Pending Collection
Page Description
Use the Pending Collection page to view orders that are past due for
sample collection. You may filter the list by the amount of time the collection has been pending, the age of the orders, the ordering provider, or the ordering location for the order. You may also choose to select orders manually by entering the Order IDs or using a bar code scanner.
The data Copia displays on this page depends on the column view settings for your facility. Copia uses the column view settings to control what columns appear in the tables on this page and the order in which it sorts the displayed information. You may set column view rules at the location or the system default levels. The rules for the signed-in location, if available, supersede the system default column view rules.
IMPORTANT: In order to use some of the more advanced features on this page, you must enable the "Enable batch collection on the pending collection page" option for your signed-in location on the Locations administration page. Doing so enables some of the collection fields normally available on the Collect Samples page, such as Collection Date/Time, Sample ID, Container, and Lab, as well as the Collected checkbox, which allows you to mark samples as collected from this page. You must also add the "Create Samples" column type to the pending collection column view rule in order to view and use the Create Samples button.
Note that Copia only displays the orders for patients in practices that you have the right to access. This may include orders for patients outside your associated practices, if you are the ordering provider and you have the right to see patients across practices. If desired, you may access a printable version of a list of all of the orders on the list.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
You must have the necessary security permissions to access the Pending Collection page.
- Click the Manage Samples menu button and then click the Pending
Collection submenu link.
- Click the Uncollected Orders link on the Pending Orders page.
- Click the Go button on the Clients tab of the Client Services administration page.
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Accessing the Pending Collection Filter
- When viewing the Pending Collection page, you may either view or hide
the pending order filter.
- Click the "Show Filter" link to make the pending order filter
- Click the "Hide Filter" link to hide the pending order filter.
- When the filter is visible, you may select date or ordering provider filters that Copia uses to create the list of orders that are past due for sample collection. See "Setting the Pending Order Filter" below.
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Setting the Pending Collection Filter
- Once you have accessed the filter, select the option to search for orders, or select the option to add orders manually.
- Click the Search for orders option and then set the desired filter options to perform a search of the orders that are waiting for collection.
Note that, depending on user and system default administration settings, Copia may display or restrict patients visible to your associates during your patient or order searches.
- Select the Limit to orders that have had collection pending for at
least __ ____ checkbox, enter a number, and select
a unit of time
to limit the list based
on how long the collection has been pending. If an order has been
in pending status for less than the specified number of hours, days, or weeks, then Copia will not include
it in the Pending Collection list. You may set a default value for this setting on the Application page. See the Application topic.
- Select the Do not show orders older than __ ____ checkbox, enter a number, and select
a unit of time to limit the list based on how long the collection
has been pending. If an order is older than the specified number of
hours, days, or weeks, then Copia
will not include it in the Pending Collection list. You may set a default value for this setting on the Application page. See the Application topic. Note that you cannot use this setting if you are using the Limit to orders ordered in the range option.
- Select the Limit to orders _______ in the range option, select either ordered or with collection times, and enter Start and End dates to limit the list to include only those orders that were ordered or collected in the specified time range. Select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the date fields. Click the Now button next to the time and date fields to update the order date to the current date and time, if desired. Click the Clear button to clear the time and date fields. You may set a default value for this setting on the Application page. See the Application topic. Note that you cannot use this setting if you are using the Do not show orders older than __ days option.
- Select the Do not show future orders option to limit the list to orders that have already been placed, excluding any future occurrences of standing orders.
- Select the Do not show orders with future proposed collection dates option to limit the list to orders with future proposed collection dates.
- Select an option from the Ordering Provider drop-down field,
either a specific provider or "All" to include all providers,
to limit the list based on the ordering provider. If selected, Copia will only include
in the list those orders that were ordered by the selected provider
and that have not yet been collected. Click Search to select the ordering provider in the User Search page. See the User Search topic.
