Admin: Hosts
Page Description
Use the Hosts page to view the host list, as well as add or edit host demographics, interfaces, lab settings, and submission rules. You may also establish Orchard web service integration, which allows Harvest LIS to request delta values from Copia, and for Copia to update delta values for Harvest LIS.
Note that the data displayed on this page depends on the column view settings for your facility. Copia uses the column view settings to control what columns appear in the tables on this page and the order in which it sorts the displayed information. You may set column view rules at the location or the system default levels. The rules for the signed-in location, if available, supersede the system default column view rules.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the Administration menu button, click the Basic Setup button, and then click the Hosts submenu link. You must have the necessary security permissions to access the Administration menu button.
When you click the Administration menu button, Copia opens the main Administration menu, which contains administrative menu buttons, including the Basic Setup menu. To return to the main menu for Copia, click the Lab Tasks menu button.
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Viewing the Host List
- The Hosts page contains a list of up to ten hosts. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of hosts, to navigate through the list.
- To view active hosts only, select the Show active only checkbox at the top of the Hosts page. You set the inactive/active status in the Host Details section of the Hosts Details page. See the "Adding or Editing Host Details" section below.
- To narrow the list of displayed hosts, or to find a specific host, use the Search option. Click the List option to return to the full list of hosts. See "Searching for a Host" below.
- If you cannot find the desired host, you may work with Orchard Software Technical Support personnel to create a new host in the Hosts details page, accessed by clicking the Add button. Note that only Orchard Software Technical Support personnel may create new hosts in this page. See "Adding or Editing Host Details" below.
- Click the name of the host on the Hosts list page to view or edit host information on the Hosts details page. See "Adding or Editing Host Details" below.
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Searching for a Host
- Select the Search option to search by host name. Enter one or more characters in the Search field and click the Search button to view a list of all hosts that match your search. Note that Copia searches for embedded text as well as starting characters.
- If your search generates one or more matches, the matching hosts are displayed with host name and active status when the page refreshes. Select the desired host to view the details. See "Accessing Host Information" below.
- If no search results are found or if the desired host is not found, search again, or you may work with Orchard Software Technical Support personnel to create a new host in the Hosts details page, accessed by clicking the Add button. Note that only Orchard Software Technical Support personnel may create new hosts in this page. See "Adding or Editing Host Details" below.
- Click the List option to view the full list of hosts. See "Viewing the Host List" above.
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Accessing Host Information
- Use the Hosts list page to access the Hosts details page, where you may add or edit host details, as well as configure association and result delivery default settings.
- You may work with Orchard Software Technical Support personnel to create a new host in the Hosts details page, accessed by clicking the Add button. Note that only Orchard Software Technical Support personnel may create new hosts in this page. This opens a blank record in the Hosts details page to create a new host. See "Adding or Editing Host Details" below.
- To edit an existing host, click the name of the host in the Hosts list page. This opens the selected Host's record in the Hosts details page. See "Adding or Editing Host Details" below.
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Adding or Editing Host Details
Use the Host Details section of the Hosts details page to add or edit host demographic and association information.
- Enter the full name of the host in the Name field. This field is required.
- Click the Name Type drop-down and select a type. Select either "Alias," "Display," "Legal," or "Stock Exchange Listing" from the list. The field defaults to the "Legal" value and will only be visible if Copia has an HL7 2.5.1 license. When sending HL7 2.5.1 messages, the selected name type's code will be sent in OBX-23 if the host is being sent as the performing organization for the testing contained within the OBX. NK1-13 has now been changed so that a blank repeat of the field will be sent first if the name type for the next of kin's organization name is not the legal name.
- Enter the unique identification number for the host in the Host ID field. This field is required.
- To enter a practice in the Practice field, click the Search button to locate the practice using the Practice Search page. See the Admin: Practice Search topic.
Note that this setting is only required if the host is associated with a particular practice. This should be left blank if it is a reference lab or system-wide host. To remove the practice from the Practice field, click the Clear button.
- Select the Use Ordering Provider's default Ordering Location if none is provided checkbox to allow practice-specific host interfaces to try to assign an ordering location to a new order based on the ordering provider's default ordering location for that practice and to set the ordering location's default collection location if it is not designated in the message. Copia will not use this setting if the order HL7 message specifies an ordering location.
- Select the host type from the Host Type drop-down list. The option you select affects what settings are available. Copia disables the fields on this page that do not apply to the selected “Host Type” (e.g., manifest and requisition settings that do not apply to EMR/HIS hosts).
