Admin: Validate Insurance

Page Description

The Insurance Validation page may be used in two modes, depending on whether or not the system default setting for insurance mapping is enabled. You may use this page as the starting point to:

  1. Map practice-specific insurance to system maintained insurance. This mode is only available if the system default setting for insurance mapping is enabled. Once enabled, in order to fully use the feature, one or more practices must also be set up to use practice-specific insurance, and there must be one or more practice's insurance plans that are not yet mapped to system plans.
  2. Validate non-validated insurance company and plan information entered in the Insurance page for patients, as well as merge insurance plans. Note that insurance information must be validated to be sent with an order, unless the ability to send non-validated insurance is enabled for the host interface. See the Admin: Interface Configuration topic. This mode is always available.

Non-validated insurance companies or plans are not the same as inactive insurance companies or plans. If a company or plan is inactive, Copia will not allow you to select it when creating an insurance set, and, when placing an order, you will not be able to assign any patient insurance set that contains an inactive company or plan. If a company or plan is non-validated, you will be able to add it to patients' insurance sets, and you will be able to assign the non-validated company or plan to any patient insurance set; however, Copia will only send validated insurance information when it transmits orders.

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Accessing this Page

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Selecting the Mode
  1. If the system default setting for insurance mapping is not enabled, then the Map to system insurance mode is not available, and you may continue validating or merging insurance records without selecting a mode.
  2. If the system default setting for insurance mapping is enabled, then Copia selects the Validate/Merge insurance mode by default, and selects system maintained as the practice.
  3. To map, validate, or merge insurance records for a specific practice, click the Search button next to the Practice field to select a practice in the Practice Search page. See the Admin: Practice Search topic. Note that if you wish to map insurance records, you must select a practice. Click the Clear button to clear the practice in the Practice field.
  4. Click the Use System Maintained Insurance button to have Copia use system maintained insurance on the Validate Insurance page.
  5. Once you select a mode, Copia updates the page with the appropriate information in the Map Practice Plan to System Plan, Non-Validated Insurance Companies, Non-Validated Insurance Plans, and/or Valid Insurance Plans sections (see below).
  6. Select the Show active companies only option to view only active insurance companies on the page. Clear this option to view both active and inactive companies.
  7. Select the Show active plans only option to view only active insurance plans on the page. Clear this option to view both active and inactive plans.
  8. Click the Refresh button to update the list with any changes that have been made to insurance plans or companies by any users.

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Mapping Practice Insurance Plans to System Insurance Plans
  1. Copia displays a list of up to ten practice-specific insurance plans that are not mapped to system plans and a list of up to ten system insurance plans in the Map Practice Plan to System Plan section. Each insurance plan is listed with the plan name, ID, address, phone number, assigned company, and active status. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of plans, to navigate through the lists.
  2. Click the indicator next to the practice plan and the system plan you wish to map. You may only select one of each.
  3. Click the Compare Selected Plans button to compare and possibly map the selected practice plan with the selected system plan in the Compare Insurance Plans page. See the Admin: Compare Insurance Plans topic.

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Validating Non-Validated Insurance Companies
  1. Copia displays a list of up to ten non-validated insurance companies and identification numbers in the Non-Validated Insurance Companies section. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of companies, to navigate through the list. The table displays the name of the insurance company, ID, active status, and validation option.
  2. Enter a company name or company ID into the Insurance Company search field to search for a specific insurance company. This is a search-as-you-type field. Select the Show active companies only checkbox to have Copia display only active insurance companies.
  3. Click the company name to view and edit company details, as well as perform the insurance company validation in the Insurance administration details page. See the Admin: Insurance topic.
  4. Click the Validate button located in the Validate column to validate the insurance company from the Validate Insurance administration page. A Validate Insurance Company pop-up will be displayed with a "Are you sure you want to validate XXXX?" Click the Yes button to validate the insurance company, or click the No button to return to the Validate Insurance administration page without making any changes.
  5. Click the Refresh button to update the list with any changes that have been made to insurance companies by any users. These changes may include new insurance companies that have been added or modifications to existing insurance company information. Note that Copia also removes validated companies from the non-validated company list when you refresh the page.

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Validating Non-Validated Insurance Plans
  1. Copia displays a list of up to ten insurance plans that need to be validated in the Non-Validated Insurance Plans section. Each insurance plan is listed with the plan name, ID, address, phone number, assigned company, active status, and validation option, as well as the option to compare insurance plans. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of plans, to navigate through the list.
  2. Enter a plan name or plan ID into the Insurance Plan search field to search for a specific insurance plan. This is a search-as-you-type field. Select the Show active plans only checkbox to have Copia display only active insurance plans.
  3. Click the plan name to view and edit plan details, as well as perform the insurance plan validation in the Insurance administration details page. See the Admin: Insurance topic.
  4. Click the Validate button located in the Validate column to validate the insurance plan from the Validate Insurance administration page. A Validate Insurance Plan pop-up will be displayed with a "Are you sure you want to validate XXXX?" Click the Yes button to validate the insurance plan, or click the No button to return to the Validate Insurance administration page without making any changes. You must validate the insurance company before the insurance plan can be validated. See the "Validating Non-Validated Insurance Companies" section above.
  5. Click the indicator next to the non-validated plan and the validated plan you wish to compare. You may only select one of each.
  6. Click the Compare Selected Plans button to compare and possibly merge the selected non-validated plan with the selected validated plan in the Compare Insurance Plans page. See the Admin: Compare Insurance Plans topic.

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Viewing Validated Insurance Plans
  1. Copia displays a list of up to ten insurance plans that are validated in the Validated Insurance Plans section. Each insurance plan is listed with the validated plan name, ID, address, phone number, company name, and active status, as well as the option to compare validated insurance plans. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of plans, to navigate through the list.
  2. Enter a plan name or plan ID into the Insurance Plan search field to search for a specific insurance plan. This is a search-as-you-type field. Select the Show active plans only checkbox to have Copia display only active insurance plans.

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