Page Description
Use the Demographics page to view, create, or edit patient demographic
information, as well as access patient insurance and order information.
You must first select a patient using the search feature before you can
perform any of those tasks.
When reviewing patient demographics, Copia applies the either the system default Demographics page layout template or the template selected for your signed-in location in the Locations administration page. If there is a system default custom layout or your signed-in location is using a custom layout for the Demographics page, some of the features described below may not be available, may be in a different location on the page, and/or may be labeled differently. In this case, please contact your Copia System Administrator if you have difficulty finding information on a feature.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the Patient Info menu button, and then click the Demographics
submenu link.
- Click the Demographics link below the Find Patient search field on the Insurance, Order History, Collect Samples, or Order Patient Samples pages. Note that if the Use pop-ups for patient Demographics and Insurance on Order Patient samples and Collect Samples pages option is enabled on the Application page or the Users administration page, then the Demographics page appears as a pop-up window from the Order Patient Samples or Collect Samples pages.
- Click the New Patient button on the Patient Search page.
- Click the name of a patient in a filtered list on the Collection List page.
- Click the name of a patient after clicking the Recent button next to the Search button at the top
of the page.
- Click the name of the desired patient, and then select Demographics in the
pop-up list on the Find Patient or Order lab tasks page or the Lab Orders administration page.
- Scan a patient or order bar code while the default page when scanning setting on the System Defaults administration page is set to open the Demographics page.
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Navigating this Page
- As with any program or web page displayed in an Internet browser, you may always use your mouse to click buttons or to make fields active (ready to accept input).
- You may also press the Tab key on your keyboard to move through the available elements (fields or buttons) and change which element is currently active. Some users find this method faster than using a mouse. Copia allows administrators to set the tabbing order for this page (based on location or system default settings), so that the fields become active in the order most useful to the facility. When setting the tabbing order, administrators may also set one or more elements of the page so that Copia skips them when determining what field or button receives the cursor focus. Upon entering the page, Copia places the cursor at the first element not set to skip or the first unpopulated element if all the preceding elements are populated. See the Admin: Tabbing Order topic.
- Even if a tabbing order is set, you may still use your mouse to access the desired page elements, including those skipped in the tabbing order.
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Creating or Editing Patient Demographic Records
- Use the Find Patient search field to find the patient, or search to
ensure a patient record does not already exist. See the Selecting
a Patient topic.
- Copia displays the selected patient's name, age (or date of birth, depending on your Advanced Configuration Options), and patient ID at the top of the Demographics page once the patient is selected. You may modify demographic and insurance information; review the patient's order history; or place an order, collect samples or create a blank requisition for the patient by clicking the links listed below.
- Demographics: Click this link (or press the [Alt] [U] hotkey) to refresh the current page.
- Insurance: Click this link (or press the [Alt] [I] hotkey) to view or modify the patient's insurance information. See the Insurance topic.
- Order History: Click this link (or press the [Alt] [O] hotkey) to view the patient's order history or edit an order. See the Order History topic.
- Options: Click this link to open a pop-up list
of actions. Select the action you wish to take for the selected patient: New Order (to place an order for the patient in the Order Patient Samples page), Collect Samples (to collect samples for all orders for the patient that are ready for collection), Blank Patient Requisition (to view or print a blank requisition from the View PDF page), Patient Labels (to print the system default patient-type labels), or Change Log (to view the change log for the selected patient on the Change Log page, if you have the rights to do so). When creating blank requisitions, Copia will attempt to use the format selected for your signed-in location, if available. If not, Copia uses the system default format. If the location's format is set to use the system default, and if the system default format is set to "None," then Copia disables access to create blank requisitions.
- The Practice field displays the patient's associated practice. You may not modify this value for existing patients. For new patients, Copia automatically enters your signed-in location, but you may type in the field to search for and select a specific practice from the drop-down list.
- Enter the patient's demographic information in the fields listed below
to create or modify the patient's file.
Depending on the settings on the Locations or System Defaults administration pages, one or more of the demographics fields may be required. Required fields are indicated with asterisks (*), and they appear in red if the field is empty or the value is invalid, until you correct the entry. In addition, Copia displays a tool tip for each required field that has a defined pattern or description. Note that a system administrator may assign a security right to one or more roles to disregard required fields, if appropriate.