If you select "Custom PMS" as the host type, the Timeout for querying Practice Management System field appears (see below), and an option appears on the Practices administration details page that allows you to associate practices with the practice management system. See the Admin: Practices topic. In addition, you will be able to request updated patient information from the practice management system when selecting a patient during order entry or when searching for a patient. See the Find Patient or Order topic.
Copia sends ZCF segments in outgoing orders when the host type is one of the "Local Lab" options, or when the host type is "Billing System" and if the necessary configuration is set up in the Advanced Configuration Options page.
- Select the Lattice MediCopia Host setting to control whether or not a host is a Lattice MediCopia host.
- Select the Accept insurance company and plan updates from this host option to allow an interface to update insurance company and insurance plan demographics.
- Select the Prevent insurance company, insurance plan, and patient insurance set creation option to have Copia prevent new insurance companies, insurance plans, and patient insurance sets from being created by HL7 messages received by the host. When the setting is not checked, previous functionality of creating new insurance companies, insurance plans, and patient insurance sets will be maintained.
- Select the Only update existing patient records when parsing ADT messages from this host (always applies to ADT change patient identifier messages (A47)) option to prohibit that host's interface from creating new patient records when parsing ADT messages.
- Select the Accept demographic updates from this host checkbox to designate this host as a demographic source. Note that this setting is compatible with ADT, ORU, and ORM(SN) messages. Select the Update only option to specify that this demographic source may only update information related to an existing record. Note that Copia will not store information for a new patient record. If Copia receives order messages from this host for new patients, it places the messages in the Fix Orders page. See the Admin: Fix Orders topic.
- Select the Accept demographic updates from this host in order request messages option to allow the user to control whether patient demographics information will be updated when parsing send number request messages from a specific host.
- Select the Prevent patient creation if system default demographic requirements are not met option to prevent patient creation if the demographic requirement fields are not satisfied for an incoming ADT message.
- Click the Demographic Required Fields button to display the Demographics Required Fields pop-up in order to configure Host-level demographics required fields. If these demographics required fields are not met by incoming ADT message, an entry will be added to the Fix ADT administration page queue. If Host-level demographics required fields are defined for the host, those are the fields that will be checked for inbound ADT messages. If nothing is defined, the System-level demographics required fields will be used. Select the Use System Default Required Fields checkbox to have Copia use the system default required fields. Configure first name, middle name, last name, sex, race, date of birth, nationality, ethnicity, PCP, phone numbers, SSN, MRN, email, addresses, city, ZIP code, state/region, and country. Click the Save button to save the configurations made on the pop-up, or click the Close button to close the pop-up without saving any changes.
- If you select "Custom PMS" in the Host Type drop-down list (see above), the Timeout for querying Practice Management System field appears at the bottom of the section. Enter in this field the number of seconds Copia should wait for a response from the practice management system when requesting updated patient information when selecting a patient during order entry or when searching for a patient. See the Find Patient or Order topic.
- Select the time zone of the host from the Time Zone drop-down list.
- Define the settings for internal billing, if desired. Copia considers the billing relationship between the business entity using Copia and the laboratories performing the testing for that business entity to be "internal billing."
- Internal Billing Status Rules: Click this button to select the appropriate billing status rule and set any ordering location-based exceptions in the Internal Billing Status administration page. See the Internal Billing Status topic. Copia uses this billing status rule when this host performs testing. You may define additional billing status rules in the Billing Status Rules administration page. Note that when rules or exceptions are set, the button text will turn green and italic. See the Admin: Billing Status Rules topic.
- Internal Account #: Enter the account number Copia should assign when it uses the selected billing status rule for the host.
- Show internal billing info on requisitions and manifests for this host: Select this option to have Copia display the internal billing status and account number on requisitions and manifests created for this host. Note that if you choose to display the internal billing information, it will replace the external (user, location, or practice) billing information.
- Send internal billing info in HL7 messages: Select this option to have Copia send the internal billing status and account number when it transmits HL7 messages for this host. Note that if you choose to display the internal billing information, it will replace the external (user, location, or practice) billing information.
- Suppress internal billing status for order choices routed to this host on Order Patient Samples: Select this option to suppress displaying the internal billing status of an order choice.
- Suppress external billing status for order choices routed to this host on Order Patient Samples: Select this option to suppress displaying the external billing status of an order choice.
- Enable LKSmartSearch for this host: Select this option when on the Order Patient Samples page when the Copia patient search is not to be used. Instead, the LKSmartSearch program is used to find a new or existing patient, which it returns to Copia as an ADT message. Copia then parses the message and loads the new or existing patient into the screen for use in ordering.
