Admin: Custom Filters

Page Description

Use the Custom Filters administration page to define and customize filters. Users will be able to define their own custom filters for available pages, such as Client Services (Clients and Items), Collect Samples, Collection List, Inbox Lab Report, Lab Report, Location Inbox (Other Reports), Location Inbox (Result Reports), Order Patient Samples Advanced Patient Search, Ordering Search (Location and Provider), Patient Advanced Search, Pending Collection (Collection List, Manual Select, and Search For Orders), Pending Orders, Release Samples (Manual Select and Search for Orders), and User Inbox. The user will have a list of available content types for the filter type that they can add to the filter. By dragging items from the Available Filter Items section over to the Current Layout section, the item will be a part of the filter. In addition, users can choose to define text on an empty cell to be displayed in the filter. Once in the Current Layout section, the user can adjust the arrangement of filter items as they see fit, including changing row height, column width, and cell position. Options to add/delete rows and columns are also present. Users can drag cells in the Current Layout section to other cells in order to reposition them (cell contents can be swapped with one another in this manner), and they can also remove cells by dragging it to the delete section.

Individual cells have their own properties that can be set, including column span, row span, and various options specific to cell content types (as of now, this only includes defining the default start/end time values for time-based filter components). Note that in order to increase the column/row span on a cell, blank cells must be available into which the cell will expand (e.g., if you wanted a column span of two on a cell, it would have to have a blank cell immediately to its right for that to be done). The user is allowed to set default values into certain filter items. Even if the filter item in particular is not present in the filter, the user will be able to assign a default value that will always apply to search results when using this filter. Some filter items, such as search-as-you-type elements and date/time fields, will not be allowed default value assignment. For the date/time fields, there are a number of options in the cell's Edit pop-up to define specific values. Rounding out the setup page, there is a Preview Filter button on the setup page, which will give a quick view of what the current filter will look like. The filter for the setup page is rendered in a different manner than the filter that will actually be used in order to facilitate easier setup, so this will offer a quick way to preview its appearance.

Custom filters are currently assigned to signed-in locations. Similar to how the Column View assignment operates; the user will be able to choose from a list of active custom filters for each available filter type. Once the custom filter is saved to the location, any user signed into that location will have the custom filter generated when viewing the Pending Orders page. Finally, a user Application setting will now determine how the user's Application settings are applied with regards to this custom filter. The user can choose to use the signed-in location's custom filter, which will ignore the user's Application settings for the page, and use the default values stored in the custom filter. Alternatively, the user can choose to use the Application settings, which will cause the page to use its default filter.

For more help, click one of the following links:

Accessing this Page

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Viewing the Filter List

  1. The Custom Filter List section contains a list of up to ten custom filters. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of routing rules, to navigate through the list. The custom filters list will display the filter's name, a brief description, type of filter, and the active/inactive status of the filter, along with the option to copy the filter.
  2. To view active filters only, select the Show active only checkbox at the top of the Custom Filters page. Set the inactive/active status in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filter details page. See "Adding or Editing Filter Details" below.
  3. Enter text into the Name field to search for a specific filter. This is a search-as-you-type search field and the list will automatically refresh depending on the text in the field. If no filters are found, a "No matching records found" message will be displayed.
  4. Click the Type drop-down list to select a filter type to filter by. You may select "All," "Client Services - Clients," Client Services - Items," "Collect Samples," "Collection List," "Inbox Lab Report - View," "Lab Report - View," "Location Inbox - Other Reports," "Location Inbox - Result Reports," "OPS - Patient Advanced Search," "Order Advanced Search," "Ordering Location Search," "Ordering Provider Search," "Patient Advanced Search," "Pending Collection - Collection List," "Pending Collection - Manual Select," "Pending Collection - Search For Orders," "Pending Orders," "Release Samples - Manual Select," "Release Samples - Search for Orders," or "User Inbox" to filter. The filters list will automatically refresh, or you may click the Refresh button to manually refresh the page. "All" is the default option for the Type drop-down list.
  5. The custom filter elements on the Custom Filters setup page will now dynamically resize when row height and column width are changed. When a row height or a column width is changed on a custom filter, the setup area for the custom filter will now dynamically change the appropriate height or width on the layout table. Originally, this would take a refresh of the page to see changes in the height or width. Now, this will happen once the cursor leaves the height or width field.
  6. If you cannot find the desired filter, click the Add button to select the type of custom filter to create from the Add Custom Filter pop-up dialog and then create the filter details using the Custom Filter details page. See "Adding or Editing Filter Details" below. You may create custom filters for:
  7. Click the name of a custom filter on the Custom Filters list page to view or edit filter information on the Custom Filter details page. See "Adding or Editing Filter Details" below.

