Admin: Patients
Page Description
Use the Patients page to access the maintenance actions you may perform on patient records, including deleting or inactivating a patient record and merging patient files. Click on the tab that corresponds to the task you wish to perform.
Merge Tab
Use the Merge tab to move testing records from one patient file to another, which allows you to correct errors in the assignment of orders to patients or to combine testing records into a single file when duplicate patient files have been created. When you merge the files, Copia reassigns all orders and insurance information to the second patient you select; however, it does not change the demographic information of the second patient.
Delete/Inactivate Tab
Use the Delete/Inactivate tab to search for a patient and, depending on the status of orders for that patient, either delete or inactivate the patient. You may also reactivate an inactive patient. Note that you cannot delete patients for whom one or more orders have been placed.
Change Practice Tab
Use the Change Practice tab to reassign a patient to a different practice. When you reassign a patient, Copia adds a non-reportable patient comment that states the practice was changed. If the patient uses practice-level insurance, Copia copies the information for the new practice during the reassignment.
Link Tab
Use the Link tab to associate the records of patients in different practices. This is typically used in cases where one patient has records for multiple practices, and you wish to associate the patient records, without deleting or merging records, to indicate they belong to the same person.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Merge Tab:
Delete/Inactivate Tab:
Change Practice Tab:
Link Tab:
Accessing this Page
- Click the Administration menu button, click the Manage button, and then click the Patients submenu link. You must have the necessary security permissions to access the Administration menu button.
When you click the Administration menu button, Copia opens the main Administration menu, which contains administrative menu buttons, including the Manage menu. To return to the main menu for Copia, click the Lab Tasks menu button.
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Accessing Patient Maintenance Tabs
- Click the Delete/Inactivate tab to delete or inactivate patient records.
- Click the Merge tab to move testing records from one patient file to another.
- Click the Change Practice tab to reassign a patient to a different practice.
- Click the Link tab to associate the records of patients in different practices.
- When you select a tab, Copia clears any text in the search field so you may perform a new search.
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Selecting the Patient to Merge
- Use the Choose the patient to merge section of the Merge tab to search for and select the patient whose file you wish to merge into another file.
- Enter one or more characters in the Patient Name or ID field, or click either the Search button or the Possible Merge Search button. This is a search-as-you-type field.
- Search: Click the Search button to select the desired patient in the Patient Search page. See the Patient Search topic. If you have already selected the patient to merge with (see "Selecting the Patient to Merge With" below), and then you search for and select a new patient to merge, Copia will clear the patient to merge with to prevent you from selecting the same patient twice.
- Possible Merge Search: Click the Possible Merge Search button to use the advanced filter settings on the Possible Merge Search page to search for and select a patient from the list of potentially duplicate records. See the Possible Merge Search topic. Note that Copia will not allow you to select the same patient record as the patient to merge and the patient to merge with.
- Once you select the desired patient, Copia displays the Patient ID, Name/Age, SSN, MRN, Phone, Address, Practice, Primary Insurance, and Secondary Insurance. Ensure the correct patient is displayed.
- If it is not the correct patient, click the Cancel button to clear the Merge tab and begin a new process.
- If it is the correct patient, search for the patient in the Choose the patient to merge with section. The text will show the source and destination for the merged patients. See "Selecting the Patient to Merge With" below.
- Click a different tab to access the other maintenance actions you may perform on patient records. See "Accessing Patient Maintenance Tabs" above.
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Selecting the Patient to Merge With
- Use the Choose the patient to merge with section of the Merge tab to search for and select the patient whose file you wish to merge the information into.
- Enter one or more characters in the Patient Name or ID field and click either the Search button or the Possible Merge Search button.
- Search: Click the Search button to select the desired patient in the Patient Search page. See the Patient Search topic. The Patient Search page will not display the patient you selected as the patient to merge (see above) to prevent you from selecting the same patient twice.
- Possible Merge Search: Click the Possible Merge Search button to use the advanced filter settings on the Possible Merge Search page to search for and select a patient from the list of potentially duplicate records. See the Possible Merge Search topic. Note that Copia will not allow you to select the same patient record as the patient to merge and the patient to merge with.