- Last Name/First Name/Middle Name: Enter the last, first, and middle names of the patient. These fields
may be required. Depending on the settings on the System Defaults administration pages, Copia may record changes to the patient's name as aliases on the Patient Aliases page. See the Patient Aliases topic.
- Patient ID: Leave this field blank to have Copia assign a unique identification number to the new patient. To manually create a new ID, enter the number in this field. Note that when you save the new order, Copia notifies you if the value entered is not unique. Click the More button to view the master patient ID, or to enter up to two alternate identification numbers for the patient in the Patient IDs page. See the Patient IDs topic. You must have the necessary rights assigned to your security role to edit the patient ID and the alternate patient IDs. Depending on the settings on the Locations administration page, Copia may automatically fill this field with the patient's MRN, if that field is not blank but this field is. Depending on the settings on the System Defaults administration page, Copia may automatically assign a master patient ID to new patients when they are created.
- Aliases: Click this button to view, add, or delete alternate names for the patient on the Patient Aliases page. See the Patient Aliases topic.
- Date of Birth: Enter the month, day, and year of the patient's birth
date in the format MM/DD/YYYY. If this field is required, you may have the security right to enter zeros in place of a date of birth to indicate that the date of birth is not known or required.
- Click the Age button to display the Calculate DOB From Age pop-up. The pop-up allows a user to calculate the patient's date of birth with days. Enter values in the Years, Months, and Days fields to specify years, months, and days in order to make the calculation. Enter the patient's date of birth in the DOB fields. Click the OK button to close the pop-up and make the calculation, or click the Cancel button to close the pop-up without making any changes. Note that this button is only available if the Locations administration page Signed-in Location tab drop-down list option "Date Of Birth With Age Button" is selected as the option for the Display Date Of Birth on Patient Demographics as drop-down list.
- Sex: Select the sex of the patient from the drop-down list. When adding a new patient, this field is blank by default. If the field is required, you cannot save the patient record until you select an option. If the field is not required and you do not make a selection before saving the patient record, the sex will default to Undeclared.
- SSN (Social Security Number): Enter the patient's social
security number.
- Race: Select the race of the patient from the drop-down list.
- Ethnicity: Select the ethnicity of the patient from the drop-down list.
- Primary Care Provider (PCP): Enter one or more letters of
the name of the patient's primary care provider and click Search
to search for providers who match your search criteria.
See the User Search topic. Select the
appropriate provider from the list to return to the Demographics page.
- Linked Location: Select a location from the drop-down list to link the patient to that location. If the "Auto-fill patient location information from past orders" signed-in location administration setting is enabled, then Copia uses this location as the default ordering location on the next order for the patient.
- Practice MRN: Enter a medical record number for the patient. If there is a value in this field, Copia displays it on result reports and requisitions. In addition, you may search for a patient using this value. Depending on the settings in the Practices administration page, Copia may automatically fill this field from the practice's designated demographics source, and/or it may require a unique value in this field for all patients from a practice.
If Copia requires a unique value, it adds an underscore and number "_X") to the end of any non-unique MRN number (see the Admin: Practices topic). However, if the pattern requirements set on the System Defaults or Location administration pages for the MRN field used on the Demographics page do not allow underscores, then users will not be able to save changes on the Demographics page without changing MRNs with the added underscore and number ("_X").
- Phone Number 1/Phone Number 2: Enter the telephone contact
information for the patient. Depending on the settings for your practice, Copia may enter information into the Phone Number 1 field by default. If so, you may modify this default value as needed.
- Address 1/Address 2/ZIP Code/City/State/Country: Enter
the address information for the patient. If ZIP code checking is enabled in the System Defaults administration page, then, when you enter a ZIP code that exists in the database, Copia automatically fills in the city and state associated with the ZIP code, and if the ZIP code update option is enabled, then Copia also updates the corresponding city and state data with any changes you make here, if appropriate.
Depending on the settings for your practice, Copia may enter information into one or more of these fields by default. If so, you may modify these default values as needed.
- Nationality: Select the nationality of the patient from the drop-down list.
- To edit the Demographics fields, highlight or delete text already displayed in the fields, then modify as desired.
- Select the Display ABN in Spanish checkbox to set a default for Copia to print all ABNs in Spanish for this
patient. You may
modify this default from the ABN Status/Print page.
