Admin: Order Choices
Page Description
Use the Order Choices page to view, add, or edit order choice options, such as host codes; questions; and order choice, sample, and container. You must first set up these options before you can create an order choice. See the Admin: Clinical Info, Admin: Order Choice Types, Admin: Sample Types, or Admin: Tube/Container Types administration topics.
Note that the data displayed on this page depends on the column view settings for your facility. Copia uses the column view settings to control what columns appear in the tables on this page and the order in which it sorts the displayed information. You may set column view rules at the location or the system default levels. The rules for the signed-in location, if available, supersede the system default column view rules.
If your facility is using the Freezer Storage module, you must create storage order choices that correspond to the storage order choices used by your LIS. Also, verify that you use the following guidelines for creating storage order choices in Copia, as well as your LIS, if applicable: create separate order choices for each possible storage combination; create separate order choices for each number of aliquots, enable auto-approval, if appropriate; assign a suffix to each order choice, and use a separator at the beginning of the suffix (e.g., -01 or .01); mark each order choice as not combinable.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the Administration menu button, click the Order Choice Setup button, and then click the Order Choices submenu link. You must have the necessary security permissions to access the Administration menu button.
When you click the Administration menu button, Copia opens the main Administration menu, which contains administrative menu buttons, including the Order Choice Setup menu. To return to the main menu for Copia, click the Lab Tasks menu button.
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Viewing the Order Choice List
- The Order Choices list page contains a list of up to ten order choices. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of order choices, to navigate through the list.
- To view active order choices only, select the Show active only checkbox at the top of the Order Choices list page. You set the active/inactive status in the Order Choice Details section of the Order Choices details page. See "Adding or Editing Order Choice Details" below.
- Select the Missing host code for ___ checkbox, select a host from the drop-down list, and click the Refresh button to look for order choices that are missing host codes for that host.
- Select the Show orderable only checkbox to only view orderable order choices. You set the orderable status in the Order Choice Details section of the Order Choices details page. See "Adding or Editing Order Choice Details" below.
- Select the Limit to creation date range checkbox to limit search results by a specific date range. Enter values into the available Start fields to configure a start date/time, and enter values into the available End fields to configure an end date/time. The date/time will display in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM. Click the Now button to enter the current date/time into the fields, or click the calendar icon to manually select a date/time for the fields. Click the Clear button to clear the fields.
- To narrow the list of displayed order choices, or to find a specific order choice, use a Search option. See "Searching for an Order Choice" below.
- If you cannot find the desired order choice, click the Add button to add an order choice. See "Adding or Editing Order Choice Details" below.
- Click the local name of the order choice on the Order Choices list page to view or edit order choice information in the Order Choices details page. See "Adding or Editing Order Choice Details" below.
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Searching for an Order Choice
- Select a search option.
- Name: Use this option to search for an order choice by name.
- CPT: Use this option to search for an order choice using the CPT code.
- Enter one or more characters of the order choice Name or CPT code in the search field and click the Search button to view a list of all order choices that match your search.
- If your search generates one or more matches, the matching order choices are displayed when the page refreshes. Order choices are listed with their local names and active statuses. Select the desired order choice to view the details. See "Accessing Order Choice Details" below.
- If no search results are found or if the desired order choice is not found, search again, or click the Add button to add an order choice. See "Adding or Editing Order Choice Details" below.
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Accessing Order Choice Details
- Use the Order Choices list page to access the Order Choices details page, where you may add or edit order choice details, such as names, order choice types, CPT codes, clinical information questions, collection information, and host codes.
- To create a new order choice, click the Add button in the Order Choices list page. This opens a blank record in the Order Choices details page to create a new order choice. See "Adding or Editing Order Choice Details" below.
- To create a new order choice, click the Add button or the Copy button in the Order Choices list page. See "Adding or Editing Order Choice Details" below.
- Clicking the Add button opens a blank record in the Order Choices details page to create a new order choice.
- Clicking the Copy button opens a new record in the Order Choices details page to create a new order choice based on the order choice associated with the button you clicked. Copia copies many of the settings from the existing order choice; however, it does not copy specific details. Note that the button is only visible if the user has security to create a new order choice.
