Admin: Clinical Info
Page Description
Use the Clinical Info page to create a list of clinical information questions that is used to define order choices in the Clinical Info for this Order Choice section of the Order Choices administration page. See the Admin: Order Choices topic.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the Administration menu button, click the Order Choice Setup button, and then click the Clinical Info submenu link. You must have the necessary security permissions to access the Administration menu button.
When you click the Administration menu button, Copia opens the main Administration menu, which contains administrative menu buttons, including the Order Choice Setup menu. To return to the main menu for Copia, click the Lab Tasks menu button.
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Viewing the Clinical Info List
- The Clinical Info list page contains a list of up to ten clinical information questions, displayed in alphabetical order. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of clinical information questions, to navigate through the list.
- To view active clinical information questions only, select the Show active only checkbox at the top of the Clinical Info list page. You set the active/inactive status in the Question Details section of the Clinical Info details page. See "Adding or Editing Clinical Info Details" below.
- To narrow the list of displayed questions, or to find a specific question, use the Search option. Click the List option to return to the full list of questions. See "Searching for a Clinical Information Question" below.
- Select the Missing host code for ___ checkbox, select a host from the drop-down list, and click the Refresh button to look for clinical information questions that are missing host codes for that host.
- If you cannot find the desired clinical information question, click the Add button to add a question. See "Adding or Editing Clinical Info Details" below.
- Click the clinical information question on the Clinical Info list page to view or edit the clinical information on the Clinical Info details page. See "Adding or Editing Clinical Info Details" below.
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Searching for a Clinical Information Question
- Select the Search option to search by question name. Enter one or more characters of the question name or host code in the Search field, and then click the Search button to view a list of all questions that match your search. Note that Copia searches for individual words or double quoted phrases.
If you enter more than one word or phrase, all of them must be present in the question to be a match.
- If your search generates one or more matches, the matching questions are displayed when the page refreshes. Copia displays the list of questions with their active statuses. Click a question name to view the question's details.
- If no search results are found or if the desired question is not found, search again, or click the Add button to add a question. See "Adding or Editing Clinical Info Details" below.
- Click the List option to view the full list of questions. See "Viewing the Clinical Info List" above.
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Adding or Editing Clinical Info Details
- Use the Clinical Info Details section of the Clinical Info details page to add or edit clinical question details, such as question text, and answer types.
- Enter the question in the Question field. This field is required.
- To edit the question, highlight or delete text already displayed in the field, and then modify as desired.
- Select the Active checkbox to enable administrative users to select the question while setting up order choices. Clear this checkbox to restrict administrative users from selecting the question. If the question is inactive, Copia clears it from the Clinical Info list page when you select the Show active only checkbox. See "Viewing the Clinical Info List" above.
- The Combinable checkbox is selected by default. If this is selected and if there are multiple instances of the question in an order that are all combinable, then Copia only displays the question once. If this is selected and if there are multiple instances of the question in an order, but one or more is not combinable, then Copia displays the questions individually for each order choice. Clear the checkbox to have Copia repeat the clinical information question for each instance of the question
on an order.
- Select the Large Text checkbox to automatically set the Height field. The default value is 2. Enter a value into the Width field to configure the width. The default width is 140. Enter a value into the Number of Columns field to configure the number of columns. The default value is 1.
- Select an option from the Answer Type drop-down list to determine the type of answer required for the question. When you select an option, either the Auto-Fill drop-down list in this section or the Add button in the Valid Answers for the Question section may be enabled.
- Date: Select this option to place an auto-generated date in the answer field. This selection does not enable other options.
- Date & Time: Select this option to place an auto-generated date, as well as enable text entry in the answer field. This selection enables the Auto-Fill drop-down list.
- Time: Select this option to place an auto-generated time.
- Free Form Text: Select this option to require textual or numerical entries in the answer field. This selection enables the Auto-Fill drop-down list.
- Multiselect Pre-Defined Text: Select this option to create a list of possible valid answers for the question. This selection enables the Add button in the Valid Answers for the Question section. See "Adding or Deleting Valid Answers" below.
- Number: Select this option to require numerical entries in the answer field. This selection does not enable other options.
- Pre-Defined Text: Select this option to create a single valid answer for the question. This selection enables the Add button in the Valid Answers for the Question section. See "Adding or Deleting Valid Answers" below.