See the ABN Status/Print topic.
- By default, Copia selects the Patient is Orderable option. Clear this option if you do not want Copia to include the patient when users search for patients from the Order Patient Samples page. This option is only enabled if the system default setting for
determining the patient's orderable status when copying a patient to a different practice
is enabled.
See the Admin: System Defaults topic. If the system default setting is not enabled, then Copia selects the Patient is Orderable checkbox by default, and you cannot edit the value. Depending on the Advanced Configuration Options for the system, Copia may display the Orderable column on the Find Patient or Samples page, which indicates the current value of this checkbox. See the Find Patient or Order topic.
- Select the Patient is Deceased option to indicate that the patient has passed away. Once you mark a patient as deceased and save the patient record, Copia creates an alert that it displays by default if you open the deceased patient's record using the Order Patient Samples page. Note that you may use "deceased" as a filter option when archiving records. See the Admin: Archive topic.
- Click the Comments button to access the Patient Comments pop-up where
you may enter patient comments that are recorded on the patient's record. See the Patient Comments topic. Note that if there are comments for the patient, the button text will be green and italicized. Click the Add button to open the Patient Comment pop-up to add a comment in the Add/Edit Comment field, or by clicking the ... button to add a quick comment from the Quick Comments pop-up. This text area also has Text Shortcuts functionality. For more information on using Text Shortcuts, navigate to the Using Text Shortcuts topic. Here you may select predefined comments in Copia, and/or add multiple comments separating them with a comma, semi-colon, colon, space, or vertical bar via the Separate Comments with drop-down menu. You may also select either postpend, prepend, or replace via the available drop-down menu. Click the Insert Date/Time button to insert the current date/time in the Add/Edit Comment field. Note that some comment text must be entered in order to save the comment. Click the Save button to add the comment, or click the Cancel button to close the pop-up without saving any changes. Click the OK button on the Patient Comments pop-up to return to the Demographics page.
- Click the Alerts button to access the Patient Alerts page
where you may enter alert information for the patient that is displayed
when an order is placed or a sample is collected. See the
Patient Alerts topic. Note that if there are alerts for the patient, the button text will be green and italicized. This text area has Text Shortcuts functionality. For more information on using Text Shortcuts, navigate to the Using Text Shortcuts topic.
- Click the Additional Information button to access and add additional information about the patient in the Additional Info Fields. You may add SSN, date/time, provider, etc., and add files to the patient by browsing your computer via the Browse... button. Click the OK button to add the additional information. The button text will be green and italicized.
- Click the Encounters button to add or search for an encounter. The page will display the encounter number, opened time, and closed time. See the Encounter Search topic. The button text will be green and italicized.
- Click the Results To... button to define who receives results based on the patient associated with an order. By clicking this button, you are able to add and edit recipient types and save a recipients to patients. See the Patient Result Delivery and Add/Edit Recipients topics. The button text will be green and italicized.
- Click the Linked Docs button to view linked documents attached to the patient. The page will show ten entries by default in the Show ___ entries field if available. The page will display date/time, name, and a description of the document. This page also gives you the ability to add a new linked document to the patient with a comment. See the Patient Linked Documents topic.
- Click the Diagnoses button to view or edit the patient's diagnoses on the Patient Diagnosis History page. See the Patient Diagnosis History topic. Edit patient information on the Patient Diagnosis History pop-up by selecting either the ICD-9 or ICD-10 tab. Click the Add button to search for a specific diagnosis code on the Diagnosis Search pop-up. Select the code(s), followed by clicking the Add All Selected Items button to add the diagnosis code to the patient, or click the Cancel button to close the pop-up without saving any changes.
- Click the Sign-in button to change the patient's password. There are three fields: User Name, New Password, and Confirm Password. Enter the patient's user name into the User Name field, enter the patient's new password into the New Password field, and confirm the patient's new password by entering it into the Confirm Password field. Click the Assign User Name/Password button on the Change Password pop-up to randomly generate a new user name and password. Click the OK button to close the alert window. Click the Save button to save the changes. See the Change Password/New Password topic.