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Adding or Editing Filter Details

  1. Click the Add button on the Custom Filter List page to add custom filters.
  2. Click either the Client Services - Clients, Client Services - Items, Collect Samples, Collection List, Inbox Lab Report - View, Lab Report - View, Location Inbox - Other Reports, Location Inbox - Result Reports, OPS - Patient Advanced Search, Order Advanced Search, Ordering Location Search, Ordering Provider Search, Patient Advanced Search, Pending Collection - Collection List, Pending Collection - Manual Select, Pending Collection - Search For Orders, Pending Orders, Release Samples - Manual Select, Release Samples - Search for Orders, or User Inbox button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to add that specific custom filter. Once a button has been clicked, you will be directed to the Starting Filter Status pop-up where you may click either the Create blank filter button to create a new filter, or click the Create filter from default button to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Click the name of an existing filter to edit that filter's information. You will be directed to the Custom Filter Setup page for that specific filter. You may configure changes as necessary, followed by clicking the Save button to save any changes that were made to the filter. Click the < Back to List button to return to the Custom Filter List page without saving changes.

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Adding or Editing Client Services - Clients

  1. Click the Client Services - Clients button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Client Services - Clients.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  5. Enter text into the following fields to specify available Client Services - Clients Filter Items information.
  6. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Client Services - Clients Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  7. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  8. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  9. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  10. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  11. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

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Adding or Editing Client Services - Items

  1. Click the Client Services - Items button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Client Services - Items.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  5. Enter text into the following fields to specify available Client Services - Items Filter Items information.
  6. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Client Services - Items Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  7. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  8. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  9. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  10. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  11. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

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Adding or Editing Collect Samples

  1. Click the Collect Samples button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for Collect Samples.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  5. Click inside the Description field and enter text to include a brief description of the sample(s).
  6. Click inside the Patient field in the Available Collect Samples Filter Items section to search for a patient.
  7. Click inside the Current Collection Location and Current Phlebotomist Label Def fields to search for a collection location and phlebotomist label definition, respectively.
  8. Select the Do not show orders with an order date older than ___ days to have Copia not show display orders with an order date older than a specific number of days. Enter a value into the available field. The default value is 30 days.
  9. Select the Suppress order message creation checkbox to have Copia suppress order message creation.
  10. Select the Override collection time date/time ranges to include a specific range for overriding collection times. This happens in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM. Click the Now button to include the current date/time in the fields.
  11. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Collect Samples Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  12. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  13. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  14. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  15. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  16. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

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Adding or Editing Collection List

  1. Click the Collection List button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Collection List.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  5. Click inside the Collection Locations search field, or click the magnifying glass icon, to search for a collection location record. Select the collection location to view the name and active status of the record. If a collection list is not selected from the search field, a "No records selected" message will appear in the table.
  6. Click the Order Date drop-down list and select either "Order Date" or "Proposed Collection Date" from the list to specify whether the date is an order date or a proposed collection date. "Order Date" is selected by default.
  7. Enter date values in the Start and End fields to define the start and end date and time of either the order date or the proposed collection date. Enter values in the form of MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM. Manually enter the start and end dates by clicking the calendar icon, or click the Now button to enter the current date and time. Click the Clear button to clear the field(s) of all values.
  8. Select the Include Past Due checkbox to have Copia include collection lists past their due date on the filter. Select the Exclude Orders on Other Collection Lists checkbox to have Copia exclude orders on other collection lists.
  9. Click inside the Patient Practices search field, or click the magnifying glass icon, to search for a patient practice record. Select the practice to view the name and active status of the practice. If a practice is not selected from the search field, a "No records selected" message will appear in the table.
  10. Click inside the Patient Locations search field, or click the magnifying glass icon, to search for a patient location record. Select the patient location to view the name and active status of the record. If a patient location is not selected from the search field, a "No records selected" message will appear in the table.
  11. Click the Orders with specific Order Choices drop-down and select either "Limit to" or "Exclude" from the list to specify whether to limit orders with specific order choices or to exclude orders with specific order choices.
  12. Click inside the Order Choices search field, or click the magnifying glass icon, to search for order choice records. Select the order choice to view the abbreviation, name, CPT codes, local name, collection information, and status of the order. If an order choice is not selected from the search field, a "No records selected" message will appear in the table.
  13. Click the Orders with specific Priorities drop-down and select either "Limit to" or "Exclude" from the list to specify whether to limit orders with a specific priority or to exclude orders with a specific priority.
  14. Click inside the Priorities search field, or click the magnifying glass icon, to search for priority records. Select the priority to view the name and active status of the record. If a priority is not selected from the search field, a "No records selected" message will appear in the table.
  15. Enter text into the Ordering Provider field to search for a specific order provider; Enter text into the Entered By field to search for the person who entered the priority; Enter text into the Phlebotomist field to search for a specific phlebotomist. Click the magnifying glass icon to search manually, or click the X button to remove text from the fields.
  16. Enter text into the Region field to filter the item based on the region. This is a search-as-you-type field.
  17. Select the Only Show Standing Orders checkbox to have Copia only display orders that are standing orders.
  18. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Collection List Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  19. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  20. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  21. Select the Patient Additional Info filter item to the filter so the user will be forced to select a patient-level user-defined field. This filter item can be added to the filter more than once.
  22. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  23. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  24. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