- Complete the fields below to add demographic information for a new host.
- CLIA ID: Enter the host's Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments Identification number, if accredited. This field can hold a maximum of 50 characters.
- Lab Director: Enter the name of the lab director, if desired. Copia displays the lab director's name in the end notes of result reports after the CLIA ID, if you have entered a name. Click the Previous Directors button to display the Previous Lab Directors pop-up to define previous lab directors. You may add a lab director by clicking the Add Director button. Enter the new lab director's name in the Name field, the date in which the director last served in the Last Day field, and remove the lab director by clicking the X button. The director(s) will be listed with the dates in which their term as lab director ended. This list will be sorted upon saving from the oldest date to the newest date. When viewing the lab director(s) name content types, the order's collected date will be used to determine which lab director's information is displayed. If no previous lab director(s) are defined, it will display the current lab director. Click the Save button to save any changes made on the pop-up, or click the Cancel button to close the pop-up without saving changes.
- Address 1/Address 2/ZIP Code/City/State/Country: Enter the full address for the host, including any suite numbers. If ZIP code checking is enabled in the System Defaults administration page, then, when you enter a ZIP code that exists in the database, Copia automatically fills in the city and state associated with the ZIP code, and if the ZIP code update option is enabled, then Copia also updates the corresponding city and state data, if appropriate.
- Phone 1/Phone 2: Enter the telephone contact information for the host.
- Fax: Enter the fax number for the host.
- To edit demographic information, highlight or delete text already displayed in the field, then modify as desired.
- Select the Active checkbox to enable users to select the host while ordering. Clear this checkbox to restrict users from selecting the host. If the host is inactive, Copia clears it from the Hosts list page when you select the Show active only checkbox. See "Viewing the Host List" above.
- Click the < Back to List button to return to the Hosts list page without saving any changes.
- Click the Change Log button to view the change log for the selected host. See the Admin: Change Log topic. Note that you must have the necessary security right to access the Change Log page.
- Click the Alerts & Comments button to view, add, edit, or delete the alerts and comments associated with the current host. See the Admin: Alerts & Comments topic. Note that if there are alerts or comments for the host, the button text is italicized.
- Click the Save button to save any changes made to the page, or click the < Back to List button to return to the Host List page without saving any changes.
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Adding or Editing Host Interfaces
- Use the Interfaces section to activate inbound and/or outbound interface parameters. Only Orchard Software Technical Support personnel may access the Interface Configuration page. Note that inbound and outbound refer to the direction the message travels from Copia's perspective.
- Select the Inbound is active checkbox to activate the inbound interface.
- Select the Outbound is active checkbox to activate the outbound interface.
- Click the Interface Configuration button to create or modify a host's inbound or outbound interface settings in the Interface Configuration page. See the Admin: Interface Configuration topic. Note that you must have the necessary rights to access the Interface Configuration page.
- Click the Save button to save any changes made to the page, or click the < Back to List button to return to the Host List page without saving any changes.
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Adding or Editing Lab-specific Settings
- Use the Lab-specific Settings section to set up default settings for ID generation, practice association, and result delivery.
- Select the checkboxes below that apply to the host.
- Associate lab with all new practices: Select this checkbox to enable this host to form an association with all new practices. Copia selects this checkbox by default.
- Account number required: Select this checkbox to require an account number to be sent with all orders.
- Accept any order choice (only if no interface): Select this checkbox to allow this host to accept any order choice from hosts that send paper requisition orders.
- Expect accessioning change status message: Select this checkbox to have Copia ready to receive a status change message that designates when a sample's order choice is accessioned into the Orchard Harvest LIS system (released from the Release Stored Orders page). Copia will record the time the status change event message was received, and it will reflect the status on the Order History, Order Choice Details, and Find Patient or Order pages. See the Order History, Order Choice Details, and Find Patient or Order topics.
- Require batch transmission of order messages: Select this option to have Copia queue order messages in the Lab Orders administration page so you may manually transmit the messages. See the Admin: Lab Orders topic. If this is not enabled, Copia will transmit order messages as they become available.
- Require mandatory clinical info entry before order send: Select this option to prevent Copia from sending an order message for an order choice to the lab until the required clinical information questions have been answered. When enabled, the only way to get these orders to send to the lab without the required clinical information is to manually send them using the Lab Orders administration page. See the Admin: Lab Orders topic.
- Require mandatory specimen part info entry before order send: Select this option to prevent a specimen from being collected if required specimen part information is missing and the order choice and host requires it.
