Collect Samples
Page Description
Use the Collect Samples page to record collections and reject samples as well as
access the ABN form, patient questions, label printing,
requisition(s), collection lists, and order comments.
By default, Copia displays the patient's orders with an order date/time up to one day into the future; however, the Copia System Administrator can modify the system default settings to increase the limit for the number of days in the future to display orders.
At the time of collection, Copia determines if an order request message has been already sent. If it has not but should have, then Copia will send an order request message at the time of collection.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the Manage Samples menu button and then click the Collect
Samples submenu link.
- Click the Collect Samples button on the Order Patient Samples, Demographics, Insurance, or Order History pages.
- Click the Order ID of the desired order on the Collection List page.
- Click the Order ID of the desired order, and then select Samples in the
pop-up list in the Location Inbox, User Inbox, Pending Collection, Order History,
Create Manifest, or Find Patient or Order lab tasks pages or the Lab Orders administration page.
- Click the name of the desired patient, and then select Collect Samples in the
pop-up list on the Find Patient or Order lab tasks page or the Lab Orders administration page.
- Click the Options link next to the “Demographics,” “Insurance,” and “Order History” links at the top of the Demographics, Insurance, Order History, Collect Samples, Find Patient or Order, and Order Patient Samples pages, and then select Collect Samples.
- Click the Mark Collected button on the Match Results administration page.
- Depending on the system-wide administration settings, this page may appear automatically after you click Save on the Order Patient Samples page.
- Scan a patient or order bar code while the default page when scanning setting on the System Defaults administration page is set to open the Collect Samples page.
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Reviewing the Collect Samples Page
- Use the Find Patient search feature to select the name of the patient with the outstanding sample collection you wish to view. See the Selecting a Patient topic.
- If you selected a patient in another page before opening this one, then that patient's order history is shown, unless the setting to clear the current patient when changing pages is enabled on the Application lab tasks page or the Users administration page. See the Application or Admin: Users topics.
- If you opened this page from the Order Patient Samples page, then only that order's samples are displayed. Click the show all uncollected orders for this patient link to view all of the patient's uncollected orders.
- If you did not find the correct patient in your search, you may need to create a new patient record. See the Demographics topic.
- Note that when the administrative setting to skip collection is set for an ordering location, Copia automatically sends orders to the host testing location when they are placed. Since you do not need to collect samples for these orders, Copia does not display them for selection when you search for samples to collect.
- Note that, depending on user and system default administration settings, Copia may display or restrict patients visible to your associates during your patient or order searches.
- Copia displays the selected patient's name, age, and patient ID at the top of the page once the patient is selected. You may modify demographic and insurance information; review the patient's order history; or place an order, collect samples, print a blank requisition, or print labels by clicking the links listed below.
- Demographics: Click this link (or press the [Alt] [U] hotkey) to view or modify the patient's demographic information. See the Demographics topic. Depending on the settings in the Application page or the Users administration page, this page may appear in a pop-up window so you may easily view or edit patient information without leaving the Collect Samples page.
- Insurance: Click this link (or press the [Alt] [I] hotkey) to view or modify the patient's insurance information. See the Insurance topic. Depending on the settings in the Application page or the Users administration page, this page may appear in a pop-up window so you may easily view or edit patient information without leaving the Collect Samples page.
- Order History: Click this link (or press the [Alt] [O] hotkey) to view the patient's order history or edit an order. See the Order History topic.
- Options: Click this link to open a pop-up list
of actions. Select the action you wish to take for the selected patient: New Order (to place an order for the patient in the Order Patient Samples page), Collect Samples (to collect samples for all orders for the patient that are ready for collection), Blank Patient Requisition (to view or print a blank requisition from the View PDF page), Patient Labels (to print the system default patient-type labels), or Change Log (to view the change log for the selected patient on the Change Log page, if you have the rights to do so). When creating blank requisitions, Copia will attempt to use the format selected for your signed in location, if available. If not, Copia uses the system default format. If the location's format is set to use the system default, and if the system default format is set to "None," then Copia disables access to create blank requisitions.
- Select the collection location from the Current Collection Location drop-down list, if needed. Based on the location administration settings, Copia selects the appropriate collection location by default. Click the Search button to select a different location in the Location Search page. See the Location Search topic.