- To edit an existing order choice, click the name of the order choice in the Order Choices list page. This opens the selected order choice in the Order Choices details page. See "Adding or Editing Order Choice Details" below.
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Adding or Editing Order Choice Details
- The Order Choice Details section of the Order Choices details page provides the fields to enter the name and status of the order choice.
- Complete the fields below:
- Name: Enter the full name of the order choice. This field is required.
- Local Name: Enter the local name of the order choice, if different from the full name. Note that Copia automatically places the full name into the Local Name field provided the field is blank. This field is required.
- Abbreviation: Enter the abbreviation of the order choice name.
- Alternate ID1: Enter an alternate name for the order choice. You can display this name on report order choice lists and requisitions, if you include this value on your layout template.
- Clinical Study: Select a clinical study from the drop-down list to associate this order choice with that study.
- To edit the order choice name or local name, highlight or delete text already displayed in the field, then modify as desired.
- Select or clear all checkbox options that apply to the status of the order choice.
- Associated Profiles: Click this button to open the Associated Profiles pop-up displaying associated profiles for the order choice on the Order Choices administration page.
- Active: Select this checkbox to enable users to select this order choice while ordering. Clear this checkbox to restrict users from selecting the order choice. If the order choice is inactive, Copia clears it from the Order Choices list page when you select the Show active only checkbox. See "Viewing the Order Choice List" above.
- Orderable: Select this checkbox if the order choice may be ordered by all users. Clear this checkbox to restrict ordering of this order choice by all users. If the order choice is not orderable, Copia clears it from the Order Choices list page when you select the Show Orderable Only checkbox. See "Viewing the Order Choice List" above.
- Research/Experimental: Select this checkbox if this order choice is used for research or experiments only. If this checkbox is selected for an order choice when Copia performs medical necessity checking during order entry, then Copia
may display the ABN Status/Print page to allow you to print an ABN for the order. See the ABN Status/Print topic.
- Allow to exist on a single order more than once: Select this checkbox to allow this order choice to reside on a single order more than once. If an order choice resides on an order more than once, Copia will not allow it to have the same sample ID as any other instance of the same order choice on that order. If this is enabled and a user overrides the sample ID rule by editing the sample ID, Copia will send the results for that order choice to the Match Results queue when they are parsed. See the Admin: Match Results topic.
- Prohibit ordering with a high level priority: Select this checkbox to prevent users from assigning the highest level of priority to the selected order choice when placing orders.
- Fail all: Select Diagnosis Codes, Frequencies, or Frequencies and Diagnosis Codes to have Copia consider all diagnosis codes, frequency limits, or both as invalid for the order choice, which will cause it to create an ABN, regardless of what the diagnosis code or frequency is.
- Pass all: Select Diagnosis Codes, Frequencies, or Frequencies and Diagnosis Codes to have Copia pass all diagnosis codes, frequency limits, or both as valid for the order choice, which will cause it not to create an ABN, regardless of what the diagnosis code or frequency is.
- Ordering Restricted: Select this checkbox to restrict ordering of this order choice to selected users, locations, and staff members. Click the Assign Users button or the Assign Locations button to select in the Restricted Access Table page which users or locations may order this order choice. See the Admin: Restricted Access Table topic. If an order choice is restricted, Copia only displays it, or profiles it is in, on the Order Patient Samples page if either the ordering location is on the location restriction list or if the signed-in user is on the user restriction list. However, Copia displays order choices on setup pages (either Admin or Lab Tasks) regardless of whether or not they are restricted.
- Viewing Restricted: Select this checkbox to prevent users from seeing the order choice name, abbreviation, and tube/container type for this order choice unless they have one or more of the rights to view restricted order choice information on labels, requisitions, or pages throughout the program.
- Require specimen part information:
Select this checkbox to have Copia require specimen part information for the order choice. When selected, the Default Category field will be available.
- Use default category when ordering: Select this option to select the default category when placing an order.