Require patient MRN entry before order send: Select this option to allow Copia to prevent order messages from being sent to a lab until the MRN has been stored for that patient record.
- Require patient host code from the following host before order send: Enter text inside this search field to have Copia prevent order messages from being sent to a lab if a patient host code has not been received from a specific host. This is a search-as-you-type field. Note that this host setting will be disabled when the Host Type is set to either "Billing System," "EMR/HIS," and/or "Custom PMS."
- Require encounter entry before order send:
Select this option to allow Copia to prevent order messages from being sent to a lab until the Encounter has been assigned to the order.
- Associate order's ICD codes with reflexed order choices: Select this option to have Copia assign all diagnosis codes that exist on an order to a reflexed order choice. If you don't select this option, then when Copia receives a result for an order choice that was added to an order in the lab, it will attach the order choice to the order and mark it as a reflexed order choice, but it will not assign the order's ICD codes to the new order choice.
- Use result status when determining newest test result rather than only using approval date/time: Select this option to have Copia consider result status when determining the most recent result (value to report) for a test, which allows Copia to not let a preliminary result replace a final result.
- Do not show this host on the Order Choice Catalog page: Select this option to have Copia hide a host on the Order Choice Catalog page.
- Do not show this host on the Interfaces page: Select this option to control whether a host will appear on the Interfaces page.
- Do not show Order Choices routed to this Host on Release Samples: Select this option to prevent order choices routed to a host from appearing on the Release Samples page.
- Force a result match between this lab and the Order Choice's routed lab: Select this option to have the HL7 parser send a result to the match result queue if the lab the order choice's results came from does not match the lab to which it is currently routed. This setting is turned off by default.
- Manifest Format: Select an option from the drop-down list to use the selected format instead of the system default manifest format. See the Admin: System Defaults topic.
- Include clinical info on manifest: Select this option to have Copia include any clinical information questions and their answers on manifests for the selected host. See the Print Manifest topic.
- Show bar code on manifest: Select this option to have Copia display a bar code on the manifest. You may set the bar code format using the Label Printing administration page (see the Admin: Label Printing topic), accessed at either the system level (see the Admin: System Defaults topic) or at the host level (see the Admin: Hosts topic). Copia uses the host-level setting, if it exists, and it uses the system-level setting if the host-level setting does not exist.
- Include order choice comments on manifest: Select this option to allow Copia to include order choice comments on manifests. Note that you must then have the "Display on requisitions and manifests" option enabled for an order choice comment in order to have it appear on manifests. See the Add/Edit Order Choice Comment topic.
- ID Generation: Click this button to define an ID generation rule for the selected host. You must save a new host before defining an ID generation rule.
- Use ordering host's SID as Copia SID for samples routed to this lab: Select this option to use an ordering host's SID as the Copia SID. There is a previous setting on the ordering host's inbound interface that forces Copia to use that host's ID as the Copia ID, but now the new configuration will cause the ordering host's ID to only be used as the Copia SID for specific testing labs. Testing that is routed to labs without this new setting turned on will have a Copia-generated SID.
- Prevent entry of duplicate SIDs on Collect Samples and on Pending Collection pages: Select this option to prevent duplicate SIDs from being entered into the Collect Samples and Pending Collection pages. When this setting is turned on, you will not be allowed to edit a sample ID by entering an SID that already exists for a sample routed to that same lab.
- Validate Sample ID field: Enter SIDs into this field for validation. This setting will define a host-level SID validation pattern for the SID fields on the Collect Samples and Pending Collection pages.
- ID Format Codes: Click this button to display the Sample ID Codes pop-up where you will be able to view SIDs. When an SID is entered into the available field, click the Validate button to validate the SID. A pop-up will appear stating whether the SID validation pattern is valid or not.
- Label Printing:
Click this button to navigate to the Label Printing page. Here you may configure label formats. Click the OK button to return to the Hosts administration page.
- Enable Harvest workstation label printing: Select this option to print labels from Copia using the Harvest LIS workstation label printers. Harvest LIS must be configured to allow Copia to access workstation label printers and label printers defined in Harvest LIS must be configured as shared label printers.
- Web Service URI: Enter the web service URI. Click the Test button to test the web service URI. Note that the web service URI must also include the HTTP port number. For example, localhost:8089/. The connection can be validated when the Test button is clicked. Copia will display a pop-up to indicate if the web service was found.
- User Name: Enter the user name for the web service URI.
- Password: Enter the password for the web service URI.
- Create orders from results: Select this checkbox to enable Copia to create new orders from results.
