Result Delivery
Page Description
Use the Result Delivery page to set up how results are delivered to
you and others.
Some of the information in this page is set up by the Orchard Copia Administrator
when your account is established. You may only modify the information
as described below.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the My Preferences menu button and then click the Result
Delivery submenu link. You must have the necessary security permissions to access the Result Delivery page.
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Selecting Result Recipients (Provider accounts only)
Note that this section of the page is only available for users designated
as providers.
In the When I am the ordering provider for an order, deliver that
order's results to section of the page, you may select who receives
copies of the results for orders you place.
- By default, the Ordering Provider checkbox is selected. This
indicates that the user, as the ordering provider, should always receive a copy of
the results. Clear this checkbox if the user/ordering provider should not
receive a copy.
- Select the Primary Care Provider checkbox to send a copy of the results to the patient's Primary Care Provider (PCP). The
Primary Care Provider must have a Copia account in order
to receive results. If the patient's Primary Care Provider is the Ordering
Provider, Copia only sends one copy of the results.
- You may select one other person to receive copies of your orders'
results. To do so, you must:
- Select the Other checkbox.
- Enter one or more characters in the Search field and click the Search button to view a list of all Copia Users who match your search in the User Search page. See the User Search topic.
- Once you make your selection, Copia returns you
to the Result Delivery page and fills in the Other field with the
selected Copia user.
- Select the Effective checkbox. When these dates are filled in, the other user will only be delivered reports when the report is received in the effective date range.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click Save.
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Establishing Result Delivery Methods
In the How I Receive Results section of the page, you may select
how you receive results that are sent to you.
- Select the Suppress Copia report content if all results are linked documents option to have Copia remove the results from the report if all of the results being reported are linked documents. This setting applies to the currently selected user; however, you may also assign this setting at the location level for all users or at the system default level for all external recipients (non-Copia users added to orders using the Results To button on the Order Patient Samples page).
- Depending on your facility's capabilities and the administration settings, you may choose one of the following methods for result delivery:
Inbox, Email, Fax, RAPS, Direct Printing, HL7, or Direct Dial. You will only be able to modify the
delivery methods available for you.
- Depending on your facility's capabilities and the administration settings, you may choose one of the following methods for result delivery:
Inbox, Email, Fax, RAPS, Direct Printing, or HL7. You will only be able to modify the
delivery methods available for you.
- Select or clear the Inbox, Email, Fax, RAPS, Direct Printing, or HL7
checkboxes for the Delivery Method as desired. Note that Copia only displays the delivery methods that are enabled in the System Defaults administration page. If Inbox is the only active option, Copia automatically selects the checkbox, and you will not be able to modify it. Copia will not allow you to save an active delivery schedule if the corresponding delivery method configuration is not active.
If the Inbox delivery method checkbox is selected, results will be sent to your Copia account (User Inbox). If
other methods are available, you must have the necessary numbers/addresses
entered in your contact profile in order to receive results that way.
If you do not have the necessary account information, Copia displays fields
next to the method name that allow you to set up the required information.
- Once you have selected a delivery method, you may further customize
how the results are delivered with the following fields:
- Use: Select an option to determine how to use this method.
- Use These Settings: Select this option to use the settings you establish on this page (see below).
- Use System Default Settings: Select this option to use the settings established on the System Defaults administration page.
- Delivery Method Not Used: Select this option to stop using this delivery method. Once you have turned off the method, Copia displays "Delivery With No Destination."
- Delivery Destination: Enter or select the email address, fax number, RAPS printer, direct printer, host, or direct dial number to which Copia should deliver the results when using the selected delivery methods. For methods where you enter the information, click the Set button to establish your entry.
- Printer: For RAPS and Direct Printing delivery schedules, enter one or more characters in the Printer search field and click Search to select a printer from either the RAPS Printer Search or Direct Printing pages. See the RAPS Printer Search or Direct Printing topics. When the you receive results that utilize these delivery schedules, the selected printer will automatically print the results. Note that you must be assigned to a practice that is part of a remote printing group and your user record must be saved before the RAPS delivery method is available.
