Admin: Email Details
Page Description
Use the Email Details page to set up default email settings used for result delivery. See the Admin: System Defaults topic.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the Email Details button in the Result Delivery Delivery Mechanisms section on the Result Delivery tab located on the System Defaults administration page. The Email checkbox must be selected for the Details button to be enabled.
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Creating or Modifying Email Details
- Complete the fields below. All fields are required.
- Sender: Enter the email address Copia uses to send email reports. This must be formatted as an email address (e.g.,, because this is the sender's email address for all email reports. Copia validates that the address you enter is a properly formatted email address. If it is invalid, Copia alerts you to that fact.
- Mail Server: Enter the address of the email server.
- Port: Enter the port number of the mail server.
- User Name: Enter the user name for Copia's email account.
- Password: Enter the password for Copia's email account.
- Confirm Password: Re-enter the password for Copia's email account.
- Enable Authentication (Allow email recipients outside of the domain): Select this option to allow Copia to send messages to email addresses outside of the mail server's domain.
- Use TLS Encryption: Select this option to have Copia use TLS encryption. TLS encryption is frequently required when communicating with an external mail server.
- Email Protocol: Select either "SMTP" or "SMTPS" from the Email Protocol drop-down list to define the email protocol. "SMTP" stands for "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol" and "SMTPS" is a method for securing SMTP with transport layer security. SMTPS protocol is frequently required when communicating with an external mail server.
- To edit the email details fields, highlight or delete text already displayed in the field, then modify as desired.
- Click the Cancel button to return to the System Defaults administration page without saving any changes.
- Click the OK button to record changes and return to the System Defaults administration page.
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Creating or Modifying PDF Security Details
- Select either "None," "Standard 40-bit (Acrobat 3.0+)," "Standard 128-bit (Acrobat 5.0+)," or "Standard 128-bit (Acrobat 7.0+)" from the PDF Encryption drop-down list to define a PDF encryption level. The default selection is "None."
- Enter password text into the Password to open field to define a password to use when disabling, printing, copying, or modifying a PDF. There is a maximum password length of 32 characters.
- Disable PDF printing: Select this checkbox to disable the printing of PDFs.
- Disable PDF copying: Select this checkbox to disable the copying of PDFs.
- Disable PDF modification: Select this checkbox to disable the modification of PDFs.
- Click the Cancel button to return to the System Defaults administration page without saving any changes.
- Click the OK button to record changes and return to the System Defaults administration page.
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Creating or Modifying Test Email Settings
- Click in the Test Email Subject field to add text to create the test email subject heading.
- Click in the Test Email Body field to add text to create the body of the email that will be sent as the test email.
- Click the Cancel button to return to the System Defaults administration page without saving any changes.
- Click the OK button to record changes and return to the System Defaults administration page.
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