Admin: Export View

Page Description

Use the Export View page to view records that Copia has purged. Copia creates files for records purged from the Change Log, User Actions Log, Inbound Queue, and Outbound Queue based on the settings for logging purged files set on the System Default administration page. Note that the purge archive file for the current day will not be accessible until the next day.

To use this page, users must have the right to view the Inbound Queue page, the Outbound Queue page, and/or the User Action Log and Change Log pages. Users may view the Export View page as long as they have one of those rights; however, they will only be able to access files for which they have the associated right.

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Accessing this Page

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Setting the Export View Filter

  1. Select an option from the Type drop-down field to limit the list based on where the records originated (Change Log, Inbound Queue, Outbound Queue, or one of the tabs on the User Actions Log).
  2. Select an option from the File drop-down field to select which file Copia should search for matching records. Remember, Copia creates files for records purged from the Change Log, User Actions Log, Inbound Queue, and Outbound Queue based on the settings for logging purged files set on the System Default administration page. This means that there may be one, multiple or no files, depending on the purge settings.
  3. Select an option from the Changes Made by drop-down to specify who made changes. Select either "All," "Host," "User," "Patient," "Orchard Superuser," or "System" from the drop-down list. When "Host" or "User" is selected from the list, a Host Search field and a User Search field appears, respectively. Insert text into the corresponding field, or click the magnifying glass to search manually. This is a search-as-you-type field.
  4. Select an option from the Event drop-down to specify the type of event. Select either "All," "Create," "Update," or "Delete" from the list.
  5. Select an option from the Category Type drop-down to specify the type of category. Select either "All," "Client Services Clients, Items, Routes, Rule, Setup, or Supplies," "Clinical Info," "Clinical Study," "Data Browser," "Host," "Insurance Company," Insurance Plan," "Interface Activity," "Label Printing Rule," "Layout Template," "Location," "Order," "Order Choice," "Order Choice Type," "Order Entry Rule," "Patient," "Patient Alias," "Practice," "Profile," "Result Evaluation Rule," "Result Release Rule," "Roles," "Sample," "Scheduled Events," "Server," "Specimen Source," "Split Order Rule," "System Default," or "User" from the list. When "Order" or "Patient" is selected, an Order Search field and a Patient Search field appear, respectively. Insert text into the corresponding field, or click the magnifying glass to search manually. This is a search-as-you-type field.
  6. Use the Start and End time range fields to search between a specific range of time. Enter values into the fields in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM, or click the calendar icon to manually select the date/time. Click the Now button to insert the current date/time into the fields, or click the Clear button to clear the fields.
  7. Enter a value into the Displaying ___ of ___ Export Records field to configure how many reports appear on the page. Copia displays the designated number of records per page, and the table updates automatically. The default value is 10.
  8. Once you have the desired settings for the filter, click the Refresh button.
  9. Copia updates the list in the lower portion of the page. See "Reviewing the Exported Records" below.

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Reviewing Exported Records
  1. Click the Print Selected button to print the selected export records, and click the Export Selected button to export the selected records.
  2. Select a delimiter from the drop-down list to separate export records. Select either "Comma," "Double quotes and comma," "Semicolon," "Tab," or "Vertical bar" from the drop-down list.
  3. Once you have set the filter criteria and clicked the Refresh button, Copia updates the list in the bottom section of the page. See "Setting the Export View Filter" above.
  4. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of records, to navigate through the list. If there are more page links than can fit on the page at once, Copia displays the Page field. Enter a number in this field and press the Enter key on the keyboard to immediately open the selected page.
  5. Each record is listed with details about the record, though the displayed information varies based on the type of records you are viewing.
  6. To modify the list of changes, adjust the filter criteria and click Refresh. See "Setting the Export View Filter" above.
  7. Click the Reset Filter button to reset the entire filter to begin a new search.

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