Admin: Turnaround
Page Description
Use the Turnaround Time page to view or print a report of the average
time between collection and order completion for each order choice run at each
lab. The mean and standard deviation are given in units of hours.
Note that if the ordering location for an order changed on the Order Patient Samples or Reassign Orders pages so that Copia cancelled the old order and created a new order, then Copia does not include the cancelled orders in this report.
The report criteria allow you to show or restrict displayed results
according to when the order was completed, the lab that performed the
testing, the ordering location, the ordering provider, or the order choice.
Depending on the level of rights assigned to your role, Copia will limit the report to orders for your signed in location, for the locations associated with your practice, or for all locations for all practices within the system.
Note that Copia does not include order choices with a negative turnaround time in the mean or standard deviation calculations. It displays how many order choices have been dropped from the calculation next to the Count column, formatted as "(3 dropped*)."
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the Administration menu button, click the Reports button, and then click the Turnaround
Time submenu link. You must have the necessary security permissions
to access the Administration menu button. In addition, you must have the necessary rights at the practice level to access this report.
When you click the Administration menu button, Copia opens the main
Administration menu, which contains administrative menu buttons, including
the Reports menu. To return to the main menu for Copia, click the Lab
Tasks menu button.
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Setting the Report Criteria
- Enter the desired report criteria for the Turnaround Time Report.
- Completion Date/Received Date: Enter a Start and End date. Select dates from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icons located next to the Start and End date fields. Copia will only
search for order choices completed within the date range, or orders that were received within the date range, depending on which option is selected from the drop-down list. By default,
the date range is set to include only the current date.
- Lab: Select the Lab that performed the testing from the drop-down list. Copia will only
search for order choices where the testing was performed at the selected
lab. Select "All" to include order choices from all lab
testing locations.
- Ordering Practice: Select the practice associated with the ordering location from the drop-down list. Copia will only search for standing orders that were placed at ordering locations associated with the selected practice. Select "All" to include orders from all practices. Click Search to select the Ordering Practice in the Practice Search page. See the Practice Search topic.
- Ordering Location: Select the location where the order was
placed from the drop-down list. Copia
will only search for order choices that were ordered from the selected
location. Select "All" to include order choices from all
ordering locations. Click Search to select the Ordering Location in the Location Search page. See the Location Search topic.
- Ordering Provider: Enter one or more letters and click Search
to select the Ordering Provider in the User Search page. See the
User Search topic. Click Clear
to clear the field.
- Order Choice: Enter one or more characters and click Search
to select a specific order choice in the Order Choice Search page.
See the Order Choice Search topic.
Click Clear to clear the field.
- Limit to STAT results: Select this option to only display STAT results on the report.
- Limit to critical results: Select this option to only display critical results on the report.
- Show abbreviation instead of order choice name: Select this option to display abbreviations on the report in place of full order choice names.
- Show standard deviation: Select this option to display the standard deviation column on the report.
- Time Format: Select an option to establish the format of the times displayed on the report. Select Hours to show times in the format of __._ hours, or select Days:Hrs:Min to show the times in the format of DDD:HH:MM.
- Exclusions: Click this button to display the Time Exclusions pop-up to define exception times for the report. Time exceptions can be defined by either a date range, or a specific day/time range to be applied weekly. When active exceptions are created, any turnaround times on the TAT report are calculated with respect to the exceptions. If the TAT spans part of an exception time, that time is taken out of the TAT report. Select the Show active only checkbox to specify that the exclusions are active in the system. Click the Add button to add time exclusions, or click the X to remove time exclusions. Click the Save button to save changes made on the pop-up, or click the Cancel button to close the pop-up without making any changes.
- Note that it is important to select the appropriate criteria to retrieve your desired orders. Use of multiple criteria could limit the number of possible matches, while use of a single criterion could result in multiple matches and draw an Out of Memory error. If either of these events occurs, click
the Refresh button.
- Enter a value in the Max Results Limit field to set the maximum number of rows of information Copia displays for the report. If it reaches the maximum, then it displays a message that it cannot display the report. By default, Copia displays up to 30,000 results.
- Copia
updates the Report section of the page, and you may then review and print the report. See "Reviewing and Printing
the Turnaround Time Report" below.
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Reviewing and Printing the Turnaround Time Report
- Once you have set the criteria and clicked the Refresh button,
updates the list in the Report section of the page. See "Setting
the Report Criteria" above.
- Use the scroll bar on the right side of the page to view the details
for all of the order choices in the report.
- To modify the report, adjust the report criteria and click Refresh.
See "Setting the Report Criteria" above.
- Click Print to open the standard print dialogs. Change the
print settings as desired, and then click Print. Copia will print the
report according to the settings you established in the print dialogs
(number of copies, printer destination, etc.).
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