Clinical Info
Page Description
Use the Clinical Info page to enter the patient's answers to the
clinical information questions that are linked to an order choice within the order. If there
are unanswered questions for one or more order choices in the order or if additional text has been entered for the question, then
the Clinical Info link or button text appears in red.
If a system administrator changes the responses for the predefined text or multiselect predefined text answer type questions, then, for existing orders, Copia displays the new answers in addition to any responses that had already been selected and saved.
Administrators can make it a requirement to answer clinical info questions; however, there are several roles and settings that can allow users to ignore clinical info requirements, if desired. See the Admin: Roles and Admin: Locations topics.
If appropriate, a Copia system administrator may assign you the right to modify clinical information for order choices that have been collected and/or sent to the lab. Unless you have the necessary security right, you cannot modify clinical information responses once the order choice has been collected or sent to the lab. However, if you access this page when attaching an order choice to an order
that will be combined with a previously collected sample, Copia displays this page this one time only so that you may transmit this information to the lab.
It will also alert you that it may be necessary to re-label the existing
sample based on the added order choice(s).
Note that when the administrative setting to skip collection is set for an ordering location, Copia automatically sends orders to the host testing location when they are placed. However, before it sends the order, Copia displays this page so you may answer the clinical information questions before Copia sends the electronic messages to the host. In addition, when the administrative setting to automatically mark ordered samples as collected is set for an ordering location, Copia displays this page so you may answer the clinical information questions at the conclusion of placing an order rather than at the time of sample collection.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the Clinical Info link on the Collect Samples page.
- Click the Clinical Info button on the Order Patient Samples page.
- Click the Clinical Info warning text on the Pending Collection page (when running in batch collection mode).
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Recording Answers to Clinical Information Questions
- Copia displays the clinical information questions that are linked to the order choices within the selected order
when the page appears. Each question is listed with the
abbreviations of the order choices it is linked to.
- Depending on the administrative setting on the System Defaults administration page, Copia will either sort clinical information questions alphabetically or display the clinical information questions for the first order choice added to the order, then display those for the order choice added to the order second, and so on. If multiple order choices reference the same question, Copia displays the question in the order according to the first order choice. Within the questions associated with an order choice, Copia sorts the questions according to the order set on the Order Choices administration page.
- Depending on the administrative setting on the Clinical Info administration page, when there are multiple instances of the question in an order, then Copia either combines the questions and displays them once, or it repeats the clinical information question for each instance of the question
on an order.
- Enter the patient's answers in the Response field for each
question. Note that Copia fills in information when available, such as age, sex, or date of birth of the patient. The Response field may or may not be required. Note that a system administrator may assign a security right to one or more roles to disregard this required field, if appropriate; however, this will trigger Copia to create an exception and add it to the Order Exception report. Note that if predefined answers for clinical info questions are too long to fully display, then Copia displays the full text of the answers when you hover the mouse over them.
- Depending on the administrative setting on the Hosts administration page, Copia may require you to answer all mandatory clinical info questions. If so, it will not send an order message for an order choice to the lab until the required clinical information questions have been answered. When this occurs, the only way to get these orders to send to the lab without the required clinical information is to manually send them using the Lab Orders administration page. See the Admin: Lab Orders topic.
- Depending on the settings for the clinical information questions, Copia may take your clinical information question response and create a test result for the associated order choice. This can only occur if the appropriate test settings exist for the clinical information question and if the order choice is set up to be auto-approved. See the Admin: Clinical Info topic.
- Add any additional information in the Additional Note field, if desired. Note that Copia only displays this field if the clinical information question is set up in the Clinical Info administration page to allow additional notes.
- You may return to this page to modify the answers to questions until
the sample is marked as "Collected" in the Collect Samples page.
See the Collect Samples topic. However, if you have the necessary security rights, you may edit clinical information, even if the order has been collected and sent to the host system.
- If the Cancel button is enabled for your signed in location, you may click it to return to the preceding page without saving your changes.
- Click Save to save the answers to the clinical information questions and return
to the preceding page.
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