Storage Temperature Search

Page Description

Use the Storage Temperature Search page to select the desired storage temperature from the list of storage temperatures that matched your search.

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Selecting a Storage Temperature Search Result

  1. If there was at least one match to your search, then the matching storage temperatures are displayed when the page appears. Copia lists each storage temperature with the storage temperature name and selected status.
  2. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of storage temperatures, to navigate through the list. If there are more page links than can fit on the page at once, Copia displays the Page field. Enter a number in this field and press the Enter key on the keyboard to immediately open the selected page.
  3. If no search results are found, use the field and Search button at the top of the page to search again. If you still cannot find the appropriate storage temperature, contact the Orchard Copia Administrator to create a new storage temperature using the Storage Temperatures administration page. See the Admin: Storage Temperatures topic.
  4. Click the storage temperature Name to return to the preceding page with just that storage temperature added to the field.
  5. To select multiple items at once, click the Select checkbox next to each storage temperature you wish to add. Copia retains all of your selections, even if you select options from multiple pages.
  6. Click the Show Selected Items button to view a list of the storage temperatures you have selected, but not yet added, in the Newly Selected Items pop-up page. As you are reviewing the list, click the Remove button to remove one of the items, or click the Clear button to remove all of the selected items. Click the Close button to close the pop-up and return to the Storage Temperature Search page, or click the Add All Selected Items to have Copia add all of your selections to the list.
  7. Once you have finished your selections, click the Add All Selected Items button to return to the preceding page and have Copia add all of your selections to the list.
  8. Click Cancel to return to the preceding page without selecting a storage temperature.

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