Page Description
Use the Location Inbox page to view reports of patient results, to
print selected reports, to acknowledge selected reports, to access detailed order information, and to use
the report filter feature to control the results that are displayed in
the list. The filters allow you to show or restrict displayed results
according to the ordering provider, the order status, the severity of the order choices, the priority of the order choices, when the reports were received, or whether the
reports have been acknowledged. For reports delivered to the Location Inbox, if the system default administration setting to show history across linked patients on location result reports is enabled, then Copia displays all of the historic data across the selected order's patient, as well as all patients who are linked to the selected order's patient, regardless of their practices.
If you have access to the Location Inbox, Copia displays the reports for your signed in location; however, if you have the necessary rights, you may select a different location to view the reports for one of the other locations in your practice. System clinical users (users with a system-level role) will be able to see locations of other practices in the drop-down list, but not view the locations' inboxes, unless they have the system-level role to view the inboxes of other practices' locations. You may choose to view all results for locations that you are affiliated with and have the right to see. Note that if you have the right to view results for a location but do not have the right to acknowledge results for that location, then when you select to print the reports in batch, Copia will not mark the reports for that location as acknowledged.
Copia sends reports to this page when the Copia System Administrator enables the option to deliver result reports to this location when ordering providers use the result delivery setting to deliver their reports to the ordering location (using the location's delivery rules). See Result Delivery topic.
If you print the lab report from the Location Inbox, Copia uses the report format settings for the current location that were set in the Locations administration page. See the Admin: Locations topic.
Patient reports you print from the Location Inbox and the User Inbox have a "Copies sent to:" field in the footer, where Copia lists potential providers and host interfaces. Patient reports you reprint from the patient's Order History page do not display the "Copies sent to:" text and data. Note that the CC list at the bottom of the report in the "Copies sent to:" field is a list of POSSIBLE recipients. Whether or not the recipients received the report depends on the recipients' result delivery settings at the time Copia created the report. For example, if a CC recipient's result delivery setting is to receive reports only when all order choices are final in an order, and if the report only contains final results for one order choice out of several ordered, then Copia would list the recipient as a possible CC recipient on reports printed from the Location Inbox or User Inbox, but it would not actually send the report to the recipient until all of the order choices in the order were final.
Note that the data displayed on this page depends on the column view settings for your facility. Copia uses the column view settings to control what columns appear in the tables on this page and the order in which it sorts the displayed information. You may set column view rules at the location or the system default levels. The rules for the signed in location, if available, supersede the system default column view rules. See the Admin: Column View Rules topic.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the View Results menu button, and then click the Location
Inbox submenu link.
- Select the "View Results>Location Inbox" option as the Application Start Page on the Application page.
- Click the Go button on the Clients tab of the Client Services administration page.
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Selecting a Location
If you have access to the Location Inbox, Copia displays the reports for your signed in location; however, if you have the necessary rights, you may select a different location to view the reports for one of the other locations in your practice. System clinical users (users with a system-level role) will be able to see locations of other practices in the drop-down list, but not view the locations' inboxes, unless they have the system-level role to view the inboxes of other practices' locations.
- Select an option from the Location Recipient drop-down list, or begin typing in the field to have Copia present possible locations that match what you have entered. This field is only enabled if you have the necessary rights.
- Select the "All" option to view all results for active locations that you are affiliated with and have the right to see.
- If you wish to select a location that is not in the drop-down list, click the Search button to select the location in the Location Search page. See the Location Search topic.
- Once you have the selected the desired location, click the Refresh button.
- Copia updates the list in the Reports section of the page. See "Reviewing Filtered Reports" below.
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Accessing the Inbox Filter
- When viewing the inbox for your current or selected location, you may either view
or hide the report filter.
- Click the "Show Filter" link to make the report filter visible.
- Click the "Hide Filter" link to hide the report filter.