- Select an option from the Ordering Practice drop-down field, either a specific practice or "All" to include all locations, to limit the list based on the ordering practice. If selected, Copia will only include in the list those orders that were ordered by Copia users who belong to the practice the location is associated with. Click Search to select the ordering practice.
- Select an option from the Ordering Location drop-down field, either a specific location or "All" to include all locations, to limit the list based on the ordering location. If selected, Copia will only include in the list those orders that were ordered by Copia users who belong to the practice the location is associated with. Click Search to select the ordering location in the Location Search page. See the Location Search topic. The selected location(s) will be reflected when the user clicks the Uncollected Order Count button. The Uncollected Order Count pop-up will display the number of uncollected orders for all locations.
- Enter information for one or more of the Patient Filters: Last Name, First Name, Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy), or Practice MRN.
- To limit the displayed results to uncollected orders that contain one or more specific order choices, click the Add button next to the Limit to Order Choices field to select the desired order choice in the Order Choice Search page. See the Order Choice Search topic. Select one or more order choices in the Limit to Order Choices field and click the Remove Selected button to remove the selected order choices from the filter. Click the Clear List button to remove all of the order choices in the Limit to Order Choices field.
- Remember that each criterion you use further limits the number of
possible matching orders. If you use multiple criteria, then Copia will only display
those orders that match all of the parameters you have specified.
- Once you have the desired settings for the filter, click the Refresh button. Copia updates the list in the Pending Collection section of the page. See
"Reviewing the Filtered Pending Collection List" below.
- Select the Select orders manually option, enter an order ID or sample ID in the Order ID/SID field or scan (with a bar code scanner) an order ID from a requisition, and then click the Add button to add the selected order or sample to the pending collection list. See
"Reviewing the Filtered Pending Collection List" below.
- Click the Clear Orders button to remove all of the orders you added this way from the pending collection list.
- Note that after scanning, you should wait for Copia to completely refresh the page before trying to scan again.
- Note that the pending collection filter must be displayed in order to manually select orders by hand or when using a bar code scanner. You may establish a setting to automatically display the filter by default on the Application lab tasks page and the Users administration page. See the Application and
Users topics.
- Click the Uncollected Order Count button to display the Uncollected Order Count pop-up. This pop-up displays the number of uncollected orders that exist in Copia. Click the OK button to return to the Pending Collection page.
- Select the Select orders by collection list option to have Copia select order by the collection list. Once the setting is selected, click in or enter text in the Collection List field to filter the table by the collection list.
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Reviewing the Filtered Pending Collection List
- Once you have set your filter and clicked the Refresh button or manually selected an order and clicked the Add button,
updates the list in the Pending Collection section. See "Setting the Pending Collection Filter" above.
- If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of orders, to navigate through the list. If there are more page links than can fit on the page at once, Copia displays the Page field. Enter a number in this field and press the Enter key on the keyboard to immediately open the selected page. If the list is less than one page, then Copia indicates in the Viewing field that it is displaying 20 out of 11 (for example) orders. This means that it could show up to 20 orders on the page, but there are only 11 orders based on your filter settings.
- Select the Automatically Refresh Every __ Seconds option to have the Pending Collection list refresh automatically. Enter a specific number of seconds into the field. Copia defaults at five seconds.
- You may modify the number in the Viewing field to reduce or increase the number of records displayed on each page.
- Copia
displays the number of orders that are waiting for sample collection
at the top of the Pending Collection list. This number reflects the
number of uncollected orders for the selected location.
Copia only updates this number when you refresh the page.
- Copia displays information for each order. The displayed information depends on what column view rule is active for the Pending Collection page. The default columns for each order are:
- Order ID: Copia displays, as a link, the identifying number that was assigned when the order was placed. If the order was saved as a standing order (multiple occurrences of
the same order), then an "(S)" will appear next to the Order ID.
- Patient: The name of the patient.
- Phone: The phone number for the patient.