- Create order choices from results or ID requests: Select this option to enable Copia to create new orders choices from inbound results or when parsing send number request messages from the lab. This also enables the Create as orderable option below.
- Create as orderable: Select this option to allow all users to order the new order choice created by Copia. This option is only available if you have already selected the Create order choices from results option.
- Create order choices using template: Click inside the field to select a template when creating a new order choice. Click inside the field to automatically search, or enter text to search for a specific template. This is a search-as-you-type field. The Create order choices from results or ID requests checkbox must be selected for this setting to be enabled.
- Update blank LOINC codes on test records for this lab: Select this option to control if a blank LOINC code on a test record will update when parsing a result message with a LOINC code value for that test. If this new setting is checked, a test record with a blank LOINC code value will be updated to have the LOINC code value received from that lab in result messages.
- Create ADT from orders: Select this option to have Copia create the necessary outbound ADT messages based on the patient data within order messages received from the selected host.
- Create ADT from results: Select this option to have Copia create the necessary outbound ADT messages based on the patient data within result messages received from the selected host.
- Use sample collection rules for orders created from results: Select this option to have Copia create
the appropriate sample records in the database to reflect the collection rules for the lab the result was received from.
When enabled, Copia also uses the setting "Use this host's sample ID as the Copia sample ID when creating an order" on the Interface Configuration page to determine if it will use the lab's SID as the Copia SID.
- Do not allow corrected status to update preliminary status results, and do not allow final status to update final status results, and do not allow HPDF results to update final order choices as preliminary: Select this option to control whether a result with a status of final can update another result with a status of final. This setting also controls if a result with a status of corrected can update a result with a status of preliminary. When this setting is enabled, if a final result tries to update another final result or if a corrected result tries to update a preliminary result, Copia adds an entry to the Fix Results queue.
- Suppress Match Results entry: Select this option to allow Copia to prevent a Match Results entry from being created if a corrected status result tries to update a preliminary status result or if a final status result tries to update a final status result and the Do not allow corrected status to update preliminary status results, and do not allow final status to update final status results, and do not allow HPDF results to update final order choices as preliminary setting is turned on.
- Do not allow final status to update corrected status results: Select this option to allow Copia to prevent final results from updating corrected results.
- Hold TNP results for release: Select this option to have Copia hold order choices for manual release when the results come from a lab host and with a result value of "TNP." Users may manually release these results on the Release Results administration page. See the Admin: Release Results topic.
- Text representing a TNP result: Select this option to allow Copia to have multiple options for TNP text. Delete the TNP text code by clicking the X button.
- Requisition Format: Select an option to have Copia use the selected format when it creates requisitions for the selected host. This list includes the standard requisition, as well as any requisition templates defined in the Layout Templates administration page that have been made live in the system. See the Admin: Layout Templates topic. Note that it always uses the standard requisition format when it creates summary requisitions. See the Requisitions topic.
- Show time zone on requisition: Select this option to display an abbreviation of the system's time zone after all dates on requisitions that are sent to this host. The summary requisition also shows the time zone abbreviation if there is a requisition to print for a host that has the "Show time zone on requisition" option enabled. The time zone on the requisition is based on the time zone of the person printing the requisition.
- Show bar code on requisition: Select this option to have Copia display a bar code on the requisition. You may set the bar code format using the Label Printing administration page (see the Admin: Label Printing topic), accessed at either the system level (see the Admin: System Defaults topic) or at the host level (see the Admin: Hosts topic). Copia uses the host-level setting, if it exists, and it uses the system-level setting if the host-level setting does not exist.
- Requisition bar code type: Select an option to set the contents of the bar code on requisitions for the host.
- Default: Prints just the sample ID for the bar code.
- Prepend Ordering Location Host Code: Adds the ordering location's host code for this host in front of the sample ID for the bar code.
- Prepend Ordering Provider Host Code: Adds the ordering provider's host code for this host in front of the sample ID for the bar code.
- Prepend Ordering Location Lab Account Number: Adds the ordering location lab account number in front of the sample ID for the bar code.
- Requisition break level:
Select an option to set where Copia splits requisitions.
- All samples: Creates one requisition that includes all of the samples on an order.
- One sample ID per requisition: Creates one requisition for every sample ID on an order.
- One sample per requisition: Creates one requisition for every sample on an order.
- One temperature per requisition: Creates a new requisition page for each temperature type for the samples on an order.
- Requisition should include: Displays what the requisition should include.
- All Order Choices: Includes all order choices on the requisition.
- All Collected Order Choices: Includes all collected order choices on the requisition.
- Host-specific result report templates: Select an option to configure result report templates.