- When the filter is visible, you may select recipient, location, severity, timing, or acknowledgement
filters that Copia
should use when creating the list of reports for your Location Inbox.
See "Setting the Inbox Filter" below.
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Setting the Inbox Filter
- If the report filter is hidden, click the "Show Filter"
link to make the filter visible. See "Accessing the Inbox Filter"
- To limit the displayed results to a particular ordering location,
select an Ordering Location from the drop-down list. Select "Any"
to allow Copia
to display results from any ordering location. To narrow your search, click the Search button to select the desired provider in the Location Search page. See the Location Search topic.
- To limit the displayed results to a particular ordering provider,
select an Ordering Provider from the drop-down list. Select "Any"
to allow Copia
to display results from any ordering provider. To narrow your search, click the Search button to select the desired provider in the Ordering Provider Search page. See the Ordering Provider Search topic. Note that the providers that Copia returns in your search are designated as ordering providers, are active, are members of one of the your practices, or are staff members who have the always available as a provider feature enabled. Also note that if you are a member of a nursing home, you will see all providers.
- Select an option from the Status drop-down list to include only those results of the selected status (complete, partial, complete (cancelled), partial (cancelled), or cancelled).
- Select an option from the Severity drop-down list to include only those results of the selected severity (All, Critical, Abnormal, or Abnormal or Critical).
- Select an option from the Priority drop-down list to include only those results of the selected priority (STAT, ASAP, or Routine). Note that you may only display the system default priorities, but Copia displays results of all priorities that are the same level of priority but that have a different name. Copia lists all of the priorities that correspond with the system default priorities in parentheses after the system default name.
- To limit the displayed results to reports that contain a specific order choice, enter one or more characters in the Order Choice field, and then click the Search button to select the desired order choice in the Order Choice Search page. See the Order Choice Search topic. Click Clear to remove the order choice filter from your search.
- Select what reports you wish to Show. Note that Copia sets the initial value of this option based on the settings from the Users administration page or the Application page, if the settings exist.
- Reports received in the past __ days: Enter a number of days.
will search for reports sent to the current location within the selected
number of days; or
- Reports received between: Enter a date and time in the format
MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MM AM/PM in the Start and End fields, or select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the fields. The start date defaults to 12:00 AM on the current date, and the end date defaults to 11:59 PM on the current date. Click Now to enter the current date and time. Click Clear to clear the date and time fields. Copia
will search for reports sent to the current location during the selected range.
- Collection date between: Enter a date and time in the format
MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MM AM/PM in the Start and End fields, or select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the fields. The start date defaults to 12:00 AM on the current date, and the end date defaults to 11:59 PM on the current date. Click Now to enter the current date and time. Click Clear to clear the date and time fields. Copia
will search for reports sent to the current location during the selected range; or
- All unacknowledged reports: Select this option to only include
reports that have not yet been acknowledged.
- If you select Reports received in the past __ days, you may
further configure this option by selecting one of the options below.
Note that you may configure default settings for these filter settings
in the Application preferences page. See the Application
- Days include every day of the week: Select to have Copia include reports
no matter what day of the week they were received, including Saturdays
and Sundays; or
- Days include only weekdays: Select to have Copia include only
reports that were received on weekdays (Monday through Friday).
These settings can help you target your search. For example, if you set the filter to Days include every day of the week and use 15 days, Copia searches back 15 days (essentially 2 calendar weeks). However, if you set the filter to Days include only weekdays and use 15 days, then it searches back 15 weekdays (essentially 3 calendar weeks).
- Select the Hide Acknowledged Reports option if you select the Reports received in the past __ days or Reports received between options to remove any acknowledged
reports from the list. This option is not available if you have selected
All unacknowledged reports.
- Remember that each filter option you use further limits the number
of possible matching results. If you use multiple filtering options,
then Copia
will only display those results that match all of the parameters you
have specified.
- Once you have the desired settings for the report filter, click the
Refresh button.
