Admin: Filter
Page Description
Use the Filter page to select which filter Copia applies to browser reports or collection lists, as well as create or edit filters. Note that Copia displays either data browser settings or collection list settings, depending on what type of filter you are creating or viewing.
For more help, click one of the following links:
Accessing this Page
- Click the Search or Edit buttons for the Browser Filter in the Browser Details section of the Data Browsers administration page.
- Click the Search or Edit buttons for the Collection List Filter in the Collection List Options section of the Edit Collection List administration page.
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Viewing the Data Browser Filter List
- The Filter list page contains a list of up to ten browser filters. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of filters, to navigate through the list.
- To view active filters only, select the Show active only checkbox at the top of the Filter page. You set the inactive/active status in the Add/Edit Browser Filter section of the Filter details page. See "Adding or Editing Data Browser Filter Details" below.
- To narrow the list of displayed filters, enter one or more characters of the filter name in the search field, and then click the Search button to narrow the list to those that match your entry. Click the List option to return to the full list of filters.
- If you cannot find the desired filter, click the Add button to add a data browser filter. See "Adding or Editing Data Browser Filter Details" below.
- Click a Copy button to create a new data browser filter based on the selected existing filter. See "Adding or Editing Data Browser Filter Details" below.
- Click the name of the browser filter on the Filter list page and then select Edit to view or edit filter information in the Filter details page. See "Adding or Editing Data Browser Filter Details" below.
- Click the name of the browser filter on the Filter list page and then select Select to select this filter for use on the previous page.
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Adding or Editing Data Browser Filter Details
- Use the Add/Edit Data Browser Filter section of the Filter details page to add or edit information for the filter. If you used the Copy button to create a new filter, then Copia pre-fills these fields with the details from the selected existing filter.
- Enter the name of the filter in the Filter Name field. This field is required.
- Select the Active checkbox to enable users to use the filter. Clear this checkbox to restrict users from using the filter. If the filter is inactive, Copia clears it from the Filter list page when you select the Show active only checkbox. See "Viewing the Data Browser Filter List" above.
- Select the Eliminate Duplicate Rows checkbox to have Copia only display one row of information when there are two or more rows with identical values in every column.
- Select the Active Patients Only checkbox to have Copia only include active patients when it searches for matches to your query.
- Select one or more of the priority and severity options to have Copia only include results of the selected priorities (Routine, ASAP, or STAT) or severities (Normal, Abnormal, or Critical).
- Use the settings in the Data Browser Query section to trigger comparisons between column values (e.g., Order Choice Abbreviation, Collection Location, or Result) and a specified value.
- Select an option in the Column to Compare list and click the Arrow button or double click an option to add the column to the Query Criteria list. Continue adding columns to the query, if desired. For example, you may define a query that lists all patient results with a collection date greater than 9/1/08 and with an ordering provider name containing “Smith.”
- If you select a column that pertains to a date or time, Copia displays the date and time fields in the format MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MM AM/PM, along with some additional buttons. Enter the date/time, or you may select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the fields. Click the Now button next to the time and date fields to update the fields to the current date and time, if desired. Click Clear to clear the date/time information. Click the Current button to have Copia enter the "#Current Date#" placeholder. When you run the data browser, Copia will automatically fill in the appropriate date value for the report. If you've clicked Current, you may click the Date button to return to the full set of date/time fields.
- If you select a column that pertains to a user, Copia displays a Current button. Click this button to have Copia enter the "#Current User#" placeholder. When Copia runs the data browser, it will automatically fill in the appropriate user value for the report.
- Select an option from the Operator field to select how to compare the values (greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to, equal to, not equal to, contains, does not contain, contained in list, not contained in list, etc.).
- Enter or select the Value against which Copia is comparing the selected column's value. When creating the data browser report, Copia will only display those entries that qualify. For example, if you select "Is less than or equal to" and enter “45,” Copia will only display those entries where the value in the selected column is less than or equal to 45.
- For the ABN Status, Result Status, Order Choice Status, Order Choice Billing Status, Order Status, and Order Fasting columns, Copia displays the possible values in the Value column. Select the appropriate value from the drop-down list.
- If the selected column will have a date value, the greater than/less than/equals/etc. option is available. If you select “Is Less Than,” “Is Less Than Or Equal To,” “Is Greater Than,” or “Is Greater Than Or Equal To,” enter date and time values in the blank fields next to the option.
- If the selected column will have a text value, does/does not contain, is/is not equal, and contained/is not contained in list options are available. Select an option and proceed as follows: If you select “Contains” or “Does not contain,” enter a value in the blank field next to the option. If you select “Is Equal To” or “Is Not Equal To,” enter a value in the blank field next to the option or select the value from a drop-down list. If you select “Contained in list” or “Not contained in list,” enter the valid values for the list, separated by commas.
- Select the appropriate options from the (, ), and AND/OR columns to build sophisticated queries using AND/OR logic. By default, all new queries use AND logic, which means that all of the queries must be true in order to pass the filter. Copia evaluates the queries using standard mathematical operator precedence (evaluates items in parentheses first, then evaluates from left to right).You may use zero to five sets of parentheses.
- To remove a query, click the X button in the Delete column. Copia immediately removes the query from the list.