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Adding or Editing Inbox Lab Report - View

  1. Click the Inbox Lab Report - View button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Inbox Lab Report - View.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  5. Click the Show historical results button in the Available Inbox Lab Report - View Filter Items section to display historical results for an Inbox lab report.
  6. Click the Order ID link to view the order ID that is attached to the lab report.
  7. Click either the < Previous Entry button or the Next Entry > button to navigate between entries. Above the buttons, text displays "Viewing Entry -1 out of -1" message, which will vary depending on how many entries there are.
  8. Click the Acknowledge button to acknowledge the lab report in the inbox.
  9. Click the Options button to see a list of options for the Available Inbox Lab Report - View Filter Items.
  10. Click the Deliver button to deliver the the lab report.
  11. Click the Refresh button to refresh the page in order to view new lab reports.
  12. Enter text in the External Report Template field for selecting a predefined External Report template to use to display the report. After the report is obtained, it can be delivered to any allowed recipient. This new report will not be saved because of the display within the Lab Reports pop-up; it can just be used to show what the report would be like using a different template.
  13. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Inbox Lab Report - View Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  14. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  15. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  16. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  17. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  18. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

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Adding or Editing Lab Report - View

  1. Click the Lab Report - View button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Lab Report - View.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  5. Select the Show historical results checkbox to have the lab report display historical results.
  6. Select the Limit Order Choices Displayed checkbox to have the layout limit the number of order choices that are displayed on the lab report.
  7. Enter text into the Display Order Choices search field to search for specific order choices for the layout. The field will automatically display order choices in the search-as-you-type field. If there are no records available, a "No records selected" message will be displayed in the table. The table displays the option to select the order choice and displays the name of the order choice.
  8. Click the Order ID link to view the order ID that is attached to the lab report.
  9. Click the Options button to see a list of options for the Available Lab Report - View Filter Items.
  10. Click the Deliver button to deliver the the lab report.
  11. Click the Refresh button to refresh the page in order to view new lab reports.
  12. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Lab Report - View Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  13. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  14. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  15. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  16. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  17. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

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Adding or Editing Location Inbox - Other Reports

  1. Click the Location Inbox - Other Reports button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Location Inbox - Other Reports.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  5. Click the Reports received in the past ___ days radio button in the Available Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Items section to specify the number of days that received reports should be displayed in the filter. The default value is 3 days.
  6. Click either the Days include every day of the week or the Days include only weekdays radio button to determine whether the filter will display every day of the week or only weekdays.
  7. Click the Reports received between radio button to determine a date/time range for received reports. Enter values into the Start and End fields to determine a start and end time in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. Click the calendar icon to manually add a start and end time into the fields, or click the Now button to enter the current date/time. Click the Clear button to remove the values from the field.
  8. Click the All unacknowledged reports radio button to have the filter show all unacknowledged reports.
  9. Select the Hide Acknowledged Reports checkbox to have the filter hide all acknowledged reports. This can only be selected when the Reports received between radio button is clicked.
  10. Click the Type drop-down list to select a filter type. Select either "All," "Admin Report - Billing Summary," "Admin Report - Utilization," "Client Service Browser," "Collection List," "Patient Data Browser," or "Standing Order Report" from the list.
  11. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  12. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  13. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  14. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  15. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  16. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

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Adding or Editing Location Inbox - Result Reports