- Default Category: Click inside the field to configure a default specimen part category for an order choice. When an order choice is added to an order that requires specimen part information, the configured default category will be selected by default. Click the magnifying glass icon to manually search for order choices, or simply click inside the field. Click the X button to remove the category.
- Use default group when ordering: Select this option to select a default group when placing an order.
- Default Group: Click inside the field to configure a default specimen part group for an order choice. When an order choice is added to an order that requires specimen part information, the configured default group will be selected by default. Click the magnifying glass icon to manually search for order choices, or simply click inside the field. Click the X button to remove the group.
- Take user directly to Specimen Part Details: Select this checkbox to navigate the user directly to the Specimen Part Details pop-up on the Order Patient Samples page. Note that when this checkbox is selected, the entire Enter Specimen Part pop-up will be skipped and the user will be taken to the Specimen Part Details pop-up using the default group specified on the order choice.
- Only Orderable On Profiles: Select this checkbox to have Copia only allow users to add the order choice to orders if the order choice is part of a profile; otherwise, it will be unavailable.
- Auto Approve: Select this checkbox to allow Copia to auto-approve order choices (advance their statuses to final) when users mark them as collected. This causes Copia to generate reports and billing events, if necessary. Note that if the "Skip Collection" option is also enabled for the ordering location, Copia will mark the order choice as final when users order it.
- Auto Approve test is not reportable if other results exist: Select this checkbox to have Copia auto-approve test results that are attached to auto-approved order choices. This will cause the order choices to be suppressed if other test results exist.
- Limited Delivery: Select this checkbox for the order choice if you would like to use this variable when configuring result delivery rules during result report delivery setup for users, locations, or at the system default level on the Result Delivery Rule page. When configuring a delivery rule, users may designate if the rule should fire when the newly resulted order choices include a Limited Delivery order choice, do not include a Limited Delivery order choice, or if it doesn't matter if there is or isn't a Limited Delivery order choice. See the Result Delivery Rule topic.
- Reportable: Select this checkbox to allow Copia to include this order choice on result reports. These settings only apply to result reports that are delivered to report recipients; they do not affect how Copia evaluates reporting rules. If this option is not enabled (making the order choice not reportable) and a report recipient has defined that they do not receive a result report until all order choices in an order are final, then Copia still waits until all order choices, reportable and not reportable, are final before sending that recipient a result report.
When the order choice is designated as reportable, you may use these sub-settings to prevent Copia from delivering the selected order choice for specific delivery types: Not reportable when delivered via FAX, Not reportable when delivered via Email, Not reportable when delivered via Direct Printing, Not reportable when delivered via RAPS, Not reportable when delivered via Direct Dial, Not reportable when delivered via Location Inbox, and Not reportable when delivered via User Inbox.
- Select the report settings for the order choice.
- Suppress from requisition: Select this option to have Copia suppress the order choice from appearing on requisitions.
- Suppress HL7 results on reports: Select this checkbox to cause only attachment results to show up on Copia-generated reports. When enabled, Copia stores results received in HL7 transmissions and passes them on to configured host interfaces, but it will not include them on the report. Note that Copia uses attached files as results in two ways: via the Attachments page (accessed from the Order Patient Samples page) and via the host Interface Configuration "Result Attachment Path" setting.
- Only suppress when linked document result exists: Select this checkbox to have Copia suppress HL7 results from being reported if, and only if, a linked document report has already posted for that order choice. This affects when HL7-based results are displayed on result reports.
- Allow users to always cancel this order choice regardless of their rights: Select this checkbox to always allow the cancellation of the order choice regardless of the user's rights. With this new setting enabled for an order choice, any user will be able to cancel the order choice regardless of the rights they have assigned to them.
- Show on lab report when cancelled: Select this checkbox to control whether Copia displays the reason for the cancellation when the status is "Cancelled" on standard, alternate, and custom reports.
- Report tests in last message only: Select this checkbox to only display the most recent set of test results for this order choice that were sent in the HL7 result message on the lab report. See the Lab Report topic. For example, you may wish to set this option for microbiology order choices.
