Insurance Type Search

Page Description

Use the Insurance Type Search page to select the desired insurance type from the list of types that matched your search.

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Accessing this Page

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Selecting an Insurance Type Search Result

  1. If there was at least one match to your insurance type search, then Copia displays the matching insurance types when the page appears.
  2. The page contains a list of up to ten insurance types. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of types, to navigate through the list. If there are more page links than can fit on the page at once, Copia displays the Page field. Enter a number in this field and press the Enter key on the keyboard to immediately open the selected page.
  3. If no search results are found or if the desired type is not found, search again.
  4. Click the Name of a type to select that insurance type for the order entry rule. See the Admin: Edit Order Entry Rule topic.
  5. Click Cancel to return to the Edit Order Entry Rule administration page without selecting an insurance type.

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