text Shortcut's Shortcut Key will be replaced with the Shortcut Text from the pop-up as if all of the variable responses were left blank. If Text Shortcuts are enabled, users can open a Text Shortcut List pop-up by typing "/help" (no quotes) in any text field that accepts Text Shortcuts. The Text Shortcut List pop-up has the same filter and table as seen on the Text Shortcut list page. Users may insert a Text Shortcut by clicking the link text in the table. This triggers the Text Shortcut as if the Shortcut Key were typed in the field used to open the pop-up (the field in which the user typed "/help"). Selecting a Text Shortcut from the pop-up will close the pop-up, even if the selected Text Shortcut opens the Update Text Shortcut Variables pop-up. For more information on using Text Shortcuts, navigate to the Using Text Shortcuts topic, or to the Admin: Text Shortcuts topic.
- Click the Save button to record your changes, or click the Discard Changes button to clear your changes.
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Selecting Order Patient Samples Settings
Select the default options for the Order Patient Samples page. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
Note that administrators may also enable these settings in the Users administration page.
- Select the By default select the current signed-in location as the Ordering Location on Order Patient Samples checkbox to have Copia use the user's current signed-in location as the default selection for the Ordering Location on the Order Patient Samples page for new orders.
- Select the By default select the current signed-in location's practice for Ordering Location search on Order Patient Samples checkbox to have Copia limit search results listed in the Ordering Location search field on the Order Patient Samples page to the practice of the current signed-in location.
- Select the Limit patient searching on Order Patient Samples to selected location's practice option to allow users to search only for patients who belong to practices associated with the current user's signed in location.
- Select the Limit provider searching on Order Patient Samples to selected ordering location's practice option to search only for providers who belong to practices associated with the ordering location selected for the order. If you do not select this option, then Copia displays all ordering providers visible to you.
Note that this setting only affects the ordering provider search when a patient has not been selected. After you have selected a patient, Copia limits the ordering provider search to that patient's practice. Also note that if the selected ordering location's practice has the "All ordering providers can be used in this practice (nursing homes)" setting enabled, provider searching behaves as if this setting is turned off.
- Select the Limit ordering location searching on Order Patient Samples to the selected ordering provider's practices option to limit the ordering location search to those locations that would be available if the selected provider were the one performing the location search. Note that your location/practice restrictions will still be respected.
- Select the Assume searching on DOB when numbers are typed in the Order Patient Search (insert slashes and enforce the DOB format) option to automatically insert slashes and underscores to format the search as a date (like "__/__/____") after a number has been entered. As you type, the numbers will replace the underscores, and the slashes will remain. No more than eight numbers will be allowed, and months or days under ten will need to be formatted with a leading zero (like "09/01/2011"). This setting will be turned off by default.
When clicking "New Patient" on the patient search, auto-populate the Patient Last Name or Patient MRN field with the contents of the search criteria text by selecting an option from the drop-down list.
- Select the When searching for Fax Recipients on the Send Reports page, the fax number must match exactly checkbox to have Copia force searching for fax recipients on the Send Reports page to match the fax number exactly.
- Select an option from the When clicking "New Patient" on the patient search, auto-populate the _____ field with the contents of the search criteria text drop-down list to select a field to auto-populate the contents of the search critieria when clicking "New Patient." Select either "Patient Last Name," "Patient MRN," "Ignore capitalization rules," "Display ABN in Spanish," "Patient is Orderable," "Patient is Deceased," "Patient Notify Result Released," "Patient Mother's Maiden Last Name," "Patient Mother's Maiden First Name," "Patient Mother's Maiden Middle Name," "Patient Mother's Maiden Suffix," "Patient Mother's Maiden Prefix," or "Patient Mother's Maiden Professional Suffix" from the list.
- Select the Use pop-ups for patient Demographics and Insurance on Order Patient samples and Collect Samples pages option to allow users to view or edit patient demographic and insurance information from the Order Patient Samples and Collect Samples pages. When this is enabled and users click the "Demographics" or "Insurance" links at the top of either page, Copia displays the Demographics or Insurance pop-up windows. Users may then view or modify patient demographic or insurance information as they would in the Demographics or Insurance pages. See the Demographics or Insurance topics.