If RAPS is not yet installed, click the install/configure button to get started. You will need to do the following:
- Install Java (this should automatically happen with IE), if it is not already installed.
- Click the Back button at the bottom of the page to open the RAPS Printer Search page.
- Click the User My Local Raps button to return to the Result Delivery page.
- Click the Save button on the Result Delivery page.
To configure RAPS for your workstation, right-click the tree icon in the system tray, and then click the Properties option. This allows you to select a printer and optionally configure RAPS to deliver PDFs to a folder of your choosing.
- Host: Select a host from the drop-down list to define which host must be assigned to the order for Copia to deliver the results via HL7. Depending on the settings on the Hosts administration page, Copia will refrain from sending the host an HL7 message if all order choice results to be sent are attachments.
- Use cover page: (Fax method only) Select this option to have Copia include a cover page with fax transmissions sent to you. Note that the system default setting to use cover pages must also be enabled for this option to take effect.
- Report Header/Report Body/Report Footer/Report Page Footer: Copia selects the Standard Format patient report format settings automatically; however, you may select a different format for the header, body, footer, and/or page footer of patient lab reports. This list includes the standard format and alternate format 1 options, as well as any result header, body, footer, and/or page footer templates defined in the Layout Templates administration page that have been made live in the system. See the Admin: Layout Templates topic. Copia uses these settings when printing the lab report from the User Inbox. Once Copia creates a report using these settings, it will not update the report if you make changes to the header, body, footer, and/or page footer. Note that Copia uses the location's report format settings when printing the lab report from the Location Inbox, and it uses the system default report delivery format settings when printing the lab report from other locations within Copia. See the Lab Report topic.
If you select "Alternate Format 1," Copia groups order choices together by their assigned reporting groups, adds them to the report in the designated print order, and suppresses or displays result headers according to the setting for the reporting group. See the Admin: Order Choices topic.
- Copies: Enter a value as the default number of copies of a report Copia delivers to you. You can modify the number of copies delivered for a location on the Locations administration page, for Users on the Users administration page, or set a default number of copies on the System Defaults administration page.
- Mailing Address: Select this option to show a mailing address on a result report viewed from the User Inbox. See the User Inbox topic. You may also modify this setting on the Users administration page.
- The mailing address will only appear if the report body is set to Alternate Format 1.
- The mailing address is shown in the bottom left corner on the first page of a result report.
- The address shown is the ordering location's address.
- You may work with Orchard Software Technical Support to adjust the margin settings around the mailing address, if necessary.
- Show History: Select this option to display by default results for order choices
from previous orders in addition to the current results for the selected delivery method.
- Content: Select an option to determine what results Copia includes in the report.
- All Results: Select this option to receive all of the results that have been received for the order, including those that may have been reported previously. When this is selected, each time order choices in an order are resulted or approved and sent back to Copia, Copia creates a new lab report that includes the latest results for every order choice in the order, regardless of approved/unapproved status. Copia displays unapproved order choices as "Pending." Note that in the User Inbox page, you may click the Reprint Past Print Jobs button to view or print any of the previous lab reports created for the selected order.
- New Results Only: Select this option to receive only the results that have come in for the order since the last report you received. When this is selected, each time order choices in an order are resulted or approved and sent back to Copia, Copia creates a new lab report that includes only the results for the order choices that were received. Note that in the User Inbox page, Copia creates a lab report that contains all approved results that have accumulated since the last time a user clicked the Acknowledge Selected button for the selected order. This means that lab reports you create in the User Inbox page could appear differently from the reports Copia sends via email or fax when this setting is enabled.
- Schedule: Click this button to set specific schedules on the Delivery Scheduling page for when Copia should deliver accumulated results to this user via the selected delivery method. See the Delivery Schedule topic.
- Click Save to record your changes, or click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click Save.
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Establishing Result Delivery Rules
In the When User Results are Received section of the Result Delivery settings, you may further customize rules for when you receive results
for each delivery method you established in the How I Receive Results section (see above), or you may choose to use the system default or practice-specific result delivery rules that were created in the System Defaults administration page.
