Admin: Outbound Queue
Page Description
The Outbound Queue page contains all patient orders and records that have been created by ordering or demographics input routines, as well as all patient reports Copia delivers. Use this page as a diagnostic tool to monitor and manage these outbound messages. Functions include viewing or editing HL7 message details and interface settings, as well as rerunning messages or reprinting labels. You may configure how many days Copia will hold messages in the outbound queue in the System Defaults administration page. See the Admin: System Defaults topic.
Note that the data displayed on this page depends on the column view settings for your facility. Copia uses the column view settings to control what columns appear in the tables on this page and the order in which it sorts the displayed information. You may set column view rules at the location or the system default levels. The rules for the signed in location, if available, supersede the system default column view rules.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the Administration menu button, click the Monitor button, and then click the Outbound Queue submenu link. You must have the necessary security permissions to access the Administration menu button.
When you click the Administration menu button, Copia opens the main Administration menu, which contains administrative menu buttons, including the Monitor menu. To return to the main menu for Copia, click the Lab Tasks menu button.
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Setting the List Criteria
- The Outbound Queue page contains a list of up to ten outbound messages. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of messages, to navigate through the list.
When displaying messages, Copia deletes from the list the cancelled orders older than the system default time limit setting for holding entries in the outbound queue. Note that if an order fails, is not cancelled, and is older than the system default time limit setting, then Copia still holds the message in the queue, even though it is older than the system default time limit setting. See the Admin: System Defaults topic.
- Each message contains the order status, received date and time, recipient name, number of attempts made to send the order, and the date and time of the last delivery attempt.
- Select a message type from the Message Type drop-down list to view messages of the selected type (HL7, Fax, Email, RAPS, Direct Printing, Label Printing, or Direct Dial).
- Select a host from the Interface drop-down list to view messages sent to that particular host. Copia defaults to the "All" option. This option displays the messages for all hosts.
- Select the Show inactive hosts option to display inactive hosts at the bottom of the Interface drop-down list. Copia lists all inactive hosts with "(inactive)" added to the name of the host.
- Select a Display messages option to further narrow the displayed message list, if desired.
- All: Select this option to view all messages. Note that Copia selects this option by default.
- In progress: Select this option to view pending messages.
- Cancelled: Select this option to view messages that have been cancelled.
- Failed: Select this option to view messages that were received but could not be successfully stored.
- Successfully sent: Select this option to view messages that were successfully sent to a host system.
- No [Fax Number, Email Address, Printer]: This option is only available when you select Email, Fax, RAPS, or Direct Printing as the Message Type. Select this option to view all messages that do not have their recipient address filled in for the type of message being viewed (i.e., no fax number, no email address, or no printer).
- If you selected "Fax" for the Message Type (see above) and the system default-level setting to use the Zetafax integrated API functionality is enabled, you may select one or more Server Status checkboxes to further narrow the displayed message list, if desired: Sent, Failed, Adding, Held, Holding, Waiting, Queued, Connecting, Sending, Processing, Aborting, Unknown, and Not Sent With API.
- If you selected "HL7" for the Message Type field (see above), then Copia displays the Message Types radio buttons and checkboxes so you may narrow the list of messages to one or more types of messages. By default, Copia selects the Message Types radio button and searches for all types of messages. Clear the checkbox next to each message type you wish to exclude from the list.
If you clear all message types checkboxes, Copia will only display messages with a blank message type. To clear all of the message type checkboxes at once, click the Message Types radio button. To search all types, select the All radio button. If embedded document content is detected in the HL7 message, the Embedded Documents button will appear. Click the button to view or download the content of the embedded document.
- To view messages for a specific date and/or time range, enter the Start and End dates and times in the format MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MM AM/PM. By default, the Start fields contain the current day and a time range that begins at midnight, and the End fields are blank. If you don't specify an end time, Copia automatically enters 11:59pm. Select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the Start and End fields.
Click the Now button next to the time and date fields to update the Start or End dates to the current date and time, if desired.
To remove the date/time range restriction, click the Clear button, which automatically clears the fields. If you clear one or both of the date/time range fields, Copia will not apply the date/time start or end point when finding messages.
- Enter one or more characters in one or more of the search fields to have Copia only display messages that contain the specified text in outbound messages.
You may specify text for the Content (Patient Name), Sample ID,
MRN, Recipient (location or staff member), or Tech ID. This allows you to search for messages related to specific patients, sample IDs, locations, or recipients.
Each time you refresh the page (e.g., change a drop-down list, click Refresh, click Re-send, click Redirect, etc.), Copia applies this text filter. Note that when "Label Printing" or "Harvest Workstation Label Printing" is selected from the Message Type drop-down, the Sample ID and MRN fields become unavailable.
- Select the Automatically Refresh every ___ seconds checkbox to have Copia automatically refresh the Outbound Queue. Enter a value into the available field to specify the number of seconds in which the queue should refresh. The default value is 5 seconds.
- Click the Refresh button to update the list in the Details section of the page, if it did not automatically update.