- Select the Phlebotomist who collects the samples from the Current Phlebotomist drop-down list.
If you cannot find the desired Phlebotomist in the drop-down list, click the Search button to perform a search using the User Search page. See the User Search topic. Note the following:
- Copia determines the default value for this field according to the following hierarchy: the phlebotomist from the Order Patient Samples page, if available and if all of the orders use the same phlebotomist; if not, it displays the signed in location's default phlebotomist, if defined; if not, it displays the currently signed in user, if the user is defined as a phlebotomist.
- In order to be included in the drop-down list, the phlebotomists must be associated with one of the practices your location is associated with and they must have been previously selected as the phlebotomist for an order. Note that if you are a "system clinical user," all phlebotomists will appear.
- Click the show uncollected orders for linked patients/do not show uncollected orders for linked patients link to view or hide uncollected orders for linked patients. The system default setting for linked patients determines whether the linked patients are shown by default or not. Note that this link only appears if the patient has linked patients and they have uncollected orders. Also if you choose to view a single requisition, Copia will not show linked patients, regardless of the system default setting for showing linked patients.
- Copia displays beneath each Order ID the list of samples that need to be collected for the selected patient. See "Reviewing the Sample List" below.
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Reviewing the Sample List
- The samples are listed according to the Order ID with which they are associated.
Within an Order ID, the samples are listed sequentially by Sample
ID. If the order was saved as a standing order (multiple occurrences of
the same order), then an "(S)" will appear next to the Order ID.
- Click the Order ID link to open a pop-up list of page options. Select the page you wish to open for the selected order. Note that some options may not be available.
- Review Order: Select this option to view the order in the Order Patient Samples page. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
- Samples: Select this option to collect samples for the order in the Collect Samples page.
- Labels: Select this option to print master and tube labels in the Print Labels page. See the Print Labels topic. Note that this option may be disabled, depending on the administration settings for your signed in location.
- Requisition: Select this option to print requisition(s) for the order in the Requisition(s) page. See the Requisitions topic.
- Change Log: Select this option to view the change log for the selected order. See the Admin: Change Log topic. Note that you must have the necessary security right to access the Change Log page.
- Lab Report: Select this option to create a lab report of the order in the Lab Report page. See the Lab Report topic.
- If the lab account number for billing is invalid,
a Billing Problem link appears next to the Order ID. Click
this link to open the Order Patient Samples page to select a valid account
number. See the Order Patient Samples topic. Note that if you mark a
sample as collected when there is still an outstanding billing issue, Copia logs an
exception, and places the order choice(s) on the
Order Exceptions Report. See the Admin: Order Exceptions topic.
- The Expected Collection Time field displays the time entered in the Timing fields during order entry. Note that if a result message does not contain a collection time, Copia displays the current date and time.
- Click one of the links (ABN, Clinical Info, Labels, Requisition(s), or Add to Collection List) located beneath the Order ID to record responses to clinical information questions, add the order to a collection list, and print labels, requisitions, and ABNs for each order. Note that some options may not be available. See the remaining sections in this topic for more information.
- Copia displays the Fasting and Hours fields unless they are disabled for your signed in location. If they are available, you may select "No," "Yes," or "Unknown" from the Fasting drop-down list to indicate whether or not fasting is required for the current order. If you select "Yes," enter in the Hours field the number of hours the patient fasted before submitting the sample. Click Save to record the changes to the fasting values.
- Click the Comments button to view, add, edit, or delete comments for the order using the Order Comments page. See the Order Comments topic. Note that if there are comments for the order, the button text will be italicized.
- Each sample in the order is displayed with the following information:
- Collection Date/Time: Initially lists the date and time entered in the Timing fields during order entry. You may modify this value, if desired, at any point until the sample is marked as collected. See "Marking a Sample as Collected" below. Click the Now button next to the time and date fields to update the collection date to the current date and time, if desired. Note that once the sample is marked as collected, Copia records this as the date and time collected. The Copia administrator may enable a location-based setting to use the order's order time instead of the current date and time as the collection time.
- Sample ID: Lists the sample ID for the order choice. Note that Copia automatically assigns the sample ID during order entry.
- Container: Lists the type of container to collect the sample in. Copia displays the quantity of each container in parentheses
in front of the tube/container type.