- Order Choice Abbreviations: The order choices included in the order, followed by the abbreviation for the order choice's staus in parentheses (R=Routine, S=STAT, A=ASAP). Note that Copia displays order choices that have not been collected in green font, order choices that have been collected in black font, and order choices that have been cancelled with a strike through their names.
- Order Date: The date and time the order was placed.
- Ordering Provider: The provider who placed that order for
the patient. This may or may not be the patient's PCP.
- Uncollected Priority: The priority for the uncollected order.
- If you have enabled the "Enable batch collection on the pending collection page" option for your signed-in location, Copia displays some additional fields that allow you to perform tasks that are typically only on the Collect Samples page.
- Collected: Select one or more Collected checkboxes to mark the sample(s) as collected. You may click the Collected column header to mark all displayed samples as collected. Depending on the collection settings for your signed-in location, Copia may automatically mark the Collected checkbox when you scan a bar code for a sample on this page.
Note that if you are using a bar code scanner, Copia alerts you if the order/sample does not exist, has already been collected, has been cancelled, or is restricted from view for the current user (based on the order's practice and whether or not the user is restricted from viewing the order's ordering location).
- Collection Date/Time: Initially lists the date and time entered in the Timing fields during order entry. You may modify this value, if desired, at any point until the sample is marked as collected. Click the Now button next to the time and date fields to update the collection date to the current date and time, if desired. Note that once the sample is marked as collected, Copia records this as the date and time collected. The Copia administrator may enable a location-based setting to use the order's order time instead of the current date and time as the collection time.
- Sample ID: Lists the sample ID for the order choice. Note that Copia automatically assigns the sample ID during order entry.
- Container: Lists the type of container to collect the sample in. Copia displays the quantity of each container in parentheses
in front of the tube/container type.
- Lab: The laboratory at which the testing will be performed.
If Copia finds the selected laboratory
to be invalid, a Routing Problem link
appears in this column. Click this link to open the Order Patient Samples
page to select a valid testing location. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
- Order Choices: The abbreviation for the order choice(s) for
which the sample is being collected, followed by the abbreviation for the order choice's staus in parentheses (R=Routine, S=STAT, A=ASAP).
- Split: Click this button to have Copia split the order choice onto its own sample record, and then run Sample ID assignment rules to determine what the ID of the newly created sample should be. The newly created sample will not combine with any other order choices added to the order. Note that this button is only available for order choices that are able to be split onto another sample. Also, you must have the necessary security right associated with your assigned role.
- Click an Order ID link to open a pop-up list of page options. Select the page you wish to open for the selected order. Note that some options may not be available.
- Review Order: Select this option to view the order in the Order Patient Samples page. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
- Samples: Select this option to collect samples for the order in the Collect Samples page. See the Collect Samples topic.
- Labels: Select this option to print master and tube labels in the Labels page. See the Print Labels topic. Note that this option may be disabled, depending on the administration settings for your signed-in location.
- Requisition: Select this option to print requisition(s) for the order in the Requisition(s) page. See the Requisitions topic.
- Change Log: Select this option to view the change log for the selected order. See the Admin: Change Log topic. Note that you must have the necessary security right to access the Change Log page.
- Lab Report: Select this option to create a lab report of the order in the Lab Report page. See the Lab Report topic.
- Linked Documents: Select this option to create a linked document for the order. See the Linked Documents topic.
- Click a Patient link to open a pop-up list of page options. Select the page you wish to open for the selected patient. Note that some options may not be available.
- Demographics: Select this option to view the patient's demographics on the Demographics page. See the Demographics topic.
- Insurance: Select this option to view or edit patient insurance information on the Insurance page. See the Insurance topic.
- Order History: Select this option to view or edit patient order history on the Order History page. See the Order History topic.
- New Order: Select this option to create a new order for the specific patient on the Order Patient Samples page. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
- Collect Samples: Select this option to collect samples from the patient on the Collect Samples page. See the Collect Samples topic.