  1. Click the Location Inbox - Result Reports button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Location Inbox - Result Reports.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  5. Click the Ordering Provider search field to search for an ordering provider. Click the magnifying glass button to manually search for an ordering provider, or enter text into the field to search. Click the X button to clear the search field.
  6. Click the Ordering Location search field to search for an ordering location. Click the magnifying glass button to manually search for an ordering location, or enter text into the field to search. Click the X button to clear the search field.
  7. Click the Patient search field to search for a patient. Click the magnifying glass button to manually search for a patient, or enter text into the field to search. Click the X button to clear the search field.
  8. Click the Order Choices search field to search for an order choice, or click the magnifying glass button to manually search for an order choice. The table displays the name of the order choice and the active status, as well as the ability to select the specific order choice. If no records are found, a "No records selected" message will be displayed in the table.
  9. Click the Status drop-down list to select a filter status. Select either "All," "Complete," "Partial," "Complete (Cancelled)," "Partial (Cancelled)," or "Cancelled" from the list.
  10. Click the Severity drop-down list to select a filter severity. Select either "All," "Critical," "Abnormal," or "Abnormal or Critical" from the list.
  11. Click the Priority drop-down list to select a filter priority. Select either "All," "STAT," "ASAP," or "Routine" from the list.
  12. Click the Reports received in the past ___ days radio button in the Available Location Inbox - Result Reports Filter Items section to specify the number of days that received reports should be displayed in the filter. The default value is 3 days.
  13. Click either the Days include every day of the week or the Days include only weekdays radio button to determine whether the filter will display every day of the week or only weekdays.
  14. Click the Reports received between radio button to determine a date/time range for received reports. Enter values into the Start and End fields to determine a start and end time in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. Click the calendar icon to manually add a start and end time into the fields, or click the Now button to enter the current date/time. Click the Clear button to remove the values from the field.
  15. Click the All unacknowledged reports radio button to have the filter show all unacknowledged reports.
  16. Select the Hide Acknowledged Reports checkbox to have the filter hide all acknowledged reports. This can only be selected when the Reports received between radio button is clicked.
  17. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Location Inbox - Result Reports Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  18. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  19. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  20. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  21. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  22. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

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Adding or Editing OPS - Patient Advanced Search

  1. Click the Location Inbox - Other Reports button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Location Inbox - Other Reports.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  5. Click the Reports received in the past ___ days radio button in the Available Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Items section to specify the number of days that received reports should be displayed in the filter. The default value is 3 days.
  6. Click either the Days include every day of the week or the Days include only weekdays radio button to determine whether the filter will display every day of the week or only weekdays.
  7. Click the Reports received between radio button to determine a date/time range for received reports. Enter values into the Start and End fields to determine a start and end time in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. Click the calendar icon to manually add a start and end time into the fields, or click the Now button to enter the current date/time. Click the Clear button to remove the values from the field.
  8. Click the All unacknowledged reports radio button to have the filter show all unacknowledged reports.
  9. Select the Hide Acknowledged Reports checkbox to have the filter hide all acknowledged reports. This can only be selected when the Reports received between radio button is clicked.
  10. Click the Type drop-down list to select a filter type. Select either "All," "Admin Report - Billing Summary," "Admin Report - Utilization," "Client Service Browser," "Collection List," "Patient Data Browser," or "Standing Order Report" from the list.
  11. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  12. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  13. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  14. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  15. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  16. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

[Return to Top]

Adding or Editing Order Advanced Search

  1. Click the Location Inbox - Other Reports button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Location Inbox - Other Reports.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  5. Click the Reports received in the past ___ days radio button in the Available Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Items section to specify the number of days that received reports should be displayed in the filter. The default value is 3 days.
  6. Click either the Days include every day of the week or the Days include only weekdays radio button to determine whether the filter will display every day of the week or only weekdays.
  7. Click the Reports received between radio button to determine a date/time range for received reports. Enter values into the Start and End fields to determine a start and end time in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. Click the calendar icon to manually add a start and end time into the fields, or click the Now button to enter the current date/time. Click the Clear button to remove the values from the field.
  8. Click the All unacknowledged reports radio button to have the filter show all unacknowledged reports.
  9. Select the Hide Acknowledged Reports checkbox to have the filter hide all acknowledged reports. This can only be selected when the Reports received between radio button is clicked.
  10. Click the Type drop-down list to select a filter type. Select either "All," "Admin Report - Billing Summary," "Admin Report - Utilization," "Client Service Browser," "Collection List," "Patient Data Browser," or "Standing Order Report" from the list.
  11. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  12. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  13. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  14. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  15. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  16. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

[Return to Top]