- Instructions: Lists the instructions that a Copia Administrator
has created to ensure proper sample collection. Instructions may include storage temperature and light sensitivity instructions.
- Lab: The laboratory at which the testing will be performed.
If Copia finds the selected laboratory
to be invalid, a Routing Problem link
appears in this column. Click this link to open the Order Patient Samples
page to select a valid testing location. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
- Order Choices: The abbreviation for the order choice(s) for
which the sample is being collected, followed by the abbreviation for the order choice's status in parentheses (R=Routine, S=STAT, A=ASAP). Copia displays STAT order choices in red and ASAP order choices in brown.
- Split: Click this button to have Copia split the order choice onto its own sample record, and then run Sample ID assignment rules to determine what the ID of the newly created sample should be. The newly created sample will not combine with any other order choices added to the order. Note that this button is only available for order choices that are able to be split onto another sample. Also, you must have the necessary security right associated with your assigned role.
- Select the Collected checkbox to mark a sample as collected. See "Marking a Sample as Collected" below.
- Click the X button in the Order Choices column to cancel the selected order choice. Copia displays the Cancel Order Choice page, where you may enter the reason for the cancellation. You must have the necessary rights to cancel an order choice (note that there is a separate right to cancel order choices on an order that is final). See the Cancel Order Choice topic. Once you return to this page, Copia removes the order choice from the list.
- If the sample has already been marked as collected and saved, you may click the button in the Uncollect column to reverse the collection. See "Reversing a Sample Collection (Uncollecting)" below. This column and button only appear if you have the necessary right associated with your assigned role.
- Depending on the Location administration settings for showing the collection and/or delivery time overrides, Copia may display the Override collection time checkbox and date and time fields. Select the desired checkbox and enter dates and times to override the current collection time. When you select the override option, this field displays the
current date and time. You may modify the date or time, if desired. Select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the date fields. When you refresh the page, Copia will update the collection times to the override value for all samples that are collected and that are on non-standing orders.
- After you have reviewed this information, you may wish to perform one of several actions available on this page. See the remaining sections in this topic for more information.
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Accessing the ABN Form
- If you order tests that are not reimbursable by the patient's insurance company, you may need to print an ABN (Advance Beneficiary Notice) for the patient to sign. An ABN is a contract between the patient and your practice whereby the patient agrees to pay for the tests ordered, even though insurance may not. Copia determines whether or not an ABN is required based on the diagnosis code(s) entered for the order and the patient's insurance. Note that if the patient is selected as the payor for the order, an ABN is not required. Depending on the settings for the collection location, Copia may require you to print an ABN, regardless of the status of the order.
- The text of the ABN link changes to red when the patient's insurance company has an insurance type of "Medicare" and the ABN is required for the patient's insurance company because the supplied diagnosis codes are not considered valid, the ordering frequency limits are exceeded, the order choice is marked "Research/Experimental," or any combination of the three reasons.
- Click the ABN link to view the requirement for the ABN, print the ABN, and update the status of the ABN using the ABN Status/Print page. See the ABN Status/Print topic.
- Note that if you mark a sample as collected when there is still an outstanding ABN issue, an exception will be logged, and the order choice(s) will appear on the Order Exceptions Report. See the Admin: Order Exceptions topic. Note that for single lab systems, depending on the administration settings for the ordering location, Copia may not display or generate exceptions for ABNs when the order is designated as client bill and users do not assign an ABN status to the order.
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Accessing Clinical Information
- If there are clinical information questions linked to one or more order choices in the order, then the Clinical Info link is displayed. Depending on the administration settings for the order choices on the order, you may be required to answer clinical information questions before you may collect the order.
- The text of the Clinical Info link changes to red when a clinical information question for the patient has not yet been answered or if additional text has been entered for the question. You will not be able to save a sample marked as collected if the associated required questions have not been answered. Note that a system administrator may assign a security right to one or more roles to disregard required questions, if appropriate.
- Click the Clinical Info link to enter or edit patient's answers to the clinical information questions. See the Clinical Info topic.
- Note that if you mark a sample as collected when there are one or more unanswered non-required questions, an exception will be logged, and the order choice(s) will appear on the Order Exceptions Report. See the Admin: Order Exceptions topic.
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Printing Labels
- Use this page to print master or tube labels for one or more order choices in the order.
