Admin: Label Printing

Page Description

Use the Label Printing page to configure the settings for system default, host-specific, patient, and tube/container type master and tube labels. The labels you create may have one part or multi-parts, but remember label sections cannot overlap or fall outside the width and height of the labels. You also use this page to create label formats for aliquot label groups.

For container labels, Copia uses the tube/container type's label format settings, if they are available. If tube/container type label formats do not exist or are not active, Copia uses host label format settings for labels produced for samples that have been routed to that host. If host label formats do not exist or are not active, Copia uses the system default label format set in the System Defaults administration page.

For master labels, Copia uses the host label format settings for labels produced for samples that have been routed to that host. If host label formats do not exist or are not active, Copia uses the system default label format set in the System Defaults administration page.

When necessary, Copia will split lines of text on labels when the current line width is exceeded. When this happens, it will continue printing on as many new lines as needed by splitting the current line on one of the three conditions below. If necessary, it will carry over printing onto another label.

  1. If possible, Copia splits the line on the last available space.
  2. If only one character of a word will be printed on the current line, then it skips to the next line and begins printing without splitting a word.
  3. If neither of the above are possible, then it splits the line mid-word when it reaches the maximum line-length.

Remember that in order to print labels, you must have a label printer attached to your system and have the necessary label printing application installed. Contact an Orchard Copia Administrator for help with setting up label printing.

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Setting the Label Formats
  1. Use the Label Format section to define the type and size of the label.
  2. Select the label type ("Master," "Tube/Container," "Patient," "Aliquot Spacer," or "Client Services") from the Label Type drop-down list. Note that the "Patient" label type is not available if you are creating label printing settings for hosts.
  3. Select either "0 Degrees" or "180 Degrees" from the Rotate Label drop-down field to print labels at either a standard or a 180 degree rotation.
  4. Enter a value in inches in the Label Width field to define the width of the label you are using with this label format. Click the Restore Default button to reset the width to the default value of two inches.
  5. Enter a value in inches in the Label Height field to define the height of the label you are using with this label format. Click the Restore Default button to reset the height to the default value of 1.25 inches.
  6. Select an option from the Default bar code type drop-down field to set which bar code type Copia should use by default on reports when this is the active format. Select either "128," "39 EXT," "128C," "Data Matrix," or "PDF417" from the list.
  7. Select an option from the Date/Time Format drop-down list to configure the date/time format for label printing. Select either "AM/PM," "Military," or "AM/PM (with space before)" from the drop-down list.
  8. Select an option from the View Ratio to set the scale at which Copia displays your multi-part label settings in the Label Format Sections section. See "Setting the Label Format Sections" below.
  9. If you are defining system default labels, click the Number of Master Labels to Print button to define the number of labels to print for every order using the Default Label Count page. See the Admin: Default Label Count topic. This button is not available if you are creating label printing settings for hosts.
  10. Click the Label Abbreviations button to display the Label Abbreviations pop-up where a user can add label abbreviations by pressing the Add button. Enter the original word into the Original field and enter the abbreviation into the Translate To field. Click the Save button to add the abbreviation, or click the Cancel button to close the pop-up without making any changes.
  11. Click the Import and/or Export buttons to either import or export the label format. A save must be performed before the label format can be imported or exported.
  12. Click Cancel to return to the preceding page without saving any changes.
  13. If your modifications are complete, click OK to record all changes and return to the preceding page. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click OK. Note that Copia has not yet fully saved your label settings.
  14. Once you return to the preceding page, click the Save button to fully save the label settings.

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Setting the Label Format Sections
  1. Use the Label Format Sections section to define the contents of the label.
  2. Copia displays any existing label parts in the preview pane.
  3. To add a new part to the label, click the Add button. To edit an existing label section, click the Edit button or click anywhere in that section in the preview pane. This opens the Label Section Edit pop-up window.
  4. In the Label Section Edit pop-up window, set the size and contents for just that section of the label. You may define one or more sections for a label, but remember label sections cannot overlap or fall outside the width and height of the labels you defined in the Label Format section. See "Label Format" above.
  5. Click the Refresh button to update the height and width of the preview pane with any changes you have made.
  6. To see a preview of the label, complete with data, use test feature in the Label Format Test section. See "Testing the Label Format" below.
  7. If your modifications are complete, click OK to record all changes and return to the preceding page. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click OK. Note that Copia has not yet fully saved your label settings.
  8. Once you return to the preceding page, click the Save button to fully save the label settings.

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Testing the Label Format
  1. Use the Label Format Test section to preview the label with real data.
  2. Enter one or more characters in the Order field, and then click Search to select an order from the Order Search page. See the Order Search topic.
  3. Select an option from the Label Printer drop-down list. If you do not see the desired label printer, click the Search button to find the printer using the Label Printer Search page. Select the "Local Workstation Labeler" option to preview labels that are generated by the Labeler on the Label Format setup page. A preview will be generated when the Preview button is clicked and "Local Workstation Labeler" is selected in the Label Printer drop-down. See the Label Printer Search topic.
  4. Click Test to print a test label for the selected order on the selected label printer.
  5. If your modifications are complete, click OK to record all changes and return to the preceding page. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click OK. Note that Copia has not yet fully saved your label settings.
  6. Once you return to the preceding page, click the Save button to fully save the label settings.

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