- If desired, select the Use System Default delivery rules option to have Copia use the delivery rules from the System Defaults administration page. When you select this option, Copia displays the default and practice-specific delivery schedules defined in the System Defaults administration page.
- If you do not wish to use the system default settings, clear the Use System Default delivery rules checkbox. You may then define user-level Default Result Delivery Rules and/or click the Add Practice Result Delivery button and select a practice in the Practice Search page to create a new, practice-level result delivery schedule. See the Practice Search topic.
- Once you scroll to the default or practice-specific result delivery schedule you wish to modify or create, select one or both checkboxes to indicate which delivery rules will control when Copia uses the delivery schedule:
- Deliver this User's Reports to the Ordering Location (using the location's delivery rules): Select this option to have Copia use the ordering location's delivery rules when delivering the user's reports.
- Deliver this User's Reports to this User (using this user's delivery rules): Select this option to have Copia use the signed in user's delivery rules when delivering the user's reports.
- If you create your own result delivery rules, you may add one or more rules for each delivery method you enabled above. By default, the Inbox delivery method checkbox is enabled. This indicates that results will be sent to the user's Copia account (User Inbox).
- To add additional delivery rules, click the Add button. The Result Delivery Rule page appears, allowing you to set up when the results are sent. See the Resule Delivery Rule topic.
- Once you add one or more delivery rules, Copia lists the Inbox, Email, Fax, RAPS, Direct Printing, HL7, and/or Direct Dial delivery rules with the following information:
- Delivery Method: The type of delivery that will be used (Inbox, Email, Fax, RAPS, Direct Printing, HL7, or Direct Dial).
- Delivery Destination Override: The number, address, printer, etc. that Copia should use in place of whatever the user's default number, address, printer, etc. is. This is available for all methods except inbox.
- Day of Week: The days of the week that results will be sent to the user using this method.
- New Reports Generated: The circumstances in which that type of report is created and sent (when any new result is received, when any order choice is final, or when all order choices are final--with or without exceptions).
- Priority/Severity: The status of the order (e.g., ASAP, Routine, STAT, or Normal, Abnormal, or Critical).
- Ordering Provider is: Whether the ordering provider is the selected user, someone else, or both.
- Ordering Location Condition: The ordering locations that should receive results via the selected delivery method.
- Order Choice Condition: The order choices that should be included or excluded from the result delivery for the selected delivery method.
- Notification: Whether or not Copia sends email notifications for triggered result delivery rules for the user's selected delivery method (yes or no).
- Scheduled: Whether or not the “Delivery Scheduling” option to send the results by delivery method schedule is enabled for the selected rule on the Result Delivery Rule page.
- Active: By default, the Active checkbox is selected to indicate that Copia will use the settings when delivering results. Clear this checkbox if Copia should not send results using the method. Note that if you do not select the checkbox in front of a delivery method in the How I Receive Results section (see above), then Copia will not allow you to set any delivery rules for that method to active status.
- Sort Order: Allows you to sort the result delivery rules within a specific delivery method (e.g., all faxing rules). Click the up or down arrows to set the precedence order in which Copia applies the rules for a method. By default, Copia will deliver results for the method (fax, email, inbox, etc.) using the first unique delivery rule that fits the result’s criteria. It will evaluate the rules for the method in the order you set here.
- If you are not using system default delivery rules, click the name of a Delivery Method to modify delivery rules in the Result Delivery Rule page. You may not modify methods defined as default (see above) or that are from the System Defaults administration page.
- To remove a delivery rule, click the X button in the Delete column that corresponds to the delivery settings you wish to delete. Copia immediately deletes the delivery rule. This action cannot be undone.
- Click Discard Changes to clear your changes.
- Click Save to record your changes.
- Copia displays the Default Result Delivery Schedules automatically. You may use the system default settings, or click the Add Practice Result Delivery button and select a practice in the Practice Search page to create a new, practice-level result delivery schedule. See the Practice Search topic.
- Once you scroll to the default or practice-specific result delivery schedule you wish to modify or create, select one or both checkboxes to indicate which delivery rules will control when Copia uses the delivery schedule:
- Ordering Location: Select this option to use the ordering location's delivery rules.
