Admin: Order Entry Rules
Page Description
Use the Order Entry Rules page to define a set of conditions that, when met, causes Copia to execute the actions associated with the rule. Copia evaluates rules for orders on the Order Patient Samples page when entering new orders, attaching order choices to an existing order, and/or editing existing orders, as well as for electronic messages that create new orders and/or attach order choices to an existing order.
Many of the conditions have an option of how Copia will apply the condition. In these cases, users may choose whether the rule should apply if the selected items exist on the order, or if the rule should only apply if the selected items do not exist on the order.
If desired, you may enable an option on the Locations administration page to create an order comment when an order entry rule causes an order to have an order choice removed, attached, or rerouted.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the Administration menu button, click the Rules button, and then click the Order Entry Rules submenu link. You must have the necessary security permissions to access the Administration menu button.
When you click the Administration menu button, Copia opens the main Administration menu, which contains administrative menu buttons, including the Rules menu. To return to the main menu for Copia, click the Lab Tasks menu button.
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Viewing the Rule List
- The Order Entry Rule List section contains a list of up to ten order entry rules created to execute designated actions if the defined conditions are met when orders are created, edited, or attached to. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of rules, to navigate through the list.
- To modify the number of reports on the page, adjust the value of the Displaying __ of __ Rules field. Copia defaults to 10 per page, and displays the total number of items based on your search.
- To view active order entry rules only, select the Show active only checkbox at the top of the Order Entry Rules page. You set the inactive/active status in the Order Entry Rule Details section of the Order Entry Rules details page. See "Adding or Editing Rule Details" below.
- To narrow the list of displayed rules, or to find a specific rule, use the Name field. This field is a search-as-you-type field and will display results as you type in characters. Click the List option to return to the full list of rules. See "Searching for an Order Entry Rule" below.
- If you cannot find the desired order entry rule, click the Add or Copy buttons to add an order entry rule using the Order Entry Rules details page. See "Adding or Editing Rule Details" below.
- Click the Add button to create a new, blank rule.
- Click one of the Copy buttons to create a new rule based on the rule that corresponds to the button you clicked.
- Enter a value into the Sort Order field in the Sort Order column. This field can also be configured via the Sort Order field on the Order Entry Rule Details page. The column contains text input elements with the sort order value of the rule associated with the row. Click the Save Sort Orders button to save sort order changes. Users can change the values in the Sort Order column. The text inputs in the Sort Order column will have a red border to indicate that their value has been changed. The changed Sort Order values can be saved by clicking the Save Sort Orders button, after which the Sort Order text inputs will no longer have red borders. Click the Discard Changes button to remove all changes made in the table by returning to the default value. See the "Adding or Editing Order Entry Rule Details" section below.
- Click the name of an order entry rule on the Order Entry Rules list page to view or edit rule information on the Order Entry Rules details page. See "Adding or Editing Rule Details" below.
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Searching for an Order Entry Rule
- Click in the Name field to begin a search by rule name or description. Enter one or more characters in the Name field to view a list of all order entry rules that match your search. This field is a search-as-you-type field and will display results as you type in characters. Note that Copia searches for embedded text as well as starting characters.
- If your search generates one or more matches, the matching rules are displayed with rule name, description, and active status when the page refreshes. Select the desired rule to view the details. See "Adding or Editing Order Entry Rule Details" below.
- If no search results are found or if the desired rule is not found, search again, or you may click the Add or Copy buttons to add a new order entry rule. See "Adding or Editing Order Entry Rule Details" below.
- Click the List option to view the full list of rules. See "Viewing the Rule List" above.
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Adding or Editing Order Entry Rule Details
- Use the Order Entry Rule Details section of the Order Entry Rules details page to add or edit order entry rule information.
- Enter or edit the name for the order entry rule in the Name field. This field is required.
- Select the Active checkbox to allow administrative users to include the rule on the Order Entry Rules list page when you select the Show active only checkbox. If the order entry rule is inactive, Copia will clear it from the Order Entry Rules list page when you select the checkbox. See "Viewing the Rule List" above.
