Admin: System Defaults

Page Description

Use the System Defaults administration page to add and edit system defaults for system settings, time limits, result delivery methods, system types, sample collections, aliases, and custom fields.

Click on the tab that corresponds to the information you wish to view.

System Defaults Tab

Use the System Defaults tab to add or edit system default settings on the System Defaults administration page.

Result Delivery Tab

Use the Result Delivery tab to add or edit reporting settings on the System Defaults administration page.

Miscellaneous Settings Tab

Use the Miscellaneous Settings tab to add or edit miscellaneous settings on the System Defaults administration page.

For more help, click one of the following links:

System Defaults Tab:

Result Delivery Tab:

Miscellaneous Settings Tab:

Accessing this Page

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Accessing System Defaults Tabs

  1. Click the System Defaults tab to add or edit system default settings on the System Defaults administration page.
  2. Click the Result Delivery tab to add or edit reporting settings on the System Defaults administration page.
  3. Click the Miscellaneous Settings tab to add or edit miscellaneous settings on the System Defaults administration page.

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Adding or Editing System Settings

  1. Use the System Settings section of the System Defaults page to add or edit system information, as well as set up or modify system defaults for system startup, sign in, ID generation, and label printing.
  2. Complete or modify the fields below to add or edit system information.
  3. Select an option from the System Routing drop-down list to have Copia use the selected routing rule to set the testing lab for an order choice on the Order Patient Samples page. Copia applies system default-based routing rules to determine the testing lab for an order choice when appropriate according to the routing rule hierarchy. See the Order Patient Samples topic. If you cannot find the desired routing rule, create a new rule in the Routing Rules administration page. See the Admin: Routing Rules topic. Select the blank option to not set a routing rule. The displayed routing rules are limited to those available for the signed-in user's practice.
  4. Select the diagnosis validation set Copia uses for diagnosis and CPT code matching from the New Insurance Company Default Validation Set drop-down list. Copia assigns this value by default as the Validation Set for Orders value for each new insurance company you create in the Insurance administration page. See the Admin: Insurance topic. You may import national data sets for diagnosis validation.
  5. Select the diagnosis validation set Copia uses for diagnosis and insurance matching from the New Insurance Company Default Insurance Type drop-down list. Copia assigns this value by default as the Validation Set for Orders value for each new insurance company you create in the Insurance administration page. See the Admin: Insurance topic. You may import national data sets for insurance type.
  6. Select from the Default Insurance Routing drop-down list the value Copia should use for the default insurance routing setting for any insurance records created by system users. If you cannot find the desired routing rule, create a new routing rule in the Routing Rules administration page. See the Admin: Routing Rules topic. Select the blank option to use Copia's default settings. Note that Copia only displays the routing rules available for the practice associated with your current signed-in location.
  7. Select the system time zone from the Default Time Zone drop-down list. Depending on your settings for the system or for hosts, Copia may display the time zone abbreviation on patient reports (see "Show time zone on requisition" below); beneath the signed-in user's name on the bottom, left corner of the page (see "Adding or Editing Miscellaneous Settings" below); and/or on requisitions (see the Admin: Hosts topic).
  8. The ACO button, used to create or modify the basic system setup for Copia, is disabled and is only accessible by Orchard Software Technical Support.
  9. Click the Appearance button to modify the visual characteristics of the program in the Appearance Setup administration page. See the Admin: Appearance topic. Note that you must have the necessary security settings to access the Appearance Setup administration page.
  10. Click the Authentication button to define which authentication methods should be used to authenticate a user that is signing into Copia and in what order they should be attempted. See the Admin: Authentication Setup topic and the Admin: Authentication Methods Setup topic.
  11. Click the Change Log Settings button to enable the change logging feature that tracks and stores important changes to the database and who made the changes in the Change Log Settings administration page. See the Admin: Change Log Settings topic. Note that you must have the necessary security settings to access the Change Log Settings administration page.
  12. Click the Custom Navigation button to open the Custom Navigation Configuration pop-up, which allows you to create and add customized buttons. You may configure the button label, the space above the section, the position of navigation, the color, color settings, etc.
  13. Click the Dialog Customization button to open the Custom Dialog Settings pop-up to customize the size and position of certain pop-ups. For each type of customizable dialog, defaults are set to show them as they have appeared up to this point. The lists of dialogs that are currently customizable are OPS Patient Alerts, Specimen Parts, Patient Comments, Patient Alerts, Patient Add/Edit Alerts, Logon Security Questions, and Edit Item Pop-up all on the Order Patient Samples page. Other dialog types include Add External Provider, Assign ABN, Batch Orders Result Recipients, Calculate DOB from Age, Clinical Information, Diagnosis Summary, Edit Order Comments, Edit Patient Comments, Enter Specimen Part, Form Letters, Lab Info Request, Lab Report, Linked Document Annotations, Message Details: Inbound Queue, Message Details: Outbound Queue, Miscellaneous Order Choice, OPS Ordering Location Alerts, Order Choice Catalog, Order Choice Details, Order Comments, Order Received Containers, Patient Aliases, Patient Demographics Diagnosis History, Patient Demographic Diagnosis History Diagnosis Search, Patient Demographics, Patient IDs, Patient Insurance, Patient Insurance Sets, Patient Linked Documents, Patient Load Image, Quick Comments, Recent Orders, Related Split Orders, Release Results PDF, Result Recipients, and User Actions Log Pop-up.
  14. Click the Event Notifications button to create custom critical events, based on a provided set of event types and a threshold value for what is considered "critical." Copia can send these alerts by fax or email, and can send them to staff members already in the system or to a manually entered address. See the Admin: Critical Event Notifications topic.
  15. Click the ID Generation button to create or edit default ID generation rules for samples, orders, users, and patients. Note that you must have the necessary security settings to access the ID Generation administration page. See the Admin: ID Generation topic.
  16. Click the Label Printing button to configure or edit the system default printing preferences and label formats using the Label Printing page. See the Admin: Label Printing topic. You may also create master and tube label formats for individual tube/container types and for each host in the system (see the Admin: Hosts or Admin: Tube/Container Types topics); however, if tube/container type or host label formats do not exist or are not active, Copia uses this system default label format.
  17. Click the License File button to view existing license information or to upload a new license on the Copia License Information page. See the Admin: Copia License Information topic.
  18. Click the Sign In Info button to create or modify a help text message for users using the Sign In Info page. See the Admin: Sign In Info topic. Note that this message appears when users have trouble signing into the system.
  19. Click the Sign In Page Setup button to select the logo and other information that displays on the page when users sign into Copia. See the Admin: Sign In Page Setup topic.
  20. Click the Specimen Source Setup button to setup specimen source questions that are used to define specimen information in the Specimen Source Details section of the Specimen Sources page. See the Admin: Specimen Source Setup topic and the Admin: Specimen Sources topic.
  21. Click the Superuser Access button to grant a Copia user access to be a Superuser before the user signs in. Click the Superuser Access button to open the Grant Orchard User Access pop-up where the user can define one or more date and time ranges when the Superuser will have access to log in. Click the Add button to add the time range for the Superuser access. The current user can also delete or edit any save Superuser access time ranges as needed. Click the Enable Superuser Access checkbox to grant the user Superuser abilities. Note that there is one exception for when the Orchard Superuser can log in without access. The Superuser will be allowed to log in without access being granted in new databases that do not yet have any users added. Click the Save button to save the changes made on the pop-up, or click the Cancel button to return to the System Defaults administration page.
  22. Click the Trusted Parties button to configure the settings to allow Copia to accept requests from remote systems when users sign in using an HMAC-256 signed token. See the Admin: Trusted Parties topic.
  23. Click the User Action Log Settings button to configure how frequently Copia purges the User Actions Log. See the Admin: User Action Log Settings topic. Note that you must have the necessary security settings to access the User Action Log Settings administration page.
  24. Click the Toggle Sections button to have the ability to hide or display sections on the System Defaults tab. The button toggles all of the sections to either be hidden or displayed based on the state of the first section.
  25. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button. Click the Discard Changes button to clear your changes.