- Header: Allows you to configure the header for the template.
- Page Footer: Allows you to configure the page footer for the template.
- HPDF Header: Allows you to configure the HPDF header for the template.
- HPDF Page Footer: Allows you to configure the HPDF page footer for the template.
- Click the ID Generation button to generate lab-specific bar code labels using the ID Generation page. Copia displays the status of the ID Generation scheme next to the button. Note that you must have the necessary security settings to access the ID Generation administration page. See the Admin: ID Generation topic.
- Select the Use ordering host's SID as Copia SID for samples routed to this lab option to use an ordering host's sample ID as the Copia sample ID. Copia evaluates this setting after it has evaluated the inbound interface configuration settings to use the host-specified filler ID as the Copia sample ID or to use the host's sample ID as the Copia sample ID. See the Admin: Interface Configuration topic.
- Select the Prevent entry of duplicate SIDs on Collect Samples and on Pending Collection pages option to prevent duplicate SIDs from being entered. When this setting is turned on, a user will not be allowed to edit a sample ID by entering a SID that already exists for a sample routed to that same lab. The exception to this behavior is if the duplicate exists on a related split order.
- Select the Validate Sample ID field to define a pattern to use for validating entered Sample IDs (this pattern must be valid in terms of normal ID generation pattern validation, the only difference being that fields that can have "n" digit characters to define their length MUST have these defined). The pattern must be valid in order to be saved. When this pattern is defined, samples routed to the host specified and collected will have their sample IDs validated according to the pattern defined. This validation will check the sample ID to ensure that the defined SID matches the format of the pattern. If the SID is validated, that sample will be able to be saved. If it does not match up, an alert will appear notifying the user of this so that they can correct the issue. Click the ID Format Codes button to display the Sample ID Codes pop-up.
- Click the Label Printing button to configure or edit default printing preferences and label formats for the current host using the Label Printing page. You may create a master and tube label format for each host. See the Admin: Label Printing topic. You may also define master or tube label formats for the system default setting or for individual tube/container types (see the Admin: System Defaults or Admin: Tube/Container Types topics). Copia uses the host's label format settings for labels produced for samples that have been routed to that host, unless there are master or tube label formats defined for the tube/container types used for the order. If tube/container type or host label formats do not exist or are not active, Copia uses the system default label format set in the System Defaults administration page.
- Select the Enable Harvest workstation label printing option to print labels from Copia using the Harvest LIS workstation label printers. Harvest LIS must be setup to allow Copia to access workstation label printers and label printers defined in Harvest LIS must be setup as shared label printers.
In Harvest LIS, go to the Miscellaneous options in Preferences and click the Copia Settings button. Enter a user name and password on the Copia Settings dialog and save preferences. Label printers may be set to shared by changing the label printer setup from Label Printers on Table Setup. The desired printers must have the Share this printer checkbox selected. In Copia, go to the Hosts administration page and edit an existing host record or add a new host. Select the Enable Harvest workstation label printing checkbox and enter the Web Service URI, User Name, and Password in the provided fields. Note: The web service URI must include the HTTP port number as well, e.g., localhost:8089/. The connection can be validated when the Test button is clicked. Copia will display a pop-up to indicate if the web service was found.
Once the settings have been set in Copia, label printers may be added by going to the Network Label Printers administration page. Click the Add button to add a new label printer. Enter the desired Name, Description, and Label Darkness. Select the Harvest Workstation Label Printer option. Enter the desired host in the Local Lab (Orchard) field and click the Search button next to the Workstation Printer textbox. Select the desired label printer from the Harvest LIS Label Printer Search page. The Printer Type field will be set with the appropriate value automatically based on the selected label printer. Once the desired label printers have been added, labels can be printed using the desired Harvest LIS workstation label printer. The existing label printing setup functionality can be used to select the desired label printer based on the signed-in location, user preferences, etc. The status of label printing jobs can be monitored from the Outbound Queue administration page. Select "Harvest Workstation Label Printing" from the Message Type drop-down. Label printing jobs can be cancelled, resent, redirected, or sent ASAP as desired from the Outbound Queue. Note: Only label printing jobs that have not been sent to the Harvest LIS server can be cancelled. An Error Log message will stored if a connection error occurs when an attempt is made to deliver label print requests to the Harvest LIS server. Harvest LIS workstation label printing messages will be stored in the outbound queue based on the specified settings in the System Defaults administration page. Note: This feature is only available for hosts that are setup as Local Lab (Orchard). Harvest LIS workstation label printing is not available when used with Harvest LIS single user.