- Enter in the Description field a brief summary of the rule. Copia displays this information on the Order Entry Rule list page to help you distinguish the rules.
- Enter a value into the Sort Order field to determine the order in which Order Entry Rules are run. Order Entry Rules with a lower sort order are run before those with a higher sort order. If the sort order is the same, they are sorted in alphabetical order by the rule name. The default value is 100. Note that the Save Sort Order and Discard Changes buttons will no longer be added to the search results table if the "Sort Order" column is not included in the "Active" column view.
- Select one or more of the following options to establish whether or when this rule will apply when you make Manual changes via Order Patient Samples. Note that you may also select options to apply the rule when Copia receives order changes in electronic messages (see below).
- Entering new orders: Applies to orders you save for the very first time on the Order Patient Samples page.
- Attaching order choices to an existing order: Applies to adding order choices (via the Order Patient Samples page) to an order that already exists in Copia. The rule can fire if the order choice is added before sample collection or after sample collection.
Note: If using the "Current Order Choices" condition, the attached order choice must be in the rule's list of current order choices (see "Setting Order Entry Rule Conditions" below).
- Editing existing orders: Applies when an order that already exists in Copia is modified in any way via the Order Patient Samples page.
Note: If using the "Current Order Choices" condition, the only way this rule type will fire is if the Current Order Choice is added to the existing order. It would make the most sense to use this rule type when defining Other Order Choices instead of Current Order Choices when an order choice constraint is needed and if the rule action is not order choice-specific.
- Select one or more of the following options to establish whether or when this rule will apply when Copia receives Changes based on electronic messages. Note that you may also select options to apply the rule when you make changes on the Order Patient Samples page (see above).
- When this order entry rule is enabled, Copia will execute designated actions if the defined conditions are met when orders are created, edited, or attached to. See "Setting Order Entry Rule Conditions" and "Setting Order Entry Rule Actions" below.
- Click the Change Log button to view the change log for the selected order choice. See the Admin: Change Log topic. Note that you must have the necessary security right to access the Change Log page.
- Click the Back to List button to return to the Order Entry Rules list page without saving any changes.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click Save.
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Setting Order Entry Rule Conditions
- Copia lists the possible order entry rule conditions in the Conditions for this Order Entry Rule section:
- Clinical Info Responses: The responses to clinical information questions that must be included or absent on the order to allow the rule to fire.
- Collection Locations: The collection locations that must be included or absent on the order to allow the rule to fire. This rule applies to both orders placed on the Order Patient Samples page and orders received via ORM messages in an HL7 interface.
- Compare Date/Times: The ability to define date/time constraints for an Order Entry Rule. Users are able to define multiple date/time comparisons for the current Order Entry Rule, and at least one of the date/time comparisons defined must be met in order for the rule to fire.
- CPT Codes: The ability to check for the CPT codes that are configured on an order choice. This can be configured on the Order Choices administration page.
- Current Order Choices: The order choices that will have order choice-specific actions performed on them, or the order choices that must be included or absent on the order as new or added order choices to allow the rule to fire.
Copia also uses this value to assign the ordering host's sample information to order choices that are appended to an order via order entry rules. It attempts to choose the host specimen from a qualifying current order choice defined by the rule. If the Current Order Choices condition is not used on the rule, Copia will use the host's sample information from the first order choice in the message being parsed.
- Current Phlebotomist: The current phlebotomist that when selected when a new order is entered matches the phlebotomist that is selected in the order entry rule.
- Days of the Week: The day and/or time of the week, when saving an order, for the rule to fire.
- Diagnosis Codes: The diagnosis codes that must be included or absent on the order to allow the rule to fire.
- Entered By Users: The condition to select users or all users except that have entered orders to allow the rule to fire.
- Fasting Statuses: The fasting statuses that must be assigned or not assigned to the order to allow the rule to fire.
- Frequency: The time range is calculated for finding other instances of order choices to allow the rule to fire. Checking is based on the draw date/time of the current order and compares it to previous orders based on their dates/times. Note that if the time units are set to "Calendar Days," the time range will be calculated up to the end of the day, not just up until the Order Date or Collection Date.