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Adding or Editing Time Limits

  1. Use the Time Limits section of the System Defaults page to set the default time limits on Copia sessions, record retention, and standing orders.
  2. Enter a value into the Session Timeout ___ minutes field to define the amount of time a user may be idle before Copia automatically signs the user out of the program. Copia defaults to 60 minutes. This field is required. Note that you can override this setting for specific users on the Users administration page, or you may give users the right to set their own session timeout settings on the Application page.
  3. Enter a value into the Browser Timeout ___ seconds field to define the amount of time Copia allows a browser query to run before it stops the process. Note that two ACO entries must be set on the Advanced Configuration Options page for this feature to work.
  4. Enter a value into the Browser Max Result Size ___k rows field to define a browser's max result size.
  5. Enter a value into the Frequency to check for critical events ___ minutes field to define the amount of time before Copia checks for critical events. Copia defaults to 6 minutes. This field is required.
  6. Select one or both of the record purge options to remove records older than the specified number of days.
  7. IMPORTANT: You should only use the Purge options if results are forwarded to another system for long-term storage. Otherwise, results could be lost permanently.

  8. Enter the number of days Copia should hold messages in the inbound queue in the HL7 messages in inbound queue should be held for __ days field. You may enter any number between one and 365. Copia defaults to 80 days. This field is required. Configure purge time and day(s) by using the Run at field and the S/M/T/W/T/F/S checkboxes. By entering a time into the available field, and by checking the days of the week checkboxes, the purgers will run on the chosen day(s) at the specified time. Select the Export inbound records on purge option to have Copia save purged records to a file that you may view from the Export View administration page. See the Admin: Export View topic. Enter an amount in the Purge Inbound Queue export files after ___ days field to determine how many days to keep inbound queue export files. Copia defaults to 10 days.
  9. Enter the number of days Copia should hold messages in the outbound queue in the HL7 messages in outbound queue should be held for __ days field. You may enter any number between one and 365. Copia defaults to 72 days. This field is required. Configure purge time and day(s) by using the Run at field and the S/M/T/W/T/F/S checkboxes. By entering a time into the available field, and by checking the days of the week checkboxes, the purgers will run on the chosen day(s) at the specified time. Select the Export outbound HL7 records on purge option to have Copia save purged records to a file that you may view from the Export View administration page. See the Admin: Export View topic.
  10. Enter the number of days Copia should hold email messages in the outbound queue in the Email messages in outbound queue should be held for __ days field. You may enter any number between one and 365. Copia defaults to 72 days. This field is required. Configure purge time and day(s) by using the Run at field and the S/M/T/W/T/F/S checkboxes. By entering a time into the available field, and by checking the days of the week checkboxes, the purgers will run on the chosen day(s) at the specified time. Select the Export outbound email records on purge option to have Copia save purged email records to a file that you may view from the Export View administration page. See the Admin: Export View topic.
  11. Enter the number of days Copia should hold fax messages in the outbound queue in the Fax messages in outbound queue should be held for __ days field. You may enter any number between one and 365. Copia defaults to 72 days. This field is required. Configure purge time and day(s) by using the Run at field and the S/M/T/W/T/F/S checkboxes. By entering a time into the available field, and by checking the days of the week checkboxes, the purgers will run on the chosen day(s) at the specified time. Select the Export outbound fax records on purge option to have Copia save purged fax records to a file that you may view from the Export View administration page. See the Admin: Export View topic.
  12. Enter the number of days Copia should hold RAPS messages in the outbound queue in the Remote Printing messages in outbound queue should be held for __ days field. You may enter any number between one and 365. Copia defaults to 72 days. This field is required. Configure purge time and day(s) by using the Run at field and the S/M/T/W/T/F/S checkboxes. By entering a time into the available field, and by checking the days of the week checkboxes, the purgers will run on the chosen day(s) at the specified time. Select the Export outbound remote printing records on purge option to have Copia save purged remote printing records to a file that you may view from the Export View administration page. See the Admin: Export View topic.
  13. Enter the number of days Copia should hold direct printing messages in the outbound queue in the Direct Printing messages in outbound queue should be held for __ days field. You may enter any number between one and 365. Copia defaults to 72 days. This field is required. Configure purge time and day(s) by using the Run at field and the S/M/T/W/T/F/S checkboxes. By entering a time into the available field, and by checking the days of the week checkboxes, the purgers will run on the chosen day(s) at the specified time. Select the Export outbound direct printing records on purge option to have Copia save purged direct printing records to a file that you may view from the Export View administration page. See the Admin: Export View topic.
  14. Enter the number of days Copia should hold label printing messages in the outbound queue in the Label Printing messages in outbound queue should be held for __ days field. You may enter any number between one and 365. Copia defaults to 72 days. This field is required. Configure purge time and day(s) by using the Run at field and the S/M/T/W/T/F/S checkboxes. By entering a time into the available field, and by checking the days of the week checkboxes, the purgers will run on the chosen day(s) at the specified time. Select the Export outbound label printing records on purge option to have Copia save purged label printing records to a file that you may view from the Export View administration page. See the Admin: Export View topic.
  15. Enter the number of days Copia should hold direct dial messages in the outbound queue in the Direct Dial messages in outbound queue should be held for __ days field. You may enter any number between one and 365. Copia defaults to 72 days. This field is required. Configure purge time and day(s) by using the Run at field and the S/M/T/W/T/F/S checkboxes. By entering a time into the available field, and by checking the days of the week checkboxes, the purgers will run on the chosen day(s) at the specified time. Select the Export outbound direct dial records on purge option to have Copia save purged direct dial records to a file that you may view from the Export View administration page. See the Admin: Export View topic.
  16. Enter the number of days Copia should hold Harvest workstation label printing messages in the outbound queue in the Harvest Workstation Label Printing messages in outbound queue should be held for __ days field. You may enter any number between one and 365. Copia defaults to 21 days. This field is required. Configure purge time and day(s) by using the Run at field and the S/M/T/W/T/F/S checkboxes. By entering a time into the available field, and by checking the days of the week checkboxes, the purgers will run on the chosen day(s) at the specified time. Select the Export outbound Harvest workstation label printing records on purge option to have Copia save purged Harvest workstation label printing records to a file that you may view from the Export View administration page. See the Admin: Export View topic.
  17. Enter the number of days Copia should hold Event Log messages in the Event Log in the Event Logs should be held for ___ days field. You may enter any number between one and 365. Copia defaults to 365 days. This field is required. Configure purge time and day(s) by using the Run at field and the S/M/T/W/T/F/S checkboxes. By entering a time into the available field, and by checking the days of the week checkboxes, the purgers will run on the chosen day(s) at the specified time. Select the Export Event Log records on purge checkbox to have Copia save purged Event Log records to a file that you may view from the Export View administration page. See the Admin: Export View topic. Enter an amount in the Purge Event Log export files after ___ days field to determine how many days to keep Event Log export files.
  18. Enter the number of days Copia should hold Message Center messages in the Message Center in the Deleted/All messages should be held for ___ days field. You may enter any number between one and 365. Copia defaults to 90 days. This field is required. Configure purge time and day(s) by using the Run at field and the S/M/T/W/T/F/S checkboxes. By entering a time into the available field, and by checking the days of the week checkboxes, the purgers will run on the chosen day(s) at the specified time. Select the Export Message Center records on purge checkbox to have Copia save purged Message Center records to a file that you may view from the Export View administration page. See the Admin: Export View topic. Enter an amount in the Purge Message Center export files after ___ days field to determine how many days to keep Event Log export files.
  19. Enter the number of days Copia should hold System Maintenance Log messages in the System Maintenance Log in the System Maintenance Logs should be held for ___ days field. You may enter any number between one and 365. Copia defaults to 90 days. This field is required. Configure purge time and day(s) by using the Run at field and the S/M/T/W/T/F/S checkboxes. By entering a time into the available field, and by checking the days of the week checkboxes, the purgers will run on the chosen day(s) at the specified time.
  20. Select the Purge Outbound Queue export files after ___ days checkbox, followed by entering a value in the field, to specify the number of days before purging export files from the Outbound Queue. The default value is 365.
  21. Enter in the Days To Keep Outbound Queue Export Files __ field the number of days to keep outbound queue export files before they are purged. Copia defaults to 365 days.
  22. Enter in the Days To Keep MLP Export Files __ field the number of days to keep MLP export files before they are purged. Copia defaults to 180 days.
  23. Enter in the Standing orders should not span more than __ days field the number of days for the allowable time span from the first standing order to the last standing order. Copia defaults to 365 days. Copia uses this value when monitoring standing orders, unless there is a location-specific time span restriction for the location the user is signed into. Set location-specific restrictions in the Locations administration page. See the Admin: Locations topic. Note that before users may place standing orders, you must enable the setting in the Locations administration page that allows users to enter standing orders.
  24. Select the Display external content for ___ minutes option to open order and patient linked documents in new browser tabs/windows by clicking the Open Externally button on the Order Linked Documents page. Enter a value into the field. The text input accepts values from 1 to 300. The default value is 3. If the checkbox is unchecked, users will not be able to open documents in new tabs/windows. The documents in new tabs/windows are pulled from the current user's session, based on which order is currently loaded. Refreshing a tab/window with a document will reload the current document if the same order is loaded in the main tab/window. If a different order is loaded, refreshing the document's tab/window results in Copia trying to load the document in the same position for the new order. If one exists, it loads normally, otherwise, the tab/window realizes there is no content to load and closes immediately.
  25. Select the Do not allow expired standing orders to be marked as collected by a user option to have Copia not allow expired standing orders to be marked as collected.
  26. Select the Future standing orders' Order Date should be based on the previous order's Order Date option to have Copia set the order date of subsequent instances of standing orders based on the previous standing order's order date, instead of on the date and time when that next instance populates into the Copia system, which is the default behavior.
  27. Select the Future standing orders' Proposed Collection Date should be populated with the order's Order Date option to have Copia set the proposed collection date to the order's order date when a new standing order is created.
  28. Select the Future standing orders' Order Time should be populated with ___ : ___ option to have Copia set the entered order time to the order when a new standing order is created. Note that this does not apply to hourly recurrence patterns.
  29. Select the Allow collected non-standing orders to be changed to standing orders option to allow users to turn a regular collected order into a standing order. When this is enabled, users may select the Standing Order checkbox on the Order Patient Samples page and redefine the order as a standing order, as long as it is not an order with a status of complete.
  30. Select the Allow completed non-standing orders to be changed to standing orders checkbox to allow users to change a completed order that is not a standing order to a standing order. When this is enabled, users may select the Standing Order checkbox on the Order Patient Samples page and redefine the order as a standing order.
  31. Select the Automatically send collected order choices that fail to create outbound queue entries option to have Copia automatically send order messages for order choices that were marked as collected but that it was not able to send to the laboratory. Copia also sends order choices that were configured to skip collection but that it was not able to send to the laboratory. When enabled, Copia checks every minute for orders that are in those states.