- Report most recent linked document only: Select this checkbox to have Copia only report the most recent linked document. When parsing non-HPDF linked document results, this setting causes only that new linked document to be considered as the current reportable linked document. Previously parsed linked documents for that order choice will not be displayed when viewing a current result report.
- Prevent linked documents from being added to order choice: Select this checkbox to have Copia prevent linked documents from being attached to the order choice. When this setting is turned on for an order choice, the user will not be able to attach a linked document to that order choice.
- Force result delivery for preliminary results:
Select this checkbox to have Copia always report results for this order choice as soon as it receives results (even if preliminary). This setting overrides the result delivery settings for when Copia delivers reports to users based on the Result Delivery Rule page. See the Result Delivery Rule topic.
- Suppress result headers on standard format lab reports: Select this checkbox to exclude the order choice result headers (In Range, Out of Range, Reference Range, and Units labels) on lab reports that use the standard format. Note that Copia uses the suppression settings for the order choices' reporting groups when you use an alternate report format. See the Admin: Reporting topic.
- Suppress result history on lab reports: Select this checkbox to prevent Copia from displaying historic data (including graph points) on any result reports. When this setting is enabled, all result reports generated from that point on will not display historic data for that order choice. Note that there is one exception: If "Suppress result history on lab reports" is enabled for an order choice, historical results for tests from order choices marked as "Suppress result history on lab reports" will appear on the Test Based Cumulative report.
- Allow result history on lab report test history graph: Select this checkbox to allow for result history to display on test history graph for lab reports. With this setting enabled, historic data will be displayed only on the test history graph for that order choice on lab reports. Other historic data display areas will still be suppressed, as this setting only affects the test history graph.
- Show test history graph on result reports:
Select this checkbox to cause a result history graph to be displayed for that order choice on result reports. The graph is displayed immediately following the data for that order choice. All tests for that order choice (that can be graphed) will be displayed on the graph.
- Maximum number of data points to graph: Enter a value into the field to determine the maximum number of data points to graph. The default value is 5.
- Graph height: Enter a value into the field to determine the height of the graph. The default value is 250.
- Graph width: Enter a value into the field to determine the width of the graph. The default value is 500.
- Suppress SPM segment in HL7 2.5.1 messages: Select this checkbox to have Copia suppress SPM segments populating in outbound HL7 2.5.1 messages. This setting only applies to interfaces that are sending out HL7 2.5.1 specification messages.
- Require patient address: Select this checkbox to have Copia require users to enter in the Required Info page the patient's address, if it is not already present, when saving an order. See the Required Info topic.
- Except for client billed orders: Select this checkbox to make orders that are set to "Client Bill" exempt from the patient address requirement.
- Gets own page on result reports: Select this checkbox to have Copia display this order choice on its own page on reports.
- If this order choice is the last or only order choice on the report, then the report footer will be on the same page as the order choice.
- If this order choice is first in the report and there is a mailing label, they will both be on the same page.
- In all other cases, any order choice with this setting appears by itself on a page. This setting works for all body formats (Standard, Alternate 1, Custom), and for all delivery types.
- Print Abbreviation on label as reverse type: Select this option to have Copia print the "~sop - Sample Order Choice" label format code in white text with a black background on master and tube labels.
- Print Alternate ID on label as reverse type: Select this option to have Copia print the "~sai - Sample Order Choice Alternate ID" label format code in white text with a black background on master and tube labels.
- Print Order: Enter a number between 0 and 999,999 to determine where
Copia will list this order choice in relation to other order choices throughout the application (i.e., order choice abbreviation lists, Order Patient Samples, ABNs, and reports). Be aware that Copia does not recognize this print order within the administration pages, so it will not reorder order choices on the administration side
of the program. You may also set the print order for order choices using the Order Choices tab on the Reporting administration page. See the Admin: Reporting topic.
- Label Order: Enter a number between 0 and 999,999 to determine where
Copia will print the labels for this order choice in relation to other order choices throughout the application. You may also set the label order for order choices using the Order Choices tab on the Reporting administration page. See the
Reporting topic.
