Create Manifest

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The options available on this page depend on what mode the page is in.

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Setting the Manifest Filter

  1. Enter the filter options for the Manifest list. You may set the default value for several of these settings on the Application lab tasks page. See the Application topic.
  2. Remember that each filter option you use further limits the number of possible matching results. If you use all of the filtering options, then Copia will only display those results that match all of the parameters you have specified.
  3. Once you have the desired settings for the manifest filter, click the Refresh button.
  4. Copia updates the list in the Manifest section of the page with collected samples that you may include in the manifest. See "Reviewing the Filtered Manifest List" below.

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Reviewing the Filtered Manifest List

  1. Once you have set your filter and clicked the Refresh button, Copia updates the list in the Manifest section of the page with collected samples that you may include in the manifest. See "Setting the Manifest Filter" above. By default, it sorts the results by patient name and then order ID; however, depending on the Advanced Configuration Options for the system, Copia may sort the results by order ID.
  2. If you searched for samples from "All" testing locations, and if there are samples from more than one lab, then Copia displays the samples for all labs sorted and grouped by lab name.
  3. The Create Manifest page contains a list of up to thirty samples by default. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of samples, to navigate through the list. Copia displays how many samples you're viewing in the Displaying __ of __ samples fields. You may modify the number of samples Copia displays by default on the Application page. See the Application topic.
  4. To modify the number of samples on the page, adjust the value of the Displaying __ of __ samples field. Copia defaults to 10 per page, and displays the total number of items based on your search.
  5. Information for each sample is listed, with columns for each of the following:
  6. Click an Order ID to view the details for the order in the Order Patient Samples page. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
  7. If you view the details for an order, you may return to the Create Manifest page by clicking < Back to Create Manifest.
  8. After you review the list of collected samples, you may select or deselect samples to create a manifest. See "Creating a Manifest" below.

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Creating a Manifest

  1. By default, all of the collected samples that matched your filter criteria are selected for inclusion on the manifest. Included samples are indicated by a checkmark in the Select column. Depending on the settings for your location, Copia will mark the Select box automatically when you scan a bar code for a sample while you are on this page.

    If you searched for samples from "All" locations, and if there are samples from more than one lab, then Copia displays the samples for all labs sorted and grouped by lab name. You may choose to print this manifest, but note that once you exit the Create Manifest page, you will not be able to reprint the exact manifest created for all locations, though you will be able to print individual manifests for each location.

  2. To remove a sample from the manifest, clear the Select checkbox. Click Deselect All to clear all of the Select checkboxes.
  3. To add a sample back to the manifest, mark the Select checkbox. Click Select All to mark all of the Select checkboxes. As you select samples, Copia updates the __ samples selected field.
  4. Once you have the desired samples selected for the manifest, click Create Manifest to create the manifest based on the list of selected samples.
  5. The Print Manifest page appears, allowing you to print the manifest that includes the samples you are sending to a location. See the Print Manifest topic.
  6. After you print the manifest, click < Back to Create Manifest to return to the Create Manifest page. The page changes to exclude the manifest filter settings, and the features change to those available when you are viewing an existing manifest. See "Viewing an Existing Manifest" below.
  7. If you searched for samples from "All" labs and then selected samples from multiple labs, then for the initial print job, Copia creates a separate manifest for each lab, but then it combines the manifests to form one PDF file that contains the samples for all of the selected labs for orders placed by members of your practice. After you view the combined manifests, clicking the Back to Create Manifest button allows you to return to the Create Manifest page to view all of the manifests, sorted by lab, that you just viewed and printed. Click the Create Manifest button to reprint the entire print job for "All" labs. Note, however, that once you exit this page, you will no longer be able to print a manifest for "All" labs as one print job; however, you will be able to reprint manifests for individual labs. See "Viewing an Existing Manifest" below.

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Viewing an Existing Manifest

  1. You may view an existing manifest in one of two ways:
  2. Use the Date Created Range fields to filter by a start/end date range in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. Click the Now button to enter the current date/time, and click the Clear button to clear the fields.
  3. Because you cannot edit a manifest once it has been created, Copia does not display the manifest filter settings when you are viewing an existing manifest.
  4. The Manifest section of the page displays the Manifest ID and Number of Samples in the manifest, as well as the information originally listed in the filtered manifest list. See "Reviewing the Filtered Manifest List" above. In addition, Copia displays the lab that each manifest was generated for, allowing you to select and reprint manifests from individual labs. Note that Copia lists each manifest that was created for "All" locations (see above) separately here, and it allows you to reprint the manifests individually.
  5. Click the Order ID to view the details for the order in the Order Patient Samples page. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
  6. If you review the details for an order, you may return to the Create Manifest page by clicking < Back to Create Manifest.
  7. Click the View Existing Manifest button to select a different existing manifest from the Manifest Search page. Copia will then display the selected manifest in the Create Manifest page.
  8. Click the Create Manifest button to open the Print Manifest page where you may print the manifest that includes the samples you are sending to a location. See the Print Manifest topic.
  9. Click the New Manifest button to return the page to the creation mode, where Copia displays the manifest filter and creation features. See "Creating a Manifest" above.

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