- Select an option from the Default order choice search dialog search type to set the default searching option for the Order Choice Search quicksearch pop-up window, accessed from the Order Patient Samples page.
- Search All Order Choices
- Search Order Choice Lists
- Select an option from the Default List for Order Choice Search on Order Patient Samples drop-down list. Select either "My Frequent," "Profiles," or "Use Ordering Location's Default" from the list.
- Search Profiles
- Select the Use order choice abbreviation list on Order Patient Samples option to display the Abbreviation List field on the Order Patient Samples page. When this field is enabled, you may quickly add multiple order choices to the order by typing their abbreviations (separated by the user-defined Search Field Delimiter below) and then clicking the Add button.
- Select the Use diagnoses pop-up searching on Order Patient Samples option to allow users to search for diagnosis codes directly from a pop-up window accessed from the Order Patient Samples page.
- Select the Sort diagnosis codes by the order in which they were added to have Copia sort diagnosis codes by the order that they were added.
- Select the Prompt for the scope to apply changes when changing an order choice's option to allow a user to change the priority of an order choice on Order Patient Samples page. They will be prompted to choose how to apply the changes depending on the state of the order and the order choice that was modified.
- Priority
- Alternate sample collection
- Billing status
- Select the Clear the Order Patient Samples page after saving an order option to have Copia reset all of the fields on the Order Patient Samples page after you click the Save button.
- Select a radio button from the Pressing the enter key on the order choice search dialog will: section:
- Add the highlighted row to the selected items table: Select this option to add highlighted rows to selected items within the table.
- Add all rows in the search results table to the selected items table if the number of search criteria in the search field equals the number of search results: Select this option to add rows in the search results table to the selected items table, only if the number of search criteria in the search field matches the number of search results.
- Add all rows in the search results table to the selected items table if the number of search criteria in the search field equals the number of search results, then close the search pop-up: Select this option to add rows in the search results table to the selected items table, only if the number of search criteria in the search field matches the number of search results. If this items is selected, the search pop-up will close after.
- Enter a character in the Search Field Delimiter field to set what character separates your entries in the Abbreviation List field (if available) on the Order Patient Samples page and the Diagnoses field on the Diagnoses Search page. The default delimiter is a semicolon (;). Copia treats items you separate with this delimiter as individual entries as it attempts to match the order choice or ICD-9 code.
- Select the Do not clear the patient search field upon clicking the field option to allow users to modify the patient name on the Order Patient Samples page. With this setting enabled, clicking inside the Patient search field on the Order Patient Samples page moves the cursor within the field rather than clearing the field. Press the left and right arrow keys to move the cursor within the Patient search field on the Order Patient Samples page instead of paging through search results.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
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Selecting Order Choice Catalog Settings
- Select the Default to Signed-In Location on the Order Choice Catalog option to default the Ordering Location drop-down on the Order Choice Catalog page to the signed in location if the signed in location is an ordering location. See the Order Choice Catalog topic.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
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Selecting Pending Orders Settings
These settings become the defaults on the Pending Orders page. See the Pending Orders topic.
- Select an option from the Use the _____ on the Pending Orders page drop-down list. Select either "User Application Settings" or "Signed-in Location Custom Filter" from the list. Note that if the "User Application Settings" option is selected, the Pending Orders page will use the default filter.
- Select the By default show filter checkbox to have Copia show the filter by default.
- Select the Limit to orders that have had results pending for at least ___ days checkbox to limit the search to orders that have had results pending for a specific amount of days. Enter a value into the field to specify the amount of days Copia limits to. The default value is 3 days.
- Select the Do not show orders older than ___ days checkbox to have Copia not display orders older than a specific amount of days. Enter a value into the field to specify the amount of days Copia shows. The default value is 30 days.
- Select the Limit to orders ___ in a range checkbox to select an option from the drop-down list. Selecting this checkbox limits orders to a certain range. Select either "ordered," "collection proposed," or "collected" from the drop-down list.
- Select the By default select signed-in user as Ordering Provider checkbox to have Copia select the signed-in user as the ordering provider by default.
- Select the Set the Ordering Location filter to "-All-" by default option to have the Ordering Location filter option on the Pending Orders page default to searching for all ordering locations. If you do not select this option, the default selection is to filter by the user's signed-in location.