    Enter a date and time in the Sweep for orders with order date/time after __/__/____ __:__ AM/PM fields to define the earliest date and time an order's order date/time can be in order to qualify for the "Automatically send collected order choices that fail to create outbound queue entries" setting. Click the Now button to enter the current date and time. Click the Clear button to remove the date and time values. If no date/time is set, then Copia checks all order choices that were marked as collected but could not be sent to the laboratory.

  32. Select an option from the System serves drop-down to specify that the system serves only veterinary clients, human clients, or both. Select either the "Only Human Clients," "Only Veterinary Clients," or "Both Human and Veterinary Clients" from the drop-down list.
  33. Select the Screen for cross-site scripting user interface input option to screen for and remove user-entered data that could be an attempt to perform a cross-site scripting attack. This affects all pages where user input is parsed from the Copia user interface. If text is parsed that contains a value such as "<script>" then that portion of the text will be removed before it is processed by the server.
  34. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Adding or Editing the System Type

  1. Use the System Type section of the System Defaults page to define the system as either a single or a multiple lab, as well as system-wide insurance and billing settings.
  2. Select the Single Lab (Reference Lab) option if your system is associated with only one reference lab.
  3. Select the Multiple Labs option if your system is associated with more than one lab.
  4. Select the Single Lab Host from the drop-down list if your system is a single lab. This field is required if the Single Lab (Reference Lab) option is selected.
  5. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Adding or Editing Insurance Options

  1. Select the insurance settings for all system users:
  2. Select an option to define the system wide default billing status. The value you select defines the default billing status Copia uses when no other configurations exist to specify the billing status for an order choice.
  3. Select the Create Guarantor Information when Primary Relationship to Insured is Self checkbox to have Copia automatically fill in patients' guarantor information with their current demographic information when users select "Self" as the relationship to insured for the patients' primary insurance without entering other guarantor information.
  4. Select the Show full Relationship to Patient list checkbox to allow the full list of HL7 2.5.1 relationships to patient, even when Copia does not have an HL7 2.5.1 license. The additional relationship types can be sent and received by HL7 classic messages and will use their HL7 2.5.1 identifiers when set. The full list of relationship types when the setting is used is as follows: Associate, Brother, Care Giver, Child, Emergency Contact, Employee, Employer, Extended Family, Father, Foster Child, Friend, Grandchild, Grandparent, Guardian, Handicapped Dependent, Life Partner, Manager, Mother, Natural Child, None, Other, Other Adult, Owner, Parent, Self, Sibling, Sister, Spouse, Stepchild, Trainer, Unknown, and Ward of Court. Additionally, a new relationship type of Owner has been added. This relationship type will only be available when the veterinary features are enabled in Copia.
  5. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Adding or Editing ABN and ICD Coding Options

  1. Use the ABNs and ICD Coding section of the System Defaults page to set requirements for ABNs and ICD codes for all system users.
  2. Select the ABN and ICD settings for all system users:
  3. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Establishing Order Entry Settings