- Blank Patient Requisition: Select this option to create a blank patient requisition for the patient. See the View PDF topic.
- Change Log: Select this option to view the change log for the selected patient. See the
Change Log topic. Note that you must have the necessary security right to access the Change Log page.
- Linked Documents: Select this option to view or create a linked document for the patient. See the Linked Documents topic.
- Click the column headers to sort the list of orders by the selected column. Each time you click a column header, Copia changes the sort to either ascending or descending order, as indicated by the sort arrow.
- To view a larger, smaller, or updated list of pending orders, modify
the filter settings and refresh the list. See "Setting the Pending
Collection Filter" above.
- To batch collect samples, select one or more Collected checkboxes, and then click the Save button. You must have the necessary security settings to use this feature. When batch collecting samples, remember the following:
- If there is a phlebotomist assigned to the samples, Copia assigns that phlebotomist to the orders. If no phlebotomist is assigned, then Copia assigns the signed in user as the phlebotomist for the orders.
- Depending on the Location administration settings for showing the collection and/or delivery time overrides, Copia may display the Override collection time and/or the Override delivered time checkboxes and date and time fields. Select the desired checkbox and enter dates and times to override the default collection time or delivery time. When you select one of the override options, this field displays the
current date and time. You may modify the date or time, if desired. Select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the date fields.
Note that the default value for the collection time is the proposed collection time, the time the order was placed (controlled by the Location administration setting that sets the collection date/time to the order's proposed delivery time set on the Order Patient Samples page), or the current date and time, depending on the settings for your signed-in location. The default value for the delivery time is either blank, or it is based on the Location administration setting that sets the delivery date/time to the order's proposed delivery time set on the Order Patient Samples page.
- Depending on the Location administration settings for batch collection, Copia may automatically print requisitions and/or labels when you batch collect samples.
- If there is at least one order in the list, you may click the (printable version) link to view or print the pending collection list in PDF format on the View PDF page. See the View PDF topic.
- Select the Override Phlebotomist checkbox to enable the corresponding drop-down field. Once enabled, select an option from the drop-down list, and Copia will use that phlebotomist when you mark samples as collected on this page. If you do not see the desired phlebotomist in the drop-down list, click the Search button to select the phlebotomist from the User Search page. See the User Search topic. If you disable this option by clearing the checkbox or if you do not select a phlebotomist, Copia will assign the default phlebotomist to the order.
- If you have added the "Create Samples" column type to the pending collection column view rule for your signed-in location, Copia displays the Create Samples button. Select one or more Collected checkboxes, and then click this button to make the system create samples for order choices that are not already assigned to an existing sample. This allows you to wait to assign sample IDs until the samples are physically accessioned in the laboratory.
- If you have enabled batch sample collection for this page and/or if you have added one or more editable user defined fields to the column view assigned to this page, then you may edit the Collection Date/Time, Sample ID, and User Defined Field values. Simply modify these values as desired, and then click the Save button to record your changes. This allows you to update information on orders spanning different patients without having to mark them as collected. Click the Now button next to the time and date fields to update the collection date to the current date and time, if desired. Copia also displays the ABN and clinical info warnings as links. Click these links to open the ABN Status/Print or Clinical Info pages. See the ABN Status/Print or Clinical Info topics.
- Click the Collect All button to have Copia select all sample checkboxes that are collectable and save them as collected. Sample checkboxes that Copia does not consider collectable include those still requiring clinical information, ABN signed status assignment, lab routing, or billing account numbers. Note that the Pending Collection page uses the location setting of "Force user to assign ABN status when saving an order" to determine if the ABN must be entered or not.
- If the sample is part of a standing order and you just collected the last samples for the last order in the series, Copia prompts you to print a summary of the newly finished standing order. Click the Yes button to print the standing order summary.
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