- Once you select the desired patient, Copia displays the Patient ID, Name/Age, SSN, MRN, Phone, Address, Practice, Primary Insurance, and Secondary Insurance. Ensure the correct patient is displayed.
- If it is not the correct patient, click the Start Over button to clear the Merge tab and begin a new process.
- If it is the correct patient, merge the patient files using the Perform the merge section. See "Merging Patient Files" below.
- Click the Cancel button at any time to clear the all of the fields on the page.
- Click a different tab to access the other maintenance actions you may perform on patient records. See "Accessing Patient Maintenance Tabs" above.
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Merging Patient Files
- Use the Perform the merge section of the Merge tab to combine the testing and insurance information for the selected patient records.
- Click the Swap Source and Destination Patients button to swap the "Source" and "Destination" patients. The button will only appear after both the "Source" and "Destination" patients have been selected.
- Click the Merge Patients button to initiate the merge process. Note that this button is also available in some cases on the Link tab. See "Linking Patient Files" below.
- Copia alerts you to the changes that will happen in the merge and prompts you to continue. Click Proceed with Merge to continue merging the files.
- After the merge, Copia clears the Merge tab. You may continue merging patient files, if desired.
- Perform an Advanced Merge by clicking the Advanced Merge link in the top, right-hand corner of the Merge tab. See the Advanced Patient Merge topic.
- Click the Cancel button at any time to clear the all of the fields on the page.
- Click a different tab to access the other maintenance actions you may perform on patient records. See "Accessing Patient Maintenance Tabs" above.
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Selecting the Patient to Delete/Inactivate
- Use the Choose the patient to delete/inactivate section of the Delete/Inactivate tab to search for and select the patient whose file you wish to delete or inactivate.
- Enter one or more characters in the Patient Name or ID field and click the Search button to select the desired patient in the Patient Search page. See the Patient Search topic.
- Clear the Show active only checkbox to include any inactivated patients in the search. If you search for and select an inactive patient, you may reactivate the patient, if desired. See "Reactivating Patients" below.
- Once you select the desired patient, Copia displays the Patient ID, Name/Age, SSN, MRN, Phone, Address, Practice, Primary Insurance, and Secondary Insurance. Ensure the correct patient is displayed.
- If it is not the correct patient, perform a new search using the Patient Name or ID field.
- If it is the correct patient, click the Delete, Inactivate, or Reactivate buttons to delete, inactivate, or reactivate the patient's record. See "Deleting Patients," "Inactivating Patients," or "Reactivating Patients" below.
- Click the Cancel button at any time to clear the all of the fields on the page.
- Click a different tab to access the other maintenance actions you may perform on patient records. See "Accessing Patient Maintenance Tabs" above.
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Deleting Patients
- Once you have selected the patient you wish to delete (see "Selecting the Patient to Delete/Inactivate" above), click the Delete button.
- If there are no orders for the patient, Copia deletes the patient file.
- If there are orders for the patient, the Delete button is not available.
- After the deletion, Copia clears the Manage Delete/Inactivate tab. You may continue deleting, inactivating, or reactivating patient files, if desired.
- Click the Cancel button at any time to clear the all of the fields on the page.
- Click a different tab to access the other maintenance actions you may perform on patient records. See "Accessing Patient Maintenance Tabs" above.
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Inactivating Patients
- Once you have selected the patient you wish to inactivate (see "Selecting the Patient to Delete/Inactivate" above), click the Inactivate button.
- Copia inactivates the patient, so the patient will not appear in any searches for patients to delete or inactivate, unless the Show active only checkbox is cleared. See "Selecting the Patient to Delete/Inactivate" above.
- After the inactivation, Copia clears the Manage Delete/Inactivate tab. You may continue deleting, inactivating, or reactivating patient files, if desired.
- Click the Cancel button at any time to clear the all of the fields on the page.
- Click a different tab to access the other maintenance actions you may perform on patient records. See "Accessing Patient Maintenance Tabs" above.
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Reactivating Patients
- Once you have selected the patient you wish to reactivate on the Delete/Inactivate tab, click the Reactivate button. Note that you must clear the Show active only checkbox before performing your search to find an inactivated patient. See "Selecting the Patient to Delete/Inactivate" above.
