Admin: ID Generation

Page Description

Use the ID Generation page to create lab-specific sample ID formats for each lab, order choice types, or all system users. You must have the necessary security permissions to access this page.

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Setting ID Formats

  1. Select an option from the ID Type drop-down list to set what type of ID you are defining (Aliquot ID, Grouping ID, Sample ID, Order ID, User ID, Patient ID, HL7/Fax Outbound File Name, Master Patient ID, PDF Result Report File Name, Client Item ID, HL7 Outbound File Name, Manifest ID, Practice ID, PDF Requisition File Name, PDF Blank Requisition File Name, PDF ABN File Name, PDF Collection List File Name, PDF Data Browser File Name, Label Print Job File Name, PDF Manifest File Name, Encounter ID, Direct Printing File Name, Location ID, Blank Requisition Sequence, Owner ID, Batch Order ID, Location Host Code, and Email Result Report File Name). Depending on how you access this page, Copia may restrict your available options. There is also the ability to add a user-defined field ID type for "Email Result Report File Name" and "PDF Result Report File Name" ID types.
  2. Select the Active checkbox to enable the use of this ID. Clear this checkbox to restrict the use of this ID.
  3. Select the Use same Sample ID for all samples in the same order checkbox to place one sample ID on all samples in one order. If you also enable the Use different Sample ID for different Storage Temperatures and/or the Use different Sample ID for different billing statuses checkbox, Copia will assign the same sample ID to all samples being sent to the same lab, as long as they have the same storage temperature and/or billing statuses assigned to them. This setting does not affect how many sample records will be created in the system. It only affects how Copia assigns sample IDs to them.
  4. Select the Use different Sample ID for each tube/container on a single order choice checkbox if an order choice has more than one type of container and that order choice is not the first order choice displayed on the order. Select the Use only for Pathology accessioning checkbox that allows the user to hold order messages for specific order choice types until the order choices are "accessioned" using the accessioning screen. When the user loads a sample into the accessioning screen, the system will assign an additional sample ID that will be sent to the lab as the order choice's SID.
  5. Use the values in the Codes for ID Format field to define the contents of the ID in the ID Format field. Type your selections in the ID Format field or double click the codes in the list to add them to the field. You may use any value multiple times; however, Copia warns you if you enter a value that exceeds the maximum length. Keep in mind that there is a maximum length when selecting format codes and the sequence number range. If you entered a sequence number code (seq) for the ID, set the Sequence # Min, Sequence # Max, Sequence # Start, Reset Sequence, and Remove leading zeroes fields. See "Setting Sequence ID Formats" below.
  6. Click the Validate button to have Copia determine the ID's usability and display the format. If the ID format is not validated, an alert will display. Note that inactive schemes do not require validation to be saved.
  7. Click Cancel to return to the previous page without saving any changes.
  8. Click Save to record changes and return to the previous page.

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Setting Sequence ID Formats

  1. If you entered a sequence number code for the ID (see "Setting ID Formats" above), then you need to set minimum and maximum values, as well as select how often you would like to reset the sequence.
  2. Complete the fields below to set the sequence values.
  3. Select how frequently Copia resets the sequence number from the Reset Sequence drop-down list. If Copia reaches the maximum value before the selected reset date, then the sequence is reset to the minimum value even though the date has not yet passed.
  4. Select the Remove leading zeroes checkbox to have any leading zeros in the ID number removed.
  5. Enter the appropriate codes in the ID Format field to create the file naming convention for the selected ID Type. Add "n" and "x" codes to set up how many digits or characters Copia should reserve for the data in the resulting ID format. For example, if the sequence number will be 5 characters long, enter "seqnnnnn." If you are modifying the settings for the PDF Result Report File Name ID type, then you may use this field to define the file name that Copia gives result report PDFs when they are viewed/downloaded. Note that you must enter all parts of the name, including the extension. You must also have the necessary system-level right to modify the ID format.
  6. Copia automatically displays a default value in the ID Format field. For example, the default ID Format value for the PDF Result Report File Name is the <last 10 digits of pid>-<last 6 digits of orderid>.pdf. This code, formatted as pidnnnnnnnnnnx-ordnnnnnnx.xpxdxf, will not change the name of PDFs viewed in the inbound and outbound queue pages, only PDFs viewed in the clinical part of the application.

    IMPORTANT: If you use the practice ID code (prid) in the ID format, note that Copia only displays up to as many characters as you enter in this field. So, if, after filling in the information, the ID would be longer than the number of characters defined in the ID format, Copia will display as much of the data as possible, but truncate characters at the beginning of the ID format if necessary.

  7. Click Cancel to return to the previous page without saving any changes.
  8. Click Save to record changes and return to the previous page.

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