- Hospital Services: The hospital service values that must be included or absent on the order's encounter to allow the rule to fire.
- Insurance Companies: The insurance companies that must be included or absent on the order to allow the rule to fire.
- Insurance Plans: The insurance plans that must be included or absent on the order to allow the rule to fire.
- Insurance Types: The insurance types that must be included or absent on the order to allow the rule to fire.
- Insurance Selected: The primary insurance plan that must be assigned or not assigned to the order to allow the rule to fire.
- Medications: This condition will cause a rule to fire when the proper medication information is filled out (or not filled out, as the case may be).
- Order Choice Billing Statuses: The order choice statuses that must be assigned or not assigned to the order to allow the rule to fire. This order entry rule condition does not apply to internal billing statuses. This is applied in addition to "Current Order Choices."
- Order Choice Priority: The priorities that must be included or absent on the order to allow the rule to fire.
- Order User Defined Field Response: The order responses to user defined fields that must be answered to allow the rule to fire.
- Ordering Location User Defined Field Response: Allows the user to specify criteria for any set of the ordering location's User Defined Fields to trigger on. The rule can be configured to trigger if any of the selected User Defined Fields meet their specified condition, or it can be configured to only trigger if all of the selected fields meet their specified condition.
- Ordering Location's State: The ability for the user to define if an Order Entry Rule will fire based on the state value in the ordering location's address.
- Ordering Locations: The ordering locations that must be included or absent on the order to allow the rule to fire.
- Ordering Provider Professional Suffixes: The professional suffix that the ordering provider must have or not have to allow the rule to fire.
- Ordering Providers: The ordering providers that must be included or absent on the order to allow the rule to fire.
- Other Order Choices: The order choices that must be included on the order to allow the rule to fire. This is applied in addition to "Current Order Choices."
- Patients: The patients that must be included or absent on the order to allow the rule to fire.
- Patient Age: The patient's age, when saving an order, required for the rule to fire.
- Patient Class (custom): The custom patient class required for the rule to fire.
- Patient Class (system): The system-supplied patient class required for the rule to fire.
- Patient Race: The patient's race, when saving an order, required for the rule to fire.
- Patient Sex: The patient's sex required for the rule to fire.
- Patient User Defined Field Response: The patient responses to user defined fields that must be answered to allow the rule to fire. A condition can now be defined to allow the rule to be evaluated based on the operator that has been selected for each user defined field.
- Practices: The practice required for the rule to fire.
- Primary Care Providers: The rule will fire when the patient's primary care provider is included in the list of primary care providers that were selected in the rule. Alternatively, the condition can be configured to fire when the patient's primary care provider is not included in the list of primary care providers that were selected in the rule.
- Profiles: The profile required for the rule to fire.
- Sample Types: The sample types that must be included or absent on the order choices routed to the lab when saving an order to allow the rule to fire.
- Signed-in Locations: The rule will fire when the user is signed into one of the selected locations.
- Specimen Sources: The specimen sources that must be included or absent on the order choices on the order to allow the rule to fire.
- Storage Temperatures: The storage temperatures that must be included or absent on the order choices in the order to allow the rule to fire.
- Testing Hosts: The hosts designated to perform testing that must be included or absent on the order to allow the rule to fire.
- Time Since Collection: The condition will be interpreted as the user is defining the minimum amount of time that has passed between current time and the most recent collection time that has been stored on the order to date to allow the rule to fire.
If you are not currently using a condition, Copia disables the condition until you click the Add button (see below).
Note that when you specify one or more order choices for the "Current Order Choices" condition and you specify one or more additional order choice-specific conditions (e.g., Diagnosis Codes or Testing Hosts), then all of the order choice-specific conditions you set must be true for one of the specified "Current Order Choices," or the rule will not fire during order entry.
- Click the Add or Edit button for the desired condition to establish or modify the condition settings on the Edit Order Entry Rule administration page. The condition associated with the button you click determines the available configuration options.
See the Admin: Edit Order Entry Rule topic.
