Release Samples
Page Description
Use the Release Samples page to manually filter lab orders within Copia. In order to search for specific lab orders, you must insert the necessary criteria in the Release Samples Filter. You may search for orders by narrowing down information on the order choices. When you have entered the information, click the Refresh button to bring up a list of patients that match the search criteria. Once you have found the patient lab orders that you want to release, you may release the sample by selecting the checkbox and then clicking the Transmit Selected button. This will release the patient samples.
When using this page for batch transmission, note the following:
- If an order choice is routed to a host that is not marked as batch transmission and the host is marked for skip collection on the ordering location, this order choice will not ever appear in this page.
- If an order choice is routed to a host that is marked as batch transmission and the host is marked for skip collection on the ordering location, this order choice will only appear in this page when it qualifies for the "Ordered, waiting to be released" status. Once the order choice is released from the Release Samples page, it cannot appear on the Release Samples page again because it had never been marked as collected.
Note that the data displayed on this page depends on the column view settings for your facility. Copia uses the column view settings to control what columns appear in the tables on this page and the order in which it sorts the displayed information. You may set column view rules at the location or the system default levels. The rules for the signed-in location, if available, supersede the system default column view rules. See the Admin: Column View Rules topic.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the Lab Tasks menu, click the Manage Samples button, and then click the Release Samples submenu link.
- Click the Go button on the Clients tab of the Client Services administration page.
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Setting the Release Samples Filter
- Select an option from the Show samples drop-down list in the Seach for orders section to set which point in time in the ordering process you wish to search (Ordered, Collected, Released, Results Approved, or Results Posted). Then, select a time range option:
- Select the in the past option, enter a value, and select an option from the drop-down list to limit the list to matches within a relative time range (hours, days, or weeks). The default time range is 8 weeks for most sample statuses; however, the default time range for order choices that have a status of "Collected, released, refused by lab" (see below) is 5 days.
- Select the between option, then enter start and end dates/times to limit the list to for the time range matches within a specific time range. Click Now to enter the current date and time. Click Clear to clear the date and time fields.
- Select an option from the With status of drop-down field to limit the list based on the status of the order choices you are searching for ("All," "Ordered, waiting to be released," "Collected, waiting to be released," "Collected, released, awaiting results," "Collected, released, preliminary results posted," "Collected, released, final results posted," "Collected, released, corrected results posted," "Collected, Released, Corrected results posted," or "Collected, released, refused by lab"). Note that the "Ordered, waiting to be released" option allows those order choices ordered at a skip collection location that are going to a batch transmit host (lab) to be displayed.
- Select an option from the Testing Host drop-down field to limit the list based on the testing location (lab). Select "All" to include all testing locations.
- Select an option from the Entry Location drop-down field to limit the list based on the signed in location of the person who placed the order. Select "All" to include all locations. Click the Search button to select a location from the Location Search page. See the Location Search topic.
- Select an option from the Ordering Location drop-down field to limit the list based on the location where the person placed the order. Select "All" to include all ordering locations. Click the Search button to select a location from the Location Search page. See the Location Search topic.
- Select an option from the Collection Location drop-down field to limit the list based on the location where the person collected the order. Select "All" to include all collection locations. Click the Search button to select a location from the Location Search page. See the Location Search topic.
- Select an option from the Storage Temperature drop-down field to limit the list based on the temperature at which the order should be stored. Select "All" to include all storage temperatures.
- Select an option from the Sample Type drop-down field to limit the list based on the type of sample that needs to be collected for the order. Select "All" to include all sample types.
- Click the Search button next to the Patient field to select a patient from the Patient Search page. See the Patient Search topic.
- Select an option from the Primary Care Provider field to select the primary care provider for the patient.
- Select an option from the Entered By field to select the person that entered the sample into the system.
- Remember that each criterion you use further limits the number of
possible matching order messages. If you use multiple criteria, then Copia will only display
those order messages that match all of the parameters you have specified.
- Select the Allow retransmit checkbox to select and transmit order choices that have already been sent to the lab. This option is not selected by default. If it is not enabled, you may not transmit entries that have already been sent to the lab.
- If desired, select one or more of the Upon transmitting orders print options (Requisition, Manifest, or Labels) to set what Copia prints upon transmitting orders. You may establish the default values for these checkboxes on the Application lab tasks or Users administration pages. See the Application or Admin: Users topics.
Notes on requisitions you print in this manner:
- Copia prints all requisitions before printing manifests.
- Copia prints only one requisition per order.
- If not all the order choices for an order were selected for transmission, then Copia only includes the selected order choices on the requisition.
- Copia prints summary copies and lab copies based on your regular requisition settings.
Notes on manifests you print in this manner:
- Copia prints manifests the same the same way it does from the Manifest page.
- If you select multiple labs, then Copia creates one manifest for each lab selected.
- You may review created manifests on the Create Manifest page. See the Create Manifest topic.
- Once you have the desired settings for the filter, click the Refresh button. Note that by default Copia selects "All" for the location fields (if you did not specify a value), "Collected, waiting to be released" for the status, and samples collected in the past 1 day. Copia updates the list in the Release Samples section of the page. See
"Transmitting Lab Order Messages" below.
- Select the Manifest/Order/Sample ID field and click the Add button in the Manually select samples (Sample ID Count: 0) section to manually select samples. You can select the checkbox for "Display most recently scanned samples first" to show results for samples that have been recently scanned, or "Only show order choices waiting to be released" for order choices that are waiting to be released. Click the Clear Selected Samples button to remove the entered samples.