- This User: Select this option to use the signed in user's delivery rules.
- If you wish to create your own delivery rules, you may add one or more
delivery schedules for each delivery method you select above. By default, the Inbox delivery method checkbox
is selected. This indicates that results will be sent to your Copia account.
- To add additional delivery schedules, click the Add button.
The Delivery Schedule page appears, allowing you to set up when the
results are sent. See the Delivery Schedule
topic. You cannot add additional delivery schedules to a system default delivery schedule.
- Delivery schedules are listed with the following information:
- Delivery Method: The type of delivery that will be used (Inbox, Email, Fax, RAPS, Direct Printing, HL7, or Direct Dial).
- Delivery Destination Override: The number, address, printer, etc. that Copia should use in place of whatever the user's default number, address, printer, etc. is. This is available for all methods except inbox.
- Day of Week: The days of the week that results will be sent
to you using this method.
- New Reports Generated: The circumstances in which that type
of report is created and sent (when any new result is received, when
any order choice is final, or when all order choices are final--with
or without exceptions).
- Priority/Severity: The status of the order (e.g., ASAP, Routine, STAT, or Normal, Abnormal, or Critical).
- Ordering Provider is: Whether the ordering provider is yourself,
someone else, or both.
- Notification: Whether or not Copia sends email notifications for triggered result delivery rules for the user's selected delivery method (yes or no).
- Scheduled: Whether the “Send by schedule” option is enabled for the selected schedule on the Delivery Schedule page. See the Delivery Schedule topic.
- Sort Order: Allows you to sort the result delivery schedules within a specific delivery method (e.g., all faxing rules). Click the up or down arrows to set the precedence order in which Copia applies the schedules for a method. By default, Copia will deliver results for the method (fax, email, inbox, etc.) using the first unique delivery schedule that fits the result’s criteria. It will evaluate the rules for the method in the order you set here.
- For RAPS and Direct Printing delivery schedules, enter one or more characters in the Printer search field and click Search to select a printer from either the RAPS Printer Search or Direct Printing pages. See the
RAPS Printer Search or
Direct Printing topics. When you receive results that utilize these delivery rules, the selected printer will automatically print the results. Note that you must be assigned to a practice that is part of a remote printing group and your user record must be saved before the RAPS delivery method is available.
If RAPS is not yet installed, click the install/configure button to get started. You will need to do the following:
- Install Java (this should automatically happen with IE), if it is not already installed.
- Install the JRAPS Application. This will automatically configure itself. When this is complete, you should see a tree icon in the system tray.
- Click the Back button at the bottom of the page to open the RAPS Printer Search page.
- Click the User My Local Raps button to return to the Result Delivery page.
- Click the Save button on the Result Delivery page.
To configure RAPS for your workstation, right-click the tree icon in the system tray, and then click the Properties option. This allows you to select a printer and optionally configure RAPS to deliver PDFs to a folder of your choosing.
- For HL7 delivery schedules, select an option from the Host drop-down list to have Copia transfer an ORU message to the chosen host (such as an EMR) when results are received for this user. Note that when an HL7 host is added that is an EMR that has rules for sending results, the user result delivery schedule set here overrides the host result delivery schedule.
- If you are not using system default delivery rules, click the name of a Delivery Method to modify delivery schedules in the Delivery Schedule page. You may not modify methods defined as default (see above) or that are from the System Defaults administration page. See "Establishing Result
Delivery Methods" above.
- By default the Active checkbox is selected to indicate that
will use the settings when delivering results to you. Clear this checkbox
if you do not wish to receive results using the method. Note that if you do not select the checkbox in front of a delivery method in the How I Receive Results section (see above), then Copia will not allow you to set any delivery schedules for that method to active status.
- To remove a delivery schedule, click the X button that corresponds
to the delivery settings you wish to delete. Copia immediately
deletes the delivery schedule. This action cannot be undone. Note that you may only remove a default delivery method by clearing the Default checkbox, and you cannot remove a system default delivery schedule. See "Establishing Result Delivery Methods" above.
- Click Discard Changes
to clear your changes.
- Click Save to record changes.
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