Admin: Order Choice Lists
Page Description
Use the Order Choice Lists page to view, create, or edit the format for the order choice lists on the Order Patient Samples page. Then, when placing an order, the Order Patient Samples page displays the defined lists of order choices. These lists can include the order choices you use most frequently, personal favorites, and/or lists defined to include order choices for specific situations (e.g., "Cardiac" or "Oncology").
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the Administration menu button, click the Order Choice Setup button, and then click the Order Choice Lists submenu link. You must have the necessary security permissions to access the Administration menu button.
When you click the Administration menu button, Copia opens the main Administration menu, which contains administrative menu buttons, including the Order Choice Setup menu. To return to the main menu for Copia, click the Lab Tasks menu button.
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Viewing Order Choice Lists
- The Order Choice Lists page contains a list of up to ten order choice lists. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of order choice lists, to navigate through the list.
- To view active order choice lists only, select the Show active only checkbox at the top of the Order Choice Lists page. You set the active/inactive status in the Order Choice List Details section of the Order Choice Lists details page. See "Adding or Editing Order Choice List Details" below.
- To create a new order choice list, click the Add button or the Copy button in the Order Choice Lists list page. See "Adding or Editing Order Choice List Details" below.
- Clicking the Add button opens a blank record in the Order Choice Lists details page to create a new order choice list.
- Clicking the Copy button opens a new record in the Order Choice Lists details page to create a new order choice list based on the order choice list associated with the button you clicked. Copia copies many of the settings from the existing order choice list; however, it does not copy the name and host codes.
- Click the name of the order choice list on the Order Choice Lists list page to view or edit order choice list information on the Order Choice Lists details page. See "Adding or Editing Order Choice List Details," "Selecting the Order Choices to Display," and "Setting the List Availability" below.
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Adding or Editing Order Choice List Details
- Use the Order Choice List Details section of the Order Choice Lists details page to add or edit information for the order choice list.
- Enter the name of the order choice list in the List Name field. This field is required, and it may contain up to 50 characters.
- Enter the description of the order choice list in the Description field, if desired.
- To edit the order choice list name and description, highlight or delete text already displayed in the field, then modify as desired.
- Select the Active checkbox to enable users to use the order choice list. Clear this checkbox to restrict users from using the order choice list. If the order choice list is inactive, Copia clears it from the Order Choice Lists list page when you select the Show active only checkbox. See "Viewing the Order Choice List" above.
- Click Back to List to return to the Order Choice Lists list page without making any changes. If you have made changes, but have not yet saved them, Copia prompts you to discard the changes or to return to the Order Choice List details page and save your changes.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click Save.
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Selecting the Order Choices to Display
- Use the Order Choices to Display on this List section to select which order choices Copia should display on the list.
- Select whether to show all order choices for a particular lab or to show selected order choices in the selected order choice list.
- Show all order choices for lab: Select this option, and then select a lab from the drop-down list to include all of the order choices and profiles for the selected lab on the order choice list in the Order Choice Pick List page.
- Show selected order choices: Select this option, enter one or more characters in the search field, and then click the Search button to select order choices or profiles using the Order Choice Search page. See the Order Choice Search topic. To remove a selected order choice, click the X button that corresponds to the order choice. Copia adds the selected order choice to the list in alphabetical order.
- The section contains a list of up to ten order choices or profiles that meet your search criteria. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of order choices, to navigate through the list.
- Click Back to List to return to the Order Choice Lists list page without making any changes. If you have made changes, but have not yet saved them, Copia prompts you to discard the changes or to return to the Order Choice List details page and save your changes.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click Save.
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Setting the List Availability
- Click one of the options below to set list availability.
- System-level List: Click this option to enable all users in the system to use the order choice list.
- Single-practice List: Click this option to restrict the use of the list to users in a single practice. Once you select this option, enter one or more characters in the Practice field and click the Search button to select the practice using the Practice Search page. See the Admin: Practice Search topic.
- Click Back to List to return to the Order Choice Lists list page without making any changes. If you have made changes, but have not yet saved them, Copia prompts you to discard the changes or to return to the Order Choice List details page and save your changes.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click Save.
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Assigning the List to All Users
- Click the Assign to all Users button to assign the current order choice list to all users who you have the right to edit. If the list is practice specific, then clicking the button adds the list only to users of that specific practice.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections and then click Save.
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