- Use the Auto-fill drop-down list to select either "Order User Defined Field," "Ordering Location," "Patient User Defined Field," "Current Date" or "None," which is the default option. This field is enabled if you select "Free Form Text," "Date," or "Date and Time" from the Answer Type drop-down list. If you select an option for auto-fill that does not correspond with the selected answer type (e.g., you select "Race" to auto-fill with an answer type of "Date"), Copia automatically changes the Answer Type to the appropriate option for your auto-fill selection.
- Select the Populate auto-fill value when order choice is ordered checkbox to auto-fill values when order choices are ordered. This determines if the auto-fill values will be saved into the database when the order choice is added to the order.
- Click the Image Map drop-down list to select an image map from the list. The drop-down list is set to "None" as default.
- Select or clear all checkbox options that apply to question use and answer format.
- Additional free form text allowed: Select this checkbox to include a text box next to the answer field to accept additional information.
- Create comment from answer: Select this checkbox to have Copia place the answer as a comment on orders or order choices. Select the destination of the comment from the Comment Type drop-down box.
- Display on lab report: Select "Order" or "Order Choice" from the Comment Type drop-down menu and select the checkbox to include the comments on reports.
- Display on requisition and manifest: Select "Order" or "Order Choice" from the Comment Type drop-down menu and select the checkbox to include the questions on requisitions and manifests, or select to send the question as a comment via HL7.
- Display on form letter: Select "Order" from the Comment Type drop-down menu and select the checkbox to display comments on the form letter.
- Send question as a comment electronically: Select "Order" from the Comment Type drop-down menu and select the checkbox to send the question(s) as an electronic comment.
- Send question electronically: Select this option to send the clinical information question via HL7. If you do not wish to send the comment via HL7, clear this checkbox.
- Orchard Collect Clinical Info: Select this option to have Copia indicate that a clinical info question is used with Orchard Collect.
- Click the Associated Order Choices button to display an Associated Order Choices pop-up that presents a list of associated order choices in a datatable. The datatable displays up to 10 entries per page, and you may click the right or left arrow buttons to navigate from page to page. Edit the amount of order choices per page by changing the number in the Show ___ entries field.
- Click the Associated Specimen Sources button to display an Associated Specimen Sources pop-up that presents a list of associated specimen sources in a datatable. The datatable displays up to 10 entries per page, and you may click the right or left arrow buttons to navigate from page to page. Edit the amount of specimen sources per page by changing the number in the Show ___ entries field.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click Save.
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Adding or Deleting Valid Answers
- The Valid Answers for this Question section of the Clinical Info details page is enabled when you select the "Predefined Text" or "Multiselect Predefined Text" options from the Answer Type drop-down list located in the Question Details section. Use this page to create one or more valid answers to the clinical information question. See "Adding or Editing Clinical Info Details" above.
- Select the Populate pre-defined default value(s) when order choice is ordered checkbox to populate clinical information responses into the database without the user having to display the Clinical Info administration page. This determines if the default values will be saved into the database when the order choice is added to the order.
- Click the Add button to create a valid answer for the question. Enter an answer at the prompt and click OK to save the answer, or click Cancel to cancel the new answer.
- Once you add one or more valid answers, the answers and a default option are shown. Select the Default checkbox if you wish to have the option automatically selected as the answer.
- To delete a valid answer, click the X button that corresponds to the valid answer.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click Save.
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Adding or Editing Host Codes
- The Host Codes for this Question section of the Clinical Info details page displays the host code information for the clinical information question.
- To view active hosts only, select the Show active hosts only checkbox. Set the active/inactive status in the Host Details section of the Hosts details page. See the Admin: Hosts topic.
- To add host codes, enter the codes for the question in the fields next to the desired host names. If you try to save a host code that is identical to another code for the same host for two clinical information questions, Copia displays a warning message that details where up to ten conflicts lie and prompts you proceed with saving the host codes or not.
- To edit these codes, highlight or delete text already displayed in the field, then modify as desired.
- Select the Code is Active checkbox to enable the host to use the host code. Clear the checkbox to restrict the host from using the host code.
- Click < Back to List to return to the Clinical Info list page without saving any changes.
- Click Save to record changes and return to the Clinical Info list page.
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Creating Results from Responses
- The Result to create from this question's responses section of the Clinical Info details page allows you to set up the test result that Copia will automatically add to an order choice when this clinical information question is answered and it is an auto-approved order choice.
- Select the Create result from question response checkbox to enable result creation for this clinical information question.
- Enter the details for the test result in the Test Name, Test Host Code, Test LOINC Code, Test Reference Range, and Test Units fields.
- Click < Back to List to return to the Clinical Info list page without saving any changes.
- Click Save to record changes and return to the Clinical Info list page.
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