For example, to find tests with certain words or phrases in the result, but with words or phrases that are different for each test, you could create the following series of queries:
((Test Abbreviation contains WBC) AND
(Result contained in list: High,Low)) OR
((Test Abbreviation contains RBC) AND
(Result contained in list: Critical,Abnormal))
- Select the Empty results checkbox to have Copia allow rows to be displayed where the record does not have a related result record. The Empty results checkbox will be unchecked by default, which allows rows to be displayed only if a related result record is found. This change applies to the following data browser columns: Test Name, Order Choice Code, Test Abbreviation, Result, Reference Range, Units, Result Status, Result Comments, Result Numeric, Result Text, Result Severity, Result Testing Location Code, and Test Additional Info. This change also applies when using the "Data Browser's Tests" options to filter on "Selected Tests" or "All Tests Except…" as well as the "Apply Date and/or Time Range" option when "Received Date/Time" or "Approved Date/Time" is also selected.
- Use the settings in the Data Browser Sorting section to set how Copia sorts the data when it runs the data browser report.
- Select an option in the Column to Sort list and click the Arrow button or double click an option to add the column to the Query Sorting list. Continue adding columns to the sort order, if desired.
- Copia sorts the data browser report in the order columns are listed here. Click the Arrow buttons in the Sort column to rearrange the order of the columns.
- Select an option from the ASC/DESC drop-down list for each column to set whether Copia sorts the data in that column in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order (alphabetically or numerically).
- To remove a column from the sort order, click the X button in the Delete column. Copia immediately removes the column from the list.
- Click Save to record all of your changes and return to the Data Browsers administration page with this filter selected for the Data Browser Filter field, or click Cancel to clear your changes and return to the Data Browsers administration page without changing the previous browser filter setting.
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Viewing the Collection List Filter List
- The Filter list page contains a list of up to ten collection list filters. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of filters, to navigate through the list.
- To view active filters only, select the Show active only checkbox at the top of the Filter page. You set the inactive/active status in the Add/Edit Collection List Filter section of the Filter details page. See "Adding or Editing Collection List Filter Details" below.
- To narrow the list of displayed filters, enter one or more characters of the filter name in the search field, and then click the Search button to narrow the list to those that match your entry. Click the List option to return to the full list of filters.
- If you cannot find the desired filter, click the Add button to add a collection list filter. See "Adding or Editing Collection List Filter Details" below.
- Click a Copy button to create a new collection list filter based on the selected existing filter. See "Adding or Editing Collection List Filter Details" below.
- Click the name of the collection list filter on the Filter list page and then select Edit to view or edit filter information in the Filter details page. See "Adding or Editing Collection List Filter Details" below.
- Click the name of the collection list filter on the Filter list page and then select Select to select this filter for use on the previous page.
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Adding or Editing Collection List Filter Details
- Use the Add/Edit Collection List Filter section of the Filter details page to add or edit information for the filter. If you used the Copy button to create a new filter, then Copia pre-fills these fields with the details from the selected existing filter.
- Enter the name of the filter in the Filter Name field. This field is required.
- Select the Active checkbox to enable users to use the filter. Clear this checkbox to restrict users from using the filter. If the filter is inactive, Copia clears it from the Filter list page when you select the Show active only checkbox. See "Viewing the Collection List Filter List" above.
- Use the settings in the Collection List Query section to trigger comparisons between column values (e.g., Ordering Location,Ordering Provider Last Name, or Patient Location Name) and a specified value.
- Select an option in the Column to Compare list and click the Arrow button or double click an option to add the column to the Query Criteria list. Continue adding columns to the query, if desired.
- If you select a column that pertains to a user, Copia displays a Current button. Click this button to have Copia enter the "#Current User#" placeholder. When Copia creates the Collection List, it will automatically fill in the appropriate user value for the report.
- Select an option from the Operator field to select how to compare the values (greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to, equal to, not equal to, contains, does not contain, contained in list, not contained in list, etc.).
- Enter or select the Value against which Copia is comparing the selected column's value. When creating the collection list, Copia will only display those entries that qualify.
- If the selected column will have a text value, does/does not contain, is/is not equal, and contained/is not contained in list options are available. Select an option and proceed as follows: If you select “Contains” or “Does not contain,” enter a value in the blank field next to the option. If you select “Is Equal To” or “Is Not Equal To,” enter a value in the blank field next to the option or select the value from a drop-down list. If you select “Contained in list” or “Not contained in list,” enter the valid values for the list, separated by commas.
- Select the appropriate options from the (, ), and AND/OR columns to build sophisticated queries using AND/OR logic. By default, all new queries use AND logic, which means that all of the queries must be true in order to pass the filter. Copia evaluates the queries using standard mathematical operator precedence (evaluates items in parentheses first, then evaluates from left to right).You may use zero to five sets of parentheses.
- To remove a query, click the X button in the Delete column. Copia immediately removes the query from the list.
- Use the settings in the Collection List Sorting section to set how Copia sorts the data when it runs the collection list.
- Select an option in the Column to Sort list and click the Arrow button or double click an option to add the column to the Query Sorting list. Continue adding columns to the sort order, if desired.
- Copia sorts the collection list in the order columns are listed here. Click the Arrow buttons in the Sort column to rearrange the order of the columns.
- Select an option from the ASC/DESC drop-down list for each column to set whether Copia sorts the data in that column in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order (alphabetically or numerically).
- To remove a column from the sort order, click the X button in the Delete column. Copia immediately removes the column from the list.
- Click Save to record all of your changes and return to the Edit Collection List administration page with this filter selected for the Collection List Filter field, or click Cancel to clear your changes and return to the Edit Collection List administration page without changing the previous collection list filter setting.
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