Result Delivery Rule

Page Description

Use the Result Delivery Rule page to set up the details for when Copia delivers results. The schedule you create here determines what Copia considers a reporting event, where it delivers the accumulated results for the order.

The way the result delivery rule works is that once the Deliver New Report When option is triggered, Copia delivers (based on your settings) all of the results that have queued for that order, even if the other results had not triggered a reporting event. So, for example, if you set your schedule to deliver reports when a STAT order choice is final, then when the STAT order choice becomes final, Copia delivers the STAT order choice's results, along with any queued results for any other order choices on the order.

If you want to further modify how Copia delivers results for designated order choices, use the settings on the Delivery Groups tab on the Reporting administration page. See the Admin: Reporting topic.

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Establishing the Result Delivery Rule

  1. Select an option the from the Delivery Method drop-down list to indicate how the delivery should occur (Inbox, Email, Fax, RAPS, Direct Printing, HL7, or Direct Dial). The options available on this list depend on the delivery methods you have established in the Result Delivery lab tasks page or Users or Locations administration pages. See the Result Delivery, Admin: Users, or Admin: Locations topics.
  2. If you select a method other than inbox for the Delivery Method (see above), you may also enter, select, or search for the Delivery Destination Override (the type of input available is determined by the delivery method selected), which is the number, address, printer, etc. that Copia should use in place of whatever the user's default number, address, printer, etc. is. For Fax or Email delivery methods, enter the fax number or email address that should override other values. For RAPS and Direct Printing delivery methods, enter one or more characters in the Delivery Destination Override search field and click Search to select a printer from either the RAPS Printer Search or Direct Printing pages. See the RAPS Printer Search or Direct Printing topics. For the HL7 delivery method, select an option from the Delivery Destination Override drop-down list of hosts to override other values.
  3. Click the Alerts & Comments button to view, add, edit, or delete the alerts and comments associated with the current result delivery rule. See the Admin: Alerts & Comments topic. Note that if there are alerts or comments for the result delivery rule, the button text is italicized.
  4. Select the condition under which Copia will send new reports. You may only select one Deliver New Report When option, although you may set up multiple result delivery rules to cover each of these conditions.
  5. Note that you may override users' settings for specific order choices by enabling the Force result delivery for preliminary results setting when defining the order choices on the Order Choices administration page. If this setting is enabled, Copia always reports results for the order choices as soon as it receives results (even if they are preliminary), no matter what the users' result delivery settings are. See the Admin: Order Choices topic.
  6. Select the Active all day checkbox in the Time of Day This Rule Is Active section to specify that the rule is active in the Copia system all day. Enter numerals into the Between and and fields to specify the times. The same time existing in both fields will be interpreted as a 24 hour period of time.
  7. Enter a range of Time in the format HH:MM AM/PM. Copia will only send reports during this time frame. If you enter the same time for both ends of the range, Copia will interpret this as a continuous 24 hour period of time and will send the results at any time during that period.
  8. Select the Days of the Week checkboxes that correspond to the days of the week on which the delivery should occur (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday). You must select at least one checkbox.
  9. Select options from the Patient Class is... section to specify patient class items.
  10. Select options from the Priority is... section to specify priority items.
  11. Select options from the Severity is... section to specify severity status items.
  12. Select any Other Constraints to limit when reports are delivered, if desired.
  13. Select an option in the Ordering Location is... section to specify ordering location items.
  14. Select an option in the Ordering Practice is... section to specify ordering practice items.
  15. Select an option in the Order Choice is... section to specify order choice items.
  16. Select an option in the Order Choice Type is... section to specify order choice type items.
  17. Select the notification status in the Notification... section to set whether or not Copia sends an email notification when a result delivery rule is triggered for results delivered to your inbox. To receive notifications, click the Notify this Location by email option. The contents and format of the notification email is based on settings on the System Defaults administration page, and you may view the notifications Copia has sent in the Outbound Queue administration page.
  18. Click inside the field in the Send notification email(s) to users table to search for and add users within the Copia system. This is a search-as-you-type field. Click the magnifying glass icon to search for users manually. When a user is selected, they will appear in the table. The tables displays the name, ID, email address, and active status of the user, if available. If no users are selected, a "No records selected" message will appear in the table. Click inside the field in the Send notification email(s) to locations table to search for and add locations within the Copia system. This is a search-as-you-type field. Click the magnifying glass icon to search for locations manually. When a location is selected, they will appear in the table. The tables displays the name, ID, email address, and active status of the location, if available. If no locations are selected, a "No records selected" message will appear in the table.
  19. Click the Save button to record your changes and return to the previous page, or click the Cancel button to return to the previous page without saving changes.

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