Reject Sample

Page Description

Use the Reject Sample page to reject a sample. Copia displays the order ID, patient name, and patient ID at the top of the page.

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Rejecting a Sample
  1. Select the Sample to be rejected checkboxes. These checkboxes are required. This allows you to confirm that you are rejecting the correct sample.
  2. Select the The following order choices will be cancelled checkboxes. These checkboxes are required. This allows you to confirm that you are cancelling the correct order choices.
  3. Enter the reason for rejecting the sample in the Enter Reason field. This field is required.
  4. Click Don't Reject Sample to cancel the rejection and return to the preceding page.
  5. Click Reject Sample to continue with the sample rejection and order choice cancellation.
  6. If you are cancelling order choices from the most recent standing order in the series, Copia prompts you to decide if the order choice should be cancelled for all future orders in the standing order or just for the selected order. Click the button on the prompt for which cancellation you wish to perform.

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