- Reporting Group: Select an option from the drop-down list to designate the reporting group to which the order choice belongs. Depending on the report body format selected on the System Defaults administration page, Copia groups order choices together by their assigned reporting groups. See the
Admin: System Defaults topic.
- Default Estimated Cost: Enter a default estimate of the cost of performing testing for this order choice. Copia uses this information on Advanced Beneficiary Notices, where it displays the combined estimated cost of all order choices on the order that have defined estimated costs. Note that if you enter a host-specific estimated cost in the "Host Codes for this Order Choice" section (see below), then Copia uses that cost instead.
- Select an option from the Result Report Order Choice Information Template drop-down list to set which result order choice information template Copia uses when creating reports that contain this order choice. You may select the blank line to remove the link to the layout template and have Copia use the result order choice information template that the report's result body uses. See the Admin: Layout Templates topic.
- Select an option to set how Copia handles Duplicate Checking. This setting works in conjunction with the signed-in location setting for duplicate order choice checking. See the Admin: Locations topic. If the location has duplicate order choice checking enabled, it works with the available options as follows:
- Allow duplicates: When selected, Copia excludes the order choice from duplicate order checking.
- Restrict if active duplicate exists: When selected, Copia displays an alert if this order choice is active (but not resulted in any form) in the system for the patient anytime when saving an order.
- Restrict if active duplicate exists within __ Calendar Day(s): When selected, Copia displays an alert if the order choice is active within the specified number of calendar days in the past or future for the patient. When the option is selected, a drop-down list appears to the right of the option. Select either "Search by Order Date" or "Search by Proposed Collection Date" from the drop-down list.
- Restrict if active duplicate exists within __ (Minutes/Hours/Days): When selected, Copia displays an alert if the order choice is active within the set time range for the patient. When the option is selected, a drop-down list appears to the right of the option. Select either "Search by Order Date" or "Search by Proposed Collection Date" from the drop-down list.
- Click the Add button located in the Synonyms for this order choice section to add synonym(s) to the order choice. When the Add button is clicked, a small pop-up is displayed asking for more information. Enter synonym(s) into the Enter the synonym you wish to add field and click the OK button. When the OK button is clicked, the defined synonym(s) will appear in the Synonyms for this order choice section. You may delete the synonym(s) from the section by clicking the X button. If no synonym(s) are defined, the section will read "No Order Choice Synonyms assigned." Click the Save button to save the synonym(s) to the order choice. Once saved, the synonym(s) are searchable on the Order Choice Catalog page. On the Order Choice Catalog page, these synonyms are searchable using the same Order Choice Name field that searches for Order Choice Name, Order Choice Abbreviation, or CPT codes. See the Order Choice Catalog topic.
- Click the Additional Info button to view and/or add additional information for the selected order choice. When clicked, an Additional Information pop-up will be displayed. Enter all necessary values into the available fields, as well as select any necessary checkboxes for the order choice. Click the OK button to save and return to the Order Choice details page, or click the Cancel button to return without adding additional information.
- Click the Change Log button to view the change log for the selected order choice. See the Admin: Change Log topic. Note that you must have the necessary security right to access the Change Log page.
- Click the Alerts & Comments button to view, add, edit, or delete the alerts and comments associated with the current order choice. See the Admin: Alerts & Comments topic. Note that if there are alerts or comments for the order choice, the button text is italicized.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click Save.
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Adding or Deleting Order Choice Types
- The Order Choice Types assigned to this Order Choice section of the Order Choices details page enables you to assign order choice types created in the Order Choice Types administration page to the selected order choice. See the Admin: Order Choice Types topic. Note that you may assign more than one type to an order choice.
- Click the Add button to assign order choice types using the Order Choice Type Search page. See the Admin: Order Choice Type Search topic.
- Once you add one or more order choice types, the order choice types are shown. To delete an order choice type, click the X button that corresponds to the name of the order choice type.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click Save.
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Adding, Editing, or Deleting CPT Codes
- The CPT Codes for this Order Choice section of the Order Choices details page enables you to add or delete CPT codes and modify CPT counts for the order choice.
- Click the Add button to add CPT codes using the CPT Search page. See the Admin: CPT Search topic.