- Click the Next of Kin button to open the Next of Kin pop-up. Click the Add button to add a next of kin to the Demographics page. Select an option from the Type drop-down list to select the type. Select either "Individual" or "Organization" from the drop-down list. Select an option from the Relationship drop-down list to specify the relationship type. Select either "Unknown," "Associate," "Brother," "Care giver," "Child," "Emergency contact," "Employee," "Employer," "Extended family," "Father," "Foster child," "Friend," "Grandchild," "Grandparent," "Guardian," "Handicapped dependent," "Life partner," "Manager," "Mother," "Natural child," "None," "Other," "Other adult," "Parent," "Self," "Sibling," "Sister," "Spouse," "Stepchild," "Trainer," or "Ward of court" from the drop-down list.
- If "Individual" is selected from the Type drop-down list, enter information in the following fields:
- Last Name: The individual's last name. This is a required field.
- First Name: The individual's first name.
- Middle Name: The individual's middle name.
- Suffix: The individual's suffix.
- Prefix: The individual's prefix.
- Professional Suffix: The individual's professional suffix (if available).
- Name Type: Select an option from the drop-down list to specify the type of name for the individual. Select either "Adopted name," "Alias name," "Coded Pseudo-name to ensure anonymity," "Display name," "Indigenous/Tribal/Community name," "Legal name," "Licensing name," "Maiden name," "Name at birth," "Nickname/"Call me" name/Street name," or "Unspecified" from the drop-down list.
- Contact Info: Click the button to view contact information, such as addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses on the Contact Info pop-up.
- If "Organization" is selected from the Type drop-down list, enter information in the following fields:
- Organization Name: The organization's name. This is a required field.
- Organization Name Type: The type of organization. Select either "Alias," "Display," "Legal," or "Stock Exchange Listing" from the drop-down list.
- Organization ID: The organization's ID.
- Organization ID Type: The organization's ID type. Select either "Employer Number," "Facility ID," "Organization Identifier," or "Unspecified Identifier" from the drop-down list.
- Organization ID: Click the button to open the Edit Entity IDs pop-up.
- HL7 2.5.1 Entity ID Type: Select "Next of Kin Organization assigning authority" from the drop-down list.
- Universal ID: The universal ID for the organization.
- Universal ID Type: The universal ID type for the organization.
- Namespace ID: The namespace ID for the organization.
- Save: Click the button to save any changes made on the pop-up.
- Search Existing Entity IDs: Click the button to search for entity IDs that already exist within the system on the Select Existing Entity ID pop-up. Click in each individual field to search, or click inside the table to select an existing ID. These are search-as-you-type fields.
- Clear Entity ID: Click the button to clear all information out of the fields on the pop-up.
- Cancel: Click the button to return to the Next of Kin pop-up.
- Contact Info: Click the button to view contact information, such as addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses on the Contact Info pop-up.
- If desired, you may add, update, or delete the patient's photo using the Load Image button. See "Adding, Updating, or Deleting Patient Photos" below.
- Click Discard Changes or the < Back to button (if accessed from another page) to clear any changes made to the patient record.
- Click Save to record the changes. When you create a new patient file, Copia changes the display from "Demographics" to the new patient's name, age (or date of birth, depending on your Advanced Configuration Options), and patient ID.
- If you are viewing the Demographics page as a pop-up window (see "Accessing this Page" above), the following buttons are also available:
- Close Window: Click this button to close the page and return to the preceding page.
- X: Click this button to close the page and return to the preceding page.
- ? (Help): Click the help button on the pop-up window to view the help for the Demographics page. Note that if you use the help hotkey from the pop-up, it will open the help for the Order Patient Samples page.
- Remember to enter the patient's insurance information, if available,
in the Insurance page. See the Insurance
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Adding, Updating, or Deleting Photos
In order to use the patient photo feature, a Copia System Administrator must enable it in the System Defaults administration page. See the Admin: System Defaults topic.
- Once the patient photo feature is enabled, the Load Image button is available for existing patients. For new patients, Copia does not display an image, nor will the Load Image button be available. You must save the new patient record before you may upload a photo for the patient.
- Click the Load Image button to open the patient image page, where you may add, update, or delete patient images. See the Images topic.
- After you load an image, click the Save button on this page to save the image in the patient's file. If you do not save the image this way, Copia will not retain the image in the file.
- Once you have loaded a patient's image, Copia displays the photo on this page, as well as in lab reports for the patient. See the Lab Report topic. If there is no photo for the patient, Copia displays the standard "No Photo" image instead.
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