- Click the Save button to save any changes made to the page, or click the < Back to List button to return to the Host List page without saving any changes.
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Adding or Editing EMR/HIS Rules for Sending Results
- Use the Rules for Sending Results (EMR/HIS only) section to set up defaults for sending and receiving messages through an EMR system or HIS. These settings are only available if you selected "EMR/HIS" as the Host Type. See "Adding or Editing Host Details" above.
- Select the Automatically send results to this host when the order originates from this host option to control whether or not Copia automatically adds the origin of an electronic order to the "Results to" list of an order. By default, Copia adds the source host to the list.
- Select the Suppress delivery if all results are linked documents option to have Copia suppress delivery if all results are linked documents.
- Select the Only deliver results for patients (or a patient's linked patients) that have an order with an order choice using the order choice tyoe checkbox to select the order choice type for the setting. Selecting an order choice type will select the checkbox. Clearing the selected value from the search-as-you-type field will clear the checkbox. Selecting the checkbox will put focus in the search-as-you-type field if nothing is selected. Clearing the checkbox will clear the selected value from the search-as-you-type field. When an order choice type is selected in the setting for a host, results will only be delivered to that host for if the patient on the order meets the order choice type criteria using the host setting for restricting result delivery.
- Select the Hold result report delivery until number assignment is received if this is the Order Request Host for the order option to control Copia delivered results to a host until it has received the number assignment. This setting only applies if this host is the order request host of the ordering location on the order. This option is not selected by default. Note that Copia can generate send number request messages when result messages cause order choices to attach to orders that have an order request host configured for its ordering location.
- Select the Hold result report delivery until number assignment is received if this is not the Order Request Host for the order but is the order's origin option to control Copia delivered results to a host until it has received the number assignment. Select this option if this is not the Order Request Host for the order, but is the order's origin. This setting only applies if this host is the order request host of the ordering location on the order. This option is not selected by default. Note that Copia can generate send number request messages when result messages cause order choices to attach to orders that have an order request host configured for its ordering location.
- Select the Send any placer order number to this host regardless of the number's origin option to make certain that result messages going to the selected EMR host contain host sample IDs, whether or not they were manually entered or received by a different host. When the setting is not enabled, result messages only contain the host sample ID if that host had sent it.
- Select the Send Lab Report in OBX option to send the lab report for an EMR/HIS host. ORU messages sent to that host will have an extra OBX segment as the last OBX of the last OBR of the HL7 message containing the most recent PDF of the lab report in base 64 encoding in OBX.5.3 for the order the message is being sent.
- Select the Limit the report content to the order choices populating the HL7 message option to have Copia control the content of result reports that are embedded in HL7 result messages.
- Select the Suppress Copia report content if all results are linked documents option to have Copia refrain from sending the host an HL7 message if all order choice results to be sent are linked documents. This setting also affects hosts that receive results due to a delivery rule configured to send results to the host on the Users administration page and the Result Delivery lab tasks page.
- Select the Send Lab Report content on ZEF segments option to turn on the new OBX. This will be created with the words "Embedded Document" in the OBX-5.3 and the OBX new OBX will be followed by a "1" or more ZEF segments that will be filled in with BASE 64 encoded segments of the PDF Lab Report.
- Select the Send in OBX-3 option to specify what is to be put in OBX-3.1 of the new OBX.
- Select an option from the Report Engine drop-down list to choose between generating internal or external result reports. Select either "Internal" or "External" from the drop-down list. If "External" is selected from the list, you may then select an option from the External Report drop-down list.
- Select an option from the External Report drop-down list to choose from the defined External Result Reports that are in the system.
- Select the Header, Body, Footer, and/or Page Footer options to edit the templates used in building the report that is sent in the new OBX.
- Select a "Results are sent when" option to set the default for when results are sent to the host.
- Any new result received: Select this option to have Copia send a new report when it receives any new result on an order for which you are a result recipient.
- Any order choice is final: Select this option to have Copia send a new report when any order choice becomes final on an order for which you are a result recipient.
- All order choices are final in order (with exceptions): Select this option to have Copia send a new report when all order choices become final on an order for which you are a result recipient.
- Allow delivery if all order choices are final that had orders sent to a lab: Select this option to allow a result report to be delivered to the recipient if all non-cancelled order choices that have had their order messages sent to the testing laboratory are posted as final.
- All order choices are final: Select this option to have Copia send a new report when all order choice become final on an order for which you are a result recipient.
- Select a "Result messages include" option to set the result delivery defaults.
- All previous results (cumulative): Select this option to have Copia send any previous results with new results.
