Admin: Users

Page Description

Use the Users page to view the user list, as well as add or edit user demographics, accounts, practice memberships, and host codes. You must first select or add a user before you can perform any of these tasks.

Note that the data displayed on this page depends on the column view settings for your facility. Copia uses the column view settings to control what columns appear in the tables on this page and the order in which it sorts the displayed information. You may set column view rules at the location or the system default levels. The rules for the signed-in location, if available, supersede the system default column view rules.

For more help, click one of the following links:

Accessing this Page

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Viewing the User List

  1. Enter text into the Name field to filter the table by the user's name.
  2. The Users list page contains a list of up to ten Copia users. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of users, to navigate through the list. Note that Copia only displays users who are members of the practices you belong to, unless you have the system-wide right to view all users.
  3. To view only active users, select the Show active only checkbox at the top of the Users list page. You set the active/inactive status in the User Details section of the Users details page. See "Adding or Editing User Details" below.
  4. Select an option from the Limit results to showing only section to configure what results should be display in the table.
  5. Enter text into the Belongs to practice field to search for a user that belongs to the practice. Enter text into the Belongs to role field to search for a user that belongs to a role. These are search-as-you-type fields. Click the magnifying glass icon to search manually, or click the X button to remove text from the field.
  6. Select the Missing host code for ___ checkbox, select a host from the drop-down list, and click the Refresh button to look for users that are missing host codes for that host.
  7. To create a new user, click the Add button or the Copy button in the Users List page. See "Adding or Editing User Details" below.
  8. Select the Limit to creation date range checkbox to limit the table's results based on the creation date. Selecting this checkbox will allow the user to specify a time range to filter by.
  9. Click the name of the user on the Users List page to view or edit user information on the Users Details page. See "Adding or Editing User Details" below.

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Searching for a User

  1. Search for users by their names or by the practices to which they belong.
  2. After your search, Copia displays the list of users with their active statuses. Click a user name to view the user's details. See "Accessing User Information" below.
  3. If no search results are found or if the desired user is not found, search again, or click the Add button to add a user. See "Adding or Editing User Details" below.
  4. Click the Show all users option to view the full list of users. See "Viewing the User List" above.

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Accessing User Information

  1. Use the Users list page to access the User details page, where you may add or edit user demographics, account information, practice memberships, and host codes.
  2. To create a new user record, click the Add button in the Users list page. This opens a blank record in the Users details page to create a new user. See "Adding or Editing User Details" below.
  3. To edit an existing user's record, click the name of the user in the Users list page. This opens the selected user's record in the Users details page. See "Adding or Editing User Details" below.

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Adding or Editing User Details

  1. The User Details section of the User details page provides the fields to enter the user's demographic information, occupation, and system use of Copia.
  2. Complete the fields below to add demographic information for a new user.
  3. To edit demographic information, highlight or delete text already displayed in the field, then modify as desired.
  4. Select or clear all checkbox options that apply to the user's occupation and use of Copia.
  5. Select the Use System Default Timeout option to use the system default timeout settings for the selected user. Clear this option and set the number of minutes for the user's session timeout (between 5 and 60 minutes) in the Session Timeout (Minutes) field to use these settings for the current user in place of the system default settings.
  6. Enter a date value in the format MM/DD/YYYY in the Inactivate User After fields to have Copia automatically inactivate the user's account at 12:05 AM on the selected date. To modify the date, change the values in the fields, or select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the Inactivate User After fields. Click the Now button to enter the current date. Click the Clear button to clear the contents of the date fields. Note that if you enter the current date, but it is after 12:05 AM, then Copia will not inactivate the user until the next day.
  7. Click the User Signature button to open the User Signature Setup pop-up to create a custom signature to use in Copia. Select a signature type from the Signature Type drop-down list. Select either "none," "user name," "User-defined text," or "Image" from the drop-down. Select "none" to add no signature to the user's account. Select "User name" to have the user's signature be the user name for the Copia account. Select "User-defined text" to add a custom text signature to the account. Insert custom text into the available field. Select "Image" to add an image as your signature, or to insert a custom signature with the writing tool. Click the Browse... button to add an imagine from your computer. Select the image to insert the image into the User Signature Setup pop-up. Click the Create Signature button to write a custom signature on the User Signature pop-up. Provide the signature in the box above the black line by clicking and writing with the mouse, followed by clicking the Save button. Click the Cancel button to return to the User Signature Setup pop-up without saving any changes. Click the Save button on the User Signature Setup pop-up to save the signature and return to the Users administration page. Click the Cancel button to return to the Users administration page without saving any changes.
  8. Click the Contact Info button to open the Contact Info pop-up to configure default addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. If there is nothing defined, a "No addresses/phone numbers/emails defined" message will appear in the appropriate tab.
  9. Click the Change Log button to view the change log for the selected user. See the Admin: Change Log topic. Note that you must have the necessary security right to access the Change Log page.
  10. Click the Alerts & Comments button to view, add, edit, or delete the alerts and comments associated with the current user. See the Admin: Alerts & Comments topic. Note that if there are alerts or comments for the user, the button text is italicized.
  11. If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click Save.

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Adding or Editing Account Information

  1. The Account Information section of the User details page contains the fields to enter the user's system account information.
  2. Complete the fields below to add account information:
  3. To edit account information, highlight or delete text already displayed in the field, then modify as desired.
  4. Copia displays the date and time of the user's Last Sign In next to the User Name field. This information may be useful in evaluating user security and managing access to Copia.
  5. To reset a user's password, select the Change Password On Sign In After option and enter a date time value in the format MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MM AM/PM in the date and time fields. To modify the date, change the values in the fields, or select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the Change Password On Sign In After fields. Click the Now button to enter the current date. Click the Clear button to clear the contents of the date fields. You may leave the date and time fields blank to have users change their passwords the next time they sign in.