Adding or Editing Ordering Location Search

  1. Click the Location Inbox - Other Reports button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Location Inbox - Other Reports.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. Select the Show advanced filter by default checkbox to control whether or not the Ordering Location Search filter is displayed by default.
  5. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  6. Click the Reports received in the past ___ days radio button in the Available Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Items section to specify the number of days that received reports should be displayed in the filter. The default value is 3 days.
  7. Click either the Days include every day of the week or the Days include only weekdays radio button to determine whether the filter will display every day of the week or only weekdays.
  8. Click the Reports received between radio button to determine a date/time range for received reports. Enter values into the Start and End fields to determine a start and end time in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. Click the calendar icon to manually add a start and end time into the fields, or click the Now button to enter the current date/time. Click the Clear button to remove the values from the field.
  9. Click the All unacknowledged reports radio button to have the filter show all unacknowledged reports.
  10. Select the Hide Acknowledged Reports checkbox to have the filter hide all acknowledged reports. This can only be selected when the Reports received between radio button is clicked.
  11. Enter text into the fields located in the Available Ordering Location Search Filter Items section to specify fax number, phone number, city, ZIP code, provider's last name, location ID, practice, address, and country.
  12. Click the Type drop-down list to select a filter type. Select either "All," "Admin Report - Billing Summary," "Admin Report - Utilization," "Client Service Browser," "Collection List," "Patient Data Browser," or "Standing Order Report" from the list.
  13. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  14. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  15. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  16. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  17. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  18. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

[Return to Top]

Adding or Editing Ordering Provider Search

  1. Click the Location Inbox - Other Reports button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Location Inbox - Other Reports.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  5. Click the Reports received in the past ___ days radio button in the Available Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Items section to specify the number of days that received reports should be displayed in the filter. The default value is 3 days.
  6. Click either the Days include every day of the week or the Days include only weekdays radio button to determine whether the filter will display every day of the week or only weekdays.
  7. Click the Reports received between radio button to determine a date/time range for received reports. Enter values into the Start and End fields to determine a start and end time in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. Click the calendar icon to manually add a start and end time into the fields, or click the Now button to enter the current date/time. Click the Clear button to remove the values from the field.
  8. Click the All unacknowledged reports radio button to have the filter show all unacknowledged reports.
  9. Select the Hide Acknowledged Reports checkbox to have the filter hide all acknowledged reports. This can only be selected when the Reports received between radio button is clicked.
  10. Click the Type drop-down list to select a filter type. Select either "All," "Admin Report - Billing Summary," "Admin Report - Utilization," "Client Service Browser," "Collection List," "Patient Data Browser," or "Standing Order Report" from the list.
  11. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  12. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  13. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  14. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  15. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  16. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

[Return to Top]

Adding or Editing Patient Advanced Search

  1. Click the Location Inbox - Other Reports button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Location Inbox - Other Reports.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  5. Click the Reports received in the past ___ days radio button in the Available Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Items section to specify the number of days that received reports should be displayed in the filter. The default value is 3 days.
  6. Click either the Days include every day of the week or the Days include only weekdays radio button to determine whether the filter will display every day of the week or only weekdays.
  7. Click the Reports received between radio button to determine a date/time range for received reports. Enter values into the Start and End fields to determine a start and end time in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. Click the calendar icon to manually add a start and end time into the fields, or click the Now button to enter the current date/time. Click the Clear button to remove the values from the field.
  8. Click the All unacknowledged reports radio button to have the filter show all unacknowledged reports.
  9. Select the Hide Acknowledged Reports checkbox to have the filter hide all acknowledged reports. This can only be selected when the Reports received between radio button is clicked.
  10. Click the Type drop-down list to select a filter type. Select either "All," "Admin Report - Billing Summary," "Admin Report - Utilization," "Client Service Browser," "Collection List," "Patient Data Browser," or "Standing Order Report" from the list.
  11. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  12. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  13. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  14. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  15. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  16. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

[Return to Top]