- Select the Display Not Accessioned Column checkbox to have Copia display the Not Accessioned column.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
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Selecting ABN Status/Print Settings
- Select the Select all order choices by default on the ABN Status/Print page option to have Copia automatically select all of the order choices associated with the ABN whenever users navigate to the ABN Status/Print page. See the ABN Status/Print topic.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
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Selecting Result Report Inbox Filter Settings
These settings apply when you are viewing result reports on the User Inbox
and Location Inbox pages.
- Select an option from the Use the _____ on the Result Report Inbox page drop-down list. Select either "User Application Settings" or "Signed-in Location Custom Filter" from the list. Note that if the "User Application Settings" option is selected, the Result Report Inbox page will use the default filter.
- Select the Show Report Inbox Filter checkbox to have Copia display the Report Inbox filter.
- Select the Hide Acknowledged Reports option to remove acknowledged
result reports from the inbox lists by default.
- Select a radio button option to set the default filter setting for the Location Inbox and User Inbox pages.
Copia will automatically set the filters in the inbox pages
to use the option you select here.
- Select the Reports received in the past __
days option and enter the number of days to have Copia display result reports from the selected date range. If you select this option, you may also define the default for what days of the week Copia should look
for result reports by selecting either the Days include every day of the
week option or the Days include only weekdays option.
- Select the Reports received between option to have Copia select this option and set the current date as the date range for displayed result reports.
- Select the All unacknowledged reports option to have Copia display all result reports that are not yet acknowledged.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
- These settings become the default filter settings on the User Inbox
and Location Inbox pages. See the User
Inbox and Location Inbox topics.
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Selecting Other Report Inbox Filter Settings
These settings apply when you are viewing orther reports on the User Inbox
and Location Inbox pages.
- Select an option from the Use the _____ on the Other Report Inbox page drop-down list. Select either "User Application Settings" or "Signed-in Location Custom Filter" from the list. Note that if the "User Application Settings" option is selected, the Other Report Inbox page will use the default filter.
- Select the Hide Acknowledged Reports option to remove acknowledged
reports from the inbox lists by default.
- Select a radio button option to set the default filter setting for the Location Inbox and User Inbox pages.
Copia will automatically set the filters in the inbox pages
to use the option you select here.
- Select the Reports received in the past __
days option and enter the number of days to have Copia display reports from the selected date range. If you select this option, you may also define the default for what days of the week Copia should look
for reports by selecting either the Days include every day of the
week option or the Days include only weekdays option.
- Select the Reports received between option to have Copia select this option and set the current date as the date range for displayed reports.
- Select the All unacknowledged reports option to have Copia display all reports that are not yet acknowledged.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
- These settings become the default filter settings on the User Inbox
and Location Inbox pages. See the User
Inbox and Location Inbox topics.
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Defining the Inbox Page Size
Copia uses this setting when displaying the User Inbox
and Location Inbox pages. See the User
Inbox and Location Inbox topics. This setting also overrides the column view rule setting for the inboxes for both patient and result reports.
- Modify the Use default page size field to control how many reports per page appear when you open the Location Inbox or User Inbox pages. The default value is 20.
- Select the Skip to next entry when you acknowledge a report option to automatically load the next report when acknowledging reports in the User Inbox.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
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Defining Collect Samples Settings
These settings allow the user to configure settings for collecting samples on the Collect Samples page. See the Collect Samples topic.
- Select the Set default cursor position to the Sample ID field of the first sample not marked as collected checkbox to direct initial focus to the Sample ID field of the first sample that is not marked as collected on the Collect Samples page. The field contents are also automatically selected when this focus is applied.
- Select the Update Insurance button links to the Order Patient Samples when order's insurance does not match patient's default checkbox to update the Insurance button links to the Order Patient Samples page when the order's insurance does not match the patient's default insurance.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
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Selecting Pending Collection Filter Settings
These settings become the default filter settings on the Pending Collection page. See the Pending Collection topic.
- Select an option from the Use the _____ on the Pending Collection page drop-down list. Select either "User Application Settings" or "Signed-in Location Custom Filter" from the list. Note that if the "User Application Settings" option is selected, the Pending Collection page will use the default filter.