- Once you add one or more CPT codes, the CPT codes, their code counts, and their active statuses are shown. Enter into the Count field the number of instances the CPT code is used to reference multiple tests in an order choice. Copia uses 1 as the default code count.
- To edit the code count, highlight or delete the text already displayed in the field, then modify as desired.
- To delete a CPT code, click the X button that corresponds to the CPT code. This removes the association between the CPT code and the order choice; however, this does not delete the CPT code from the system. This means that the CPT code will still be associated with any other order choices it is mapped to, and you may still associate the CPT code to other order choices.
- Use CPT codes configured on the Specimen Sources page (when not using discrete billing and not executing CPT rules) to supercede default configured CPT codes on the Order Choices page if an order choice has a specimen source assigned to it. If that order choice has a specimen source assigned to it, then it will use the CPT codes configured for that specimen source instead of the CPT codes configured for that order choice.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click Save.
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Adding, Editing, or Deleting Clinical Information
- The Clinical Info for this Order Choice section of the Order Choices details page enables you to add, edit, or delete clinical information linked to this order choice. If the desired clinical information questions are not available, use the Clinical Info administration page to create new options. See the Admin: Clinical Info topic.
- Click the Add button to link clinical information to this order choice using the Clinical Info Search page. See the Admin: Clinical Info Search topic.
- Once you add one or more items, the clinical info question, response type, and requirement status are shown.
- To edit the requirements, select or clear the Required at Order or Required at Collection checkboxes. Select one or both of these checkboxes to require users to answer this question for this order choice on Order Patient Samples and/or Collect Samples. Selecting the Required at Order checkbox will display the Force Clinical Info pop-up with a message stating that the user must have the Force user to complete clinical info when saving a new order setting enabled on the Signed-in Location tab on the Locations administration page for this setting to work. See the Admin: Locations topic.
- Select the Show on Labels checkbox to have Copia display clinical info for the order choice(s) on printed labels.
- To delete a clinical information question, click the X button that corresponds to the question.
- Copia uses the sort order of the clinical information questions in this list as the order to display the questions on the Clinical Info page, as well as on requisitions, manifests, and HL7 messages. See the Clinical Info topic. To adjust a question's position in the list, click the question's Up or Down arrow button to move it into the desired position. Note that if the option to sort clinical information alphabetically is enabled on the System Defaults administration page, then that overrides the sort order you establish here. See the Admin: System Defaults topic.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click Save.
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Adding, Editing, or Deleting Collection Information
- The Collection Information for this Order Choice section of the Order Choices details page enables you to define collection information for the order choice. If you are creating a new order choice, Copia will display the default collection information created in the System Defaults page. See the Admin: System Defaults topic.
- Copia lists each container used for collection for this order choice, with the Tube/Container name, Sample, Storage status, Suffix, Tube/Container Count, Collection Interval, and Combinable status.
- Click the Tube/Container or Sample links to edit existing or default collection information using the Sample Collection page. See the
Admin: Sample Collection topic.
- Click the Add button to add new collection information using the Sample Collection page. See the
Admin: Sample Collection topic.
- To delete an entire set of collection information, click the X button in the Delete column that corresponds to the collection information.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click Save. As soon as you save this information, it is available to view by clicking the "Default" or "Lab Specific" link in the Collection column in the Host Codes for this Order Choice section of the Order Choices details page. See "Adding or Editing Host Codes" below.
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Adding or Editing Host Codes
- The Host Codes for this Order Choice section of the Order Choices details page enables you to add or edit the host code information for the order choice.
- To view active hosts only, select the Show active hosts only checkbox. Set the active/inactive status in the Host Details section of the Hosts details page. See the Admin: Hosts topic.
- To add host codes, enter the codes for the order choice in the Host Code fields next to the desired host names. These host codes must be unique for each host across order choices. For example, you may not use the host code 123 for Host A for both Order Choice 1 and Order Choice 2. If you try to save a host code that is identical to another code for the same host for two order choices, Copia displays a warning message that details where up to ten conflicts lie and prompts you proceed with saving the host codes or not. Click the fill link to open the Enter Text pop-up to enter text to fill into the text fields in the table. Click the OK button to add the text, or click the Cancel button to close the pop-up without adding text. The text entered will be entered into all host codes listed.