Adding or Editing Pending Collection - Collection List

  1. Click the Location Inbox - Other Reports button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Location Inbox - Other Reports.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. Select the Show this filter by default on Pending Collection checkbox to have Copia control whether or not the Pending Collection - Collection List filter is displayed by default when using a custom filter on the Pending Collection page. Note that if a signed-in location is using more than one type of active Pending Collection custom filter with this setting enabled, the filter that is displayed first will be applied.
  5. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  6. Click the Reports received in the past ___ days radio button in the Available Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Items section to specify the number of days that received reports should be displayed in the filter. The default value is 3 days.
  7. Click either the Days include every day of the week or the Days include only weekdays radio button to determine whether the filter will display every day of the week or only weekdays.
  8. Click the Reports received between radio button to determine a date/time range for received reports. Enter values into the Start and End fields to determine a start and end time in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. Click the calendar icon to manually add a start and end time into the fields, or click the Now button to enter the current date/time. Click the Clear button to remove the values from the field.
  9. Click the All unacknowledged reports radio button to have the filter show all unacknowledged reports.
  10. Select the Hide Acknowledged Reports checkbox to have the filter hide all acknowledged reports. This can only be selected when the Reports received between radio button is clicked.
  11. Click the Type drop-down list to select a filter type. Select either "All," "Admin Report - Billing Summary," "Admin Report - Utilization," "Client Service Browser," "Collection List," "Patient Data Browser," or "Standing Order Report" from the list.
  12. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  13. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  14. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  15. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  16. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  17. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

[Return to Top]

Adding or Editing Pending Collection - Manual Select

  1. Click the Location Inbox - Other Reports button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Location Inbox - Other Reports.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. Select the Show this filter by default on Pending Collection checkbox to have Copia control whether or not the Pending Collection - Manual Select filter is displayed by default when using a custom filter on the Pending Collection page. Note that if a signed-in location is using more than one type of active Pending Collection custom filter with this setting enabled, the filter that is displayed first will be applied.
  5. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  6. Click the Reports received in the past ___ days radio button in the Available Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Items section to specify the number of days that received reports should be displayed in the filter. The default value is 3 days.
  7. Click either the Days include every day of the week or the Days include only weekdays radio button to determine whether the filter will display every day of the week or only weekdays.
  8. Click the Reports received between radio button to determine a date/time range for received reports. Enter values into the Start and End fields to determine a start and end time in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. Click the calendar icon to manually add a start and end time into the fields, or click the Now button to enter the current date/time. Click the Clear button to remove the values from the field.
  9. Click the All unacknowledged reports radio button to have the filter show all unacknowledged reports.
  10. Select the Hide Acknowledged Reports checkbox to have the filter hide all acknowledged reports. This can only be selected when the Reports received between radio button is clicked.
  11. Click the Type drop-down list to select a filter type. Select either "All," "Admin Report - Billing Summary," "Admin Report - Utilization," "Client Service Browser," "Collection List," "Patient Data Browser," or "Standing Order Report" from the list.
  12. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  13. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  14. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  15. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  16. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  17. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

[Return to Top]

Adding or Editing Pending Collection - Search For Orders

  1. Click the Location Inbox - Other Reports button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Location Inbox - Other Reports.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. Select the Show this filter by default on Pending Collection checkbox to have Copia control whether or not the Pending Collection - Search For Orders filter is displayed by default when using a custom filter on the Pending Collection page. Note that if a signed-in location is using more than one type of active Pending Collection custom filter with this setting enabled, the filter that is displayed first will be applied.
  5. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  6. Click the Reports received in the past ___ days radio button in the Available Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Items section to specify the number of days that received reports should be displayed in the filter. The default value is 3 days.
  7. Click either the Days include every day of the week or the Days include only weekdays radio button to determine whether the filter will display every day of the week or only weekdays.
  8. Click the Reports received between radio button to determine a date/time range for received reports. Enter values into the Start and End fields to determine a start and end time in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. Click the calendar icon to manually add a start and end time into the fields, or click the Now button to enter the current date/time. Click the Clear button to remove the values from the field.
  9. Click the All unacknowledged reports radio button to have the filter show all unacknowledged reports.
  10. Select the Hide Acknowledged Reports checkbox to have the filter hide all acknowledged reports. This can only be selected when the Reports received between radio button is clicked.
  11. Click the Type drop-down list to select a filter type. Select either "All," "Admin Report - Billing Summary," "Admin Report - Utilization," "Client Service Browser," "Collection List," "Patient Data Browser," or "Standing Order Report" from the list.
  12. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Location Inbox - Other Reports Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  13. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  14. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  15. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  16. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  17. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

[Return to Top]