- Select the Limit to orders that have had collection pending for at least __ ____ checkbox, enter a number, and select
a unit of time to limit the list based
on how long the collection has been pending. If an order has been
in pending status for less than the specified number of hours, days, or weeks, then Copia will not include
it in the Pending Collection list.
- Select the Do not show orders older than __ ____ checkbox, enter a number, and select
a unit of time to limit the list based on the number of days the collection has been pending. If an order is older than the specified number of hours, days, or weeks, then Copia will not include it in the Pending Collection or Pending Orders lists.
- Select the Limit to orders _____ in a time range checkbox and select ordered or with collection times to limit the list to include only those orders that were ordered or collected in the specified time range on the Pending Collection and Pending Orders pages. Note that you cannot use this option at the same time you are using the Do not show orders older than __ days option.
- Select the Do not show future orders checkbox to
hide future orders
on the Pending Collection or Pending Orders lists.
- Select the By default choose signed-in location checkbox to have Copia automatically select your signed in location as the ordering location for the Pending Collection Filter on the Pending Collection page. If you do not select this checkbox, Copia selects "All" by default for the ordering location for the filter.
- Select the By default select orders manually option to automatically display the Pending Collection Filter when you open the Pending Collection page. Note that the filter must be displayed in order to manually select orders by hand or when using a bar code scanner.
- Select the By default show filter option to have Copia display the filter when you navigate to the Pending Collection page.
- To limit the displayed results to uncollected orders that contain one or more specific order choices, click the Add button next to the Limit to Order Choices field to select the desired order choice in the Order Choice Search page. See the Order Choice Search topic. Select one or more order choices in the Limit to Order Choices field and click the Remove Selected button to remove the selected order choices from the filter. Click the Clear List button to remove all of the order choices in the Limit to Order Choices field.
- Select the Default Override Phlebotomist selection to signed-in user option to default the current signed in user in the Override Phlebotomist field.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
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Defining Collection List Settings
These settings affect the default filter values on the Collection List page. See the Collection List topic.
- Select an option from the Use the _____ on the Collection List page drop-down list. Select either "User Application Settings" or "Signed-in Location Custom Filter" from the list. Note that if the "User Application Settings" option is selected, the Collection List page will use the default filter.
- Enter a value for the Use default number of results to display on the Collection List page (Create and Reconcile) field to control how many results Copia displays on the Collection List page.
- Select the Exclude Orders on Other Collection Lists option to ignore
orders that fall within your Start and End Times, but have already
been added to an existing collection list.
- Select the Include collected samples when printing labels checkbox to have Copia include collected samples when printing labels.
- Select an option from the Default Filter Date Type drop-down list to define the default setting ("Order Date" or "Proposed Collection Date") for the type of date used in the Collection List filter on the Collection List page.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
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Defining Manifest Filter Settings
These settings affect the default filter values on the Create Manifest page. See the Create Manifest topic.
- Enter a value for the Use default number of results to display on the Create Manifest page field to control how many results Copia displays on the Create Manifest page. The default value is 10.
- Select "All" or "Blank" from the Default Lab Selection drop-down field to set the default value for the Lab field on the Create Manifest page.
- Show samples collected/ordered in the past __ ___: Select the type of sample action (collected or ordered), and then enter a number and
select a unit of time as the limit for how recently the samples were
collected or ordered. Copia
will only search for samples that were collected or ordered within that time frame.
For example, if you select "collected," enter "5," and select "days,"
will display only those samples where the sample collection occurred
within the last 5 days. 24 hours is the amount of time selected
by default.
- Show samples on other manifests: Select this option to display samples on the list even if they have already been added to another manifest.
- Exclude samples with results: Select this option to exclude samples for order choices that have results.
- Show samples collected/ordered in the date range: Select this option to set whether the date range will be for collected or ordered samples.
- Show collected samples not on a manifest: Select this option to display all samples for the selected lab (or all labs) that have not been added to a manifest yet.
- Select samples manually: Select this option to set the Create Manifest page to default to manual entry of order or sample IDs.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
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Defining Lab Orders Settings
These settings affect the default filter values on the Lab Orders and Release Samples pages. See the Release Samples and
Lab Orders topics.
- Select the Print requisition on transmit, Print manifest on transmit, and/or Print labels on transmit options to have Copia select the corresponding checkbox(es) on the Lab Orders and Release Samples pages by default, so that Copia is set to print the appropriate items when transmitting orders. Note that you must have the right to view the Lab Orders page to access these options.