  1. Select one or more options to disable the corresponding fields on the Order Patient Samples page. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
  2. Select the Populate default date fields on Ordering Page with current year option to populate the default date fields on the Ordering page with the current year.
  3. Select the Set Original Patient as Not Orderable When Copying to a Different Practice option to set the original patient to non-orderable when copying a patient to a different practice. This setting also allows users to manually set patients' orderable flags from the Demographics page. See the Demographics topic. This setting is intended for patients in nursing homes. For example, if a person moves to a different location, then they should not be orderable from the old location. Copia also supports this patient moving back to their original location by setting their new location record to non-orderable and setting their old location record back to orderable.
  4. Select the Copy Patient MRN When Copying Patient to a Different Practice option to copy a patient’s MRN to the new patient when using the copy to practice function on a patient record on the Order Patient Samples page. Note that if the patient has already been copied to the new practice, then Copia displays the previous copy of the patient in the new practice, and it does not copy any MRNs.
  5. Select the Search On Order Choice Host Codes When Using Pop-up Searching option to search across host codes for the order choices. Note that the user must have the order choice pop-up search enabled in order for this setting to apply in Copia.
  6. Select the Highlight the "Comments" button for orders with user-generated comments checkbox to have Copia highlight an order's "Comments" button when order-level comments are received from a user.
  7. Select the Highlight the "Comments" button for orders with system-generated comments checkbox to have Copia highlight an order's "Comments" button when order-level comments are received from within the system.
  8. Select the Highlight the "Comments" button for orders with host-generated comments checkbox to have Copia highlight an order's "Comments" button when order-level comments are received from a host.
  9. Select the Do not highlight the 'Comments' button when there are only system-generated comments option to not highlight the Comments button when there are only system-generated comments available.
  10. Search for a new external provider from the New External Providers based on search field. Click the Search button once you have entered the necessary search criteria.
  11. Search for a new location from the New Locations based on search field. Click the magnifying glass icon or inside the search field to begin searching for a new location.
  12. Select an option from the Order Patient Samples Tabbing Order drop-down list to set which tabbing order Copia will follow when users navigate through the Order Patient Samples page using the [Tab] key on their keyboard. You may select a location-level tabbing order on the Locations administration page, and Copia will use the location-level tabbing order, if available, instead of this one. You may create additional tabbing orders on the Tabbing Order administration page. See the Admin: Tabbing Order topic.
  13. Select an option from the Demographics Template drop-down list to set which Demographics page layout template Copia should use for users who do not have a location-level template defined for their signed-in location. You must select "Default Template" on the Locations administration page if you want Copia to use the Demographics page template you select here.
  14. Select an option from the Patient Demographics Tabbing Order drop-down list to set which tabbing order Copia will follow when users navigate through the Demographics page using the [Tab] key on their keyboard. You may select a location-level tabbing order on the Locations administration page, and Copia will use the location-level tabbing order, if available, instead of this one. You may create additional tabbing orders on the Tabbing Order administration page. See the Admin: Tabbing Order topic.
  15. Search for a Patient Insurance Template and a Patient Guarantor Template to apply a special template to patient insurance and patient guarantor. They will default to a provided default template.
  16. Select an option from the Patient Insurance Tabbing Order drop-down list to set which tabbing order Copia will follow when users navigate through the Insurance page using the [Tab] key on their keyboard. You may select a location-level tabbing order on the Locations administration page, and Copia will use the location-level tabbing order, if available, instead of this one. You may create additional tabbing orders on the Tabbing Order administration page. See the Admin: Tabbing Order topic.
  17. Select an option from the Patient Insurance Plan Tabbing Order drop-down list to set which tabbing order Copia will follow when users navigate through the Insurance Plan page using the [Tab] key on their keyboard. You may select a location-level tabbing order on the Locations administration page, and Copia will use the location-level tabbing order, if available, instead of this one. You may create additional tabbing orders on the Tabbing Order administration page. See the Admin: Tabbing Order topic.
  18. Select an option from the Encounter Tabbing Order drop-down list to set which tabbing order Copia will follow when users navigate through the Encounters page using the [Tab] key on their keyboard. You may select a location-level tabbing order on the Locations administration page, and Copia will use the location-level tabbing order, if available, instead of this one. You may create additional tabbing orders on the Tabbing Order administration page. See the Admin: Tabbing Order topic.
  19. Select an option from the Specimen Source Tabbing Order Tabbing Order drop-down list to set which tabbing order Copia will follow when users navigate through the Specimen Sources administration page using the [Tab] key on their keyboard. You may select a location-level tabbing order on the Locations administration page, and Copia will use the location-level tabbing order, if available, instead of this one. You may create additional tabbing orders on the Tabbing Order administration page. See the Admin: Tabbing Order topic.
  20. Select an option from the Specimen Source Grid Tabbing Order drop-down list to set which tabbing order Copia will follow when users navigate through the Specimen Sources administration page using the [Tab] key on their keyboard. You may select a location-level tabbing order on the Locations administration page, and Copia will use the location-level tabbing order, if available, instead of this one. You may create additional tabbing orders on the Tabbing Order administration page. See the Admin: Tabbing Order topic.
  21. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Adding or Editing Sample Collection

Note: If your facility is using the Freezer Storage module, you may select the default storage temperature from the Default Storage Temperature drop-down list. Copia selects "Refrigerate" by default.

  1. Use the Sample Collection section of the System Defaults page to set up default collection information for the Order Patient Samples page. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
  2. Select the Force user to collection page after saving an order option to automatically open the Collect Samples page after a user clicks Save on the Order Patient Samples page. See the Collect Samples topic. Once you select this option, you may select the Only if the signed-in location is the same as the designated collection location option to only allow the user to go to the Collect Samples page if the user's signed-in location is the collection location. You may also establish these settings at the location-level on the Locations administration page. If no location-specific settings are enabled for these options, then Copia uses the system default value set here.
  3. Enter a number in the Number of days in the future to display orders on the collection page field to set the number of days into the future Copia pulls orders onto the Collect Samples page. Copia only displays patient orders that are scheduled to occur within the set number of days. Copia defaults to one day.
  4. Select the Only parse collection times when the sample is marked as collected option to control at what point Copia stores collection times in the database. By default, Copia stores the collection times displayed on the collection pages when the user clicks the Save button. Use this setting to have Copia not store the collection time value in the database until the sample is actually marked as collected. You may select the Parse collection times for samples that have already been collected option to only parse collection times for samples that have already been collected.
  5. Enter a job title in the Term for person collecting samples field, if desired, to customize the name Copia uses when referring to the person who collects samples. Copia uses "Phlebotomist Label Def" by default.
  6. Select the default tube/container type from the Default Tube/Container Type drop-down list. Copia selects "Not Specified" by default.
  7. Select the default sample type from the Default Sample Type drop-down list. Copia selects "Tissue" by default.
  8. Select the default storage temperature from the Default Storage Temperature drop-down list. Copia selects "Refrigerate" by default.
  9. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Setting Patient Demographics Required Fields

  1. Use the Patient Demographics Required Fields section of the System Defaults page to establish which fields are required when users create or edit patient demographic information in the Demographics page. See the Demographics topic. Note that if there are location-level settings for required patient demographic fields, then those settings override these settings. See the Admin: Locations topic.
  2. To view the list of fields, click the Display required patient demographic information link. To hide the list of fields, click the hide settings link.
  3. Select the checkbox for each field that should be required. Copia makes the Last Name, Date of Birth, and Address One fields required by default. You may make all fields on the Demographics page, except for Patient ID (which is always filled in by the user or the system), mandatory.
  4. To remove the required status from an option, clear the checkbox next to the field.
  5. For each field that allows users to enter text, Copia displays Pattern and Description fields and a Test button. Use these to define the field requirements:
  6. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button. Once you have saved your changes, Copia adds an asterisk (*) next to each required field on the Demographics page.

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Setting Patient Insurance Information Required Fields

  1. Use the Patient Insurance Information Required Fields section of the System Defaults page to establish which fields are required when users create or edit patient insurance information in the Insurance or Insurance Plan pages. See the Insurance or Insurance Plan topics. Copia uses these system default settings unless there are field requirement settings at the location, insurance company, or insurance plan levels. See the Admin: Locations or Admin: Insurance topics.
  2. To view the list of fields, click the Display required patient insurance information link. To hide the list of fields, click the hide settings link.
  3. Select the checkbox for each field that should be required. Copia adds an asterisk (*) next to each required field on the Insurance page.
  4. To remove the required status from an option, clear the checkbox next to the field.
  5. For the Policy, Group, and Group Number fields, you may define numeric/alphanumeric patterns (up to 100 characters) in the Match Pattern fields that Copia applies to ensure users enter valid policy numbers, groups, and group numbers. You may set these at the system, insurance company (see the Admin: Insurance topic), and insurance plan (see the Admin: Insurance topic) levels. Click the Test button to display a field where you may enter characters and have Copia display "Pass" or "Fail" to indicate if what you entered matches the pattern you set. Once you are finished testing, click the X button to hide the field.

    Match Pattern Examples:

    Medicare Policy: \d{9}[a-zA-Z]{1} -This allows 9 numbers, followed by 1 letter (upper or lower case)
    Railroad Medicare Policy: [a-zA-Z]{2}\d{9} -This allows 2 letters (upper or lower case) followed by 9 numbers
    Medicaid: \d{11} -This allows 11 numbers

  6. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.
  7. Once you have saved your changes, you may choose to use these default insurance settings or to customize the required fields for selected insurance companies in the Insurance administration page. See the Admin: Insurance topic.