- After the reactivation, Copia clears the Manage Delete/Inactivate tab. You may continue deleting, inactivating, or reactivating patient files, if desired.
- Click the Cancel button at any time to clear the all of the fields on the page.
- Click a different tab to access the other maintenance actions you may perform on patient records. See "Accessing Patient Maintenance Tabs" above.
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Selecting the Patient whose Practice Needs to be Changed
- Use the Choose the patient whose practice needs to be changed section of the Change Practice tab to search for and select the patient whose file you wish to reassign to a different practice.
- Enter one or more characters in the Patient Name or ID field and click the Search button to select the desired patient in the Patient Search page. See the Patient Search topic.
- Once you select the desired patient, Copia displays the Patient ID, Name/Age, SSN, MRN, Phone, Address, Practice, Primary Insurance, and Secondary Insurance. Ensure the correct patient is displayed.
- If it is not the correct patient, perform a new search using the Patient Name or ID field.
- If it is the correct patient, select the practice to which you wish to assign the patient. See "Selecting the Practice for the Patient" below.
- Click the Cancel button at any time to clear the all of the fields on the page.
- Click a different tab to access the other maintenance actions you may perform on patient records. See "Accessing Patient Maintenance Tabs" above.
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Selecting the Practice for the Patient
- Use the Choose the practice to assign the patient section of the Change Practice tab to search for and select the practice to which you wish to assign the patient.
- Enter one or more characters in the Practice field and click the Search button to select the desired practice in the Practice Search administration page. See the Admin: Practice Search topic.
- Once you select the desired practice, Copia displays the practice name. Ensure the correct practice is displayed.
- If it is not the correct patient, click the Clear button to remove the previous practice and perform a new search using the Practice field.
- If it is the correct practice, click the Change Practice button to continue with the reassignment. See "Changing the Patient's Practice" below.
- Click the Cancel button at any time to clear the all of the fields on the page.
- Click a different tab to access the other maintenance actions you may perform on patient records. See "Accessing Patient Maintenance Tabs" above.
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Changing the Patient's Practice
- Once you have selected the patient you wish to reassign (see "Selecting the Patient whose Practice Needs to be Changed" above) and the practice to which the patient should be reassigned (see "Selecting the Practice for the Patient" above), click the Change Practice button.
- When you reassign a patient, Copia adds a non-reportable patient comment that states the practice was changed.
- If the patient uses practice-level insurance, Copia copies the information for the new practice during the reassignment.
- Depending on the settings in the Practices administration page, Copia may require a unique value in this field for all patients from a practice.
- After the reassignment, Copia clears the Change Practice tab. You may continue changing practices, if desired.
- Click the Cancel button at any time to clear the all of the fields on the page.
- Click a different tab to access the other maintenance actions you may perform on patient records. See "Accessing Patient Maintenance Tabs" above.
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Looking up Possible Links
- Click the Possible Link Search button on the Link tab to
view a list of patients who have not been linked, but who may potentially be linked in the Possible Link Search page. See the Admin: Possible Link Search topic.
- Click a different tab to access the other maintenance actions you may perform on patient records. See "Accessing Patient Maintenance Tabs" above.
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Selecting the Patient to Link
- Use the Choose the patient to link section of the Link tab to search for and select the patient whose file you wish to associate with another patient file from a different practice. This is typically used in cases where one patient has records for multiple practices, and you wish to associate the patient records, without deleting or merging records, to indicate they belong to the same person.
- Enter one or more characters in the Patient Name or ID field and click the Search button to select the desired patient in the Patient Search page. See the Patient Search topic. If you had already selected the patient to link with (see below), and then search for a new patient to link, Copia will reset the patient to link with to prevent you from selecting the same patient twice.
- Once you select the desired patient, Copia displays the Patient ID, Name/Age, SSN, MRN, Phone, Address, Practice, Primary Insurance, and Secondary Insurance. Ensure the correct patient is displayed.
- If the patient is already linked with one or more other patient records, Copia displays the linked patients' information beneath the selected patient's information. In addition, Copia displays the Remove Link button, which allows you to remove the link between patients. See "Removing Patient Links" below.