- Select the Code is Active checkbox to designate the code as usable for the host. Clear this checkbox to restrict users from using the host code.
- Select the Suppress Order Request checkbox to control whether or not an order choice order request message should be sent to that specific host for that order choice. This option, which is not selected by default, does not apply to hosts that are a "Lab" type.
- Select the Use Lab Filler as Copia SID checkbox to have Copia use the lab's filler order number as the Copia sample ID for the selected order choice.
- Select the Receive CPT Codes checkbox to have Copia receive billable CPT codes in the result message from that host for that order choice. When enabled, Copia will read billable CPT codes from result messages and generate billing (DFT) messages using the CPT codes received instead of the ones configured for the order choice.
- If you use this type of billing, then you should set billing to occur at the time an order choice is posted as final, instead of when an order is placed or when it is collected.
- Copia looks for the billable CPT codes in OBR-44. If there are multiple codes to be billed, populate OBR-44 as a repeating field. Note that Copia assumes that it will receive total billable codes for the order choice in every result message.
- When the Receive CPT Codes setting is enabled for one or more hosts, Copia will accept CPT code values up to 16 characters. If it receives codes over 16 characters, Copia truncates them to 16 characters. The Billing Summary report reflects the CPT overrides received in result messages.
- Select the Reportable checkbox to allow Copia to include this order choice when sending a result message to a host (HL7 ORU message). This setting does not affect how Copia evaluates reporting rules. If this option is not enabled (making the order choice not reportable) and a report recipient has defined that they do not receive a result report until all order choices in an order are final, then Copia still waits until all order choices, reportable and not reportable, are final before sending that recipient a result report.
- If available, select the Hold Results For Release checkbox to designate that this order choice for the selected host must have its results manually released on the Release Results page before users can see the results on reports. See the Admin: Release Results topic.
- Add, modify, or delete the the alternate name for the order choice in the Alias column.
- Click the "Default" or "Lab Specific" links in the Clinical Info column to view, add, or edit testing location-specific clinical information questions using the Edit Clinical Information page. See the Admin: Edit Clinical Information topic.
- A Default link denotes that the host is set to use the order choice's default clinical information questions.
- A Lab Specific link denotes that the host is set to use its own clinical information questions. If there are host-specific questions, then Copia presents those to users instead of the default clinical questions defined for that order choice.
- Click the Use In Addition To Default Info checkbox to include host-specific clinical question information for order choices with the default clinical question information. This setting will cause the host-specific clinical question information to be included with the default order choice clinical question information if the order choice is routed to that host.
- Click the "Default" or "Lab Specific" link in the Collection column to view or edit collection settings for a host using the Sample Collection Table page. See the Admin: Sample Collection Table topic.
- A Default link denotes that the collection information you created in the Collection Information for this Order Choice section (see above) is used by this host. See "Adding, Editing, or Deleting Collection Information" above.
- A Lab Specific link denotes that there is specific collection information for the host in the Sample Collection Table page.
Once created, Copia displays the sample collection information in the Collect Samples page. See the Collect Samples topic.
- Select the Auto Collect checkbox to have Copia automatically mark the order choice as collected when it is saved on an order and is routed to the selected laboratory, as long as the "Do Not Collect" checkbox is not checked.
- Click the "New" or "Edit" links in the Order Choice Information column to create or edit information or handling instructions for the order choice for the selected host using the Order Choice Information page, if needed. See the Admin: Order Choice Information topic.
- A New link denotes that no order choice information has been entered for the host.
- An Edit link denotes that there is order choice information for the host.
Once created, Copia displays the order choice information in the Order Choice Details page, accessed from the Order Patient Samples page. See the Order Choice Details topic.
- Select the Show Test List checkbox to allow Copia to display the list of tests related to the ordered order choices when users open the Order Choice Details page during order entry. See the Order Choice Details topic. In addition to enabling this setting for one or more hosts for each appropriate order choice, you must enable the option on the System Defaults administration page that allows Copia to display the list of tests during order entry. See the Admin: System Defaults topic.