- New results only (non-cumulative): Select this option to have Copia send new results only. Copia selects this checkbox by default.
- If you have selected All previous results (cumulative), select the Send OBR segments for pending order choices option to have Copia send the segments for resulted order choices, as well as segments for order choices that are still waiting for results to post, when it receives results and is preparing to send the results to a host (EMR).
Some EMRs require placeholders in order to prevent an order from appearing to be final before all order choices have had results posted.
- Click the Save button to save any changes made to the page, or click the < Back to List button to return to the Host List page without saving any changes.
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Establishing Roles Required to View this Host
- Use the Roles Required to View this Host section to designate one or more roles required to view the current host on all pages within the Manage and Monitor sections of the Administration menu. When there are roles defined in this section, then only users who have been assigned to at least one of the roles listed will be able to view this host. When no roles are configured in this section, then there are no restrictions as to who can view this host.
- Click the Add Role button to add one or more roles from the Role Search view of the Practice Search page. See the Admin: Practice Search topic.
- Click the X button in the Delete column to remove the corresponding role from the list.
- Click the Save button to save any changes made to the page, or click the < Back to List button to return to the Host List page without saving any changes.
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Establishing Orchard Web Service Integration
- Use the Orchard Web Service Integration section to create the necessary settings to allow Harvest LIS to request delta values from Copia, and for Copia to update delta values for Harvest LIS.
- Select the Designate as an Orchard Integrated Host option to allow the communication about delta values to occur between Harvest LIS and Copia.
- Enter the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) in the Orchard Web Service URI field. This allows the two systems to communicate over a network or the Internet.
- Click the Test button to verify the URI information and ensure it is a valid connection.
- Click the Save button to save any changes made to the page, or click the < Back to List button to return to the Host List page without saving any changes.
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Synchronization on the Hosts Administration Page
- Use the Synchronization on the Hosts Administration Page section to synchronize settings on the Hosts administration page.
- Click the Synch All button to synchronize all of the settings on the Hosts administration page. In the Synchronization section, there will be a location stating the version of your software and if synching is enabled or not enabled. If synching is enabled, you may synchronize the settings, if synching is not enabled, you may not synchronize the settings.
- Click the Unsynch All button to unsynchronize all of the settings on the Hosts administration page. This feature can only be accessed by a superuser.
- Select the Allow reversion from Synch 2.x to Synch 1.0 to have Copia ignore Synch 1.0 requests after Synch 2.0 requests have been received. This will prevent two Harvest LISs that are both configured to synch with the same Copia, and as the same host with one on Synch 1.0 and the other on Synch 2.0 from rapidly alternating Synch versions and slowing Copia to a halt. This feature can only be accessed by a superuser.
- Click the Save button to save any changes made to the page, or click the < Back to List button to return to the Host List page without saving any changes.
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Data Functions for this Host
- Click the Export Host to XML button to to export the the host as an XML file. A pop-up appears where a user may open the file, save the file, and/or browse for an application to open the file.
- Click the Activate Host For All Practices button to have Copia activate the host for all practices in the system.
- Click the Copy Clinical Question Host Codes button to copy the clinical question host codes in Copia.
- Click the Copy Insurance Company Host Codes button to copy the insurance company host codes in Copia.
- Click the Copy Insurance Plan Host Codes button to copy the insurance plan host codes in Copia.
- Click the Copy Location Host Codes button to copy the location host codes in Copia.
- Click the Copy Order Choice Host Codes button to copy the order choice host codes in Copia.
- Click the Copy Patient Host Codes button to copy the patient host codes in Copia.
- Click the Copy Profile Host Codes button to copy the profile host codes in Copia.
- Click the Copy Specimen Source Question Host Codes button to have Copia copy the configured question's host codes host that can be found by clicking the Specimen Source Setup button located on the System Defaults administration page for the specified host.
- Click the Copy Specimen Source Host Codes button to have Copia copy all configured specimen sources' host codes that can be found in the Host Codes for this Specimen Source section of the Specimen Sources administration page for the specified host.
- Click the Copy User Host Codes button to copy user host codes in Copia.
- Click the Add Host to All Ordering Location Default Lab Lists button to have Copia add a host to all ordering location default lab lists.
- Click the Add Host to All Practices Default Lab Lists button to have Copia add a host to all practices default lab lists.
- Click the Add Host to All Signed-in Location Default Lab Lists button to have Copia add all signed-in location default lab lists.
- Click the Save button to save any changes made to the page, or click the < Back to List button to return to the Host List page without saving any changes.
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