Order Choices
Feature Description
Selecting an order choice refers to moving an order choice from the list
of available order choices to the list of selected order choices. Once
you select the order choice, Copia will include it
in the customized order choice list, profile, or add it to the order, depending
on which page you are in when selecting order choices. There are multiple
methods for moving order choices between the available list and the selected
list; however, you use the same methods to select order choices on any
of the pages. You may also search for and add individual order choices
using the Order Choice Search page. See the Order
Choice Search topic.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Feature
- This feature is available on the Add/Edit List
and Add/Edit Profile pages, and the Order Choice Lists administration page.
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Selecting Order Choices
- Select an order choice(s) using one of the following methods to move
an order choice into the list of selected order choices:
- Double click an order choice.
- Click an order choice to highlight it. To select multiple order
choices from the list, hold down the [Ctrl] button and click
the desired items individually, or hold down the [Shift]
button and use the mouse to select a group of order choices. Click
the > button.
- Enter one or more characters and click Search to select
a specific order choice in the Order Choice Search page. See the
Order Choice Search topic.
- Once you select an order choice, Copia removes it from
the list of available order choices, which keeps you from accidentally
selecting an order choice multiple times. If duplicate order choice
checking is enabled, Copia
warns you if you select two or more order choices that may contain duplicate
order choices.
- If you selected an incorrect order choice, you may remove it from
the list. See "Removing Selected Order Choices" below.
- Once you have finished selecting order choices, continue using the
page as directed in the appropriate help topic. See the Add/Edit List, Add/Edit
Profile, or Admin: Order Choice Lists topics.
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Removing Selected Order Choices
- When you remove a selected order choice, Copia will remove
it from the customized order choice list, profile, or order, depending
on which page you are on when selecting order choices.
- Remove the selected order choice using one of the following methods
to remove an order choice from the list of selected order choices:
- Double click an order choice.
- Click an order choice to highlight it. To select multiple order
choices from the list, hold down the [Ctrl] button and click
the desired items individually, or hold down the [Shift]
button and use the mouse to select a contiguous group of order choices.
Click the < button.
- Once you remove a selected order choice, Copia adds it back
to the list of available order choices. You may re-select the order
choice, if desired.
- Once you have finished removing selected order choices, continue using
the page as directed in the appropriate help topic. See the Add/Edit List, Add/Edit
Profile, or Admin: Order Choice Lists topics.
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