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Setting Insurance Company and Plan Required Fields

  1. Use the Insurance Company and Plan Required Fields section of the System Defaults page to establish which fields are required when users create or edit insurance company or insurance plan information in the Insurance Plan page. See the Insurance Plan topic.
  2. To view the list of fields, click the Display required insurance company and plan information link. To hide the list of fields, click the hide settings link.
  3. Select the checkbox for each field that should be required for the insurance company and/or plan. Copia adds an asterisk (*) next to each required field on the Insurance Plan page. Note that these settings do not apply to the Insurance administration page.
  4. To remove the required status from an option, clear the checkbox next to the field.
  5. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Linked Patient Updating Required Fields

  1. Use the Linked Patient Updating section of the System Defaults page to create and update patient insurance, demographics, etc. when insurance, demographics, etc. for a linked patient is changed.
  2. To view the list of fields, click the Display linked patient update information link. To hide the list of fields, click the hide settings link.
  3. Select the option to create/update patient insurance when the insurance for a patient linked to this practice is changed.
  4. Select the option to update this practice's patient demographics when demographics are updated for a patient linked to the practice.
  5. Use the Fields to Update section to select checkboxes of fields that get updated when a patient is linked to them.
  6. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Complete Name Formatting Settings

  1. Use the Complete Name Formatting section of the System Defaults page to create naming formats that will be used throughout your system.
  2. To view the list of fields, click the Display complete name formatting information link. To hide the list of fields, click the hide settings link.
  3. Use the Patient Complete Name and User Complete Name formatting fields to create a custom naming format. The Copia default format is "ln(x,(x fn)(x mix.))(x,x dg)" for both patient and user.
  4. Use the Available Codes field to select the proper display codes to create the naming format. Double-click the desired code in the Available Codes field to add it to the Format field. For an example, click the Quantity Examples button to display the Quantity Examples pop-up. This pop-up displays examples that can be used to create a simple quantity format, a multiple display code format, or a nested quantity format, depending on whether you are working with the patient or user name. Click the Close button to return to the System Defaults administration page.
  5. Click the Set to Default button to set your custom naming format as the Copia default format. Click the Reset button to reset the format back to its original format.
  6. Click the Validate button to confirm that your format is correct and useable. If your format is correct, the word "Success" will appear under the field in green. If your format is incorrect, the word "FAILURE" will appear under the field in red with an error stating what character is unable to be recognized, e.g., "Error at character 3 (Unrecognized input)."
  7. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Adding or Editing Aliases

  1. Use the Aliases section of the System Defaults page to create aliases for Copia's default billing terms. Note that you may want to assign aliases that are clearly understood by your customers.
  2. Enter an alias in the fields below.
  3. Select the Append the following text to the Order Status when results are waiting to be released field to append custom text to the Order Status when results are ready to be released, e.g., "Pending Result Release." This text will be added to the order status when the checkbox is checked.
  4. To edit the aliases, highlight or delete text already displayed in the field, then modify as desired.
  5. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Defining Custom Patient Classes

  1. Use the Custom Patient Classes section of the System Defaults page to create additional patient classes for the Patient Class field on the Order Patient Samples page. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
  2. Select one or more of the following options to define inpatient/outpatient patient classes that are active on certain pages:
  3. Use the Default Order Patient Class and Default Encounter Patient Class fields to search and select a default order and encounter patient class.
  4. Click the Add button to access the Patient Class administration page where you may define the class you wish to add. See the Admin: Patient Class topic.
  5. Once you have defined one or more custom classes, Copia lists each class here with the name of the class, user-defined host code, and active status.
  6. Click a Patient Class Name to view or modify the patient class in the Patient Class administration page.
  7. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Defining Custom Billing Statuses

  1. Use the Custom Billing Statuses section of the System Defaults page to create additional billing statuses for the Billing Status field on the Order Patient Samples page. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
  2. Click the Add button to access the Custom Billing Status administration page where you may define the billing status you wish to add. See the Admin: Custom Billing Status topic.
  3. Click the Show active hosts only checkbox located in the Host Codes for this Custom Billing Status section to display only active host names on the Custom Billing Status administration page.
  4. Once you have defined one or more custom statuses, Copia lists each status here with the host name of the status, user-defined host code, and active status.
  5. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Defining Custom Image Maps

  1. Use the Image Maps section of the System Defaults page to create and edit additional image maps.
  2. Click the Add button to access the Edit Image Map administration page where you may define the image map you wish to add or edit. See the Admin: Edit Image Map topic.
  3. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Defining Orchard Collect Settings

  1. Use the Orchard Collect Settings section of the System Defaults page to define settings for Orchard Collect. Note that this section will only appear if the Orchard Collect license is enabled.
  2. Click the Shift button to define shifts on the Shifts pop-up. The pop-up displays the shift name, start/end times, active status, and the ability to remove the shift. Click the Add button to add a shift via the Edit Shift pop-up.
  3. Select the Send order choice names instead of abbreviations checkbox to have Copia send the full order choice name(s) instead of the abbreviation(s) to Orchard Collect.
  4. Enter characters in the Bar Code Start and Bar Code End fields to configure the start and end characters for bar codes in Orchard Collect.
  5. Enter text in the Support Text Title and Support Text fields to configure the sign-in page Support Text for Orchard Collect. The title and body text are both configurable.
  6. Select an option from the ID Type to be used for Positive Patient ID drop-down to configure the type of ID used for Positive Patient ID in Orchard Collect. Select either "Use Default," "Primary ID," or "Encounter ID" from the list. "Primary ID" is selected by default.
  7. Select the Enable Orchard Collect timeout checkbox to enable the ability to configure a timeout in minutes for Orchard Collect. Selecting this checkbox will enable the Automatically sign out after ___ idle minutes field where the user configures the amount of time that should pass while idle before Orchard Collect automatically signs out of the program. The default time value is 5 minutes.
  8. In the Orchard Collect Logo section, click the Images button to display the Orchard Collect Logo Images pop-up to search and select logo images. Select the Show active only checkbox to have the pop-up display only active images within the system. Click the Select button to select the desired image, or click the Edit button to edit the image information on the Edit Image pop-up. The pop-up includes the Active checkbox to specify the image is active in the system, the Name field to include the name of the image, and the Browse... button to search and replace the image. Click the Save button to save the changes made to the image, or click the Cancel button to close the pop-up. Click the Add New Image button to add a new image to the pop-up, or click the Close button to close the pop-up, returning to the System Defaults page.
  9. Click the Save button to save all changes made within the section, or click the Discard Changes button to return to the System Defaults settings page.

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Defining Collection Module Settings and Custom Field Labels

Note: These two sections are only available if the Collection Module license is enabled in Copia. This can be found via the "License File" button at the top of the page.

  1. Use the Collection Module Settings section to configure settings for the Collection Module license.
  2. Click the Shifts button to display the Shifts pop-up where you may add and edit collection shifts. Click the Add button to display the Edit Shift pop-up. Enter a name into the Name field. This is a required field. Select the Active checkbox to note that the shift is active in the Copia system. Enter a description of the shift in the Description text field. Configure the start/end shift time with the Start Time/End Time time range fields in the format HH:MM AM/PM.
  3. Click the Save button to close the pop-up while saving changes made to the shift, or click the Cancel button to close the pop-up without saving any changes.
  4. Select the Send order choice names instead of abbreviations checkbox to have Copia send the entire order choice name rather than just an abbreviation of the name.
  5. Click the Images button to open the Collection Module Logo Images pop-up where you may add and edit images for the Collection Module. Select the Show active only checkbox to filter images by their active status. Click the Select button for a specific image to add the image as the logo, or click the Edit button to edit the image on the Edit Image pop-up. Select the Active status to make the image active in the system, and edit the name in the Name field. Click the Browse... button to browse for new images. Click the Save button to save edits done on the image, or click the Cancel button to close the pop-up without saving any changes. Click the Add New Image button to add a new image to the pop-up, or click the Close button to close the pop-up.
  6. Click inside the field to the left of the Images button to select an image by its file name. The image will appear in the Collection Module Logo section automatically.
  7. Use the Custom Field Labels section to customize field labels for the Collection Module license.
  8. Enter text into the Patient MRN Label and Order Date Label to specify what text should appear on the labels. The default text is "Practice MRN" and "Order Date," respectively. Select the Use on pages checkboxes to have the text fields used on the pages, or click the Use on reports checkboxes to have the text fields used on the reports.
  9. Click the Save button to save all changes made within these sections, or click the Discard Changes button to return to the System Defaults settings page.