- Use the (Sample ID Count: 0) counter to keep track of the number of unique sample IDs present in the manually selected samples.
- Select the Display most recently scanned samples first checkbox to have Copia display the most recently scanned samples first.
- Select the Only show order choices waiting to be released checkbox to have Copia only display the order choices that are waiting to be released.
- Select the Allow retransmit checkbox to select and transmit order choices that have already been sent to the lab. This option is not selected by default. If it is not enabled, you may not transmit entries that have already been sent to the lab.
- If desired, select one or more of the Upon transmitting orders print options (Requisition, Manifest, or Labels) to set what Copia prints upon transmitting orders. You may establish the default values for these checkboxes on the Application lab tasks or Users administration pages. See the Application or
Users topics.
- Click the blue printable version link at the top, right-hand corner of the page to view a Printable Release Samples report on the View PDF page. Click the Print button to print the report. Click the OK button to return to the Release Samples page.
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Transmitting Release Samples Messages
- Once you have set the filter criteria and clicked the Refresh button, Copia updates the list in the bottom section of the page. See "Setting the Release Samples Filter" above.
- If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of order messages, to navigate through the list. If there are more page links than can fit on the page at once, Copia displays the Page field. Enter a number in this field and press the Enter key on the keyboard to immediately open the selected page.
- To modify the list of order messages, adjust the filter criteria and click Refresh. See "Setting the Release Samples Filter" above.
- Each change is listed with the following:
- Date/Time: Displays the date and time the sample was ordered, collected, released, or results were received, depending on the selected filter option.
- Patient: Displays the name of the patient for the order. Click the Patient name to open a pop-up list
of actions. Select the page you wish to open for the selected order: Demographics, Insurance, Order History, New Order (Order Patient Samples), Collect Samples, Change Log, or Linked Documents.
- Order Choice: Displays the name of the order choices in the order.
- Sample ID: Displays the sample ID for the order choice.
- Order ID: Displays the order ID for the order. Click an Order ID link to open a pop-up list of page options. Select the page you wish to open for the selected order. Note that some options may not be available.
- Review Order: Select this option to view the order in the Order Patient Samples page. See the Order Patient Samples topic.
- Samples: Select this option to collect samples for the order in the Collect Samples page. See the Collect Samples topic.
- Labels: Select this option to print master and tube labels in the Print Labels page. See the Print Labels topic. Note that this option may be disabled, depending on the administration settings for your signed in location.
- Requisition: Select this option to print requisition(s) for the order in the Requisition(s) page. See the Requisitions topic.
- Change Log: Select this option to view the change log for the selected order. See the Admin: Change Log topic. Note that you must have the necessary security right to access the Change Log page.
- Lab Report: Select this option to create a lab report of the order in the Lab Report page. See the Lab Report topic.
- Linked Documents: Select this option to get directly sent to the Linked Documents page for the order or patient whose link was clicked. This option will display green and italicized if the link appears.
- Entry Location: Displays the signed in location of the user who placed the order.
- Lab: Displays the location where testing was or will be performed.
- Ordering Location: Displays the location where the order was placed.
- The default sort order for lab orders is on the Collected Date/Time column, order record key, and sample record key. However, you may modify this order by clicking one of the columns to sort the orders in the selected order. Copia displays an arrow next to the columns to indicate whether the sort order is descending (\/) or ascending (/\). By default, Copia sorts in descending order; however, if you click the same column link again, Copia sorts the data in an ascending order and it adjusts the arrow to indicate the new sort direction. Note that because the Entry Location column does not always contain a value, Copia updates the list to only display lab orders with values in that column when you click that column header.
- Click the Select checkbox next to each order message, then click the Change Status button to change the status of the order message on the Change Selected Status pop-up. Click the Change to Released button to change the order message to display as released, or click the Do Not Change button to close the pop-up without making any changes. This will not generate order messages to be sent to the lab.
- Click the Select checkbox next to each order message you wish to manually transmit, and then click the Transmit Selected button. When you click the button, Copia generates an order message for each of the selected entries (whether or not it had already been transmitted before). When the filter is set to "Collected, Released, Refused By Lab," the Transmit Selected button becomes an Acknowledge button. If you click the Acknowledge button, Copia clears the order choices from the "Collected, Released, Refused By Lab" list, and it appends a note to the cancellation message stating that the cancellation has been acknowledged.
- Click the Select checkbox next to each order message, then click the Reroute Selected button to display the Reroute Selected pop-up to reroute the selected message. Click the Host To Reroute To drop-down list and select a host from the list. This newly selected host will be the host in which the message is rerouted to. Click the Reroute Type drop-down list and select a reroute type from the menu. Select either "Reroute" or "Reroute and generate new" from the list. Select the Automatically collect previously collected samples checkbox to have Copia automatically collect samples that were previously collected in the system; if this is selected, then the order choices will maintain their collected state as well as any manually entered collection information. Select the Send HL7 messages checkbox to have Copia send HL7 messages after rerouting; if this is selected, then a cancellation message will be sent to the previous host, and a new order message will be sent to the new host. Note that this will only occur for order choices that are being marked as collected and that has previously had HL7 messages sent. Select the Print requisitions checkbox to have Copia print requisitions; if this is selected, then labels will be printed for the order choices. If the user selects to print requisitions, then requisitions will be printed for the order choices. Note that only order choices which have host codes for the new host, do not have results, and are not already routed to the host will be routed. Click the Reroute button to perform the reroute, or click the Cancel button to close the pop-up.
- Click the Refresh button to update the page with any new changes that fall within the filter settings.
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