Adding or Editing Pending Orders

  1. Click the Pending Orders button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Pending Orders.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  5. Select the Limit to orders that have had results pending for at least ___ days checkbox in the Available Pending Orders Filter Items section to have the filter limit to orders that have had results pending for a specific number of days. The default value is 3 days.
  6. Select the Do not show orders older than ___ days checkbox to have the filter not show orders that are older than a specific number of days. The default value is 30 days.
  7. Select the Limit to orders ___ in the range checkbox to specify a filter limit. Click the drop-down list to select either "ordered," "collection proposed," "collected - released samples only," or "collected - released and not released samples." Determine a date/time range for limited orders. Enter values into the Start and End fields to determine a start and end time in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. Click the calendar icon to manually add a start and end time into the fields, or click the Now button to enter the current date/time. Click the Clear button to remove the values from the field.
  8. Click the Only show orders sent to the lab drop-down list to determine what orders the filter displays. Select either "Only show orders sent to the lab," "Show orders sent and not sent to the lab," "Only show orders not sent to the lab," or "Only show expired standing orders" from the list.
  9. Select the Limit to turnaround times that expire ___ hours in the future based on the date ___ checkbox to have the filter limit to turnaround times that expire within a specific number of hours. The default value is 0 hours.
  10. Click the Ordering Provider search field to search for an ordering provider. Click the magnifying glass button to manually search for an ordering provider, or enter text into the field to search. Click the X button to clear the search field.
  11. Click the Ordering Location search field to search for an ordering location. Click the magnifying glass button to manually search for an ordering location, or enter text into the field to search. Click the X button to clear the search field.
  12. Click the Collection Location search field to search for a collection location. Click the magnifying glass button to manually search for a collection location, or enter text into the field to search. Click the X button to clear the search field.
  13. Click the Testing Location search field to search for a testing location. Click the magnifying glass button to manually search for a testing location, or enter text into the field to search. Click the X button to clear the search field.
  14. Click the Patient search field to search for a patient. Click the magnifying glass button to manually search for a patient, or enter text into the field to search. Click the X button to clear the search field.
  15. Select the Only Deceased Patients checkbox to have the filter only show deceased patients. Select the Only Inactive Patients checkbox to have the filter only show inactive patients.
  16. Click the Order Choices search field to search for an order choice, or click the magnifying glass button to manually search for an order choice. The table displays the order choice abbreviation, name of the order choice, CPT codes, local name, collection information, and the active status, as well as the ability to select the specific order choice. If no records are found, a "No records selected" message will be displayed in the table.
  17. Enter values into the Patient Additional Info fields to specify a date value for additional patient information. Click the calendar icon to manually add a date into the fields, or click the Now button to enter the current date. Click the Clear button to remove the values from the field. When this is added, the user can search for orders with patient additional information as defined by the search item. The appearance of the filter can be changed by choosing the response type that the user can search on. The label for the content type can also be defined when setting up the cell.
  18. Enter text into the Ordering Location State field to display the name of the state where the ordering location is located.
  19. Select the Only Show Standing Orders checkbox to have Copia only display orders that are standing orders.
  20. Enter text into the Region field to filter the item based on the region. This is a search-as-you-type field.
  21. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Pending Orders Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  22. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  23. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  24. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  25. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  26. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

[Return to Top]

Adding or Editing Release Samples - Manual Select

  1. Click the Release Samples - Manual Select button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Release Samples Manual Select.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  5. Enter text into the Manifest/Order/Sample ID field, followed by clicking the Add button, to add a manifest, order, or sample ID filter option to the Release Samples page filter. Click the Clear Selected Samples button to clear the entered samples.
  6. Select the Display most recently scanned samples first checkbox to have Copia display samples that were most recently scanned first on the filter.
  7. Select the Only show order choices waiting to be released checkbox to have Copia only display order choices that are waiting to be released.
  8. Select the Allow Retransmit checkbox to allow Copia to retransmit samples.
  9. Select an option from the Upon transmitting orders print section:
  10. Select the Manually select samples radio button to have the Release Samples - Manual Select custom filter display on the Release Samples page.
  11. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Release Samples - Manual Select Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  12. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  13. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  14. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  15. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  16. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

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Adding or Editing Release Samples - Search for Orders