- If it is not the correct patient, clear the Patient Name or ID field to begin a new process.
- If it is the correct patient, search for the patient to which the selected patient should be associated in the Choose the patient to link with section. See "Selecting the Patient to Link With" below.
- Click the Cancel button at any time to clear the all of the fields on the page.
- Click a different tab to access the other maintenance actions you may perform on patient records. See "Accessing Patient Maintenance Tabs" above.
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Selecting the Patient to Link With
- Use the Choose the patient to link with section of the Link tab to search for and select a patient's file from a different practice that you wish to associate with the patient you have already selected.
- Enter one or more characters in the Patient Name or ID field and click the Search button to select the desired patient in the Patient Search page. See the Patient Search topic. The Patient Search page will not display the patient you selected as the patient to link (see above) to prevent you from selecting the same patient twice.
- Once you select the desired patient, Copia displays the Patient ID, Name/Age, SSN, MRN, Phone, Address, Practice, Primary Insurance, and Secondary Insurance. Ensure the correct patient is displayed.
- If it is not the correct patient, clear the Patient Name or ID field to begin a new process.
- If it is the correct patient, link the patient files using the Link section. See "Linking Patient Files" below.
- Click the Cancel button at any time to clear the all of the fields on the page.
- Click a different tab to access the other maintenance actions you may perform on patient records. See "Accessing Patient Maintenance Tabs" above.
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Linking Patient Files
- Use the Link section of the Link tab to associate the selected patient records. While linking the records creates an association between them, both files will remain in the database, still assigned to the practice they were previously assigned to. Once the patient records are linked, Copia displays the patients as linked on the Find Patient or Order page. See the Find Patient or Order topic.
As part of the linking process, Copia assigns a master patient ID. You may view a patient's master patient ID by clicking the More button on the Demographics page, and you may search for a patient using the master patient ID in the Find Patient field at the top of the Copia page. Copia also exports the master patient ID through the HL7 interface.
If you attempt to create a link between a patient with a master patient ID and a patient without a master patient ID, Copia will link the patient without a master patient ID to the patient with a master patient ID. If both patients are already mapped to a master patient record, Copia alerts you that you must manually disassociate one of the patients from their master patient record before you may link the selected patients.
- Click the Link Patients button to initiate the linking process. Note that Copia will alert you and not allow you to link the patient, if the patient is already linked to the selected practice.
- Depending on the patients' practices and whether or not the patients are already linked, Copia allows you to do one of the following:
- If the selected patients belong to different practices, then Copia displays the Link Patients button so you may link the patient records to create a master patient group. Note that if the first selected patient is already linked to a master patient group, and you choose to link the patient to another patient outside of that group, then Copia creates a new master patient group, and the first selected patient loses its association with the previous master patient group.
- If both selected patients have already been linked so that they belong to the same master patient group, then there is no action to perform.
- After the linking is complete, Copia clears the Link tab. You may continue linking patient files, if desired.
- Once a patient is linked to a master patient group,
Copia displays a new link on the Order History page that allows you to view the orders for the patient from all of the practices to which the linked patients belong. The link will not be visible if the patient is not linked to any other patients.
See the Order History topic.
- Click the Cancel button at any time to clear the all of the fields on the page.
- Click a different tab to access the other maintenance actions you may perform on patient records. See "Accessing Patient Maintenance Tabs" above.
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Removing Patient Links
- After you select the patient to link (see "Selecting the Patient to Link" above), if the patient is already linked with one or more other patient records, then Copia displays the linked patients' information beneath the selected patient's information.
- In addition, Copia displays the Remove Link button in the Choose the patient to link with section.
- Click this button to remove the link between patients.
- You cannot undo this action; however, you may re-establish the link, if necessary. See "Selecting the Patient to Link" above.
- You may also remove the link between a patient and the patient's master patient group by selecting the patient, and then selecting a patient outside of the selected patient's master patient group to link the patient with. Copia assigns the selected patient to the new master patient group, and removes the patient from the previous master patient group. See "Linking Patient Files" above.
- Click the Cancel button at any time to clear the all of the fields on the page.
- Click a different tab to access the other maintenance actions you may perform on patient records. See "Accessing Patient Maintenance Tabs" above.
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