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Adding or Editing User Defined Fields for an Order

  1. Use the User Defined Fields to be added to every order section of the System Defaults page to assign up to 20 fields to the Order Patient Samples page. Note that user responses to these fields are recorded on the order's requisition, may be sent or updated via HL7 transmissions, and may be used in association with storage protocols, if your facility uses the Freezer Storage module. See the Order Patient Samples topics.
  2. Click the Add button to select a user defined field from the User Defined Field Search page. See the Admin: User Defined Field Search topic. Click inside the User Defined Field search field to search for a user defined field, or click the magnifying glass icon to search. Click the X button to remove the user defined field from the search field.
  3. Once you add one or more fields, you may define and organize the pre-defined values for the fields.
  4. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Establishing Archiving Settings

Configure these archive settings to control how Copia handles archived and restored records. This section is only available if archiving is enabled for your system. See the Admin: Archive topic.

  1. Enter a path in the Default Archive File Path field to specify where Copia writes files when archiving them (for example, C:\Orchard\apps\Copia4\archive).
  2. Click the Test button to have Copia verify that the file path you specified as the Default Archive File Path is valid.
  3. Enter a value in the Purge Archive Records Restored More Than __ Days Ago field to specify how long Copia will save restored records before purging them from the system. Copia defaults to 100 days.
  4. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Adding or Editing the Default Lab List

The Default Lab List (in priority order) section displays a prioritized list (top to bottom) of labs (or hosts) Copia may assign as testing locations to orders when there are no other routing rules that supersede these system default rules. Copia applies the highest priority system default-based default lab as the testing lab for an order choice based on the day/time constraints and when appropriate based on the the routing rule hierarchy. See the Order Patient Samples topic. Use this section to add a lab or edit the lab's priority on one of the lab lists, as well as adjust the priority of the lab lists themselves.

  1. To create or edit a specific lab list, do the following:
  2. To modify the lab list as a whole, you may:
  3. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Establishing Synchronization Settings

Use the synchronization feature for systems that connect Copia and Harvest LIS. This feature links personnel, location, and order choice data between the two systems, so that additions or updates in either system will be reflected in the other.

The first time Copia synchronizes a location, personnel record, or order choice with Harvest LIS, it makes a match based on the host code. After the initial match, the records become linked, and the host code can change. Note that Copia only synchs records with host codes. If Copia cannot find the record it is synching, then it creates a new record:

Use the steps below to activate the synchronization feature. Note that you must also establish the necessary settings in Harvest LIS to use this feature. See the Harvest LIS online or printed help.

  1. Use the Synchronization Settings section of the System Defaults page to activate the synchronization process between Copia and Harvest LIS.
  2. Select the Enable Synchronization with Harvest option to enable the feature.
  3. Enter in the Password field the password that Harvest LIS users need in order to access the Copia system.
  4. Re-enter the Copia password for Harvest LIS users in the Confirm Password field.
  5. Enter a value into the Messages in synch queue should be held for ___ days field to configure the number of days messages will be held for in the synch queue. Copia defaults to 366 days.
  6. Enter a value into the Messages in synch activity log should be held for ___ days field to configure the number of days messages will be held for in the synch activity log. Copia defaults to 365 days.
  7. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

Note the following behavior when synching records between Harvest LIS and Copia.

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Adding or Editing Result Delivery Methods

  1. Use the Result Delivery section of the System Defaults page to set up available delivery methods and information.
  2. Select the methods that users will be able to have Copia use to deliver results in the Delivery Mechanisms section. Users may configure how they receive results (when, how frequently, and by what delivery methods) in the Result Delivery preference page. See the Result Delivery topic.
  3. If you have enabled email notifications on the Users administration page or the Result Delivery page, complete the Result Notification Settings to define the contents of the email notifications that Copia sends when result delivery rules are triggered.
  4. Configure email settings in the Email Settings section. Enter text into the Email Subject field to define the subject of the email. Select an option from the Email Subject Field Codes drop-down list to insert field codes into the email subject. Select either "First Name," "Middle Name," "Last Name," "Primary Physician Full Name," "Sample ID," "Owner First Name," "Owner Last Name," "Order ID," or "Unique Sample ID" from the drop-down. Enter text in the Email Body field to define what appears in the body of the email. The default text is "New Results." Select an option from the Body Field Codes drop-down list to insert field codes into the field. Select either "Sample ID," "Unique Sample ID," "Order ID," "Inbox URL," "Ordering Location," or "Patient Name" from the drop-down. When a field code is selected, the code automatically populates into the field.
  5. Copia selects the Standard Format patient report format settings automatically; however, you may select a different format for the header, body, and/or footer of the report in the Default On-screen Report Formatting section. This list includes the standard format and alternate format 1 options, as well as any result header, body, or footer templates defined in the Layout Templates administration page that have been made live in the system. See the Admin: Layout Templates topic. Copia uses these settings when printing the lab report from most pages, unless there are location-level report formatting settings for the user's signed-in location, in which case, Copia uses those settings. Note that Copia uses the user's result delivery report format settings when printing the lab report from the User Inbox, and it uses the location's report delivery format settings when printing the lab report from the Location Inbox. See the Lab Report topic.
  6. Begin typing the name of the requisition list in the Blank Requisition field, select an option from the matching blank requisitions in the drop-down list, and then click the Add button to add that format to the list of available requisitions when users generate blank requisitions. Select the Default checkbox for each format on the list that Copia should select to print by default. You must define the requisition list here or on the Locations administration page in order to allow users to create blank requisitions.

    Note that Copia uses the requisition list defined for the user's signed-in location, if available, in place of the list on this page. If the location list is set to use the system default requisition list, then Copia uses the system default list. If the location's list is set to use the system default requisition list, but there are no selected formats at the system default-level, then Copia does not allow users to create blank requisitions. See the Order Patient Samples topic.

  7. Select the appropriate ABN format for each Medicare option: ABN Medicare (English), ABN Medicare (Spanish), ABN Non-Medicare (English), and ABN Non-Medicare (Spanish). These drop-down fields contain the system default ABNs, as well as any ABNs created on the Layout Templates administration page. Note that users may select English and Spanish ABN formats on the Insurance Types administration page, and those ABN settings override the selections set here.
  8. Click the Single Standing Order Summary drop-down list to select a standing order summary.
  9. Click the Billing Summary drop-down list to select a billing summary.
  10. Click the Multiple Standing Orders Report drop-down list to select a standing order report template.
  11. Click the Route Group Report drop-down list to select a route group report.
  12. Click the Patient Password drop-down list to select a patient password.
  13. Click the Staff Password drop-down list to select a staff password.
  14. Click the Query Results drop-down list to select a scheduled query result.
  15. Click the Utilization Report drop-down list to select a utilization report template.
  16. Click the Batch Orders drop-down list to select a batch orders template.
  17. Click the Orders Report drop-down list to select an orders report template.
  18. Click the Completion Report drop-down list to select a completion report template.
  19. Click the Result Delivery Report drop-down list to select a result delivery report template.
  20. Select the Show time zone on result reports option to display an abbreviation of the system's time zone after all dates on patient reports. Note the following:
  21. Select the History can show results from different order choices option to control whether or not historic results for an order choice will also display results for the same tests on different order choices in addition to the same tests on the same order choice. When not selected, Copia only looks at past results for the current patient (or linked patients) that have posted to the same order choice as the one in the report. With this option enabled, historic results can span different order choices and be based solely on the test results.
  22. Select the Show history across linked patients on location result reports option to display on reports delivered to the Location Inbox all of the historic data across the selected order's patient, as well as all patients who are linked to the selected order's patient, regardless of their practices.
  23. Select the Use the location recipient's time zone when viewing location result reports option to force result reports delivered to a location's inbox to use that location recipient's time zone for the result report. The system will force result reports delivered to a location's inbox to use the location recipient's time zone on the report instead of the user's time zone.
  24. Select the Show toolbar on all PDFs option to make the Acrobat Reader toolbar be visible when viewing reports and other printable items in PDF format. This toolbar has a Save button that allows users to save the PDF to disk, if desired.
  25. Select the Save result report PDFs to the database option to save result report PDFs to a specific database. Click the Purge ___ Saved PDFs button to purge the number of saved PDF files.
  26. Select the Mask SSN on Reports option to have Copia mask SSNs on any reports it generates. Copia will mask any characters or numbers a pound sign (#). You can control how many characters of the SSN appear with the When masking an SSN, show the last __ digits option (see the "Adding or Editing Miscellaneous Settings" section below).
  27. Enter one or more characters in the Attach this order choice to orders when an order choice is cancelled field and then click the Search button to select the order choice to attach from the Order Choice Search page. See the Order Choice Search topic. If this order choice is defined, Copia will try to attach it to the order when an order choice is cancelled on that order. This, in essence, acts as a "reporting event" when order choices are cancelled, so you will generally wish to select an auto-completing order choice and to allow it to exist on a single order more than once.
  28. Select the Copy placer information in attached order choice option to have Copia retain placer information from the original order choice in the added cancelled order choice when paired with the setting "Attach this order choice to order when an order choice is cancelled."
  29. Click the Use this form letter when removing the last linked document for an order choice drop-down list to select a form letter template to be used when removing the last linked document for an order choice.
  30. Select the Force a page feed when switching to and from host-specific header templates option to force a page feed when switching to and from host-specific header templates.
  31. Select the Force a page feed when switching to and from host-specific page footer templates option to force a page feed when switching to and from host-specific page footer templates.
  32. Select the Orders with held results will not be delivered as final until after result release option to suppress the final delivery of orders with held results until after result release.
  33. Select the Suppress all HTML versions of administration reports option to suppress all HTML versions of administration reports.
  34. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Defining How Users Receive Results