- Copia
updates the list in the Reports section of the page. See "Reviewing
Filtered Reports" below.
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Reviewing Filtered Reports
- Once you have set your filter and clicked the Refresh button,
updates the list in the Reports section of the page. See "Setting
the Inbox Filter" above. Copia determines the number of reports per page, as noted in the Displaying __ of __ Reports field, based on the settings in either the Application lab tasks page or the Users administration page.
- To modify the number of reports on the page, adjust the value of the Displaying __ of __ Reports field. Copia defaults to 10 per page, and displays the total number of items based on your search.
- Information for each report is listed, with columns for each of the
- Severity: The severity level for results in the order. Copia sorts the report to display critical and abnormal results before regular results.
- Priority: The highest priority level for an order choice in the order. If there are two or more priorities for order choices, Copia displays the highest priority (STAT, followed by ASAP, and then Routine). Copia sorts the report to display STAT and ASAP results before regular results.
- Order ID: The identifying number for the order that was assigned
when the order was placed. If the order was saved as a standing order (multiple occurrences of
the same order), then an "(S)" will appear next to the Order ID.
- Patient: The name of the patient.
- Order Choices: The order choices included in the order.
- Results Received: The date and time the most recent report was created. Depending on your settings, Copia may create reports as individual results are received, or it may wait until all results are received before creating a report. Click the column header to sort the list of reports by the date the results were received.
- Order Date: The date the order was placed. Click the column header to sort the list of reports by the date the orders were placed.
- Ordering Provider: The provider who placed that order for
the patient. This may or may not be the patient's PCP.
- Recipient: The provider or associate who received the report.
- Status: The current status of the order (Partial, Complete, or Cancelled)
- Partial: Orders that contain one or more order choices awaiting
- Complete: Orders that have final results for all order choices.
- Cancelled: Orders that were cancelled.
- Selected: A checkbox to indicate whether or not to acknowledge or to print the order when you click Acknowledge Selected, Print Selected, or Acknowledge & Print Selected. Click the Selected column label to select or deselect all of the reports. See "Acknowledging Selected Reports" or "Printing Selected
Reports" below.
- Ack'd: The indication of whether or not the order has been
acknowledged (ack'd).
- System: If the report was acknowledged by the system via fax, email, etc.
- Not Ack'd: If the inbox report has not been acknowledged.
- Acknowledger's Name: If the inbox report has been acknowledged.
- The default sort order for reports is based on the severity and priority of order choices in the order. Copia displays reports in the following order: Critical severity, STAT priority, Abnormal severity, and then ASAP priority. All of these appear before routine order choices. However, you may modify this order by clicking one of the columns to sort the reports in the selected order. Copia displays an arrow next to the columns to indicate whether the sort order is descending (\/) or ascending (/\). By default, Copia sorts in descending order; however, if you click the same column link again, Copia sorts the data in an ascending order and it adjusts the arrow to indicate the new sort direction.
- Depending on the settings in the Locations administration page, Copia may suppress report content if all results are attachments.
- By default, Copia displays up to 20 reports on a page. You may modify this number to include more or fewer reports on a page. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of reports, to navigate through the list. If there are more page links than can fit on the page at once, Copia displays the Page field. Enter a number in this field and press the Enter key on the keyboard to immediately open the selected page. If the list is less than one page, then Copia indicates that it is displaying 20 out of 11 (for example) reports. This means that it could show up to 20 reports on the page, but there are only 11 reports based on your filter settings.
- Click an Order ID link to open a pop-up list of page options. Select the page you wish to open for the selected order. Note that some options may not be available.
- Review Order: Select this option to view the order in the Order Patient Samples page. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
- Samples: Select this option to collect samples for the order in the Collect Samples page. See the Collect Samples topic.
- Labels: Select this option to print master and tube labels in the Print Labels page. See the Print Labels topic. Note that this option may be disabled, depending on the administration settings for your signed in location.
