Admin: Match Results

Page Description

Use the Match Results page to enable administrators to match inbound result messages to a patient order when the result messages could not be successfully stored. You may use this page to edit the HL7 message, re-run messages, match order choices through a patient search, and create new order choices in Copia.

For more help, click one of the following links:

Accessing this Page

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Viewing Match Results

  1. The Match Results page contains a list of up to ten unmatched result messages. Copia displays the Message ID, Result Host name, Account #, Patient Name, Sample ID, Order Choice, and Order Choice Host Code. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of messages, to navigate through the list. If there are more page links than can fit on the page at once, Copia displays the Page field. Enter a number in this field and press the Enter key on the keyboard to immediately open the selected page.
  2. When you open this page, Copia displays an arrow next to the first message in the list. After you have rerun the message (see below), the arrow points to the next message in the list if the result processed correctly. If the result still has an error, the arrow will continue to point to it.
  3. Copia colors the displayed data to provide additional information about the problem. Note that Copia will not update coloring until you rerun the messages.
  4. Filter the list by selecting or entering one or more of the following and then clicking the Refresh button (see below):
  5. Enter a number in the Page Size field to adjust the number of entries that Copia displays on the page at a time. By default, it displays ten, but you may enter any number up 10,000.
  6. Click the Msg ID link to view and modify reporting errors in the HL7 message structure using the Message Detail pop-up. Note that you are permanently modifying the original message. Copia does not maintain backup copies of messages. See the Admin: Edit Result Message topic.
  7. Click the Info link to open an alert page that displays the errors Copia encountered while parsing the result. Click OK to return to the Match Results page.
  8. Click the Find Match link to review potential matches and match results using the Match Results details page. See "Matching Results" below.
  9. Select the Select checkbox next to each message you wish to rerun or delete (see below), and then click the Delete Selected or Re-run Selected buttons.
  10. After you have selected one or more messages, click the Re-run Selected button to rerun messages without matching them with order choices. If results were processed successfully, Copia notifies you with a pop-up message and removes the unmatched result message from the Match Results list. If the process is unsuccessful, Copia notifies you with a pop-up message and leaves the unmatched message in the list.
  11. After you have selected one or more messages, click the Delete Selected button to remove the message from the list.
  12. Click the Refresh button to view changes in the Match Results list page.

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Matching Results

  1. The Match Results details page provides you with the tools to match order results to an unmatched result message. Copia displays the details of your selected inbound message in the Finding a Match for These Order Choices section and it lists all potential matches for the selected message in the Order Choice Matches section. If no matches are found, click the Custom Patient Search button to locate potential order choice matches in the Custom Patient Search section. See "Searching for Patients" below.
  2. Copia displays each with the name, date of birth, and sex of the patient, as well as the result host, order choice(s), order choice host code, collection date, sample ID, order ID, and row number. Copia colors the displayed data to provide additional information about the problem, just as it does on the initial Match Results administration page. See "Viewing Match Results" above. Note that the patient's name, sex, and date of birth will all be red if one of them is incorrect.
  3. Select the Selected radio button in the Finding a Match for These Order Choices section, and then perform one of the following actions on the selected message:
  4. Click < Back to List to return to the Match Results list page without saving any changes.

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Searching for Patients

  1. Copia displays the patient search filter and search results in the Custom Patient Search section. See "Matching Results" above.
  2. Enter the desired search criteria to locate a patient. Note that each filter you use further limits the number of possible matching results. If you use multiple filtering options, then Copia will only display those results that match all of the parameters you have specified.
  3. Once you have the desired settings for the patient search filter, click the Search button.
  4. If your search generates one or more matches, then the matching patients are displayed when the page refreshes. Copia displays the patient name, date of birth, and sex. Click the name of a patient to return to the Match Results details page with that patient's order history displayed in the Order Choice Matches section. When you select a patient, Copia alerts you that the information provided from the patient selected will update the patient in the results file. Click OK to continue.
  5. If no search results are found or if the desired patient or order is not found, search again, or create a new patient and/or order before returning to the Match Results page to mark the sample as collected and match the new order with the inbound result message. See "Marking a Sample as Collected" below.
  6. Click < Back to Detail List to return to the Match Results details page without saving any changes.

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Marking a Sample as Collected

  1. While viewing the Match Results details page, select the Selected radio button of the sample you wish to mark as collected.
  2. Click the Mark Collected button. This button is only enabled if an order choice in the Order Choice Matches list does not have a collection date.
  3. Copia opens the order in the Sample Collection page. Mark the sample as collected, save the change, and then click the Back to Match Results button to return to the Match Results details page. See the Sample Collection topic.
  4. Copia marks the sample as collected and clears the Order Choice Matches section. Note that Copia marks the sample as collected without sending the order to the host. Click the Custom Patient Search button to locate the desired order and begin the result matching process. See "Searching for Patients" above.

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Creating an Order Choice

  1. If you cannot locate the correct order choice, click the Create Order Choice button to create an order choice using the order choices administration page. Note that if the order choice is already in the system, Copia places you in the Order Choices list page.
  2. Copia displays in the Order Choices page the order choice you searched for.
  3. Click the Add button to populate the new order choice with the information from the matched result and return to the Match Results details page.

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