- Select the Default ordering location filter to signed-in location option to set the current signed in location as the selected ordering location for the filter on the Lab Orders and Release Samples pages.
- Select the Default collection location filter to signed-in location option to set the current signed in location as the selected collection location for the filter on the Lab Orders and Release Samples pages.
- Select the Default Release Samples filter to "Manually select samples" option to have users default to manually selecting samples on the Lab Orders and Release Samples pages.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
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Defining the Release Results Page Size
- Modify the Use default page size field to control how many reports per page appear when you open the Release Results page. The default value is 10, but you may select any number from 1 to 5000.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
- Copia uses this setting when displaying pages
on the Release Results page. See the Admin: Release Results topic.
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Defining Order History Settings
These settings affect the default view of the Order History page; however, you may manually override this setting when viewing the page. See the Order History page.
- Select the By default hide cancelled orders checkbox to hide cancelled orders on the Order History page.
- Select the By default hide completed orders checkbox to hide completed orders on the Order History page.
- Select the By default show the Order History filter checkbox to have Copia show the Order History filter by default.
- Select the Print pending result reports when printing selected option to allow users to print result reports on the Order History page for orders with no results.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
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Defining Cumulative Report Settings
These settings affect the default view of the Cumulative Report page; however, you may manually override this setting when viewing the page. See the Cumulative Report page.
- Select the Cumulative Report Default Format drop-down list to select one of the following:
- Order Choice Based: Select this option to base the report on order choices.
- Order Choice Based (Inline): Select this option to base the report on order choices, where if a single order choice's results do not fit in one page width, it will break at the end of the page and continue directly underneath it with more results for that same order choice.
- Order Choice Based (Grid): Select this option to base the report on order choices, where if a single order choice's results do not fit in one page width, it will break at the end of the page and print a new page for each additional page width of results for that order choice. This format allows users to lay the result report out flat so all of one order choice's results will line up next to each other in a single row.
- Test Based: Select this option to base the report on tests.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
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Defining Patient Demographics Settings
These settings affect the default view of the Demographics page; however, you may manually override this setting when viewing the page. See the Demographics page.
- Select the Clear the Patient Demographics page after saving a patient checkbox to have Copia clear Patient Demographics after saving information for a patient. This setting forces the Patient Demographics page to refresh after changes are made to a patient. The user will have to reselect a patient, or choose to add a new patient afterwards.
- Select the Load the Insurance Search page when creating a new patient insurance checkbox to have Copia load the Insurance Search page when creating new insurance for a patient.
- Select the When creating a patient alert, allow for the alert to be applied to all linked patients checkbox to have Copia apply the alert to all linked patients when creating a patient alert.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
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Defining Lab Report Settings
These settings affect the default view of the Lab Report page; however, you may manually override this setting when viewing the page. See the Lab Report page.
- Select one or more of the following settings to have Copia display results for a specified method on the Result Delivery page:
- Display results for Inbox on Result Delivery page
- Display results for Fax on Result Delivery page
- Display results for Email on Result Delivery page
- Display results for HL7 on Result Delivery page
- Display results for RAPS on Result Delivery page
- Display results for Direct Printing on Result Delivery page
- Display results for Direct Dial on Result Delivery page
- Select an option from the Default Sort by Delivery Date drop-down list to set a default sort-by-delivery date. Select either "Oldest First" or "Newest First" from the list.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
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Defining Client Services Settings
These settings affect the default view of the Client Services administration page; however, you may manually override this setting when viewing the page. See the Admin: Client Services page.
- Select the By default, when creating new Items, set myself as the Assignee checkbox to have Copia set the current signed-in user as the default assignee when creating new Items.
- Select the By default, when creating new Items, set myself as the Contact checkbox to have Copia set the current signed-in user as the default contact person when creating new Items.
- Select the Automatically display locked Items when returning to Client Services checkbox to have Copia automatically display any locked Items when returning to the Client Services administration page.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
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Defining Data Browser Settings
These settings affect the default view of the Client Services administration page; however, you may manually override this setting when viewing the page. See the Admin: Client Services page.
- Select the By default maintain fixed field count checkbox to have Copia maintain the fixed field count by default.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
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