- Requisition: Select this option to print requisition(s) for the order in the Requisition(s) page. See the Requisitions topic.
- Change Log: Select this option to view the change log for the selected order. See the Admin: Change Log topic. Note that you must have the necessary security right to access the Change Log page.
- Lab Report: Select this option to create a lab report of the order in the Lab Report page. See the Lab Report topic.
- If you view the report for an order, you may return to the Location
Inbox page by clicking < Back to Inbox.
- If you modify any of the Inbox Filter settings, click Refresh
to update the list of reports.
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Acknowledging Selected Reports
- As you are reviewing the list of filtered reports, mark the Selected
checkbox to indicate which reports should be marked as acknowledged. Click the Selected column label to select or deselect all of the reports. See "Reviewing Filtered Reports" above.
- Click the Acknowledge Selected or Acknowledge & Print Selected buttons to acknowledge the reports with the
Selected checkbox selected. If you click the Acknowledge & Print Selected button, then Copia also prints the report(s). See "Printing Selected Reports" below.
Note: If you selected the "All" option to view all results for locations that you are affiliated with and have the right to see, but you do not have the right to acknowledge results for one or more locations, then Copia will not mark the reports for those locations as acknowledged.
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Printing Selected Reports
- As you are reviewing the list of filtered reports, mark the Selected
checkbox to indicate which reports should be included in the printed
report. Click the Selected column label to select or deselect all of the reports. See "Reviewing Filtered Reports" above.
- Click the Print Selected or Acknowledge & Print Selected buttons to print the reports with the
Selected checkbox selected, as well as a Print Job Manifest that
lists the reports included in the print job. If you click the Acknowledge & Print Selected button, then Copia also acknowledges the report(s). See "Acknowledging Selected Reports" above. Depending on the administration settings for your signed in location, Copia may suppress the Print Job Manifest.
- The standard print dialogs appear. Change the print
settings as desired and then click Print. Copia will print the
report according to the settings you established in the print dialogs
(number of copies, printer destination, etc.).
Note: If you selected the "All" option to view all results for locations that you are affiliated with and have the right to see, but you do not have the right to acknowledge results for one or more locations, then when you select to print the reports in batch, Copia will not mark the reports for those locations as acknowledged.
- If you try to print a set of reports that is too large for the printer, Copia alerts you and prompts you to pick a smaller set of reports.
- Each time you print a report, Copia creates a "print
job," which records exactly which reports were printed. You may
then reprint these print jobs, if needed. See "Reprinting Past
Print Jobs" below.
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Deleting Selected Reports
- Click the Delete Selected button to delete reports from the Location Inbox page. When the Delete Selected button is clicked, the user will be prompted with the warning "All of the selected reports will be permanently deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?" If the user chooses not to continue, then no changes will be made. If the user continues, then all of the selected reports will be permanently removed from the database. Only unacknowledged reports will be deleted.
- A log will be created in the HL7/Doc. Changes tab on the User Actions Log administration page when the Delete Selected button is clicked. The log will have its data changes listed as "Permanently Deleted Report." Upon clicking on the text, a pop-up will appear that includes what the name of the report was, the time it was received, the location it was sent to, and the type of report it was. The user can change the filter to only show deleted other reports by changing the data type filter to "Other Report" or changing the Action Page filter to "View Results > Location Inbox > Other Reports Tab."
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Reprinting Past Print Jobs
- Each time you print a report, Copia creates a "print
job," which records exactly which reports were printed. You may
reprint these print jobs if, due to printer failure or other problem,
you need to do so.
- Click the "Show Filter" link to make the report filter visible,
if it is not already visible.
- Click the Reprint Past Print Jobs button to open the Print
Job page, where you may select and print past print jobs. See the
Print Job topic.
When you reprint and acknowledge a report on the Print Job page, it is also marked as acknowledged on the Location Inbox page.
- Click Cancel in the Print Job page to return to the Location
Inbox page.
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