  1. Select the Suppress Copia report content if all results are linked documents option to have Copia simply report out whatever it receives in the linked documents without adding any information to the report.
  2. For each Delivery Method, you may create the default settings for how the results are delivered with the following fields. Note that the options available depend on the delivery method you are customizing.
  3. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Defining When User Results Are Received

Use the When User Results Are Received section of the System Defaults page to configure the system default or practice-specific result delivery rules for users.

  1. Copia displays the Default Result Delivery Rules automatically. Copia considers these settings the system default settings. You may modify the system default settings, or click the Add Practice Result Delivery button and select a practice in the Practice Search page to create a new, practice-level result delivery rule. See the Practice Search topic. Once established, users may select one of the delivery rules you define here, or create their own default and/or practice-specific delivery rules in the Users administration page or the Result Delivery lab tasks page. See the Admin: Users or Result Delivery topics.
  2. Once you scroll to the default or practice-specific result delivery rule you wish to modify or create, select one or both checkboxes to indicate which set of delivery rules will control when Copia delivers the results:
  3. For each delivery method, you may add one or more delivery rules. By default, the Inbox delivery method checkbox is selected for the system default schedule. This indicates that results will be sent to the user's Copia account (User Inbox).

    IMPORTANT: Copia does not select any delivery methods by default for practice-specific delivery rules, so you must add at least one rule, or the user will not receive results for the practice until a rule is defined.

  4. To add additional delivery rules, click the Add button. The Result Delivery Rule page appears, allowing you to set up when the results are sent. See the Result Delivery Rule topic.
  5. Each delivery rule is listed with the following information:
  6. To modify delivery rules, click the name of a Delivery Method to open the Result Delivery Rule page and make any necessary changes.
  7. To remove a delivery rule, click the X button that corresponds to the delivery rule you wish to delete. Copia immediately deletes the delivery rule. This action cannot be undone.
  8. To remove the delivery rules for a practice, click the Delete link next to the schedule's title, and click OK on the confirmation dialog.
  9. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Defining How Locations Receive Results

  1. Select the Suppress Copia report content if all results are linked documents option to have Copia simply report out whatever it receives in the linked documents without adding any information to the report.
  2. For each Delivery Method, you may create the default settings for how the results are delivered with the following fields. Note that the options available depend on the delivery method you are customizing.
  3. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Defining When Location Results are Received

Use the When Location Results Are Received section of the System Defaults page to configure the system default result delivery rules for locations.

  1. Copia displays the Default Result Delivery Rules automatically. Copia considers these settings the system default settings. Once established, users may select the schedule you define here, or create their own default delivery rules on the Locations administration page or the Result Delivery lab tasks page. See the Admin: Locations or Result Delivery topics.
  2. For each delivery method, you may add one or more result delivery rules. By default, the Inbox delivery method checkbox is selected for the system default schedule. This indicates that results will be sent to the location's Copia account (Location Inbox).
  3. To add additional delivery rules, click the Add button. The Result Delivery Rule page appears, allowing you to set up when the results are sent. See the Result Delivery Rule topic.
  4. Each result delivery rule is listed with the following information:
  5. To modify delivery rules, click the name of a Delivery Method to open the Result Delivery Rule page and make any necessary changes.
  6. To remove a delivery rule, click the X button that corresponds to the delivery settings you wish to delete. Copia immediately deletes the result delivery rule. This action cannot be undone.
  7. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Adding or Editing the System Default Result Printer

  1. Use the System Default Result Printer section of the System Defaults page to send results for users and locations that have no result delivery rules or delivery destinations to the selected default printer.
  2. To set the default printer, select Local or RAPS from the printer drop-down list, and then either type one or more characters of the desired printer's name in the printer name field, click inside the search field, or click the magnifying glass icon to search, and select the printer from the list.
  3. Once you set a default printer, select the options for using the default printer.
  4. Select the Do not suppress result delivery if no destination option to always attempt to deliver results for users and locations whether or not they have a delivery destination setup for a delivery method. When this setting is turned off, Copia will not attempt to send results to users or locations that do not have a delivery destination set up for a delivery method.
  5. If this option is enabled and the Send results for users and locations that have no result delivery rules or delivery destinations to the default printer option (see above) is also enabled, the user and location result delivery setup pages will display "System Default Result Printer."

    If this option is enabled but the Send results for users and locations that have no result delivery rules or delivery destinations to the default printer option (see above) is disabled, results will be sent and will get stuck in the queue as not having a destination defined, and the user and location result delivery setup pages will display "Delivery With No Destination."

    If this option is disabled but the Send results for users and locations that have no result delivery rules or delivery destinations to the default printer option (see above) is enabled, results will be sent, and the user and location result delivery setup pages will display "Delivery Method Not Used."

  6. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button.

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Adding or Editing Miscellaneous Settings

  1. Use the Miscellaneous Settings section of the System Defaults page to enable features that affect various parts of the program.
  2. Establish the settings for the following options:
  3. Select the Enforce password minimum character requirements option to set requirements for password character combinations. After you select this option, complete one or more of the following options:

    Copia requires you to set at least one of the options to at least 1-4 characters. These settings apply to users changing their own passwords in the Change Password/New Password page and to system administrators changing users' passwords in the Users administration page. In addition, if you modify the settings and users sign in with passwords that do not meet the new standards, Copia will immediately prompt the users to change the password.

