Admin: Fix Orders

Page Description

Use the Fix Orders page as a diagnostic tool to view, edit, or rerun inbound messages Copia could not parse due to incorrect order format or information.

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Fixing an Order Message

  1. When you open this page, Copia displays an arrow next to the first order in the list. After you have edited the order (see below), Copia displays the arrow next to the order you just edited.
  2. Select an option from the Order Host drop-down list to narrow the list to the order error messages from a specific host. Select "All" to view all unparsed messages from all hosts.
  3. Select the Automatically refresh every ___ seconds checkbox to have Copia automatically refresh the Order List page. Enter a value into the field to specify the time in seconds. The default value is 5.
  4. Click the Refresh button to find unparsed messages from the selected host.
  5. If your search generates one or more messages, then Copia displays the messages when the page refreshes. Each message is listed with the creation date and time, order host, patient name, and found errors.
  6. To remove an order message from the list, click the checkbox in the Select column that corresponds to each message you wish to delete, and then click the Delete Selected button.
  7. Click the Edit button to correct errors and rerun the message using the Message Detail pop-up. Click the Save and Rerun button to save changes, or click the Close button to close the pop-up.
  8. Click the Rerun Selected button to rerun the selected message through Copia.
  9. Click the Edit button to correct errors and rerun the message using the Edit Order Message page. See the Admin: Edit Order Message topic.

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