
Page Description

Use the Images page to add, modify, or delete images for the Demographics or Insurance pages. In order to use the photo feature, a Copia System Administrator must enable it for patient and/or insurance photos on the System Defaults administration page. See the Admin: System Defaults topic.

For more help, click one of the following links:

Accessing this Page

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Adding or Updating Photos
  1. Enter the path to the patient's image in the Select the new image field, or click the Browse button to navigate to the location of the patient's image. Once you have selected the image, click Open to continue.
  2. When adding photos, note the following:
  3. If there is an existing image, simply enter or browse to the location of the new image, and continue as though you were adding a new image.
  4. Click Save to load the patient image and return to the preceding page. See the Demographics or Insurance topics.
  5. Click Cancel to return to the preceding page without saving your changes.
  6. After you load an image, click the Save button on the Demographics or Insurance pages to save the image in the patient's file. If you do not save the image this way, Copia will not retain the image in the file.

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Deleting Photos
  1. Clear the path from the Select the new image field.
  2. Click Save to delete the image and return to the preceding page.
  3. Click Cancel to return to the preceding page without saving your changes.
  4. Once you have deleted a patient's image, Copia displays the standard "No Photo" image on the Demographics page, as well as in lab reports for the patient, or it clears the image from the Insurance page.

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