Patient Search

Page Description

Use the Patient Search page to select a patient from the list of items that matched your search on one of the administration pages. Note that, depending on user and system default administration settings, Copia may display or restrict patients visible to your associates during your patient or order searches.

Be aware that the data displayed on this page depends on the column view settings for your facility. Copia uses the column view settings to control what columns appear in the tables on this page and the order in which it sorts the displayed information. You may set column view rules at the location or the system default levels. The rules for the signed in location, if available, supersede the system default column view rules.

For more help, click one of the following links:

Accessing this Page

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Selecting Patients
  1. If your search generates one or more matches, Copia displays each matching patient's Name, Matching Aliases, Patient ID, Social Security Number (SSN), Date of Birth (DOB), Sex, Primary Care Provider (PCP), and Provider's practice when the page appears. Copia displays all of the patients from all of the practices you have the rights to see.
  2. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of patients, to navigate through the list.
  3. If no search results are found or if the desired patient is not found, click Cancel to return to the preceding page and search again.
  4. Click the desired patient to return to the preceding page with the patient and the patient's information summary added or with the patient added to the order.

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