Order Choice Catalog

Page Description

Use the Order Choice Catalog page to search through all of the active order choices and profiles in the database and get more information about them, without accessing a patient record or opening the Order Choices administration page.

By default, this page is not available. A Copia System Administrator must modify the setting on the System Defaults administration page to allow the Order Choice Catalog page to appear as an option on the Manage Orders menu.

For more help, click one of the following links:

Accessing this Page

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Setting the Search Filter

  1. Use one or more of the following filter options:
  2. Remember that each filter option you use further limits the number of possible matching order choices. If you use multiple filtering options, then Copia will only display those order choices or profiles that match all of the parameters you have specified.
  3. As you select each filter option, Copia automatically updates the list of order choices and profiles. See "Viewing the Order Choice Catalog Details" below.

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Viewing the Order Choice Catalog Details

  1. Copia displays the order choices and profiles that match the search filter restrictions when the page refreshes. Copia displays the profiles first, followed by the order choices, sorted alphabetically. Copia includes in the search the system-level profiles, practice-level profiles for either the selected ordering location's practice or for the practices for all of the locations that you may select, and user-level profiles that you have created.
  2. If the order choice catalog list is longer than one page, use the Page links to navigate through the list. If there are more page links than can fit on the page at once, Copia displays the Page field. Enter a number in this field and press the Enter key on the keyboard to immediately open the selected page.
  3. To modify the number of order choices on the page, adjust the value of the Displaying __ of __ Order Choices field. Copia defaults to 10 per page, and displays the total number of items based on your search.
  4. To narrow the search, use the Search Filter fields to perform the search again. See "Setting the Search Filter" above.
  5. Copia displays the assigned CPT codes in the CPT Codes column.
  6. Copia displays the Research/Experimental column, when applicable, to indicate the research/experimental status of each order choice on the list.
  7. To change the view of the order choices and profiles, click one of the following:
  8. When viewing the details for one or more order choices/profiles, Copia displays as much of the following information as is available:
  9. Click the Print button to print the available information for the chosen order choice by lab. When the Print button is clicked, a print dialog displays to configure printing criteria. Print buttons will be available by each host information section. When these buttons are clicked, the order choice information will be printed alongside the chosen host information.

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