- Click the "New" or "Edit" links in the TAT (Turnaround Time) column to create or edit turnaround time guidelines for the order choice for the selected host using the Host Specific Priority Values page, if needed. See the Admin: Host Specific Priority Values topic.
- A New link denotes that no TAT information has been entered for the host.
- An Edit link denotes that there is TAT information for the host.
- Enter a number in the Billing Frequency (hrs.) column to set the number of hours that must pass before Copia will consider another billing event for the order choice to be a separate billing event. If there is more than one billing event for the order choice for the host within the number of hours specified, then Copia considers it a repeat billing event, and, when sending the HL7 message, it appends the Repeat CPT code modifier to the Signed ABN CPT code modifier, which are set in the DFT Events administration page. See the Admin: DFT Events topic.
- Enter a value in the Estimated Cost field to define host-specific estimated costs for an order choice. If you do not define a value here, Copia will instead use the order choice's default estimated cost, defined in the "Order Choice Details" section (see above).
- Select the Append Linked Documents to External Reports checkbox to automatically attach an order choice's result linked documents to an externally-generated result report. This setting will force an order choice's result linked documents to be appended to an externally-generated result report if that order choice is routed to that specific host. This functionality will only be available for clients with the SQL Server Reporting Services license enabled. This setting will only be available for lab hosts (similar to other settings).
- Select the Request Collection Information From LabCorp checkbox to have Copia call for collection information from LabCorp.
- Enter a valid LOINC code into the LOINC Code field, or click the magnifying glass icon to manually search for a LOINC code.
- Select the Use Only LOINC For HL7 2.5.1 Order Choice Matching checkbox to have Copia only use the specified LOINC code to match the order choice from incoming HL7 2.5.1 messages. Note that this setting is only available if the server is using a license that allows HL7 2.5.1 to be used.
- Enter a valid aliquot ID code for the order choice in the Aliquot ID Code field.
- Click < Back to List to return to the Order Choices list page without saving any changes.
- Click Save to record changes and return to the Order Choices list page.
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Harvest LIS Synchronization for this Order Choice
- The Harvest LIS Synchronization for this Order Choice section of the Order Choices details page displays Harvest LIS synchronization information for the selected order choice.
- Click the Unsynch Selected button to unsynch selected items in the section. A host must be selected for this button to be enabled. Click the Synch Selected button to synch selected items in the section. A host must be selected for this button to be enabled. Clicking either of these buttons will display the Synch Options pop-up with the two buttons on the pop-up. Click the Close button to close the pop-up.
- Select the Show active hosts only checkbox to have Copia only display active hosts contained within the system.
- The table displays columns for the host's name, version number, active status, selection ability, and a non-synch option. In the "Host Name" column, the name of the host is displayed; in the "Version" column, the version is displayed; in the "Host is Active" column, the active status is displayed; select the Select checkbox in the "Select" column to select the specific host; and select the Do Not Synch (Synch 2) checkbox to specify that Copia should not synch that specific host.
- Click the < Back to List button to return to the Order Choices list page without saving any changes, or click the Save button to record changes and return to the Order Choices list page.
Adding or Editing Order Choice Descriptions
- The Description for this Order Choice section of the Order Choices details page enables you to define the description Copia displays for the order choice in the Order Choice Catalog. See the Order Choice Catalog topic.
- Enter text into the External Link - Label ___ URL ___ fields to allow a link to be saved to provide an external source of information about the order choice. This link can appear in the Order Choice Catalog, the Order Choice Details pop-up, and the "Order Choice Pop-up Search" as a column within a custom column view.
- Copia populates this field, if possible, from the information it receives during imports and/or synchronization.
- Enter or modify the description that should appear for the order choice in the Order Choice Catalog page. This text area has Text Shortcuts functionality. For more information on using Text Shortcuts, navigate to the Using Text Shortcuts topic.
- Click < Back to List to return to the Order Choices list page without saving any changes.
- Click Save to record changes and return to the Order Choices list page.
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