  4. Use the following settings to define password expiration for users.
  5. In The order choice font settings below will apply to these specific pages section, you are able to configure font settings to specific pages, such as Order Search, Patient Order History, Pending Orders, Location Inbox, User Inbox, and/or Pending Collection. The following settings allow the order choice font settings to be configured by text format (unformatted, bold, italics, or bold and italic) and color, which can be selected by the drop-down menu or the color selector to the right of the settings.
  6. Click the When a user does not have access to a page in the navigation menu drop-down list to select "allow users to navigate to the page," "display an alert when the menu option is clicked," or "hide the menu option from display" for when a user does not have access to a page in the navigation menu.
  7. Select the Show time zone of signed-in user option to display an abbreviation of the signed-in user's time zone beneath the user's user name and signed-in location on the bottom, left side of the page under the menu items.
  8. Select the Show order choice catalog page option to make the Order Choice Catalog page available from the Manage Orders lab tasks menu. This option is not selected by default. See the Order Choice Catalog topic.
  9. Select the Cancel all order choices when cancelling an order option to have Copia cancel all order choices on an order when an order is cancelled.
  10. Select the Cancel order when the last uncancelled order choice is cancelled option to have Copia cancel an order when the last uncancelled order choice is cancelled.
  11. Select the Keep all saved order choices during order choice cancellation option to have Copia always keep a record of the order choice being part of the order, even if it is cancelled. If you do not select this option, then when you cancel an order choice that has not been marked as collected and that is not a "skip collection" order choice, then Copia deletes the order choice from the order entirely, with no record that it was a part of the order.
  12. Select the Select cancelled order choice by default when cancelling an order choice option to select the cancelled order choice by default when cancelling an order choice. When an order choice is chosen to be cancelled, the user is taken to the Cancel Order Choice page. With the new System Defaults administration page setting enabled, the chosen order choice will automatically be marked to be cancelled when the page draws.
  13. Select the Retain profile associations in an order when cancelling an order choice from the profile option to have Copia allow users to order partial profiles. When this setting is turned on and a user cancels an order choice that was part of a profile on a new order, Copia will not remove the profile association from any remaining order choices that were from the same profile.
  14. Select the Require NPI Field On Provider Save option to have Copia require an entry into NPI field when saving a provider so that there will not be a blank field.
  15. Select the Validate NPI Fields On Save option to have Copia check the checksum digit of NPI values manually entered throughout the program and prevent users from saving invalid NPIs, although it will allow users to enter blank NPIs. Copia uses the NPI Prefix as part of the checksum calculation. If the setting is blank, Copia uses 80840. Note that Copia does not use this this setting for electronic interfaces, including synching.
  16. If desired, enter the NPI Prefix value to set the prefix to use when validating NPI fields (see above). This value should always be 80840. It will appear on-screen in front of the text fields where users enter NPIs. If this setting is blank, Copia still uses 80840 as the prefix when the option to validate NPI is enabled, but it will not appear on-screen.
  17. For the Fax Number Validation, Email Validation, and Direct Dial Validation fields, you may define numeric/alphanumeric patterns in the Pattern fields that Copia applies to ensure users enter valid fax numbers and email addresses. Once you have defined a pattern, click the Test button to display a field where you may enter characters and have Copia display "Pass" or "Fail" to indicate if what you entered matches the pattern you set. Once you are finished testing, click the X button to hide the field. Enter a Description, if desired. Copia displays this text throughout the program (except on the Inbound Queue and Outbound Queue pages) when users enter fax numbers and email addresses.

    Match Pattern Examples:

    Fax Number: [\s0-9]{0,1}[\,]{0,1}[\-()\s0-9]{4,6}[\-\s0-9]{2,3}[\s0-9]{4} This allows you to have 3 digits for the area code, 3 digits for the prefix, and then 4 digits. Parentheses are allowed for area code. Pauses are allowed, but only if "," is within the first 2 character positions. There may only be 1 digit before the pause.
    Email Address: [\-._\sA-Za-z0-9]{2,20} This allows you to have up to 20 chars before the @. Characters allowed: _ - . Only orchardsoft addresses are valid.

  18. Select the Force Fax Number double entry confirmation checkbox to control whether or not users are required to enter information twice in fax fields. This only applies to fax fields that can be used to deliver results. Select the Force Email Address double entry confirmation checkbox to control whether or not users are required to enter information twice in email fields. This only applies to email fields that can be used to deliver results. When double entry confirmation is enabled for a certain field, focusing that "original" field will open a [field label] Confirmation pop-up with a text input field, OK button, and Cancel button. The text input field has a label "Enter [field label]." If the original field already had text content, that content will be filled in to the pop-up's text input field. Clicking the OK button once clears the text input field and changes its label to "Confirm [field label]." When the OK button is clicked, the two values are compared. If the values match, the Confirmation pop-up closes and the confirmed value is inserted into the original field. If the values do not match, an alert will display with the message "Entered values are not equal" and the Confirmation pop-up will reset. The initial text content will be filled in to the text input when the pop-up resets. Clicking the Cancel button at any time will close the Confirmation pop-up and the original field's content will not change. When the Confirmation pop-up closes, tab order will advance automatically. If a field uses validation, that validation will also apply to the text field on the Confirmation pop-up. If a fax field uses either the Location Fax Number Format or the User Fax Number Format settings from the System Defaults administration page, the format will apply to the text field on the Confirmation pop-up instead of validation.
  19. Set the default display and transmission settings for order-level comments in the Default Order Comment Settings section. You may only modify these settings on the Add/Edit Order Comments page, if you have the necessary security. See the Add/Edit Order Comments topic.
  20. Set the default display and transmission settings for order choice-level comments in the Default Order Choice Comment Settings section. You may only modify these settings on the Add/Edit Order Choice comments page, if you have the necessary security. See the Add/Edit Order Choice Comments topic.
  21. Set the default display and transmission settings for patient-level comments in the Default Patient Comment Settings section. You may only modify these settings on the Add/Edit Patient Comments page, if you have the necessary security. See the Add/Edit Patient Comments topic.
  22. Set the default display and alert settings for patient-level alerts in the Default Patient Alert Settings section. You may only modify these settings on the Add/Edit Patient Comments page, if you have the necessary security. See the Add/Edit Patient Comments topic.
  23. Select the Show Patient MRN in Patient Tab option to display the patient MRN for the selected patient in the patient information tab at the top of the Lab Tasks pages in the program.
  24. Select the Show Patient ID in Patient Tab option to display the patient ID for the selected patient in the patient information tab at the top of the Lab Tasks pages in the program.
  25. Select the Show Patient Age/DOB in Patient Tab option to display either the age or DOB for the selected patient in the patient information tab at the top of the Lab Tasks pages in the program.
  26. Select an option from the Store patient name change as alias ___ drop-down list to set whether Copia always or never stores changes to the patient name as aliases on the Patient Aliases page. See the Patient Aliases topic.
  27. Select an option from the Display ___ months on calendar drop-down list to select whether Copia displays the Current and Next months or the Previous and Current months when users access the calendar feature throughout the program.
  28. Click the Add Value button next to the Graph Values for Zero option to define text values Copia should interpret as 0 (zero) when graphing. Copia displays a prompt. Enter the text value, and click OK to add the value to the list. Click an existing value on the list to edit it. Click an X button on the list to remove the corresponding value from the list.
  29. Select an option from the Output Date/Time Format drop-down list to select whether Copia displays date/time values in AM/PM, Military, or AM/PM (with space before) format.
  30. Select the Generate Master Patient ID at patient creation option to have Copia assign a Master Patient ID to new patients when they are created.
  31. Select the default display and transmission settings for patient linking in the Automatic Patient Linking section. You may only modify these settings if you have the necessary security.
  32. These settings can only be modified by a superuser. If linking is set to use one of these fields, and the patient being linked does not contain a value for that field, or if no linking criteria is defined, linking will not be attempted. Linking will also not be performed if both of the patients that match the linking criteria are already assigned a Master Patient ID.

  33. Select the default display and transmission settings for delivery recipients in the Display Delivery Recipient Type section. You may only modify these settings if you have the necessary security.
  34. Select the default display and transmission settings for controlling search-as-you-type in the Search-as-you-type Display Settings section. You may only modify these settings if you have the necessary security.
  35. Select the default display and transmission settings for controlling label logging language in the Label Log Settings section. You may only modify these settings if you have the necessary security.
  36. Select the default display and transmission settings for monitoring interfaces in the Monitor Interfaces Settings section. You may only modify these settings if you have the necessary security.
  37. Note: In order for the search to be performed, at least one of the settings marked with an asterisk (*) must be selected.

  38. Select the default display and transmission settings for closing encounters in the Encounter Auto Close Settings section.
  39. If your modifications are complete, click the Save button to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click the Save button. If you do not wish to save these changes, click the Discard Changes button and all changes made to Miscellaneous Settings will revert back to previously saved settings.

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