- Once you have narrowed the list to the desired messages, you may view or edit the HL7 message details. See "Managing Outbound Messages" below.
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Managing Outbound Messages
- Once you have refreshed your list, Copia updates the list in the Details section. See "Setting the List Criteria" above.
- When you open this page, Copia displays an arrow next to the first message in the list. After you have viewed or edited the message (see below), Copia displays the arrow next to the message you just opened. If you select "HL7," then Copia also displays the Message Types checkboxes so you may narrow the list of messages to one or more types of messages (see below).
- The Details column contains a link to access the message for message types. Click the link of the desired message to view or edit HL7 message details, view email messages, or view faxed reports, requisitions, or collection lists in the Outbound Message Detail page. See the Outbound Message Details topic. After you have viewed the details for the message, click Save or Cancel to return to the page of messages you were viewing.
- For email messages, Copia displays the email address of the recipient in the Details column.
- For forwarded messages, Copia displays the message ID.
- If you are viewing the details for a faxed message, Copia displays the message in PDF format, and you will not be able to edit the message.
- View the status of the message in the Status column.
- In Progress: The message is in the queue, ready to be delivered.
- Complete: The message was delivered and stored successfully.
- Failed: The message was sent but was not received successfully.
- Cancelled: The message has been cancelled. Note that if a message had a different status prior to being cancelled (e.g., Failed), then it will appear on the list when you select Failed or Cancelled as the status.
- The Type column displays which type of HL7 message was parsed in the format: Message Type (Message Trigger Event Abbreviation). Note that Copia displays the text "Forwarded" instead of the trigger type for forwarded messages. The message types are: ORM, ORU, DFT, ADT, ACK, QRY. The trigger event abbreviations are:
- ORM_CANCEL = “CA” (ORC-1 = CA)
- ADT_MERGE = “ME” (MSH-8 = ADT^A40)
- QRY_PATIENT_NOT_FOUND = “NF” (MSH-8 = ADT^A19 and MSA-1 == AE)
- View the following message details in the columns listed below.
- Content (Patient Name): The name of the patient to whom the message applies, or "Notification" for email messages, or the patient name and the host forwarding the message for forwarded messages.
- Status: The status of the message.
- Created: The date and time Copia created the message.
- Recipient: The recipient location or staff member the message is sent to.
- Attempts: The number of attempts Copia made to send the message.
- Last Attempt: (In Progress, Failed, Cancelled, and All statuses only) The date and time Copia last tried to send the message.
- Delivered: (Successfully Sent status only) The date and time the message was sent.
- If you are viewing faxes and the system default-level setting to use the Zetafax integrated API functionality is enabled, the following columns are also available:
- Server Status: The fax's status in Zetafax.
- Server Received: The time Zetafax received the fax.
- If you are viewing faxes and the system default-level setting to use the Zetafax integrated API functionality is enabled, use the Hold and
Release buttons to fax and release faxes that have been held.
- To re-send one or more messages, select the checkbox in the Select column for each message you wish to send, and then click Re-send. To re-send all displayed messages, click the Re-send button without making any selections.
Click the Select column label to select or deselect all of the messages on the current page.
- If you are viewing email, fax, direct printing, and RAPS, you can redirect the selected entries via the Redirect Entries pop-up, if desired. Select the checkbox in the Select column for each message you wish to redirect, and then click the Redirect button to display the pop-up. Select the delivery method from the Delivery Method drop-down and select either "Email," "Fax," Direct Printing," or "RAPS" from the drop-down. If "Email" or "Fax" is selected, click inside the Recipient Address field to select a recipient. If "Direct Printing" is selected, click inside the Printer field to select a specific printer. If "RAPS" is selected, click inside the RAPS Printer field to select a RAPS printer. Click the Redirect button on the pop-up to redirect the selection, or click the Cancel button to cancel without redirecting the selection. See the Admin: RAPS Printer Search topic. To redirect all displayed messages, click the Redirect button without making any selections. Click the Select column label to select or deselect all of the messages on the current page.
Copia checks approximately every five minutes for print jobs to deliver. However, if you redirect a print job and it does not go through successfully, Copia will wait approximately 15 minutes before attempting to redirect the print job again.
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Cancelling Outbound Messages
- By default, the outbound queue continues trying to send messages to an interface if the interface is active and the messages have not successfully been sent. By cancelling the message, the outbound queue no longer recognizes the message as one that needs to be sent.
- Select the Select checkbox next to each message you wish to cancel on the current page of messages, and then click the Cancel button.
- Copia updates the Status of the message to "cancelled," and the outbound queue will stop trying to transmit the message.
- If necessary, you may remove the "cancelled" status and resend the message. See "Resending Cancelled Outbound Messages" below.
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Resending Cancelled Outbound Messages
- The outbound queue no longer recognizes cancelled messages as messages that need to be sent.
- To remove the "cancelled" status, select the Select checkbox next to each message you wish to send, and then click the Re-send button.
Copia updates the Status of the message to "in progress," and the outbound queue will begin trying to transmit the message.
Copia handles sending the message as it does new outbound messages. See "Managing Outbound Messages" above.
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