    The next time the user signs in, the user must enter the password in the Password field to sign in, and then Copia displays the New Password page to allow the user to set a new password. See the Change Password/New Password topic.

    This feature is designed for use with new accounts, where users will sign in with the password you assign and then immediately change the password, as well as cases where users forget their passwords and you must assign a new password that they can then immediately change.

  6. Select the Suppress Password Expiration Notification checkbox to have Copia suppress the password expiration notice that is triggered by the System Defaults administration page setting Notify a user that their password will expire ___ days before it does.
  7. Select the Require two factor authentication when logging in checkbox to have Copia require two factor authentication when logging into the system.
  8. If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Adding, Editing, or Deleting Practice Memberships

  1. The Member of These Practices section of the User details page displays the practices to which the user is a member and the roles of the user within the selected practice. Note the following:
  2. Click the Create Practice and Location button to create a practice and/or location in the Member of These Practices section. Note that you must be a provider in order to do this. Check the Provider setting.
  3. Click the System-level roles button to assign a set of roles for the user that will apply throughout the system, regardless of the practices to which the user belongs. This should only be used for users who are system administrators. You must have the necessary security permissions to assign system level roles.
  4. Click the Add button to add practice memberships and set role-based access rights for the user using the Practice Search page. See the Admin: Practice Search topic. After you select the practice from the search results list, you assign the roles for the user for the selected practice. Click OK to return to the Users details page and add the selected practice and related roles to the list. Note that roles are created using the Roles page. See the Admin: Roles topic.
  5. Once you add one or more practices, the practice name and designated roles become links. Click the links to edit the user's role in the Practice Search page.
  6. Click the link in the Account # column to add or edit the user's lab account number for the associated practice in the Lab Accounts page. See the Lab Accounts topic.
  7. Copia displays "yes" in the Location Restrictions column, if one or more have been set on the Practice Search page. See the Admin: Practice Search topic.
  8. Click the blue link in the Practice column to navigate to the Role Search page. Here you may select roles for the user and user's practice. Click the Role Details button next to the role you wish to view to open a details pop-up that will show all of the rights in the system and whether or not they are set for the role. The user is not able to make any changes to the role from the pop-up, and all checkboxes showing whether or not the role contains a right will be disabled.
  9. To delete a user's membership to a practice, click the X button that corresponds to the practice.
  10. If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click Save.

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Adding or Editing User Preferences

  1. The User Preferences section of the User details page displays the Contact Information, Result Delivery, Order Choice Lists, and Associates settings for the user, with separate sections for each type of preference information.
  2. Click the Toggle Sections button to have the ability to hide or display subsections in the User Preferences section. The button toggles all of the sections to either be hidden or displayed based on the state of the first section.
  3. Click the Show link in the section title bars to display the selected preference information. To hide the preference information, click the Hide link that appears in the section title bar.
  4. Enter or modify the user's Application settings. Click the Show link, if necessary, to view the settings. Users may view or modify these settings on the Application page. See the Application topic.
  5. Enter or modify the user's Contact Information settings. Click the Show link, if necessary, to view the settings. Note that the fields will only be active if they are associated with a delivery method that is currently enabled in the System Defaults administration page. See the Admin: System Defaults topic.

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Viewing, Adding, or Editing Host Codes

  1. The Host Codes for this User section of the User details page displays the host code information for the user.
  2. To view active hosts only, select the Show active hosts only checkbox. Set the active/inactive status in the Host Details section of the Hosts details page. See the Admin: Hosts topic.
  3. Select an option from the Auto-fill host codes with... drop-down list to auto-fill empty host codes for a user with data, such as their NDI or combinations of their first and last names. Select either "First Initial Last Name," "Last Name," or "NPI Number" from the drop-down list.
  4. To add host codes, enter the codes for the user in the Host Code fields next to the desired host names. If you try to save a host code that is identical to another code for the same host for two users, Copia displays a warning message that details where up to ten conflicts lie and prompts you proceed with saving the host codes or not.
  5. To edit these codes, highlight or delete text already displayed in the field, then modify as desired.
  6. Click the < Back to List button to return to the User list page without saving any changes, or click the Save button to record changes and return to the User list page.

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Harvest LIS Synchronization for this User

  1. The Harvest LIS Synchronization for this User section of the User details page displays Harvest LIS synchronization information for the selected user.
  2. Click the Unsynch Selected button to unsynch selected items in the section. A host must be selected for this button to be enabled. Click the Synch Selected button to synch selected items in the section. A host must be selected for this button to be enabled. Clicking either of these buttons will display the Synch Options pop-up with the two buttons on the pop-up. Click the Close button to close the pop-up.
  3. Select the Show active hosts only checkbox to have Copia only display active hosts contained within the system.
  4. The table displays columns for the host's name, version number, active status, selection ability, and a non-synch option. In the "Host Name" column, the name of the host is displayed; in the "Version" column, the version is displayed; in the "Host is Active" column, the active status is displayed; select the Select checkbox in the "Select" column to select the specific host; and select the Do Not Synch (Synch 2) checkbox to specify that Copia should not synch that specific host.
  5. Click the < Back to List button to return to the User list page without saving any changes, or click the Save button to record changes and return to the User list page.

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Description for this User

  1. The Description for this User section of the User details page displays a field in order to describe the user where text can be entered, if needed.
  2. Enter text into the Description for this User field to describe the user. There is a maximum character count of 1,000 that can be added to the field. The Characters counter located above the field automatically tracks the number of characters being entered into the field.
  3. Click the < Back to List button to return to the User list page without saving any changes, or click the Save button to record changes and return to the User list page.

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