- Click the Labels link to access the Print Labels page. See the Print Labels topic. Note that this link may be disabled, depending on the administration settings for your signed in location.
- If the labels for the order choice have been printed (either manually or automatically), then Copia selects the Labels checkbox.
- Note that in order to print labels, you must have a label printer attached to your system and the necessary label printing application installed. Contact an Orchard Copia Administrator for help with setting up label printing.
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Printing Requisitions
- Use this page to view and print the details of the order for each lab that will perform testing for the order.
- Click the Requisition(s) link to access the Requisition(s) page. See the Requisitions topic.
- If the requisitions for the order choice have been printed (either manually or automatically), then Copia selects the Requisition(s) checkbox.
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Accessing Collection Lists
- Use this page to view details for the collection list to which the sample has been added, or add the current sample to the collection list that you are creating in the Collection List page. Note that when the administrative setting to skip collection is set for an ordering location, Copia automatically sends orders to the host testing location when they are placed. Since you do not need to collect samples for these orders, Copia does not include the samples on the collection list, even if you click the Add to Collection List link.
- Click the Add to Collection List link to access the Collection List Search page. See the Collection List Search topic.
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Marking a Sample as Collected
After you collect a sample from a patient, you should mark the sample
as "Collected" in Copia. This prevents
duplication on a future collection list.
- Select one or more Collected checkboxes to mark the sample(s) as collected. You may click the Collected column header to mark all displayed samples as collected. Note that if there are outstanding issues such as an unsigned
ABN, unanswered patient questions, or missing billing information, you
will be prompted to correct the problems. If you choose to continue
with incomplete ABN, patient question, or billing information, an exception
will be logged, and the order(s) will appear on the Order Exceptions
Report. See the Admin: Order Exceptions
topic. Depending on the administration settings for the host interface and the practice to which the patient belongs, marking the sample as collection may trigger a billing event.
- Change the Collection Date/Time, if needed. Highlight or delete the date and time already displayed in the field, and then modify as desired.
- Click Discard Changes to remove all unsaved changes.
- Click Save to record all changes. Copia updates the Collection Date/Time fields to the current date and time, as long as you did not manually edit the date or time. Note that once you save the samples marked as "Collected," you cannot edit the collection information. Depending on the administration settings for your signed in location, when you save samples as collected in this page, Copia may automatically display one or more print dialogs to allow you to print the requisitions for the orders, and/or it may automatically print labels. When printing labels, Copia generates tube labels for all newly collected samples, and generates summary and lab labels according to the current label printing configuration.
- Click Refresh to clear all collected samples from the list.
- Once you have completed collecting all of the samples for the
selected patient, click Save. Copia saves the
changes and clears the page.
- If the sample is part of a standing order and you just collected the last samples for the last order in the series, Copia prompts you to print a summary of the newly finished standing order. Click Yes to print the standing order summary.
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Reversing a Sample Collection (Uncollecting)
- To reverse the collection of a sample, click the arrow button in the Uncollect column. This column and button only appear if you have the necessary right associated with your assigned role.
- When you uncollect a sample, Copia:
- Prompts you to enter a reason for uncollecting the sample(s) in the Uncollect Order page. See the Uncollect Order topic. Once you uncollect a sample, Copia displays a Reason link in the Uncollect column. Click this link to view or edit the reason the sample was uncollected. This link is only visible while the sample is in an uncollected state.
- This text area has Text Shortcuts functionality. For more information on using Text Shortcuts, navigate to the Using Text Shortcuts topic.
- Discards the data stored for phlebotomist, collection time, and collection location, and it cancels the fact that it has been put on a manifest.
- Sends out a cancel message for associated order choices, if the lab accepts that type of message.
- Marks any original billing files as "Superseded" and creates a credit file, if a billing record had been created when the sample was marked collected.
- Click Save to record all changes.
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Rejecting Samples
- Use this page to reject the sample and all associated order choices that do not have results.
- Click the X button in the Reject column that corresponds to the desired sample to access the Reject Sample page. See the Reject Sample topic.
- This text area has Text Shortcuts functionality. For more information on using Text Shortcuts, navigate to the Using Text Shortcuts topic.
- To reverse the rejection, click the click here link Copia displays in blue. This link is available as long as the order is in the Collect Samples page.
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