Many of the conditions have an option of how Copia will apply the condition. In these cases, you may choose whether the rule should apply if the selected items exist on the order, or if the rule should only apply if the selected items do not exist on the order.
- Click the Remove button for a condition to immediately disable that condition.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click Save.
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Setting Order Entry Rule Actions
- Copia lists the possible order entry rule actions in the Actions for this Order Entry Rule section:
- Add Order Comment: Adds a user defined order-level comment to the order. The user will be able to designate where the comment will be available in the application.
- Add Order Choice Comment: Adds order choice comments to specified order choices.
- Add Result Recipients - Locations: Adds result recipients to orders via Order Entry Rules and can be applied to both electronic orders as well as orders created/edited on the Order Patient Samples page.
- Add Result Recipients - Users: Adds result recipients to orders via Order Entry Rules and can be applied to both electronic orders as well as orders created/edited on the Order Patient Samples page.
- Append Order Choices: Adds the selected order choices to the order.
- Appended Profiles: Adds order choices from a configured profile to an order.
- Automatically Collect Order: Marks all samples for the order as collected.
- Batch Transmission: Defines an order choice's batch transmission status.
- Change Order Choice Profile Information: Allows a rule to either change one profile to another, add a profile association, or remove a profile association.
- Display Message: Displays an alert message on the page for the user placing the order. This action applies only to orders manually changed on the Order Patient Samples page; there is no action for electronic orders.
- Force ABN: Forces an ABN to be generated for testing frequency violations or invalid diagnosis codes. This will apply to order entry rules running against orders being saved on the Order Patient Samples page as well as orders being saved when parsing HL7 messages.
- Force Requisition to Print: Produces requisitions as if the "Auto-print requisition to Local/Remote printer" signed-in location setting and the "Auto-print requisition to Local/Remote printer" ordering location setting are both enabled.
- Force Result Release or Hold: Allows a rule to either force results to be held on an order choice, or force results to be released on an order choice.
- Generate Form Letter: Creates a PDF form letter to print for the user placing the order. This action applies only to orders manually changed on the Order Patient Samples page; there is no action for electronic orders.
- New Alternate Collection Information Set: Forces order choices that have not been collected to use an alternate collection information set. This applies to order entry rules running against orders being saved on the Order Patient Samples page as well as orders being saved when parsing HL7 messages.
- New Billing Status: Assigns a new billing status to order choices that qualify under the "Current Order Choice" condition of this order entry rule.
- New Priority: Assigns a priority to order choices that qualify under the "Current Order Choice" condition of this order entry rule.
- New Testing Host: Routes the order choice designated in the "Current order choices" condition to a new host (if it is a valid routing choice).
- New Order User Defined Field Responses: Lists new order user defined field responses for the User Defined Fields administration page.
- New Patient User Defined Field Responses: Lists new patient user defined field responses for the User Defined Fields administration page.
- Prevent Saving Order: Does not save the order, and returns the user to the Order Patient Samples page.
- Remove Current Order Choices: Removes the order choices that are designated in the "Current order choices" condition.
- Remove Order Choices: Removes order choices from an order and allows order choices to be removed from the order as long as the order choice is not final and has not yet sent the order message to the testing lab.
- Send Notifications: Allows the user to define specific Event Notifications to be sent out when the Result Evaluation Rule is triggered.
- Send Requisition to Printers: Automatically generates and sends a requisition for an order to a set of defined direct printers. This action will not take place in real time if the Order Entry Rule's option Run this rule as changes are made on the order checkbox is checked.
- Suppress Result Recipient Roles: Suppresses result delivery to recipients by role. When a rule with this action is run, Copia checks the current list of result recipients for any recipients that should be suppressed based on their role.
If you are not currently using an action, Copia disables the action until you click the Add button (see below).
- Click the Add or Edit button for the desired action to establish or modify the action settings on the Edit Order Entry Rule administration page. The action associated with the button you click determines the available configuration options. See the Admin: Edit Order Entry Rule topic.
- Click the Remove button for an action to immediately disable that action.
- If your modifications are complete, click Save to record all changes. Otherwise, complete the remaining sections, and then click Save.
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