  1. Click the Release Samples - Search for Orders button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the Release Samples Search for Orders.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  5. Select the in the past ___ ___ radio button, followed by entering a value in the available field, followed by selecting duration of time from the drop-down, to specify displaying a certain amount of released samples within span. Select either "hours," "days," or "weeks" from the drop-down list.
  6. Select the between radio button, followed by entering date/time values into the available fields, to specify a time range for displaying released samples. Date/time will appear in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM. Click the calendar icon to manually select date/time to be entered into the fields. Click the Now button to enter the current date/time, and click the Clear button to clear all date/time values from the fields.
  7. Select an option from the With status of drop-down to have Copia display samples with a specific status. Select either "All," "Ordered, waiting to be released," "Collected, waiting to be released," "Collected, released, awaiting results," "Collected, released, preliminary results posted," "Collected, released, final results posted," "Collected, released, corrected results posted," or "Collected, released, refused by lab" from the drop-down list.
  8. Click inside the Testing Host drop-down to select a testing host from the Copia system.
  9. Click inside the Entry Location drop-down to select an entry location from the Copia system.
  10. Click inside the Ordering Location drop-down to select an ordering location from the Copia system.
  11. Click inside the Collection Location drop-down to select a collection location from the Copia system.
  12. Click inside the Storage Temperature drop-down to select a storage temperature from the Copia system.
  13. Click inside the Sample Type search field to search for and select a sample type from the Copia system.
  14. Click inside the Patient search field to search for and select a patient from the Copia system.
  15. Click inside the Primary Care Provider search field to search for and select a primary care provider from the Copia system.
  16. Click inside the Entered By search field to search for and select the person that entered the sample into the Copia system.
  17. Select the Allow Retransmit checkbox to allow Copia to retransmit samples.
  18. Select an option from the Upon transmitting orders print section:
  19. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the Release Samples - Search for Orders Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  20. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  21. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  22. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  23. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  24. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

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Adding or Editing User Inbox

  1. Click the User Inbox button on the Add Custom Filter pop-up to create a custom filter for the User Inbox.
  2. Click either the Create blank filter button or Create filter from default button on the Starting Filter Status pop-up to create a blank filter or to create a filter from an already existing default filter.
  3. Enter a filter name into the Name field located in the Custom Filter Setup section of the Custom Filters page. This field is required. Enter a description of the filter in the Description field. Select the Active checkbox to show that the filter is active.
  4. View the instructions in the Instructions section to learn basic configurations of the Custom Filters page.
  5. Enter text into the Report Recipient search-as-you-type-field to search for and select a report recipient.
  6. Click the Ordering Provider search field to search for an ordering provider. Click the magnifying glass button to manually search for an ordering provider, or enter text into the field to search. Click the X button to clear the search field.
  7. Click the Ordering Location search field to search for an ordering location. Click the magnifying glass button to manually search for an ordering location, or enter text into the field to search. Click the X button to clear the search field.
  8. Click the Patient search field to search for a patient. Click the magnifying glass button to manually search for a patient, or enter text into the field to search. Click the X button to clear the search field.
  9. Click the Order Choices search field to search for an order choice, or click the magnifying glass button to manually search for an order choice. The table displays the name of the order choice and the active status, as well as the ability to select the specific order choice. If no records are found, a "No records selected" message will be displayed in the table.
  10. Click the Status drop-down list to select a filter status. Select either "All," "Complete," "Partial," "Complete (Cancelled)," "Partial (Cancelled)," or "Cancelled" from the list.
  11. Click the Severity drop-down list to select a filter severity. Select either "All," "Critical," "Abnormal," or "Abnormal or Critical" from the list.
  12. Click the Priority drop-down list to select a filter priority. Select either "All," "STAT," "ASAP," or "Routine" from the list.
  13. Click the Reports received in the past ___ days radio button in the Available User Inbox Filter Items section to specify the number of days that received reports should be displayed in the filter. The default value is 3 days.
  14. Click either the Days include every day of the week or the Days include only weekdays radio button to determine whether the filter will display every day of the week or only weekdays.
  15. Click the Reports received between radio button to determine a date/time range for received reports. Enter values into the Start and End fields to determine a start and end time in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. Click the calendar icon to manually add a start and end time into the fields, or click the Now button to enter the current date/time. Click the Clear button to remove the values from the field.
  16. Click the All unacknowledged reports radio button to have the filter show all unacknowledged reports.
  17. Select the Hide Acknowledged Reports checkbox to have the filter hide all acknowledged reports. This can only be selected when the Reports received between radio button is clicked.
  18. Click the blue icon to the left of the filter item to move the item to the User Inbox Filter Layout section of the page. You may drag and drop the filter item into any available cell.
  19. Configure the height and width of the table cells by changing the values of the Height and Width fields. Click the X button to remove the cells from the filter layout.
  20. Click the button located inside the filter layout cell in order to edit cell properties via the Edit Cell Properties pop-up. Enter a value into the Column Span field to configure the column span, enter a value into the Row Span field to configure the row span, and enter user defined text into the User Defined Text field to add text into the specified cell.
  21. Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the filter layout, and click the Add Row button to add a new row to the filter layout.
  22. Click the Preview Filter button to preview your custom filter. When clicked, a Filter Preview pop-up will appear with your customized filter layout displayed. Click the Close button to return to the filter setup page.
  23. Click the Save button to save your custom filter layout. When the Save button is clicked, you will return to the Custom Filter List page and your new filter will appear in the list.

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