Profile List

Page Description

Use the Profile List page to view system-level profiles or to view, add, edit, or delete user- or practice-level profiles (depending on your security rights) for the Profiles list on the Order Choice Pick List pages. You may always view practice-level profiles, but you must have the necessary security right to add, edit, and delete practice-level profiles. If you have this right, then Copia sorts the list of profiles by owner (user, practice, then system), and it displays the Owner column. If you do not have the security right to modify practice-level profiles, then Copia sorts the list of profiles first by the ones you own, followed by the profiles you do not own, though it does not display the Owner column. You cannot remove system-level profiles added by the Orchard Copia Administrator.

You create profiles to combine frequently ordered order choices into one group of order choices, or a profile. Using profiles helps you save time during order entry because you will only need to select one profile instead of selecting individual order choices for the order.

Some of the information in this page is set up by the Orchard Copia Administrator when your account is established. You may only modify the information as described below.

For more help, click one of the following links:

Accessing this Page

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Renaming the Profile List
  1. By default, Copia names the profile list "Profiles." Enter a different name in the List Name field if you wish to change the name of the profile list that is displayed on the Order Patient Samples page. This field is required.
  2. Click Save to record your changes, or click Cancel to discard your changes.
  3. Continue to add, edit, or delete the profiles, if desired (see below).

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Viewing the Profiles List
  1. This page lists all of the profiles that are accessible for all system users, profiles accessible for the practice associated with your signed in location, and the profiles you have created in this page.
  2. Each profile is listed in the Profiles section of the page with the Name, Description, Owner (depending on you security rights), and Order Choices included in the profile.
  3. To modify this list, you may add, edit, or delete profiles (see "Adding Profiles to the List," "Editing Profiles on the List," and "Deleting Profiles from the List" below).
  4. When you add a profile, the entry in the Name column becomes a link. Click the profile name to open the Add/Edit Profile page to view or modify the profile. See "Editing Profiles on the List" below.
  5. Click Save to record your changes, or click Cancel to discard your changes.
  6. Continue to modify the settings for the profiles, if desired (see below).

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Adding Profiles to the List
  1. If you do not see the desired profile in the Profiles list, click the Add button to access the Add/Edit Profile page where you may create a new profile. See the Add/Edit Profile topic.
  2. Once you have added the profile, click Save to return to the Profile List page.

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Editing Profiles on the List

You may always edit profiles that you created; however, you must have the necessary security right to edit practice-level profiles. You cannot edit system-level profiles.

  1. If you wish to edit a profile in the Profiles list, click the entry in the Name column to open the Add/Edit Profile page where you may modify the profile. See the Add/Edit Profile topic. You may click the entry in the Name column to view the details for a system or practice-level profile; however, you will not be able to modify the profile's details.
  2. Once you have edited the profile, click Save to return to the Profile List page.

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Deleting Profiles from the List

You may always delete profiles that you created; however, you must have the necessary security right to delete practice-level profiles. You cannot delete system-level profiles.

  1. If you wish to delete a profile from the Profiles list, click the X button that corresponds to the profile you wish to delete.
  2. Copia immediately deletes the profile. This action cannot be undone.
  3. If you accidentally delete a profile, you may recreate it by adding a new profile (see "Adding Profiles to the List" above).

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